Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 147: All parties express their stance, Black Bird appears on the stage

Chapter 147: All parties express their stance, Black Bird appears on the stage
If it is said that literature and art can express the law and mobilize the authority of all the ways of heaven and earth.

That technique represents the source of heaven and earth.

The difference between the two is like a computer game.

Wen Dao is the GM and can use game permissions.

But Shudao is a programmer in game development, and he can modify the core files and codes of the game.

After receiving the fruits of the path of the future life and the great power of this life.

Ye Fan's profound knowledge in magic has almost reached the highest level among all warlocks in the history of human race.

In terms of martial arts, even the ancestors of various races are incomparable, so it is not difficult to achieve this.

Shield the distortion of heavenly secrets and modify the lines of cause and effect?

The immortals and Buddhas inhaled and smacked their tongues, with shock on their faces.

Darling, this person has guarded the order of the world for hundreds of years.

He is also the patron saint of the human race who has appeared vaguely in the past endless years. Has his cultivation improved countless times?
Or maybe he has shown even more terrifying strength?

What a terrifying state this cultivation level has reached!

"Congratulations, teacher, for your great improvement in cultivation."

Di Xin said happily.

"It's not worth mentioning. Expelling the Immortal Clan is the most important thing."

Ye Fan said slowly.

All the immortals and Buddhas looked at each other with expressions flashing in their eyes.



The hammer is set!

As expected, this person is only showing off his cultivation level little by little, but his cultivation level is actually unfathomable!

what is this?
Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

"You guys, those who are willing to help the human race will come out, and those who are neutral will also come out."

Looking at the remaining immortal Buddhas, Ye Fan's voice was as bright as the infinite sun.

It is also like the roaring divine thunder that fell into the ears of the immortals and Buddhas, and was as deafening as the thunder.

All the immortals and Buddhas, you look at me and I look at you.

In the end, [-]% chose to join the human camp, and [-]% chose not to help each other.

Ye Fan and Di Xin were not dissatisfied with this.

Very normal.

After all, the fairy race is their race, as long as the two don't help each other and don't cause trouble.

Originally, Ye Fan and Di Xin did not expect these immortal Buddhas.

The important part has nothing to do with them, it's just better than nothing.

The entire human world and the entire land of China flashed by for several days in a strange and subtle atmosphere.

Neither the immortals nor the gods would have imagined that the human race was already preparing to launch a general attack.

They would never have imagined that a large number of immortals and Buddhas had perished under their noses.

this day.

Ye Fan was sitting in the Supervisor Tiansi, drinking tea and playing chess. After a while, he seemed to feel something, and Ye Fan raised his eyes slightly.

I saw a flash of auspiciousness and happiness in the sky, and it seemed that there was vague fresh air and fairy light blooming for it.

The bright light flashed across the sky and dissipated in front of Ye Fan.

Finally, she turned into a girl wearing a nine-color feather coat with clear eyes.

"My name is Xuanniao, and I have met senior Ye Fan."

The girl looked at Ye Fan curiously and blinked, then bowed to Ye Fan cutely.

Her name is Xuanniao!
Blackbird, come on!

Mark showed a faint smile on his face, smiled and said gently.

"Senior, where should we go?"

Xuanniao tilted his head slightly and said suspiciously.

"As the totem of our race, His Majesty has built a temple for you in Chaoge. Then you can live in the temple or stay here, as long as you do not disturb the human world and destroy the order of the world."

Evan said.

"Oh, is that so? Since we are the totem of the human race, shouldn't we spread blessings and auspiciousness all over Dashang? We just need to stay in Chaoge?" Xuanniao scratched his head and said in confusion.

Ye Fan was slightly taken aback.

I have seen fishermen and lazy ones. Ye Fan has not seen this kind of people who take the initiative to take on tasks for a long time.

"You came from the Heavenly Palace. Didn't the Heavenly Palace teach you how to be a totem and have faith before you came down to earth?"

After Ye Fan motioned for Xuanniao to sit down, he said curiously.

"Ah? Is there any teaching left?"

Xuanniao carefully sat down opposite Mark and said with a blank look on his face.

Ye Fan was speechless.

He seemed to know how this stupid girl was not involved in the game between humans and immortals.

"Senior, what's your expression? We are not fools! We were just born not long ago. The Emperor of Heaven said that we are very talented. In order to train us, he asked us to be the totem of the human race."

"Because we were in such a hurry, Heaven didn't ask anyone to teach us. The information we know about totems comes from inherited memories."

Seeing Ye Fan's expression, Xuanniao wrinkled his nose and emphasized.

The gods are born from heaven and earth, and are the darlings and spirits of the great avenue.

The Immortal Clan is derived from blood, somewhat similar to the Demon Clan, but more noble than the Demon Clan.

This is the reason why many sacred races among the demon clan are also considered immortal clan.

Therefore, when a fairy is born, he will bear the mark of heaven and earth and know some basic information.

It is also commonly known as inherited memory, which goes without saying.

"Is that so."

Ye Fan seemed to be enlightened and nodded slightly.


Just born = silly and sweet.

In a hurry = I didn’t live in the fairy clan for long.

So, this is a strong person from the Immortal Clan that can be fought for?
Ye Fan understood it in his heart.

"Yeah, that's it, so if we do something wrong or don't understand something, I'll trouble Senior Ye."

Xuanniao nodded his little head and said decently. After saying that, he stood up again and solemnly bowed to Ye Fan to the end.

"Little things, little things."

Ye Fan said with a smile.

Xuanniao shuddered all over, glanced at Ye Fan suspiciously, scratched his head and muttered:

"Why does it feel weird?"

"Illusion, why is there something weird about it?"

Ye Fan shook his head.

When Xuanniao heard this, he thought it made sense and couldn't help but nodded.


Needless to say, apart from being stupid, this black bird really has nothing wrong with him.

In terms of potential, there is no shortage of black birds born from auspiciousness, blessing, etc.

Even though he was just born, his cultivation level has reached the peak of the first level, and he is only one step away from the super level.

Regarding the character of the heart, how could the character of a bird, which represents elements such as blessing, singing, praying, wishing and auspiciousness, be bad?

It can be said that she is the embodiment of beauty in the world, and she was born to bring happiness to all living beings.

This sentence is definitely more than just words.

If this were not the case, the Emperor of Heaven would not have sent over a mysterious bird that had just been born and had not even been trained.

In fact, Xuanniao is already the best choice, bar none.

Of course, substitutions are also partly due to a game of interests, which needless to say.

time flies.

Several years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Fighting Immortal Fighting Heaven is not a slogan, nor does it mean you can fight just by saying you fight.

Preparation work must be done, otherwise it will really be just a child's play.

Over the past few years, Ye Fan either met with powerful people from all walks of life in the human race, or made plans in secret, and time passed very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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