I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 221 Yongzheng asks for advice

Chapter 221 Yongzheng asks for advice
Beijing City.

Qianqing Palace.

"It really makes no sense!"

Emperor Yongzheng suddenly threw the urgent memorial in his hand at His Highness.

Below, the ministers knelt down, their heads buried low, and they did not dare to make a sound.

This time, not only Yunxiang, Ma Qi, and Zhang Tingyu were present.

Song Zhu and Xiao Yongzao, the Manchu and Han scholars of Wenhua Palace, Wang Xuling, who was also a bachelor of Wuying Palace (Han Dynasty) with Ma Qi, and even Wang Guan, a newly reinstated bachelor of Wenyuan Pavilion, also came.

If Wang Tuan is serious, he can be regarded as a deposed princeling.

In order to show his generosity, Yongzheng not only did not expel him, but recalled him to the central government and restored him to his original position. Even his son, who was assigned to his father on behalf of his father, planned to find an excuse to pardon him.

The cabinet's bachelors, two ministers who discussed government affairs, and Zhang Tingyu, who was highly regarded by Yongzheng, were all present, which showed that this matter was no small matter.

Yes, it is indeed not small.

The urgent memorial thrown down by Yongzheng in anger came from Nanjing.

What is written is nothing else. It was the Ming Dynasty that gave Kangxi the posthumous title, changing the title of Emperor Shengzuren from Yongzheng to Emperor Zhaozong Shun.

Zhaozong, the king of the subjugated country, was submissive and respectful.

Submissive to whom?

Naturally, he was respectful to the Ming Dynasty, just like Emperor Yuan Shun of the past.

In this way, Yongzheng's anger was not without reason.

Because this was not only insulting Kangxi, but also implicated him.

Moreover, officials in the Propaganda Department of the Ming Dynasty, especially Wang Jingqi, took matters into their own hands and wrote articles criticizing Yongzheng and the pseudo-Qing emperor above them for being worthy of capturing the barbarians, and even dared to use the title of Holy Ancestor.

"This fake Ming Dynasty Zhu Ni has simply insulted our Qing Dynasty..." Yongzheng was still angry.

No one in your highness dared to speak, even Zhang Tingyu, who always prided himself on being resourceful and resourceful, did not dare to say a word at this moment.

There is no other way. A bad idea was just made to increase the number of factions, which led to rebellions in the four provinces of Shanhe and Shanhe. They have not yet been wiped out.

Fortunately, Yongzheng did not punish him. Even Zhang Tingyu's younger brother, Zhang Tinglu, had just left Nanshufang as a lecturer half a month ago and was transferred to Henan to work as an academic administrator.

This is not a transfer away from the center, but enough time has been spent outside, and the official position is satisfactory.

Zhang Tingyu is so smart, but he still doesn't know Yongzheng's intentions.

No wonder Emperor Kangxi would choose Yongzheng to succeed him. He was so tolerant and kind, and he was indeed a wise king.

Even the special trip to get angry during this cabinet meeting was probably planned.

After all, when Yong Zheng really wanted to discuss important matters, he would only call the three of them.

The presence of everyone present now not only shows that the situation is serious, but also a deliberate statement of stance.

After being angry for a while, Yongzheng felt that the heat was almost over. He calmed down a little and asked: "Zhu Ni, the fake Ming Dynasty, secretly had an evil posthumous title with me, Emperor Sheng Zuren of the Qing Dynasty. What do you think should be done?"

"The Lord has humiliated his ministers to death, and the late emperor's mausoleum is not in peace. The southern thieves have bullied our Qing Dynasty in this way. We should immediately send out troops to bring peace."

You don't need to ask to know that the person speaking is Wang Guan, a bachelor who has just been reinstated.

This is really a scar that has not healed, so I forgot about the pain.

The people present, except for Wang Tuan, a bachelor who was too upright and even a little stupid, the others were all smart people, and they didn't understand Yongzheng's intention.

Academician Song Zhu hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you can't. Now all the armies are busy suppressing thieves in each government, and they really can't spare the troops to suppress the thieves."

After Wang Xuling heard this, he also said: "It's already half of September, and it will snow in about a month. It will take more than a month for the army to mobilize and gather troops. By then, the march will be difficult, and at least we will have to wait until the snow melts in the next spring."

