I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 99: Too many dividends and it’s not safe to hold!

Chapter 99: Too many dividends and it’s not safe to hold!
It took Tang Dahai a full three hours to handle all this properly.

All the spotted snappers on the two boats have been safely transferred to the live seafood truck.

Tang Dahai held a notebook in his hand and came directly to Bai Lang.

"Boss Bai, this time you have a total of 102 spotted snappers. Except for the one you left, we took away 101."

“These spotted snappers are now very active, none of them have died, and their sizes are generally around ten pounds.”

"Nowadays, the market purchase price for such a big spotted snapper is generally around 950. I will directly give you a unit price of 1000."

"So in total, the final total price is 105 million."

Tang Dahai said as he handed the notebook in his hand to Bai Lang.

Bailang took it and read it carefully from beginning to end. The weight of each fish and the price of each fish were clearly recorded.

After confirming that there was no problem, he nodded gently.

Seeing that Bailang had no objection, Tang Dahai also took out his mobile phone to transfer money on the spot.

Soon, Bailang's phone dinged and received payment information.


Seeing that more than 100 million was successfully received, Bai Lang turned around and was about to get on the boat.

"Oh, by the way, Boss Bai, I almost forgot something."

Tang Dahai suddenly patted his forehead, called Bai Lang, and then told him what Concubine Shen was looking for just now.

Of course, he also withheld a little information.

For example, Concubine Shen is a great beauty, and her identity is not simple.

He only said that someone was looking for him to collaborate on high-end seafood, but he didn't say that the person looking for him was a beautiful woman.

"Boss Tang, this is your business. How you do it is your business. I can't control that much."

"I only do one thing, and that is to go fishing. As long as the price you give is right, I will sell it to you. If the price you give is not good, I will just find another one. It's that simple."

Bai Lang made it very clear.

His fishing career has just started now and he doesn't have the mind to care about too many other things.

As long as it doesn't affect his ability to catch and sell fish, Tang Dahai can take care of other matters by himself.

When Tang Dahai heard Bailang's answer, he immediately burst into laughter.

His heart, which had been hanging just now, finally fell to the ground.

Then he didn't say anything more. Now that the spotted snappers had been loaded into the truck, he had to go and deal with these fish immediately.

Of course, before that, we have to talk to Concubine Shen about business issues.

Bailang watched Tang Dahai leave and return to the ship. Next, it was time to pay dividends to the crew.

When he returned to the cabin, the village chief and Wang Jianguo were sitting together chatting and drinking tea. Although it seemed lively, several of them were a little distracted.

Bailang naturally knew what was going on.

He didn't mince words and said it directly.

"I know you must be very curious now, how much the fish was sold for this time."

After Bai Lang finished saying this.

Sure enough, no one among Wang Jianguo and others spoke. They all opened their eyes and ears, ready to hear the next number he said.

"The total is 1 million, and 500% is 750 yuan. Now there are six people on the ship to share, and each person is [-] yuan."

After Bailang finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and started transferring money to everyone.

In less than 2 minutes, everyone present had received their money.

"Prodigal, isn't this a little too much?"

The village chief looked at the payment information on his mobile phone and couldn't believe his eyes.

At the same time, I felt a little uneasy.

This time when I came back from overseas, I got so much dividend, 1750 yuan. I had already earned it in less than a day.

If you add in salary, it's well over 2000.
If he went fishing by himself, it would take at least ten days and a half to earn so much money.

But now, he can easily get so much money just by sailing the boat.

"Yes, prodigal son, the money is indeed too much this time. If it is two or three hundred, we will be very happy."

Wang Jianguo also shook his head.

Although I knew there would be dividends every time I went overseas, this time it was too much, two or three times more than the previous times.

But the work they do is much easier than before.

To put it bluntly, their efforts and rewards on this trip were completely out of proportion, and what they received far exceeded their efforts.

Bailang looked at Dazhu, Wang Dayong and the others, knowing that they all wanted to speak.

