I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 73 The chain reaction of following the trend

Chapter 73 The chain reaction of following the trend

"Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang, I have already inquired clearly. This time Bailang and the others are going to release hooks. Someone just saw him taking ten baskets of hooks from Lao Chen Fishing Tackle Shop!"

Here at the dock.

Li Mo rushed onto the fishing boat and reported the news to Gao Qiang immediately.

"Going to sea to release the hook?"

Gao Qiang frowned when he heard what he said.

He originally planned to go out to sea to put out fishing nets tonight, and he had already arranged the fishing nets. He was ready to sail out to sea when the time came.

But now when he suddenly heard the news that Bailang was going to sea to release the hook, he immediately hesitated.

Now the people in the town who go out to sea to fish have long formed a consensus, that is, whatever Bailang goes out to sea to do, they will follow.

"Yes, many people have gone to Lao Chen Fishing Tackle Store to grab hooks. We still have a lot of hooks on the boat, so we just need to prepare live bait."

They do plan to go out to sea today to set down fishing nets.

But that was Bailang's decision before he went to sea.

In his opinion, since Bailang went out to sea to release the hook, they should also release the hook.

Judging from their previous lessons, if they don’t follow Bailang’s lead, there will definitely be no good gains.

Gao Qiang also knew this truth. After being silent for a while, he finally nodded.

Then he immediately asked Li Mo to buy live bait, because if they hesitated for a while longer, they might not even be able to buy live bait, and they would not be able to follow the trend.

"I didn't expect that my high strength would reach this level."

Seeing Li Mo running like a rabbit, Gao Qiang couldn't help but sigh.

Ten days and a half ago, he was the most powerful fisherman in the town. He was a being that many fishermen admired and respected. Many people looked at his face when doing things.

But in a short period of time, he has become an inconspicuous person, and others now don't take him seriously at all.

He knew that all this was because of Bailang's existence. In everyone's eyes, Bailang was now ten thousand times more powerful than him.

Gao Qiang stood on the deck and was stunned for a long time. Finally, he sighed and put away all the fishing nets that had been sorted.

When Bailang went to Chen Xinyue's store to get a hook, Wang Jianguo went into an aquatic product store to buy live bait.

The owner of this store is an old acquaintance of him. When he went fishing more than ten years ago, he often came here to buy things.

"Haha, Lao Wang, you old boy is finally here. I haven't seen you for a few days. I thought you were going to go out to work again!"

Lao Luo, the owner of the aquatic product store, burst into laughter after seeing Wang Jianguo.

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are making so much money at sea now, so we would go out to work after our brains were kicked by a donkey!"

Wang Jianguo just laughed and cursed.

Now they go out to sea with Bai Lang and can earn thousands in a single trip. Only fools would do work that only costs thousands a month.

"Hey, just kidding, you haven't been to my store these two days, and my business has suddenly dropped by more than half. Do you think I'm in a hurry?"

"This is impossible, how could it have such a big impact!"

Wang Jianguo also knows that many fishermen in the town are following Bailang.

He buys hooks and others also buy hooks. He buys live bait and others also buy live bait.

But now that he heard what Lao Luo said, it seemed that the situation was more complicated than he imagined, or that there were more people following the trend than he imagined.

“What’s strange about it, to use a popular phrase nowadays, is that Whitecaps has become a beacon and benchmark in the town.

What he does and buy every time he goes to sea directly affects the choices of all fishermen.

Every time he goes out to sea to set hooks, he comes to buy live bait from me, and the amount is more than three or four times more."

Lao Luo sells aquatic products in a shop. The more people come to buy things from him, the happier he will be, and he will naturally buy more goods.

After the last time Wang Jianguo and the others went out to sea to fish for bass, he directly purchased more than double the amount of goods.

However, Bailang and the others have been resting for the past two days, and there has been no sign of going out to sea.

This directly leads to the fact that other fishermen rarely go to sea, or they don't know what to do when they go to sea.

As for the aquatic products Lao Luo hoarded, they were kept in the store for two days without being sold.

Seeing that the activity of thousands of kilograms of live shrimps and three thousand kilograms of dragonhead fish in the store was getting lower and lower, Lao Luo was also anxious.If it dies without being sold, then all the money he made in the past few times will be lost.

But now it's better. Wang Jianguo showed up and finally came to him to buy live bait again, which meant that Bailang was going to sea again.

Lao Luo knew that within a few minutes, a large number of people would follow suit and come to buy their own prawns and dragonhead fish!
Sure enough, after he helped Wang Jianguo pack the prawns he bought, he looked up and immediately found many people rushing towards him.

In just a few minutes, the store entrance, which was empty at first, was immediately surrounded by water.

These people all follow the trend and come here to buy bait and go out to sea to release hooks.

Wang Jianguo's left and right hands were carrying a huge oxygen-filled plastic bag with water and shrimp in it. When he left, he was stunned by the scene.

After a long time, he shook his head and left.

He really didn't expect that Bailang's influence in the town would be so great.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is not surprising at all.

In the past ten days or so, Bailang has created one miracle after another, and every time he goes to sea, he will gain a lot.

He was not going out to sea to fish at all, but to go out to sea to pick up money.

This kind of thing happens in front of everyone, can everyone not go crazy?

When Wang Jianguo returned to the dock, Bailang had not returned yet, and the village chief was the only one on the boat.

Now they have formed a routine. Every time they prepare to go to sea, the village chief will not leave the fishing boat as long as it docks.

Make sure no outsiders get on board during this time.

Wang Jianguo put the prawns into the live cabin of the fishing boat and turned on the oxygenator.

Later, he told the village chief everything he saw.

"There's nothing strange about this. With the prodigal's current abilities, it's normal for this kind of thing to happen."

The village chief didn't seem surprised at all.

In his opinion, no matter who he is, if he has Bailang's ability and can catch so many fish in a short period of time, he will attract the attention of others.

Then become someone for others to look up to and learn from.

For people in town who go fishing, this is normal.

"Yesterday some old men from the next town came to me for dinner. They said that not only people in our town are following the trend, but also people in their town are doing such things."

The village chief has been fishing all his life and has a high reputation and status in several nearby towns.

Speaking of this matter, he also sighed very much.

They are all fishermen, and he knows very well that such things are absolutely inevitable.

Because no matter who you are, as long as you are good at fishing, you will become a role model for others and will definitely cause many people to imitate and follow suit.

"Jianguo, when will your two brothers come back?"

The village chief took a puff of dry tobacco and remembered this incident.

Although they are going to sea today, three people are enough.

But in two days, the big ship will be almost repaired, and by then there may not be enough manpower to go to sea.

Bailang also said that he would have to go further next time. With his ability, the fish schools he would find would definitely be bigger. If there were not enough manpower, it might be a bit troublesome.

"They will be back tonight. I have told them both to come directly to the dock then."

Although the village chief looked worried, it didn't mean Bailang couldn't recruit people.

On the contrary, as long as Bailang goes out and shouts, no one who is willing to go fishing with him can be accommodated in a boat.

The village chief felt that such a good job must be done by people from Dalang Village.

The best case scenario is that everyone in Dalang Village comes back and goes fishing with Bailang.

After the two chatted for a few more words, they started to get busy.

Although there is still some time before heading out to sea in the early morning, there is still a lot of detailed preparation work to be done.

Only by doing these preparations well will you not be in a hurry when you go to sea.

(End of this chapter)

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