Ma Qi also spoke at this time and said: "Not a penny of food from Shandong, Henan, and Shanxi has been transported to Zhili. The three provinces are at war with each other and there are many refugees. They are in urgent need of relief. We really can't spare any money and food to support the army. Please ask the emperor." Think twice!”

"Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

The rest who didn't speak were all shouting.

Wang Juan seemed to also react and knelt down.

You were the one who clamored to send troops just now, and now you are the one who is thinking twice. You really have a flexible bottom line!
After hearing this, Yong Zheng's face was full of pain: "Is there really no other way?"

After saying that, he looked at Zhang Tingyu and asked, "Do you have any clever ideas?"

Zhang Tingyu understood this and knew that this was giving him an opportunity, and said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. The southern thieves are no more than grasshoppers after autumn. I just wait for the Emperor to wipe out the northern thieves. When spring comes next year, the autumn wind will surely go south to sweep away the fallen leaves. By then, Zhu will be captured alive. This is a spiritual sacrifice to comfort the Holy Ancestor Emperor."

Yong Zheng was silent for a moment, and finally let out a long sigh: "Alas... I just wish I couldn't kill the Nan bandits for Ama right away. My heart aches!"

"Your Majesty is respectful, benevolent and filial, which is really a blessing to our Qing Dynasty!" Ma Qi immediately knelt down with tears in his eyes.

At this time, Zhang Tingyu suddenly said: "Your Majesty, maybe you can recruit Zhu Ni from the false Ming Dynasty."


Yong Zheng, who should have sternly refused, only frowned slightly and did not rebuke.

The other few people also didn't speak. They were all smart people and no one knew what anyone was thinking.

It is said to be appeasement, but in fact it is to make peace, or to stabilize the rebels in the name of peace.

Xiao Yongzao said: "I think what Zhang Shilang said is reasonable. Since we are sending out troops in the spring, there is no harm in recruiting a few people. Even if it is ineffective, we can temporarily stabilize Zhu Ni and prevent him from going north." Ma Qi nodded and said: "Qi Your Majesty, my servants have also heard that there are thieves from the puppet Yue King Lin in Guangdong who may be able to win over. They were originally under the command of Zhu Ni, but now they have rebelled against the puppet Ming Dynasty and established a separate regime. All we need to do is to allow them to do the old things of the three vassals and control Fujian and Guangdong forever. Even if it doesn't work, I The Qing Dynasty also suffered no losses."

"We can also give orders to Huguang. When the three armies advance, even the false Ming Zhu Ni, who has the power to reach the sky, will be reduced to ashes."


Several of His Highnesses made suggestions one after another, and even Wang Yunxiang, whose main role was to balance the political affairs, also made some suggestions.

These people don't know yet that Lin Jun has sent troops to kill Guangxi, but it doesn't matter if they know. Even Nanjing has been lost. Guangxi is a remote area and the people are poor. At worst, they can fight back slowly later.

Even in the past when Li Dingguo became king and Wu Sangui was in trouble, the Qing Dynasty had not thought of abandoning the three southwest provinces.

However, in the past, Hong Chengchou tried his best to overcome all opinions, and later, Kangxi killed Wu Yingxiong in front of the battle line to stabilize people's hearts.


Yongzheng listened to the suggestions from his highnesses and said without comment: "Let this matter be left to the Qing family to handle!"

If it succeeds, Zhu Ni can be temporarily paralyzed. If it fails, it will not succeed.

No loss left or right.

After discussing the matter, Yongzheng's goal was achieved, and he made a plan with Ma Qi and Zhang Tingyu.

Currently, the new governors Zhang Wenhuan and Jiang Tingxi are suppressing bandits in Huaibei.

Zhang Wenhuan is worthy of being a military general who has served as governor. Even though he is older now, he is still going strong.

With the help of his deputy Jiang Tingxi in charge of logistics, Hou Tang, the Bagua cult bandit who was traveling in Huaibei, met his end in an instant.

In a few days, Zhang Wenhuan first conquered and reorganized the remaining troops of Jiangbei Green Camp and Caobiao that had been defeated by the Huainan Ming Army.Then, with only a few thousand troops under their command who were defeated yesterday, Hou Tang and the Bagua Cult were stunned and fled.

