Chapter 79 Tired without fish

Bailang stared at the message on the interface and saw that he was only about 200 meters away from the first wave of fish. He knew that this was the best position.

Now the row hook must be lowered, because after the row hook is launched into the water, it will take time to sink to a certain depth. Only in this way can the fish be accurately encountered.

Bailang grew up in a fishing village and understands this truth very well.

Now that the system is in hand, it is naturally more powerful and there will be no mistakes.

The village chief steadily controlled the direction and speed of the fishing boat. Wang Jianguo and Dazhu were already used to it and did not feel nervous at all.

But this was the first time for Wang Jianmin and Wang Jianping to go on Bailang's boat to release the hook. They were undoubtedly the most nervous people on the entire boat.

Wang Jianguo looked at the two people and found that they were indeed a little nervous or excited.

So he decided that he and Dazhu would put down the first wave of hooks, or they could put down the hooks first, and then let Wang Jianmin and his two men pull it later.

After all, I haven’t done it for several years, so I still need to let them get familiar with it first.

Wang Jianguo greeted Dazhu. The two of them had already cooperated very skillfully. There was a basket of hooks in the middle, and next to it was a large basin filled with live bait.

"Now, lower row of hooks!"

Bailang saw that the fish school had entered a very suitable distance and immediately shouted.

Wang Jianguo and Dazhu had been prepared long ago and were used to this method. When they heard Bailang shouting, they immediately threw the hooks with live shrimps into the sea.

The village chief controlled the speed and direction of the fishing boat. The hooks entered the water smoothly and the main line was pulled straight.

The 1000-meter main line was almost all lowered into the water in just 10 minutes.

The two brothers Wang Jianmin are also veterans, but they were a little excited or nervous at the beginning, but now they have calmed down.

I saw that the two of them wanted to try.

Wang Jianguo explained.

"When you two play, you need to pay attention to one thing, that is, after playing a main line, remember to stop and listen to the command of the prodigal son. If he asks you to continue playing, you should continue. If not, you have to stop.

This is because fish schools gather in different places in the sea. For example, what we encountered today was not a huge school of fish, but several small schools of fish.

If the hooks are lowered one after another, it is very likely that they will not be placed in the middle of the fish school. In a word, you must listen to the prodigal when you lower the hooks, and just do whatever you are told."

Wang Jianguo knew that the two of them might be curious as to why they stopped after playing a main line just now.

After Wang Jianmin listened to the explanation, they looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

They are all fishermen and they know exactly what this means.

This proves that Bailang can not only track the location of fish schools, but also clearly determine the distance between different fish schools.

"Does it mean he has clairvoyance?"

At this time, the two of them came up with such an idea.

"Okay, the next wave of fish may be coming soon, so you should be prepared first."

Wang Jianmin and the other two quickly sat down after hearing this.

Then they were ready to release the hook. At the same time, they also pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Bailang's next orders.

"There's still 100 meters to go."

"There's still 50 meters to go."

Bailang noticed that it was the two brothers Wang Jianmin who were releasing the hook now. Knowing that they hadn't released the hook in a few years, they might be a little rusty, so he simply gave a more detailed reminder.

"Okay, lower row of hooks!"

After taking a look at the distance, Bai Lang immediately shouted.

Wang Jianmin and Wang Jianmin were already ready.

As soon as Bailang's order was spoken, they immediately lowered the prepared hooks into the sea.

It was indeed a bit unfamiliar at the beginning, but after putting in a dozen hooks, I slowly started to become more proficient.

The village chief also deliberately slowed down the boat at the beginning, mainly to facilitate the two of them to get familiar with each other.

After a few minutes, they found that their movements had slowly become smoother, and their speed began to speed up until they returned to normal speed.

Bailang was also paying attention to the two people's movements of releasing hooks. Seeing that the two of them had become so proficient in just a few minutes, he knew that these were definitely real veterans with rich experience.

He nodded secretly and returned his attention to the interface.

Wang Jianguo has been paying attention to the two of them. He was a little worried at first, but soon he breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no need for anyone to worry about the two of them releasing the hook.

"Hahaha, it looks like it will be a lot easier when we go to sea again in the future!"

