I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 51 Contracting for Fishing Gear Supply

Chapter 51 Contracting for Fishing Gear Supply
Bailang and Tang Dahai walked in front while chatting, Dazhu and Tang Dayang followed behind, and the four of them got out of the elevator.

"Xinyue, why are you here?"

As soon as Bailang got out of the elevator, he saw Chen Xinyue sitting alone on the sofa in the hotel lobby.

He was a little surprised at first, but soon realized that she was probably here to find him.

"Boss Bai, we are waiting for you outside."

Tang Dahai was very discerning and knew that they must have something to say, so he immediately took Dazhu and Tang Dayang out of the hotel.

"Brother Prodigal Son, I came to see you because I want to discuss something with you face to face."

For some reason, Chen Xinyue started to feel a little nervous at this time.

She knew that the success of her family's fishing tackle shop depended on Bai Lang's words, so she began to feel a little stressed.

Bai Lang took a closer look at Chen Xinyue and found that her face was tense and she was pinching the corners of her clothes with both hands. Seeing this scene, he said a little funny.

"We've known each other since we were kids. There's no need to be so reserved. If you have any questions, just tell us. As long as it's not a big problem, it's easy to handle."

In fact, he had already guessed a little bit about what Chen Xinyue wanted to do when she came here specifically to find him.

Chen Xinyue breathed a sigh of relief, and her heart that had just been raised gradually calmed down.

"Brother Prodigal Son, I know that you will definitely buy a big boat to go fishing next, and you will definitely need all kinds of fishing nets or other fishing gear. Can you let me take over these businesses? I can guarantee you that all The quality of the fishing gear must be good and the price should be cheaper than the market.”

Chen Xinyue said in one breath what she had been thinking about for a long time.

After hearing what she said, Bai Lang was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this little girl could see through at a glance that she was going to buy a big boat. Although it was not difficult to guess, it showed that this was also an ability.

"You're right, I really need to buy a big boat to go fishing, and the fishing gear and other equipment required on the boat will also consume a lot of money."

Bailang didn't hide anything and watched Chen Xinyue reveal his plan.

He continued: "We are all from Dalang Village, and I have bought things from your store several times. There is no problem with the quality and price, so if your store can continue to guarantee the quality of fishing gear, I will Will definitely continue to buy from your store.”

Bailang didn't agree completely, but the meaning was almost the same.

Although Dalang Village has always been very united and everyone should take care of each other, the prerequisite is mutual benefit.

If Chen Xinyue's fishing gear shop provides him with poor fishing gear under the guise of cooperating with him, then he will definitely not continue to cooperate in the future.

Of course, judging from their previous cooperation, this situation should be unlikely.

He knew Chen Xinyue's family well. They were all very kind and honest people, and they would not do anything to ruin their jobs just for a small profit.

After listening to Bai Lang's words, Chen Xinyue's face, which had been a little serious just now, instantly showed a smile.

"Brother Prodigal Son, don't worry. The fishing net you bought from my house will definitely not have any problems. I can guarantee this. If anything goes wrong, you can take off my head and play it as a ball."

Chen Xinyue raised two fingers and promised firmly.

"It's not necessary."

Bai Lang was also amused by her words.

Then, he told Chen Xinyue about the fishing gear he might need and asked her to prepare the goods as soon as possible.

At the same time, he also said that as long as the quality is good, it doesn't matter if the price is expensive.

The two chatted for about five or six minutes.

Finally, Chen Xinyue happily ran back to the store to get ready.

Bailang checked his cell phone and came to the food stall where Tang Dahai and the others were looking for a meal.

Seeing him coming so quickly, Tang Dahai smiled a little and said: "Boss Bai, you finished talking so quickly. I thought you wanted to stay with that little beauty for a while." "I don't have you. She thinks so obscenely, she is from our Dalang Village, she is also our childhood friend, she came to me this time because she wants to take over my future business of fishing nets and fishing gear."

How could Bai Lang not understand what the obscene smile on Tang Dahai's face meant.

"Then Boss Bai, have you promised her?"

Tang Dahai didn't expect that the girl came to Bailang for this matter.

It seemed that his previous feeling was indeed correct. That girl was indeed extraordinary. Like him, she had already spotted the big tree Bailang.

"Of course, the fishing nets and hooks I used before were bought in their store. In the past few days, many people have bought fishing nets and hooks in her store. Some of them said they wanted to take advantage of my luck.

But in my opinion, maybe it was because I bought fishing nets and hooks in her shop that I was able to catch white pomfret and large yellow croaker one after another. Maybe her fishing nets are what brought me good luck."

Bailang knew that his continuous catching of good catches would definitely arouse suspicion from others, so by saying this now, he was throwing his good luck to Chen Xinyue's fishing gear.

As for whether others believe it or not, that's up to them.

"So that's it. I thought you were cooperating with her because she was a beauty. It seems I'm still too superficial."

Tang Dahai shook his head, not knowing whether he really did what Bai Lang said.

"Hahaha, you are actually right. It is definitely more pleasant to deal with a beautiful woman than with a rough man."

Bailang laughed twice and did not deny that this was a reason.

Of course, the most important reason is that Chen Xinyue is from Dalang Village. Everyone knows the basics and feels more comfortable working together.

Tang Dahai looked at Bailang speechlessly. He originally thought that Bailang really didn't care about the world and only considered practical interests when doing things. But he didn't expect that he was really no different from an ordinary man.

While the four of them were chatting, the food and drinks were already served.

Bai Lang and Dazhu slept almost from dawn to dusk, while Tang Dahai and the two had also been running around all day. They were so hungry that they ordered a large table of dishes this time.

After eating and drinking, Tang Dahai and the others directly found a hotel in the town and slept, while Bai Lang and the others drove their fishing boat back to Dalang Village.

The boat was parked at the small pier. As soon as Bailang stepped ashore, he felt something was wrong.

"Huh? Why do I feel like something is wrong?"

He stopped and looked left and right. It took him a while to realize what was different.

Originally, at this time, the village should be dark, but now the lights in one house are still on.

"Dazhu, when we came back at this time a few days ago, people in the village had already turned off their lights and slept. Why is it like this tonight?"

As Bailang said this, he carefully looked at the location of the house with the lights on, knowing that it was definitely not the village chief's house.

"Well, that's the lamp in Wang Jianguo's house."

Dazhu raised his head and glanced forward, and immediately recognized whose house it belonged to.

"Wang Jianguo?"

An image of a tall, strong middle-aged man about 40 years old suddenly appeared in Bai Lang's mind. He hadn't seen him in four or five years, and he didn't know what he had become.

"Didn't he go out to work a few years ago? Why did he suddenly come back?"

Bailang was a little strange. Generally, people who go out to work would only come back during the holidays.

Dazhu scratched his head, not knowing how to answer his question at all.

Bai Lang shook his head. He couldn't figure it out, and Dazhu definitely didn't know what was going on either.

After thinking about it for a while, he simply ignored the matter and went back to his home with Dazhu. It was already late at night, and everyone was probably getting ready to go to bed. He would just ask the village chief tomorrow about what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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