He stopped directly and said: "I know this time's dividend seems a bit much, but that's because the star-spotted snapper we caught this time really sold for a good price."

"And the 1% dividend has been set long ago. There is no rule without rules. Since it has been decided, it must be done. No matter how much money you get, it is the income of your own labor. The most important thing is that you The more money I get, the more money I can get, and from this point of view, I want you to get more money."

Bailang knew that they knew that being able to catch so many spotted snappers last night was basically their own fault.

They just drove the boat, lowered the hooks, and pulled the hooks. They didn't exert much force, so they were embarrassed to share so much dividends.

But in Bailang's view, this is not the same thing at all.

The rules he has set must of course be followed.

This time they were lucky and encountered expensive spotted snapper. What if they encountered cheap seafood next time?
Bailang didn't explain any more.

He checked the time and saw that it was already past ten in the morning. He told everyone that they would have lunch together at the dock at noon, and then left the fishing boat.

Bailang went to the pier, planning to find a place to take a nap first.

After drifting on the sea for more than ten hours in a row, my head is a little dizzy, and it has been an all-nighter, so I urgently need a rest now.

big ship.

Wang Jianguo and the others were still sitting together.

The village chief took several puffs of the dry cigarette in his hand before speaking.

As the oldest person here, he must be the first to raise any issues.

"The dividend this time is indeed larger, almost 2000 yuan. If we have done a lot of things, we can feel at ease with such a large sum of money. But last night we didn't do much when we went to sea, except to pull hooks. , I just made so much money, I feel a little bit disappointed.”

The village chief sighed as he spoke.

This is why they feel they are getting too much money.

Anyone who has ever done a job knows that although pulling hooks is sometimes very hard, it is definitely not worth the reward.

"Indeed, we only pulled six row hooks last night, and we took turns pulling them. Now that we have taken so much money, we really can't sit still." Wang Jianmin nodded and said.

Wang Jianguo also nodded.

This time they took a trip to the sea to see the excitement and took so much money.

"I know everyone is thinking this way, but what the prodigal said just now makes sense. These are rules that have been set long ago. If there are no rules, everything will be chaotic."

"If you make a lot of money, don't you pay 1% as dividends, and if you make a small amount of money do you pay 1% as dividends? This kind of thing must not be done like this."

"Everyone accepted the money with peace of mind today. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. We will work harder in the future so that it will not be in vain."

The village chief knew that such a thing must have a final idea.

Bailang gave so much money to everyone. If he didn't know how to be grateful, he would be living like a dog.

Wang Jianguo and others thought for a while and nodded.

This can only be done this way. Just like the village chief said, everyone must work harder in the future to be worthy of Bailang.

Seeing that everyone had understood the matter, the village chief stopped talking.

Everyone had stayed up all night, so we might as well take a rest first. Bailang had made it very clear just now that everyone would have a meal together at noon.

Several people began to find places to lie down and rest.

After working all night, they were indeed a little tired. Not long after Dazhu and Wang Jianguo lay down, they heard the sound of snoring.

Wang Dayong was lying next to Dazhu, holding the back of his head with both hands, unable to fall asleep.

Today was his first day on board, but he never imagined that he would get a dividend of 1750 yuan in just one night.

If he were on the construction site, it might take him half a month to earn so much money, and it would still take countless sweat to earn it.

But on Bailang's boat, he earned so much in just one night.

This money did make him feel a little unreliable.

"No, I have to work hard in the future so that I can make more money and be worthy of the prodigal son."

another place.

Tang Dahai's two seafood trucks did not leave the town immediately.

"Boss Tang, I said, as long as you have good food, no matter how much, I can eat it. How about selling me all the spotted snappers in your car?"

Concubine Shen has carefully looked at the fish in the Tang Dynasty Ocean Boat.

Each one is big and lively, which proves that it has just come out of the water.

And these spotted snappers are definitely considered high-end seafood.

If you can put it in your own big restaurant, it will definitely be a very good gimmick.