Zhang Wenhuan even used some tricks. In the early stage of the battle, he almost concentrated his superior forces to attack Hou Tang's weak points. Later, relying on the confidence built up by continuous victories, he suddenly changed his style of play and launched a surprise attack after the wave.

In the battle of Xuzhou, Hou Tang was caught off guard and was defeated like a mountain.

If this guy hadn't run fast enough, he might have been captured alive and sent to Lingchi in Beijing.

In the two provinces of Shandong and Henan, Jueluo Manbao led the Eight Banners of Zhili to fight steadily and not to be greedy for success.

Relying purely on hard power, the Bagua sect in Henan and Shandong was defeated successively.The leader Gao Wenlong and Wang Rongqing were escorted to Lingchi in Beijing a month ago, and their clan was also wiped out.

The head is hung neatly on the wall of Beijing, almost drying.

Tian Wenjing, the chief envoy of Henan, was promoted to governor of Henan due to his merits. Although there were still remaining bandits in the two provinces, Yongzheng had nothing to do with them.

Because there is not enough food, we can only let the local governments carry out the suppression on their own, and rush to plant winter wheat and organize the restoration of people's livelihood.

Thirty thousand border troops and Sauron soldiers from the northwest and Shengjing were sent to Shanxi to give priority to the Han Dynasty King Liu Ruhan.

Should we say whether Liu Ruhan is lucky or bad?
Fortunately, he was just a rebel from the Bagua Cult, and he was able to get the famous Sauron soldiers to suppress him.

Bad luck...hehe.

His Highness is still discussing politics.

"Your Majesty, I would like to participate in the performance of Longkodo, the governor of Jiangnan, and Nian Gengyao, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu."

Wang Juan suddenly said: "Long Keduo was afraid of the enemy and fought too hard, causing the five provinces south of the Yangtze River to fall into the hands of thieves. His crime should be punished!"

"Nian Gengyao privately killed the imperial grain officer without submitting an order from the imperial court. He should be dismissed from his post and handed over to the imperial court for investigation!"

This Wang Tuan, he really doesn’t want to pick up any of the pots!

No matter Longkodo or Nian Gengyao, they can be provoked at will. Even the emperor has to rely on the two of them for the time being. If you run out and kill one by one, are you dreaming?

Ma Qi hurriedly came out to smooth things over and said: "Your Majesty, although Longkodo, the governor of Jiangnan, is suspected of losing his city and his land, looking at the report from the front line, we can see that this was not a fault of war. The current situation is difficult, if the imperial court kills the frontline governor , may cause unnecessary confusion."

"You can order Longko to pay his dues and perform meritorious service, and reorganize the armaments on the spot in Huguang. When the snow melts in the spring of next year, Zhu Ni can be defeated in one fell swoop."

As he spoke, he pursed his lips and continued: "As for Nian Gengyao, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, he killed the court grain officer without the court's order. Although the evidence of his crime was conclusive, the reason was to appease people's hearts. The situation in the northwest is serious now. , there is insufficient military rations on the front line, and we must not change generals before the battle, I will reprimand him immediately."

This series of words can be said to be reasonable and well-founded.

Even Wang Tuan, the impeachment troublemaker, thinks there is some truth to it.

Long Keduo and Nian Gengyao had such serious crimes, one was suspected of losing their land, and the other was in a serious situation, even if they were avoided.

It is said that he is guilty of meritorious service and issued an edict to reprimand, but it is just to silence the public.

Of course, the decree to rebuke must be a real edict to rebuke, but this is only what everyone can see.

When Yongzheng turned around, he still had to polish two more private letters in his own hand, and rushed them to Northwest and Huguang for [-] miles to give Longkoduo and Nian Gengyao a lot of comfort and rewards, commonly known as flattery.

"...Since this is the case, this is the only way."

Yong Zheng's face changed back and forth several times, as if suppressing his anger, and finally nodded.

No, he was really suppressing his anger, and he did what he should do, but being angry was also really angry.

That's all for Longkodo. He just lost the city and the territory. The worst thing is that the rebels are defeated and the political situation is stabilized.

But this Nian Gengyao, who ruled the northwest by himself and was the in-law of the Qing Emperor, was so domineering and openly challenged his authority.

This made Yongzheng feel quite angry.

(End of this chapter)

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