I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 57 Bad sea water conditions

Chapter 57 Bad sea water conditions

In the middle of the night, Bai Lang woke up from his sleep.

I checked the time and found that it was already one o'clock in the morning.

The fishing boat beneath him swayed gently with the waves, and the sound of clattering outside kept reaching his ears, like spring silkworms gnawing on mulberry leaves.

At this time, he no longer felt sleepy at all.

Arriving on the deck, Bailang stretched a bit, and then found a bright light in front of him.

Needless to say, it must be the village chief.

"Village Chief, it's already this hour, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

Bailang walked over and saw him sitting on a small bench smoking a cigarette.

"Hey, as I get older, I have less sleep time. I have to get up within a few hours of lying down, so I might as well come here and smoke."

The village chief smiled and shook his head.

Bai Lang realized that it was not that he had not slept all along, but that he had just woken up.

However, as the village chief said, older people sleep less or have relatively quiet sleep, so a few hours of sleep on the boat is enough.

"Prodigal, I just took a look and I'm afraid today's tide is not particularly suitable for fishing for bass."

The village chief smoked the tobacco rod in his hand and frowned tightly.


Bailang was a little confused.

However, he believed that since the village chief said so, there must be a reason.

The village chief continued to explain: "Today is a high tide, and the sea water is relatively muddy. If you go out to sea, the harvest will not be particularly good."

As he spoke, he pointed at the water below the side of the ship with the cigarette rod in his hand.

After hearing what he said, Bailang understood what was going on. He immediately walked to the side of the ship and lowered his head to look down.

Sure enough, the village chief was right.

Today's tide is indeed muddy. Although this is a pier, it can be seen that if we go outside, it will probably be even muddy. This situation is indeed not suitable for bass fishing.

Generally speaking, bass fishing is more effective when the sea water is relatively clear.

"Village Chief, the sea water is indeed muddy today, but it will not have a big impact on us. I still plan to continue going to sea."

When ordinary fishermen see this situation, they will indeed not go to sea to release hooks, or even go to sea.

But he is different from others.

Others look for fishing spots and mainly use their eyes to see if there are fish in the sea, but he has a system and can find where there are fish without using his eyes at all.

So whether the sea water is turbid or not has no effect on him at all.

"You just have to know what's going on."

Seeing Bailang insisting on going to sea, the village chief didn't say much.

He caught so many bass in the past few days and even caught dozens of large yellow croakers with his net, which is enough to prove that he has real ability in fishing.

The village chief just reminded him based on his own experience.

There is only one captain on a ship, and that is Bailang. Now what Bailang says is whatever he says.

The two chatted on the deck for a while, and then the voices of Dazhu and Wang Jianguo came from the cabin. It seemed that the two of them had also gotten up.

After a while, the two of them came to the deck.

Bailang looked at the time and found that it was already 01:30 in the morning. At this time, he had to make some preparations.

First of all, the first thing is to get some breakfast, otherwise you won’t have time to eat after going to sea.

At this time, there is no way to buy it at the dock, so they have to make it themselves.

Bailang thought to himself, it seems that he will have to find someone who is responsible for cooking later.

Although they can cook it, the taste is definitely not that good, and once they get busy, they simply can’t get around to cooking.

But now, they can only handle this meal themselves.

Breakfast is also very simple, just add some noodles, boil a few eggs, add a few prawns, and a steaming bowl of seafood noodles is ready.After having breakfast in the early morning, several people took a rest. Then everything was ready, and the fishing boat began to head towards the sea.

The roar of the ship's machinery suddenly broke the tranquility of the dock.

At this time, there were many fishing boats docked at the pier, and many people were preparing to go out to sea to release hooks or nets for fishing. However, after seeing the tide, they suddenly became hesitant.

Because today's sea water is too turbid and not suitable for going to sea, many people have given up.

"What's going on today? Why is the tide so muddy? If it's like this here at the pier, the water outside must be muddy."

"It seems that even if we go to sea, we won't get any good results. Why don't we just go back to sleep."

When they saw the situation in the sea water, many people started to curse.

People who go fishing at sea depend on the weather, and the tide is not controlled by humans. Fish schools follow the sea water. If the sea water conditions are not ideal, even if you go fishing at sea, you will not get any good results.

If you insist on going out to sea to fish at this time, the result is likely to be a waste of work. Not only will you not make any money, but you will also lose gas money.

"Hey, is that big ship that just went out to sea Bailang's?"

"Absolutely. At our dock now, only Bailang in Dalang Village has a ship as big as that."

"In this situation, he still has to go out to sea to release the hook. Is he sure that he won't lose all his pants?"

"Just because you can't catch fish doesn't mean Bailang can't catch it. What's more, he's so rich now. This little gas money is nothing to him."

"Don't fish in muddy water is the experience and rule passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors. No matter how good Bailang is at fishing, can he still go against the will of heaven?"

Many people were very puzzled when they saw Bailang going out to sea in such a big ship.

If such tides are discharged into the sea, there will definitely be no harvest. This is an iron rule, and countless fishermen have already verified this.

No matter how powerful the whitecaps are, they cannot violate the laws of nature or the laws of the bass. In the turbid tide, even if the bass appears, it is impossible for the bass to open its mouth to eat bait.

Bailang had no idea what other people thought.

But even if he knew it, he wouldn't pay attention to it. How can a mortal understand the life of cheating.

He was standing on the bow of the ship facing the sea breeze.

This second-hand fishing boat is not very fast because of its size, but a big boat is a big boat, and when traveling on the sea, it is much smoother than his small boat.

"I'm going to have to rely on you for a while."

Bailang said as he patted the side of the boat with his hand.

Not long after the fishing boat sailed out, it gradually moved away from the sight of the pier.

"Prodigal, the tide is really turbid today, and it looks like the situation in the open sea is even worse."

Wang Jianguo came to Bai Lang's side.

Dazhu is driving the boat now, and neither he nor the village chief has much to do.

However, he kept paying attention to the situation in the sea and found that after leaving the dock, the situation not only did not improve, but became worse and worse.

For people who go fishing at sea, especially when releasing hooks, this is definitely a huge disaster. They will probably return empty-handed from this trip, or they may not even be able to make back the gas money.

Originally, Wang Jianguo was full of ambitions when he went to sea for the first time, and he felt that following Bai Lang would definitely yield a great harvest.

Even if I can't catch [-] kilograms of bass this time, I should be able to catch a few thousand kilograms, but I didn't expect this situation at all.

"The sea water here is indeed a bit beyond my expectation, but I still don't think it's a big problem. Others can't catch fish in this situation, but I am confident that the less people go to sea now, the better it will be for us."

Bailang uses a system to track the location of fish schools and is not affected by sea water at all.

The fewer people on the sea now, the wider the range he can search, so it is more beneficial to him.

As for the turbid tide, it will affect the probability of fish opening, but as long as there are enough fish to a certain extent, there will not be any problem.

Wang Jianguo nodded and said nothing more.

However, it is not difficult to see from the nervous and tight look on his face that he is still somewhat worried in his heart.

The village chief stood aside and said nothing, smoking a cigarette non-stop, but his eyes were always staring at the sea.

Bailang knew that the two of them must be very worried, but there was no way to explain this kind of thing, so he simply didn't say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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