Chapter 150 A visit from a beautiful girl
In Longde Hall.

Di Xin, who was holding a court meeting, was also confused, and the expressions of the ministers below also became weird.

All the civil and military officials glanced at each other distantly, and they all couldn't help laughing.

"Preaching my will, I'm missing."

Di Xin rubbed his eyebrows and waved his hand.

The person is not good!
There is obviously a problem.


How could he be so dignified and human that he couldn't resist this temptation.

Women will only affect the speed at which he draws his sword.

As the emperor of China and the emperor of the human race, his first priority is to protect the human race and strengthen the Yanhuang clan.

As for women?

Especially after sensing that there was some causal connection between himself and Daji, Di Xin didn't want to see Daji even more.

Avoid unnecessary complications and mistakes, and the fun will be great when the time comes.

"Your Majesty, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox is of the royal bloodline of the Qingqiu Fox Clan. She wants to see you, Your Majesty. Isn't it not good if you don't see me? The Qingqiu Fox Clan has always been close to our human race. The Nvjiao Empress is still in seclusion in the Qingqiu Fox Clan. .”

A minister came out and whispered.

The beautiful lady!

She is not only the nine-tailed celestial fox of the Qingqiu Fox Clan, but also the sage of their human race and the wife of the former Emperor Dayu!

If Daji is not seen, it will not only be a loss of face for Daji, but also mean that the human race will not give face to the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

How could the Qingqiu Fox Clan survive if this word spreads out? .

Well, although the minister's words were not so clear, the meaning was implicitly expressed.

"Please think twice, Your Majesty."

"Please think twice, Your Majesty."

"Please think twice, Your Majesty."

All the ministers came out and shouted.

Di Xin was speechless.

"Huh, here's the order to announce that Daji, the nine-tailed celestial fox, has come to pay her respects."

With a cold snort, Di Xin spoke. As he spoke, Di Xin added:
"Please ask Fairy Daji to go to the imperial study. We will meet alone later."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the ministers who originally wanted to watch the show turned regretful.

Di Xin sneered when he saw this. Do you really think that I didn't see your gossipy eyes?

Want to see a joke?
ridiculous!Can I let you see it?
Outside Chaoge City.

Daji seemed to feel it, and her delicate little face suddenly became full of smiles.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor, for summoning me."

With that said, Daji bowed politely, then turned into a ray of fairy light and disappeared from the place.

In an instant, countless spiritual thoughts and spiritual power were intertwined and released, shrouding the imperial study room in the palace.

Before he even got close, the portrait of the door god outside the imperial study room exuded a majestic light.

Two door gods walked out of it and stood on both sides of the door.

More formations were launched, completely isolating the Imperial Study Room from reality.

Seeing that nothing could be seen, the expressions of the strong men and powerful men could not help but become regretful.

They all retracted their spiritual thoughts angrily.

Supervise Tiansi Zhong.

Ye Fan hummed a little tune and drank wine lazily.

The warm sunshine shone on Ye Fan, bringing a little warmth.

The rocking chair swayed slightly, and the whole scene was full of unique charm.


Ye Fan chuckled, and the void he looked at seemed to be able to graft and connect an area.

It was as if he could take in all the scenes in the Imperial Study Room at this moment.

He was watching with relish, when suddenly, he seemed to notice something.

Ye Fan's face straightened, the wine bottle in his hand disappeared, and he sat up straight. "I wonder if an expert is visiting, why don't you come out and meet him?"

Looking at the sea of ​​clouds, Ye Fan said loudly.

Buzz! ! !
Ripples appeared in the void, and before the figure arrived, there were already sounds floating over.

"I have met Lord Fan."


Ye Fan raised his eyebrows, and soon he saw a beautiful figure in court clothes and a veil appearing in front of him.

this breath
Why is he so similar to Daji?

Ye Fan stood up and said tentatively.

"It's my body. Don't you recognize me, Sir? It must be that part of the true spirit has not yet awakened. I don't know much about this. I just remember that Yu once said a few words. This is the highest secret of the human race. Coming."

The woman bowed slightly and said respectfully.

Her name is Nvjiao!
One of the Five Emperors of the Human Race, the wife of Emperor Yu!
The wife of Dayu who once moved mountains and reclaimed seas to control the water of the Yellow River and made great contributions to the human race!
"My lady, please sit down."

Ye Fan understood and invited Nvjiao to sit down.

Ye Fan was not surprised that the girl knew his identity, it was too normal.

Even Daji could know Ye Fan's identity, let alone a charming girl.

Moreover, Nujiao's period was the period of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race, and it had already reached the era of the origin of the human race.

Even if there is a layout or plan, it will definitely not escape that era, and the information known will naturally be more.

"Thank you sir."

The girl responded and sat down opposite Mark.

Speaking of which, this was Ye Fan's first time seeing Nvjiao, although he had heard of Nvjiao many times before.

But if I really want to meet him, I have never seen him before.

When it comes to the secrets of Nvjiao and Daji's seclusion, Ye Fan is not too clear about the details.

But it seems to be related to the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race in the past?

The old antiques from the three tribes, namely the Immortal Clan, the God Clan and the Demon Clan, have been falling into deep slumber because of this.

"Calculating time, I haven't seen you for thousands of years. Despite all the changes in the world, my Lord has not changed at all."

The girl sighed and said.

"Thousands of years?"

Ye Fan frowned.

Wasn't the Shang Dynasty less than 1000 years away from the Xia Dynasty?
Thinking about history, it has been revised and extended many times, and this is a world with immortals, gods, races and extraordinary races.

Ona is fine.

It's reasonable, reasonable, and reasonable. Even if it's tens of thousands of years, Ye Fan has nothing to be surprised about.

"I haven't gained that memory yet, so what I know is almost zero."

Ye Fan shook his head and said directly.

There is nothing to hide. People know very well about themselves, so there is no point in hiding it.

What's more, considering the relationship between Nvjiao and the human race, there is no need to hide it.

To be honest, the relationship between Nvjiao and the human race is closer than that between Nvjiao and the Qingqiu Fox clan.

After all, a married daughter is just water thrown out.

In terms of identity, Nujiao was first the wife of the Human Emperor of the human race, and then one of the strongest members of the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

If this were not the case, Ye Fan would not be so worried about the Qingqiu Fox Clan before. After all, it is his mother's family.

Anyone can betray the human race, but the Qingqiu Fox Clan cannot.

These have all been labeled as human beings.

Not to mention that it is impossible for the Qingqiu Fox Clan to betray, even if they really wanted to betray, Wan Clan would not believe it or accept it.

I can only feel and suspect that the Qingqiu Fox Clan is trying to play them, and it must be the human race who wants to mess with them.

The girl thought for a moment and then spoke.

"If you are free, sir, you can go to the Qingqiu Fox Clan. I don't know if I am in retreat at that time, but it doesn't matter even if I am in retreat. You can just tell the elder who is not asleep at the time that it is my order. Maybe I can give you some help."

The girl thought for a moment and then spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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