I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 7 Buying Fishing Tackle

Chapter 7 Buying Fishing Tackle

"Lao San's boat told me years ago that if anyone wants to buy it, it will cost 1 yuan." The village chief knew which boat Bailang was talking about.

Now that there are no fishermen in the village, it would be a waste to keep these boats there. They might as well sell them cheaply to get some money.

Bailang grew up in a fishing village and was very aware of the price of fishing boats. He just took a trip and there was no problem at all, so he nodded decisively and agreed.

Seeing that he really wanted to buy it, the village chief also called Wang Shouzhu directly.

Wang Shouzhu is the third child mentioned by the village chief just now. He is the same generation as the village chief and has been a fisherman all his life. It was not until last year that he started looking for other jobs.

When the village chief said that someone wanted to buy his own boat, and he was from the same village, Wang Shouzhu was naturally willing, and even said that he could sell it to Bailang at a discount of one thousand or two thousand.

However, Bailang was not short of the money and was not willing to take advantage of him, so he settled on the 1 yuan he had originally agreed upon. The two of them talked for a few more words, and after Bailang transferred the money, the boat belonged to him.

In the evening, he had dinner at the village chief's house and chatted with the village chief. The village chief had always been kind to him and had helped him a lot in the past.

Most of the villagers in Dalang Village have the surname Wang, and only a few families have other surnames. However, all the villagers have always gotten along well with each other and are very united.

Spent the first night in the fishing village.

Early the next morning, Bailang officially started his fishing career.

After a brief breakfast, he came to the small dock in the village. The wooden boat he had yesterday now officially belonged to him.

Before going out to sea, he carefully inspected it again and found that except for the fact that the fishing boat looked a little worn, it was in good condition. The hull and other parts were still very strong, and there would be no problems with it for another two or three years.

This boat is enough for him now. As long as he goes out on the sea a few more times and makes more money, I believe he can buy a new and better one soon.

After everything was prepared, Bailang launched the fishing boat, and the roar of the machine sounded. He felt the vibration of the rudder on his hand, and headed towards the town dock through wind and waves.

"It feels really good!"

Bailang's right hand held the rudder tightly, and the bow of the boat was like a knife splitting the calm sea. The flying waves hit his body and face, which was cold and cold.

If it were before, he might be squeezing the bus or subway at this time, but now he is riding on the sea. These are two completely different feelings.

Bailang drove the fishing boat on the sea for a while, and soon slowed down slowly. At this time, the town's dock was clearly visible.

He slowly moved closer, threw the anchor into the sea, tied the cable, and then strode onto the dock.

He came to the town dock early in the morning, mainly to purchase supplies for fishing.

There is a small street not far from the pier, where you can buy a variety of fishing tools, whether it is fish balls, fishing lines, fish hooks, etc., as long as you can think of it or use it , can be found here.

"Hey, isn't this the guy who sold fish yesterday? I heard he sold a fish for 10,000+."

"That's right, it's him. I heard his name is Bailang. He's from Dalang Village. He just came back from the city and caught a three-hundred-jin grouper."

"Others can't make so much money after a year of hard work. This guy sold a fish for more than 10,000 yuan. This is really good luck."

"Not to mention, people who went to college and worked outside are different. Even if they come back to fish, they are much better than others."

Bailang walked on the small street and soon felt that everyone was focusing on him.

Even if he didn't listen to what the people around him said, he knew what was going on. It seemed that everyone in the town knew about what he sold fish yesterday.It’s no surprise that such a sensational story spread so quickly.

Bailang still ignored it. After walking around the small street, he walked directly into a small shop selling fish hooks and lines.

Although this store doesn't look big, all kinds of things inside are divided into categories and placed very neatly, and even the floor is swept clean.

The town is surrounded by large and small fishing villages, and the people on the dock are all people related to fishing. There are many things in the store, which are very small and complicated. It is actually not easy to do this.

"Boss, do you need to buy anything?"

As soon as Bailang walked in, he immediately heard a crisp voice coming from inside.

His reaction was stunned at first, because he felt that the voice was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it before.

Then he raised his head and saw a girl in her early twenties walking out of it. She was pretty and fair. The biggest impression on people was that her skin was very white, which was a bit different from other people who lived and worked at the beach.

The most important thing is that Bailang has recognized who she is.

"Xinyue, why are you here?" he asked.

"You are."

Chen Xinyue thought that the guests were ordinary guests, but suddenly she heard Bai Lang calling her name. She raised her head and took a closer look, and then quickly recognized Bai Lang, "You are the prodigal brother?"

"Yeah." Bai Lang smiled and nodded, then glanced at the small shop and said, "You're in college, right? Logically speaking, you've just graduated. Why are you here?"

"This small shop is opened by my mother. I just graduated and haven't found a job yet, so I came here to help out when I had nothing to do."

Chen Xinyue explained with a smile and asked curiously: "Brother Prodigal Son, aren't you working in the city? Why are you back?"

Both of them are from Dalang Village. Because they are not much different in age, it can be said that they have basically grown up together.

"Haha, the work and life in the city are not suitable for me, so I resigned and came back. From now on, I will stay in the village exclusively for fishing."

"Stay in the village to fish? The fish seller they talked about yesterday couldn't be you, right?"

After hearing what he said, Chen Xinyue seemed to react.

"Well, I was lucky enough to encounter a big fish as soon as I went out to sea." Bailang did not deny it.

"This" Chen Xinyue couldn't react for a moment. Bailang, a good college student working in the city, came back to fish. On the first day he came back, he caught a big fish and sold it for 10,000+, which caused a sensation in the whole town. , this is incredible!
Bailang was not surprised at all by the reaction of the little girl in front of him. Not to mention other people, even he was shocked by the experience of these two days.

"I want to buy some tied row hooks. Do you have them here?"

Seeing Chen Xinyue still looking shocked, Bai Lang smiled and directly stated his purpose of coming.

He had already made plans last night about what kind of fishing gear he would buy next.

The first is the row hook. To put it simply, the row hook is a long main line tied with many sub-lines. Each sub-line has a hook. The bait is hooked and put into the sea. Generally speaking, it is left there for several hours. You can pull it up.

It is impossible for one person to drive a boat out to sea for fishing. It is not too complicated at all. It is more troublesome for one person to arrange the hook, but it can be taken care of, especially now that one can accurately find fish schools. This is definitely the most suitable one at the moment. His way of fishing.

(End of this chapter)

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