Chapter 101 Jia Xu and Bai Qi, sealed files

"Tathagata, Ksitigarbha from the Netherworld has sent another message."

Guanyin Bodhisattva said.

"Ksitigarbha? Don't worry about it. If he dares to leave the Netherworld without our permission, it will be a violation of religious rules. Then we will have a reason to suppress him in the Netherworld forever."

Tathagata Buddha didn't care.

The Netherworld cannot be moved, at least not now.

Unless someone is willing to guard Netherworld, obviously, no one is willing.

Considering the complex relationship between Buddhism and Buddhism, Tathagata Buddha did not want to break this balance.

After all, there is already an unlucky person in the Netherworld, right?

If they want to avoid opposition from powerful people outside the region when they preach Buddhism, they must make contributions.

Guarding Netherworld for China is a good excuse, so Netherworld cannot move.

Buddhas: "."

Violate religious rules and suppress them in the netherworld?
Ah this
People have been suppressed in the Netherworld to begin with, so it doesn't seem to make any difference whether they are violated or not, right?

But if the matter is of no concern to oneself, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will naturally have no objections.

Whether you are a dead Taoist friend or not a poor Taoist, everyone understands.

The no-man's land of Zongbei is known as an ominous place.

The weather is gloomy all year round, making it seem like an isolated area.

Ye Fan's figure appeared out of thin air somewhere.

Looking into the distance, Ye Fan's eyes were extremely deep.

"Burial soil. Is it a coincidence?"

Ye Fan murmured.


He couldn't believe it was a coincidence.

This place is the burial place of Ye Fan’s Tang Dynasty life!

Moreover, it is also the place where Ye Fan’s bones are buried in the Ming Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms!
Yes, Ye Fan’s bodies are all buried here!
Ye Fan, who has memories of several lifetimes, naturally knows this very well and understands what happened at that time.

Just like there is a feeling in the dark, Ye Fan will come here in every life and bury himself here.

Originally, Ye Fan just felt that this place was more compatible with him, but now it seems that it may not be that simple.

Even Ye Fan is doubting that his physical body is here in every life!

Is there any secret hidden here?
Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and Ye Fan temporarily dismissed the thoughts from his mind.

There is no point thinking about it now, so what if you know it.

Knowing before you reach that level is not necessarily a good thing.

"Let us first resolve the matter of reincarnation and reveal what reincarnation is all about."

Thinking this, Ye Fan strode forward.

Every step seems to shrink into an inch, every step seems to be so close to the end of the world.

In an instant, hundreds of kilometers have been covered.

Sound river system boundary.

I saw a towering and vast tower, like a heavenly gate.

Just like the awe-inspiring and supreme heavenly palace in mythology, the city wall is surrounded by a circle, guarding the entire Yinhe system.

To the east of the Yin River, the two domains are separated by a city wall!

Just like there is one heaven and earth within the Sound River System, and there is another world outside the Sound River System.

No words can describe the hugeness of this city wall.

No words can describe the majesty of this city wall.

Although it is a city wall, it is more like a world.

If compared with it, perhaps it can be called an enlarged version of the city!
Of course, Changcheng is just over 2 kilometers away.

And the vastness of this city wall, which stands beyond the countless stars in the Sound River System, is countless light years at a glance.

"Bai Qi, you are no longer a human race. Why do you need to guard this border? What if you let us in? Times have changed. It is no longer the time for the Yanhuang tribe to suppress all races."

A vast and majestic voice resounded in the starry sky.

In the apparently empty universe, this thunder-like sound appeared inconceivably.

It was as if the owner of the voice had transcended the rules of the universe.

hum! ! !
In the distance, a huge eye loomed, like the eye of heaven, overlooking the vicissitudes of life.

There are even faint sounds of fairy music, and countless visions surround the starry sky. "I will guard this place. Anyone who violates the borders of our human race will die."

A fierce yet majestic killing intent erupted.

A majestic figure appeared above the city wall, as indifferent as the way of heaven above.

There is no emotion in his eyes.

"If you go any further in heaven, you will die."

Calm, indifferent, without any sound fluctuation.

There is no doubt about the authenticity of his words.

"Hmph, stupid, you are not a human race, why should you protect the human race territory."

There was a trace of anger in the voice that spoke before.

"Your Majesty, General Bai Qi is not guarding this place alone. What's the use of trying to embarrass General Bai Qi? Even if General Bai Qi agrees, he won't agree to it. Why don't you go to Chaoge and have a look? There may be better places there. What a breakthrough?"

A chuckle appeared in the starry sky.

"Jia Xu."

The golden eyes that were several light years away stared deeply, and finally dispersed.

hum! ! !
The vision between heaven and earth disappeared again, and the huge city covered with blood and scars seemed to turn into a dead thing.

Standing proudly in the universe, there has never been any change.

In the city wall, two young men walked down silently.

One of them had a murderous aura that seemed to have materialized into a murderous aura.

Wearing a white battle armor, his tall and straight figure is further accentuated.

The other person was wearing a black robe, which seemed to be made of black feathers.

His body exuded a faint demonic aura, which seemed human yet inhuman.

Those who wear battle armor will have a white name.

Kill God for nothing!
The person wearing the feather coat is named Jia Xu.

Poisonous Jia Xu!

Astonishingly, he is the famous God of Killing in the Qin Dynasty and the famous poisonous warrior in the Three Kingdoms!
"The secret has changed. General, the city is difficult to defend."

Jia Xu sighed.

"The city will be defended before the general dies. Please pass on the order. The 300-year period has come. The soldiers on the front line can return to sleep and wait for the opportunity to revive, so that a new batch of super-grade soldiers can enter the front line."

With a cold face, Bai Qi said calmly.

After saying that, Bai Qi strode forward.

Only his words still echoed in the starry sky.

"The general promised your majesty that as long as I don't die, the border of our race will never be broken. I will wait for your majesty to return and return this place to your majesty intact."

"There must be no chaos in our human race's base camp. This is our foundation and our root. We can die, but the people can't mess with it. If you dare to betray the general, Jia Xu, I will be the first to kill you."

Hearing what Bai Qi said, Jia Xu sighed with a wry smile.

How long has it been since you still doubted him?

If it weren't for the sake of the human race and the sake of the Yanhuang, why would he have to sacrifice his Chinese blood as a descendant of the Yanhuang.

"For China, for Yanhuang, and for the common people."

Jia Xu clenched her fists, took a deep breath and left.

Bureau of Mystery Headquarters, conference room.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely solemn.

Everyone looked at each other in silence, some speechless.

"Have you read all the sealed files?"

After a long time, a leader spoke.


Sealed files!

This is China's top secret.

It will be issued every time when it is critical, and it will not appear in every era.

But when it occurs, contemporary managers need to treat it with caution.

Wang Chu said in a dry voice.

"I wonder how many of the seniors on the front line are still alive."

(End of this chapter)

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