As long as the news gets out, some customers who are not short of money will definitely flock to his restaurant and bring a lot of business to his restaurant.

"We can't sell all these fish to you, you can only take a third of them at most."

Tang Dahai nodded, but immediately shook his head.

The quality of these spotted snappers that Bailang caught this time is indeed very high, and they are definitely the kind that even if you have money, it is difficult to buy them.

The two of them had been discussing for half an hour just now and had reached a preliminary consensus.

To put it simply, if there is good quality seafood in the future, it can be supplied directly to Concubine Shen’s restaurant.

You can sell some of this batch of star-spotted snappers to her, but you absolutely cannot give her all of them.

"Boss Tang, don't tell secrets in front of Mingren. This kind of high-quality, high-end seafood can only show its greatest value in our big restaurants."

"And I purchased these spotted snappers at the highest price on the market. Even on this basis, I will increase the price for you by 10%!"

It can be seen that Concubine Shen is really a little anxious.

She knew very well how rare these spotted snappers were.

Maybe after today, I don’t know what year or month it will be until such a large number of high-quality star-spotted snappers appear on the market.

Although this batch of star-spotted snappers is worth millions, with the strength of their large restaurant, they can definitely afford it.

Even in other big cities, there are many big restaurants owned by the Shen family. To her, this batch of star-spotted snappers is really not much at all.

However, no matter how much she increased the price, Tang Dahai remained unmoved.

In many cases, doing business is not just about the highest bidder, there are many other factors that have to be considered.

"Ms. Shen, you know that I am in the business of purchasing and wholesale of seafood. In our circle, it is difficult to gain weight by eating alone. I promise to give you one-third. This is already a large proportion. The rest of these spotted snappers , even if I don’t make any money, I still have to give it to the people in my circle.”

Tang Dahai didn't hide anything and directly told his arrangement.

"Okay, then I'll take one-third, but I want to pick the biggest ones first. As for the price, it's as I just said."

I heard that Tang Dahai had already spoken for this reason.

Concubine Shen also knew that it was impossible to capture all these star-spotted snappers.

When Tang Dahai heard her words, he nodded. Since she was willing to pay the highest price, she would naturally enjoy the right of priority.

Of course, although this transaction has been discussed, it is impossible to trade directly in the town.

Tang Dahai directly ordered Tang Dayang to send the two carts of spotted snappers to the Shen Family Restaurant in the city first, and then he had other arrangements for the remaining spotted snappers.

Seeing that the matter had been dealt with, Concubine Shen was about to drive away and rushed back to the city.

But the next moment, she was stopped by Tang Dahai.

"Miss Shen, how about I take you to meet someone?"

Before saying this, Tang Dahai really struggled in his heart for a while, but he still sent out the invitation.

For him now, Concubine Shen is definitely a huge potential customer.

The Shen family has many large restaurants in major cities across the country, and the amount of seafood they need every day is absolutely astronomical.

If he can establish a close relationship with such a powerful seafood restaurant group, it will definitely be of great benefit to his future seafood wholesale business.

The first thing is that the seafood he buys right away can go directly from the source to the table, eliminating a lot of links in the middle.

To put it simply, it means that it can earn him more money that other middlemen should have earned.

If he is still the seafood seller who used to make small fuss at the dock, there is no use in establishing a cooperative relationship with someone like Concubine Shen.

Because even if others need seafood, he doesn't have enough seafood to supply, especially what Concubine Shen needs is high-end seafood.

But it's different now. He has such an awesome person as Bai Lang. Every time he goes to sea, he can bring back a lot of seafood, and the quality is very good.

Therefore, with the guarantee of Bailang, Tang Dahai now has enough confidence to cooperate with Shen Family Restaurant.

If he now introduces Concubine Shen and Bai Lang to each other, he can quickly bring them closer to each other, which will be beneficial to their future cooperation.

At the same time, it can also make Concubine Shen see clearly that although she is hanging around in the town now, she has absolute strength. If she cooperates with him, she doesn't have to worry at all.

(End of this chapter)

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