I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 64 It’s time to go fishing a little further away

Chapter 64 It’s time to go fishing farther away

After placing all the ground cages, Bailang and Dazhu returned to the small village dock together.

After parking the boat, the two did not go home immediately. Instead, they took out the fishing line and hook and started fishing at the small pier.

If the ground cage wants to harvest something, it has to wait until the afternoon to harvest it.

But it will be lunch time in an hour or two, and they don’t want to go to town, so they plan to catch some small fish here as ingredients for today’s lunch.

Perhaps this is the advantage of living by the sea. It is very simple to get something to eat.

Just hang a few shrimps on the hook and put them in the sea water, and after a while, fish will bite the hook.

Sure enough, Bailang didn't wait long before he felt something pulling on the fishing line under the water, and a fish bit the hook!

When I pulled it up and took a look, I found it was a stone Jiugong.

"It seems that no one has been fishing here at the small pier in our village for a long time."

The Shi Jiugong caught by Bailang was actually over three liang in size.

This kind of fish usually hides in places with rocks, and the dock is also a very good habitat.

Because of the construction of a small pier, there were a lot of stone cement piles and other things piled up in this place. When Bailang was a child, Bailang and his friends in the village all fished here.

Over time, most of the big fish here, whether they were Shi Jiugong or others, were caught, and the rest were smaller ones.

Now this Shijiu Gong is so big, you can tell at a glance that it has lived for many years.

Bailang had just caught a Shi Jiugong, and Dazhu also caught a fish, and it was a Shi Jiugong bigger than him.

"If nothing else, it seems that the fish soup at noon will definitely not be able to escape."

Although Shi Jiugong is not big and has many fish bones, it still tastes very good when used to make fish soup.

Bailang and Dazhu have been fishing at the pier for more than half an hour. At this time, there are more than ten Shijiugong in their buckets, and they are all relatively large, basically more than two taels.

"I said where did you two go? It turns out you were fishing here!"

While the two continued fishing, a loud voice came from behind.

Wang Jianguo just went to Bailang and Dazhu's home and found that there was no one there at all. While wandering around the village, he happened to see the two of them at the small dock.

Bailang turned his head and glanced back, and said with a smile: "I got up early today, and I don't have much to do, so I just went out to put the cage on the ground. After I put the cage on the floor, I thought about making soup for noon, or adding a vegetable or something. , just go fishing here.”

Bai Lang noticed that Wang Jianguo's face was full of smiles and knew that he must be in a very good mood.

Wang Jianguo came over, looked at the fish in the bucket, and nodded.

There were always Shi Jiugong gathering here at the dock in their village, but it had been many years since he had seen him of this size.

"It's enough for an extra dish at noon."

As he spoke, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and gave one to each of them.

"Hey, this is a good smoke."

Bai Lang looked down and saw the familiar Huabiao logo. This cigarette was not cheap.

Generally speaking, people who go fishing at sea can hardly afford to smoke this kind of cigarette. The price of more than 20 yuan is considered good.

Wang Jianguo lit it for the two of them, and took a puff himself: "Langzi, if it were before, I really wouldn't dare to smoke this kind of cigarette, but it's different now. I'm confident enough to follow you, even though I can't I smoke this kind of cigarette every day, but it’s okay to smoke it once in a while.”

He wasn't joking, it was a fact.

Wang Jianguo had just returned to the village to fish with Bailang two days ago. Although he had only gone to sea once, in addition to the fixed salary of 1000 yuan, he had already received more than [-] yuan in dividends.

If he had spent more than 1000 in the past, he would have worked for at least a week, but now he earned it in one day.

As income increases, naturally, living conditions must keep up.

Hearing his words, Bai Lang also laughed.

Although it was very hard during this period, he really made a lot of money. Needless to say, he himself, Dazhu and Wang Jianguo, and even Tang Dahai and Chen Xinyue also made a lot of money.

And this is just the beginning. Next, he will continue to go fishing and catch more fish.When the time comes, Dazhu, Wang Jianguo and the village chief will only make more money as long as they follow him.

"Hahaha, prodigal son, to be honest, I didn't expect to make so much money at first. You gave us a salary of [-] and I'm very satisfied. I didn't expect that I could get so many dividends after going to sea. Last night I went to bed I almost woke up laughing!"

Wang Jianguo had a bright smile on his face.

There is no doubt that you can make a lot of money by going fishing with Bailang.

"Uncle Jianguo, we can't be complacent. What we're making now is just a small amount of money. If we all work together, we will definitely make more money than we can spend in the future."

Regarding Bailang's words, Wang Jianguo did not think that he was trying to make a fool of himself at all. He really believed that Bailang had this ability.

However, Bailang still raised his eyebrows after taking a puff of cigarette.

"As you all know about the resources in offshore waters, it will definitely become more and more difficult to fish here in the future. Even if I have great abilities, I won't be able to harvest much. At present, it is estimated that it has reached its peak."

During this period of time, in order to upgrade the system, he went out to sea every day to fish or release hooks. In the process, he could already find that the number of large fish schools was indeed getting smaller and smaller.

So even if his fishing system is upgraded, it is impossible to have big harvests every day in the offshore waters.

"Prodigal Son, do you plan to go farther away in the future?"

Hearing what Bai Lang said, Wang Jianguo immediately raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, the resources in offshore waters are not very good now. If you want more harvest, you really have to go farther."

His system will be upgraded again soon, and after the upgrade, he can consider taking a look outside.

While the two were talking, there was another sound of footsteps coming from behind. When I turned around, I saw the village chief walking over while smoking his own dry tobacco pole.

"Village chief, why don't you rest at home for a while."

The village chief is almost [-], and it is really not easy to go out to sea with them at night.

"Haha, I'm just helping you sail the boat, there's nothing hard about it."

After the village chief came over, he sat directly on the stone on the pier.

"What were you talking about just now?"

He asked Bailang while continuing to smoke the dry tobacco rod in his hand.

When he came over just now, he seemed to hear the two of them discussing something.

The experience of going to sea yesterday made him feel like he was living in a dream.

Having been fishing all my life, I never imagined that I could catch more than 1 kilograms of fish in one night.

The most important thing is that he witnessed with his own eyes that Bai Lang made hundreds of thousands in one trip to sea!
If he was fishing for a while, let alone one day, even if he could earn so much money in one year or even two or three years, it would be extraordinary.

"I just discussed with Uncle Jianguo whether it's time to go fishing further away after these two days of rest."

Bai Lang told what the two of them had just said.

The village chief has rich experience in this area. He should know which areas of sea are likely to have large fish schools.

Although he has a fishing system, the scope is limited after all. Before going to sea, he still needs to determine which sea area is better to go to, so as not to wander around like a headless fly after leaving the dock.

"Well, the fish stocks in the sea area near us are indeed getting smaller and smaller. It's time to move to a place, otherwise we will catch all the fish in this sea area."

The village chief knew that Bailang had the ability to track fish schools, and it was not difficult for him to find fish schools.

"If that's the case, let's run a little further next time."

Bailang made a decision.

If nothing else goes wrong, after collecting the ground cage this afternoon, his system will be able to be upgraded again.

At that time, the search range has been greatly improved, and he will be more confident when fishing in farther places.

(End of this chapter)

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