Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 154: Planning, conflicts that can be adjusted

Chapter 154: Planning, Adjustable Contradictions
"If the Gods are confident, I think the Gods should be able to work with us to control and attack the humans in front of us. After all, although the conflict between the Gods and the humans is adjustable, how can we turn this conflict into an irreconcilable one? , is what we need to think about.”

"So it can be said that we have no choice. We must unite with the provincial group. Only in this way can we win this battle."

"Because you are also very aware of Ye Fan's strength. He has the blessing of national and dragon veins."

"His strength is very tyrannical. Even if we are against him, we may not be able to be together, so they must first get rid of his people and his dragon veins as soon as possible."

"Only in this way can the fate of their human race be greatly reduced. Only by using our supreme means can we subdue the entire human race."

At this time, the Immortal Clan and Immortal Kings should have understood what the Immortal Clan and Immortal Emperor Xuanyuan in front of them meant.

After all, to them, what the Immortal Emperor Xuanyuan said was very reasonable.

Therefore, these generals all looked at the Immortal Emperor Xuanyuan in front of them.

Finally, these people said to Immortal Emperor Xuanyuan: "Let us know what we should do next, if we directly attack the human race."

"According to what you said, our winning rate is very small. But if we can't directly attack the human race."

"Once the Ren clan and the Qingqiu clan are combined, the Qingqiu clan will be very powerful."

"This will lead to more and more failure, so we have no other choice."

"We can only destroy the dragon veins in advance before they react. Only in this way do we have the right to choose."

At this time, Emperor Xuanyuan, the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Clan, also said to the Immortal King Barefoot Immortal under him:
"Now that we have decided on one person, you will lead some of our immortal soldiers to destroy the fate of the human race."

"Their human race's national destiny should be based on a Supreme Nine Cauldron. This thing is buried in a big mountain."

"Where exactly is this mountain? I don't know the exact location now, but the condition I can provide you is that there are seven-color auspicious clouds covering this Jiuding."

"This auspicious cloud is also the national destiny of the entire human race. Only after destroying this national destiny of the human race, the power of their national destiny will be greatly weakened."

All abilities will be restricted, and once such a mandarin is destroyed, it will be difficult to recover in a short period of time. This is our best opportunity to attack the human race.

When the Immortal King Barefoot Immortal heard such words spoken by the Immortal Emperor Xuanyuan in front of him, he also nodded.

After all, when faced with such a situation, the Immortal King Barefoot Immortal in front of him had no right to refuse.

Since the Immortal Emperor Xuanyuan of the Immortal Clan has asked him to do these things, it means that the Immortal Emperor Xuanyuan of the Immortal Clan is [-]% sure.

At this time, the Immortal King Barefoot Immortal also nodded.

Finally, the Immortal King Barefoot Immortal said to the Immortal Clan Immortal Emperor Xuanyuan in front of him.

The war between us and the human race is about to begin, so we'd better keep all the useful people by your side, so that you can coordinate more easily.

After finishing what he just said, the Immortal Emperor Xuanyuan in front of him also nodded and said.

It’s up to you to do this. Only you can do it well.

Moreover, our preparations for the war with the human race have not yet been completed, so we must leave this matter to you before we can rest assured.

At this time, the Immortal King Barefoot Immortal also nodded, and then said to the Immortal Clan Immortal Emperor Xuanyuan Emperor.

Since it has been handed over to me today, you can rest assured.

I will definitely find the place where they meet, and then destroy the king of the human race.

After saying this just now, the Immortal Clan Immortal Emperor Xuanyuan Emperor in front of him nodded.Finally, Emperor Xuanyuan, the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Clan, said to the other person in front of him, "Then I will hand over the human dragon vein to you."

The human dragon veins are particularly easy to find. As long as you destroy the mountain where the dragon veins are located, their dragon veins will naturally be destroyed.

Once the dragon vein is destroyed, all the aura they have accumulated will be used to cast four or three points.

At that time, you can bring me the dragon vein energy emanating from them.

In this way, we can reduce the loss of all combat power of our fairy clan.

These words were just spoken, and after they were said, the people in front of them nodded.

Then, the Immortal King Barefoot Immortal set out with all the generals under his command.

At this time, a general asked the Immortal King Barefoot Immortal in front of him.

The human race is so big, where should we look for the colorful auspicious clouds of the human race.

And I just took a look and didn’t find any place with colorful auspicious clouds.

Could it be that there were any errors in our intelligence?

And if we can't complete the task in time, I'm afraid we will be punished after we go back.

I had just finished saying this, and the Immortal King Barefoot Immortal in front of me really had to digest it.

He said to the people under him, if the destiny of the human race is so easy to find, how come we have been banned for such a long time and have not found the place where their national destiny is located.

I only know that they condensed the national destiny of the human race and the dragon veins.

When facing this kind of unmanned mission, one must be very careful.

After the school beauty cup said these words at this time.

When the battle was intensified, the people below waved their hands and walked forward directly again.

However, at this time, Ye Fan still didn't know the actions of the immortal clan.

The wedding ceremony in front of me was completely completed.

At this time, Shao Siming found Ye Fan, and Shao Siming said to Ye Fan:

"Besides, I think with your intelligence, you should be able to guess what I am here for."

At this time, Ye Fan also nodded.

He said to Siming, the God Clan young man in front of him.

"Although I have some speculations, I should not confirm my own speculations, because my own speculations are bound to be speculations."

"So let's have a frank and honest talk."

At this time, the young Siming of the God Clan also said to Ye Fan in front of him:
"Since you already have a close guess in your mind, let me explain my purpose. We all know that the relationship between humans and gods has become worse and worse since that incident, but we The contradiction between them can actually be adjusted.”

(End of this chapter)

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