Wang Jianguo laughed a few times and drank a bottle of mineral water.

In the past, only I and Dazhu were able to put the hooks on the boat. They would put them in for an hour or two, and they couldn't stop. Moreover, they would have to pull up the hooks soon, which was really tiring.

Now that there are two more people, they can take turns replacing the discharge hooks, making the work twice as easy.

"Indeed, if you just place the row hooks, there won't be much of a problem, but when it comes to pulling the row hooks, the effect of two more people will really show up."

The village chief couldn't help but smile after hearing Wang Jianguo's words.

Bailang's fishing boats are different from others. Although the number of hooks released is similar, the fish rate is very different.

For example, if someone else lays 500 hooks, it would be good to catch 20 fish.

However, 500 hooks under the white waves can often hit 00 or even 300 fish. The number of fish caught is more than ten times different.

In this case, pulling the row hook will become a very arduous physical work.

On the boat, two groups, Wang Jianguo and Wang Jianmin, took turns lowering the hooks according to Bai Lang's order.

It only took about an hour and a half to put down all the hooks of ten baskets.

After setting the hooks, several people sat and rested, waiting for the fish in the water to take the bait.

"Haha, how are you? Are you tired?"

Wang Jianguo took out a pack of cigarettes and distributed them around the people on the boat.


Wang Jianmin touched the sweat on his forehead.

After all, I haven’t done this kind of work for two or three years, and I still feel a little tired.

"Haha, let's take a good rest, the really tiring work is not yet here!"

"Is it tiring to pull the hook? You will only feel tired if you don't catch any fish."

Wang Jianmin doesn't think it will be tiring to pull the row hook.

In the past, when they went out to work at sea, they never felt tired as long as there were fish biting, especially if there were many fish biting.

"Haha, I know you don't believe it, but after a while you will know that pulling hooks is the most tiring job in the world, and it is tiring and happy at the same time!"

Wang Jianguo knew that the two of them definitely didn't believe what he said.

It really doesn't matter what others say about this kind of thing. Only by experiencing it personally can you know what it is like.

Wang Jianmin and Wang Jianmin didn't say anything, but they began to really doubt in their hearts. Will pulling down the row hook really make people unable to straighten their backs?
Bailang smiled but said nothing.

Although Wang Jianmin and others had often done the job of laying hooks in the past, they could never imagine what it was like to pull hooks on their own boats.

If the two of them pull up all the 10 rows of hooks that were put down today, they will definitely lie down and not want to move when they go back. This is definitely not a joke.

"It's almost time, let's go back and pull the hook!" After everyone chatted for a while, Bailang looked at the time, said hello, and went back to prepare the hook.

Normally, it is better to wait longer after placing the row hook in the water.

But Bailang is different. He can accurately find the location of the fish school. Every time he releases the hook, he places it directly into the fish school. There is no point in waiting too long.

According to his expectation, a lot of fish must have been caught on the hooks they just lowered.

The village chief drove the boat and quickly returned to the place where the first hook was laid.

"Come on, don't you believe that pulling the row hook will be very tiring, then I will let you pull the first row hook, so that you can experience the feeling of being tired and happy at the same time!"

Wang Jianguo directly asked the two men to pull the first row of hooks.

He knew that after what happened today, the two of them would definitely believe it.

That is working on a boat in Bailang. Pulling the hook is definitely the hardest thing in the world.

Wang Jianmin and Wang Jianmin nodded. Of course they came to Bailang's boat to work, and pulling the hooks was their job.

Needless to say, they are really curious now whether the underwater hooks really caught so many fish.

The two of them stood on the side of the ship.

Wang Jianmin held a hook in his hand, pulled the float floating on the sea, and then began to pull the main line.

As soon as he exerted force, he felt the thread in his hand vibrating.

"There are fish, there are definitely fish!"

Wang Jianmin shouted immediately.

He is not an inexperienced young man. As a veteran, he knows that he will definitely hit the fish as soon as he gets started.

And he hit the fish with the first hook!

Anyone who has let go of hooks knows that if the first hook hits a fish, the next harvest will definitely not be bad.

