I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 45: Send another ship over!

Chapter 45: Bring another ship!

The two of them didn't know how long they had been working, but they finally lowered all the hooks and put them all into the fish school.

"Haha, it seems we are going to have a bumper harvest again this time!"

After the busy work, Bai Lang seemed a little excited.

Five thousand hooks cover the entire school of more than 2000 large bass fish. Even though these bass are constantly preying on dragonhead fish, they absolutely cannot resist the temptation of these nine-segment shrimps.

Although it is unrealistic to catch the entire bass group in one catch, Bailang believes that more than [-]% or even [-]% of the bass will take the bait.

At this time, he had even seen that many floats were being pulled and sank into the water, which meant that many of the sub-lines above had caught fish.

Half an hour later, the dragonhead fish that had originally gathered here had almost dispersed, and a lot of the bass had also followed. The ones who were still here were basically the sea bass that had been hooked.

Seeing this situation, Bai Lang also called on Dazhu to start rowing hooks.

What happened next was similar to what he had guessed before. A lot of bass were hooked on each sub-line above the main line.

Basically, every three or four sub-lines, a fish will take the bait.

Bailang and Dazhu pulled the bass out of the water one after another and threw them into the cabin. Before long, the entire cabin was packed.

The fish that were pulled up next could only be thrown into the basket on the deck.

Less than half an hour later, several large baskets on the deck were filled, so the extra bass could only be thrown directly on the deck.

"No, this will never work"

Bailang soon discovered a problem.

That is, there are too many fish in the hook this time. The cabin and baskets are all full, and 1/3 of the deck is already filled with fish.

The most terrifying thing is that they have only opened three main lines now, and there are seven more main lines in the sea.

If this continues, their fishing boats will simply not be able to hold so many fish.

But the bass in the sea has been hooked, so it cannot be left in the sea forever. It must be pulled up in time.

Otherwise, if the time is too long, the bass will run rampant in the water and mix up all these lines, and then you will be in trouble.

Bailang took a rest, and then his eyes lit up and he thought of a good idea.

He took out his cell phone and called Tang Dahai, asking him to find a big boat to pull the fish directly at this time. In this way, the problem of not being able to hold the fish could be perfectly solved.

On the other side of the town pier, Tang Dahai was already waiting here with a large seafood truck.

He had finished dealing with the big yellow croaker, and he was resting in the car, waiting for Bailang to return from the sea.

"Cousin, I still think it's a pity to do this."

Tang Dayang was sitting next to him. He already knew that Tang Dayang had sold all the large yellow croakers to others.

The selling price was not particularly high. He might have made a profit of 20 yuan from the transaction, but now he only made 10 yuan. The remaining 10 yuan seemed to have evaporated out of thin air. When he thought about this, he felt very painful.

"What do you know? Do you know more about business than me? Besides, this idea came from Boss Bai. This is definitely the best way."

If Bai Lang hadn't reminded him of this kind of thing, he wouldn't have thought of it for a while.

Now that he has fished out, he has not only expanded his circle, gained a lot more interpersonal relationships, but also has a large amount of liquidity on hand. This is much better than keeping the large yellow croaker in his hands for a long time.

Before Tang Dahai took out a cigarette and lit it, his cell phone rang in his pocket.

I took out my phone and looked at it, and found that it was Bailang calling.

"Strange, why are you calling now at this time?"

Tang Dahai really couldn't imagine why Bailang called him at this time.

According to his estimated time, Bailang should not be back until three or four o'clock tomorrow morning at the earliest, or even five or six o'clock in the morning if he catches a lot of fish.Could it be that he didn’t catch many fish and came back early?
Tang Dahai guessed in his mind as he reached out and answered the phone.

Soon, the sound of Bailang came from inside.

"Boss Tang, find a fishing boat right now. It must be one that can hold a lot of fish. I will send you the location later, so come over quickly!"

After Bailang said this loudly, he hung up the phone.

Before Tang Dahai realized what was going on, he saw that his mobile phone had received positioning information from Bailang.

"What does Boss Bai mean by this? Why do you want us to find a boat to go there?"

Tang Dayang was sitting next to him. Bai Lang's voice was very loud, and he was confused when he heard it.

"I got rich, got rich, and I will definitely get rich again this time!"

After Tang Dahai was stunned for a few seconds, he immediately became excited.

"Hurry up and make a call. We're going to find a big ship right now, the kind that carries cargo. We'll go out to sea right away to find Boss Bai!"

He now understood what Bai Lang meant by what he just said.

Bailang must have caught a lot of fish with his fishing hook, and his fishing boat couldn't hold it. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to call him and ask him to find a big fishing boat to go to sea to find him.

"Isn't this possible? How many fish did Boss Bai catch? We still need to find a boat to go to sea."

Tang Dayang was dumbfounded.

Although the boat Bailang drove was not big, it could hold two to three thousand kilograms of fish. Now that he was calling them to find a boat, he really couldn't figure out how many fish Bailang had caught.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Hurry up and find a boat for me! We must go to sea immediately to meet Boss Bai!" Tang Dahai gave him a slap on the back of the head.

Tang Dayang reacted after being slapped and immediately started making phone calls.

There are many fishing boats here in the town, and they usually have contact with these people.

"Cousin, there are no small fishing boats, such as those that can carry three to five thousand kilograms. There is only one that weighs more than ten thousand kilograms. Do you want it?"

Tang Dayang held the mobile phone in his hand and turned to look at Tang Dayang.

"Isn't it? Only [-] kilograms?"

"Yes, I heard they said that all the small fishing boats have gone to sea, and now there is only one big one at the dock."

"That's fine, as long as you can hold the fish!"

Time is urgent now and there is no other choice.

"The contact has been made. The big ship is near the dock. It has just unloaded its cargo and can go to sea now!" Tang Dayang put down his mobile phone.

"Okay, let's go out to sea with the big boat now. I can't wait to know how many fish Boss Bai caught this time!" Tang Dahai said with excitement on his face.

The boat they were looking for was near the dock and arrived quickly.

After the two got on the big ship, they immediately left the dock and gave the ship boss the coordinates Bailang sent them.

The scene of the two of them leaving the dock by boat was also discovered by many people.

"Isn't Tang Dahai a buyer of seafood? Why did he go to sea? What's going on?"

"Did he go out to sea to buy seafood?"

"Hahaha, do you know how much cargo that boat can carry? Even if you really go out to sea to collect fish, you can't sail such a big boat!"

"Indeed, the boat just now can carry at least more than 1 kilograms of fish. If Tang Dahai drives such a big boat to collect fish, he will probably be able to collect all the seafood from all the fishermen in our town, and maybe some more. dissatisfied."

(End of this chapter)

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