Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 142: The First Clan of Immortals, Xuanniao

Chapter 142: A Clan of Immortals, Xuanniao
A smile appeared on Ye Fan's face.

found it!
With a thought in his mind, wisps of mysterious and obscure aura began to appear on Ye Fan.

I saw Ye Fan reaching out a little, and in an instant, the power of space began to gather.

The surrounding void seemed to be affected and began to distort.

The whirlpools quickly condensed into shape, like a moment, like eternity.

Suddenly, the space channel was condensed and formed, and the raging river became more and more rapid at this moment.

The sound of rolling waves echoed from the river above.

With a flash of his body, Ye Fan stepped into the space passage.

Enter the cave world!
Across the abyss-like darkness, light gradually appeared in front of my eyes.

Wisps of faint light spread through the passage.

As a feeling of passing through the membrane emerged, Ye Fan arrived in the cave world.

Looking around, Ye saw a grassland full of vitality.

The entire grassland is like a fairyland with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

From time to time, you can still see many rare and exotic animals that have become extinct in the outside world playing around.

Ye Fan was speechless.

Hey, is this a sealed place?

Are you serious about sealing a place with such a good environment?

If he hadn't known it in advance, Ye Fan would have almost thought that this place was some kind of paradise.

"Well, over there"

Feeling something in the dark, Ye Fan looked in one direction.

He has sensed the location of the ancient spiritual object!
What belongs to him is an ancient spiritual object!

hum! ! !
One step forward, and it feels like the end of the world is so close, or like the earth has shrunk into an inch.

While breathing, the space around Ye Fan was distorted, as if he was crossing an infinite distance.

The next second, Ye Fan had appeared outside a thatched house.

Although they are separated by thatched houses, the faint fairy charm conveyed by them is clearly audible.

There were also faint wisps of strange fragrance floating out.


Ye Fan's eyes flashed with strange color, but he didn't pay too much attention.

Instead, he looked at a bronze tripod on the ground not far from the thatched house.

Ancient spiritual object!
This tripod is an ancient spiritual object!

He stretched out his hand and enveloped the bronze cauldron with invisible force, and the bronze cauldron immediately flew towards Ye Fan.

With a flash of luster, the bronze tripod was put away by Ye Fan.

"Why did you sense that bad guy's aura?"

At this time, a waxy sound came from the thatched house.

Ye Fan's eyelids twitched and he subconsciously wanted to evacuate.

The thing has been obtained, but he still doesn't know who is sealed in this sealed place.

It’s not too late to go back and receive the inherited memories before making a decision.

"No, it's not an illusion, Ye Fan is you!"

Just as Ye Fan was about to leave, the originally confused voice coming from the thatched house had become sober.

A scream came from inside, and the next second, a pretty and cute girl in colorful clothes appeared in front of Ye Fan.

"Wow, wow! Ye Fan, how dare you show up in front of us! We haven't asked you to settle the account for sealing us, but you dare to show up!"

The green mark between her eyebrows exuded a faint light, her face flushed, and the girl looked at Ye Fandao with her waist puffed up.


When this question mark appeared, it was not Ye Fan who was confused, but he was confused.

This. Is this the sealed person?

Why don't you look so smart?
A faint mystery appeared in his eyes, and Ye Fan looked at the girl.

Behind the girl, you can vaguely see the blue bird that is somewhere between illusion and reality, hiding in the clouds and making a crisp cry.Waves of pressure that could make the world tremble emanated from the blue bird.This is a clan of immortals, Xuanniao!

The auspicious beast that represents auspiciousness and well-being, delivering blessings to the world, is the black bird!
Totem of the Shang Dynasty!

The one who was sealed turned out to be Xuanniao?
This was a bit beyond Ye Fan's expectation.

"Hey, we're talking to you. You're so good, Ye Fan. I haven't seen you for more than 3000 years and now you don't care about us. We haven't even settled the score with you yet."

While Ye Fan was thinking about it, the girl, or black bird, stared angrily with her big round eyes.


He didn't know how to answer this.

"Ye Fan, what do you mean? Hey, are you really ignoring us? I just said it casually. I'm not angry with you. The situation was unstable at that time. It was the best choice for us to be sealed. Don't really ignore me. Us."

Seeing Ye Fan's expression, a look of grievance appeared on Xuanniao's face.

The originally aggressive look with his waist inserted has turned into a lack of confidence.

With his round eyes widened, he looked at Ye Fan pitifully.


Ye Fan opened his mouth.

"No, you have forgotten us? Wow! Ye Fan, you have forgotten us, wow, wow, you are really heartless. We helped you repel the immortal clan, and now you have forgotten us Got it!"

Xuanniao looked at Ye Fan in disbelief, his bright eyes suddenly turned red, as if he might cry at any time.


Ye Fan was stunned for a moment and thought about what Xuanniao said.

Although it is only a few words, the amount of information revealed is still quite a lot.

Was Xuanniao sealed by him?

And the Xuanwu was sealed just because of some unavoidable reasons?

The immortal clan also fought back with the help of Xuanniao?
Good guy, Ye Fan wanted to call him a good guy on the spot.

If he remembers correctly, Xuanniao can be considered a member of the immortal clan, right?

So this wave is the Immortal Clan fighting the Immortal Clan?
So showy.

It actually left Ye Fan speechless.

Seeing Xuanniao's eyes gradually dimming and his mood starting to drop, tears were really about to flow out of his eyes.

Ye Fan quickly said: "Part of my memory has not yet awakened, so I didn't forget you."

"The memory has not awakened? Oh yes, I remembered it. Your Majesty is still here. You told us that your true spirit sometimes awakens little by little." Xuanniao's eyes lit up, and his spirit was shocked again. The smile returned to his little face.

As he spoke, Xuanniao wrinkled his nose and said dissatisfied: "Huh, so you still forgot about us?"

The corner of Ye Fan's mouth twitched.

How should he answer this?

"Forget it, let's not argue with you. How can you recover your memory? Let's help you recover your memory first."

Pouting his lips, Xuanniao patted Ye Fan on the shoulder and said in an old-fashioned way.

Paired with Xuannio's appearance, which is about a human girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, she looks really silly and cute.

It made Mark have the urge to rub her head.

Well, in fact, Ye Fan did rub it.


Mysterious bird.

"You really haven't recovered your memory? Why are you so skilled in your movements?"

Xuanniao looked suspicious.

So he also liked to rub Xuanniao’s head during the Shang Dynasty?
Ye Fan became more curious about what happened during the Shang Dynasty, especially what happened to Xuanniao.

"Now I have a way to restore part of the memory of the Shang Dynasty. Let's do this. I will go back and look for that part of the memory first. When I recover, I will come to you."

Ye Fan said in a deep voice.

Xuanniao replied pitifully.

"Okay, hurry up. I've been waiting here for more than 3000 years. Although I've been sleeping to pass the time, I'm really bored."

(End of this chapter)

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