Wang Jianmin was very excited, but the movements of his hands were not fast.

He knew very well that if he moved too fast, he would probably cause the fish on the sub-line to struggle desperately, causing the line to break and the fish to escape.

And from the strength, he could already feel that this first fish was definitely not small!

Wang Jianping stood nearby, fully prepared.

As soon as the fish comes out of the water, he will use the net in his hand to catch the fish immediately.

"There were fish, and I caught several of them, and they were big!"

Wang Jianmin shouted again.

When I first started to pull the main line, I found that the bottom was very heavy and there were fish struggling.

But as the main line slowly pulled up, he found that the force on his hand became heavier and heavier, as if there was a huge basket underneath.

Fish swim in the water. Even if they have strength, they will not sink to the bottom of the sea like weights. The only possibility is that there are many fish on the main line.

A long string of fish all on one main line will cause such a result.

Hearing his excited shouts, everyone stared at the water.

As Wang Jianmin continued to reel in the line, everyone seemed to be able to see a huge shadow swimming under the water.

"The fish is coming, it's definitely a big fish!"

Wang Jianping held the net in his hand and stared at the sea.

He immediately spotted the shadow of this big fish that was about to emerge from the water.

Although fish under water will affect people's judgment, he can still be 100% sure that this is definitely a big fish weighing more than ten kilograms!

As an experienced fisherman, he still has this point of view.

"This fish is definitely over ten pounds!"

Wang Jianmin also judged the size of the fish and couldn't help shouting again.

"Why are you so frizzy like a hairy boy, and you are pulling too fast."

Wang Jianguo felt a little funny when he saw him yelling.

But when I think about it, I think it’s normal. Anyone who sets a hook will have such a reaction when they see a ten-pound fish.

The reason why he can act so calm now is because he has already gone to sea once with Bai Lang, so he is used to it.

Just like Dazhu, he not only caught tens of thousands of catties of bass with Bailang, but also caught a large yellow croaker. There was no unnecessary expression on his face in such small scenes.

Wang Jianmin and Wang Jianmin took several deep breaths before slowly calming down.

But the next moment, after the fish emerged from the water, the two couldn't help shouting.

"Ah, rice fish!"

"A rice fish weighing more than ten pounds!"

At first, Wang Jianguo thought that the one below was another bass, so he acted very calmly.

But after hearing the two people shouting "rice fish", he immediately took a closer look and found that it was indeed a rice fish.

Now, he couldn't help but get excited.

Rice fish, also called squid in some places, mainly lives in relatively deep seawater.

This kind of fish is big, delicious and has high nutritional value. Its swim bladder has very powerful therapeutic functions and is very popular in the market.

This kind of fish is not so easy to catch. The saying "If you have money, you can eat the owl", you can see how valuable this fish is.

The most important thing is that Wang Jianguo thought of a very important thing.

That is, the Bailang release hook is always placed in the middle of the fish school. The first fish hooked is a rice fish, which means that all the subsequent fish hooked may be rice fish!
"If you get rich, you will definitely get rich!"

He couldn't help but start to feel ecstatic.

Rice fish is a fish with a much higher economic value than bass. If all the fish caught next are rice fish, it will definitely be another huge profit.

"No way, how could it be rice fish?"

"It really is!"

The village chief has been driving the boat behind.

Although he knew that the hook was a big fish, he didn't take it to heart at all.

Following Bailang out to sea these days, he has long been numb, and he has seen a lot of big bass weighing more than ten kilograms.

Although the fish caught this time exceeded ten kilograms, only Wang Jianmin and the other two were shocked.

Now when he suddenly heard Wang Jianguo say it was rice fish, he was stunned for a moment, and then he saw clearly that it was really rice fish.

The next moment, he couldn't help but scream.

He has been fishing all his life and is well aware of how popular this fish is in the market.

Many people living along the coast will even say hello to familiar fishermen in advance. If they catch rice fish, they must help them stay.

Because this fish is not only delicious, its float also has medicinal functions, especially for the development of teenage children, which plays a very important role.

As soon as this kind of fish appears on the market, it will definitely be robbed all at once. It is the kind that has a price but no market.

(End of this chapter)

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