Chapter 316 The outbreak of war
Eight thousand Sauron's cavalry were routed.

Yongzheng didn't know, and even if he knew, he wouldn't believe it.

After all, these were eight thousand Sauron soldiers. Even though the Sauron soldiers were not as famous as they were in the middle and late Manchu Qing dynasties, their bravery was far superior to the ordinary Eight Banners troops.

How could it be possible to lose like this? It was almost a crushing defeat.

The eight thousand Sauron cavalry did not even touch the skin of the Ming army, and they suffered heavy losses.

Except for those who were directly killed by explosive bombs, most of them were thrown off by the crazy horses during the cavalry rout, and then trampled to death by the horses.

However, these Sauron soldiers are indeed brave enough.

Although they collapsed, they did not retreat, and many even thought of launching a counterattack.

But this is useless. Although the wall charge has strong limitations, it is completely unsolvable for inexperienced cavalry.

Moreover, the infantry of the Ming army were not just watching the show from behind.

Seeing his own cavalry fighting with the enemy's cavalry, Yang Gong immediately drew his sword and shouted: "Give me my order, all the heavy infantry will come forward, with half-armor in the middle, and musketeers and grenadiers behind!"

"The whole army charges with me! Kill the Tatars!"

Deputy General Wang Zongtan also drew his sword and ordered: "Kill! Kill the Tatars!"

"Kill the Tartars!"

The [-] Ming army infantry phalanx howled and launched a three-sided charge towards the defeated Sauron cavalry.

"This... what kind of ghost soldier is this?" Many Sauron cavalry were shocked.

In their eyes, the frontal charging Ming infantry was completely an "iron man" legion.

The whole body is covered tightly with plate armor, and there is absolutely no place where a knife can be struck.

The Ming army copied the stupid method used by the Southern Song Dynasty to deal with the Jinren Iron Buddha Tu.

Use heavy infantry directly against heavy cavalry.

Moreover, the effect was outstanding. The Iron Buddha of the Jin people was completely helpless against the heavy infantry of the Southern Song Dynasty.

The only drawback is that fighting this way often leads to no results.

If the Jin's heavy cavalry could not overwhelm the Southern Song's heavy infantry, they could retreat at any time. However, most of the Southern Song's heavy infantry were difficult to pursue due to their heavy armor.

The remaining Sauron cavalry on the battlefield had long been dispersed by the wall charge. At this time, they were surrounded by the Ming army's formation on three sides and had no way of escaping.

However, these Sauron cavalry who lost the command of their general did not think of escaping. Some of them decisively attacked the encircling Ming army's heavy infantry phalanx.

This distance is actually no longer enough for the war horses to speed up, and most of their war horses are already tired, making it difficult to speed up a second time.

The remaining Sauron cavalry all moved closer to the Ming cavalry on the battlefield, hoping to engage in a close battle.

The Ming cavalry generals were not stupid. It was okay for their own cavalry to launch a wall charge, but there was a high probability that they would not be able to defeat the Manchu elite cavalry in close combat.

"The whole army retreats!"

A thousand Ming army cavalry quickly retreated to their own army formation. With their physical strength, they really managed to get rid of the pursuing Sauron cavalry.

After returning to their own military formation, the Ming army's cavalry general ordered again: "Everyone dismount and raise their guns!"

Qian Mingqi dismounted quickly, raised his gun, and finished in one go.

"Aim! Shoot!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Three sections of shooting are directly filled up.

A thousand flintlock guns were fired. The pursuing Sauron cavalry had no idea that the Ming cavalry would dismount and fire their guns, so naturally they could not react.

The pursuing Sauron cavalry fell instantly. Although they were all wearing cotton armor, even the cotton armor could not stop the flintlock rifles.

Even if they were lucky enough not to be hit by the bullets, the horses would be driven crazy by the three-stage volley of guns, and they would run into friendly cavalry out of control.

The famous Sauron cavalry was beaten to death by the Ming army's dragoons.

Strictly speaking, these cavalrymen of the Ming Army are indeed considered dragoons. They can launch a wall charge when mounted, and they can quickly turn into fire rifles when dismounted.Even if you give him a little more time, you can still shoot with a fire gun even on horseback.

The bravery and fearlessness of Sauron's cavalry ruined these eight thousand elite cavalry.

After a while, the battle was over.

Eight thousand Sauron cavalry were completely wiped out by [-] Ming troops. The actual casualties paid by the Ming army were less than one-tenth of Sauron's cavalry.

Yang Gong did not engage in direct combat with these cavalry for almost the entire process. Even if he did, he would let the heavy infantry and rattan soldiers support them in the front, while the gunmen, grenadiers, and artillery battalions provided support from behind.

In such coordinated operations, not to mention the eight thousand Sauron cavalry, even the [-] Sauron fine cavalry, Yang Gong would dare to touch.

In this battle, the Ming army gained a lot. Although they did not capture many prisoners of war, they obtained a large number of cotton-padded armor weapons.

The most important thing is that the Ming army directly captured about [-] high-quality war horses.

Even if these war horses are gelded, they are still good for expanding the size of the dragoons.

It's a pity that [-] war horses were either killed or seriously injured.

The Ming army did not have enough veterinarians with the army, so they could only treat them as much as possible. How much they survived in the end depended on luck.

Staff officer Huang Jizhong watched the soldiers of the First Army clean up the battlefield: "General, these cavalry fighting our army do not seem to be the pseudo-Qing cavalry our army encountered in the previous battle of Huai River?

Deputy General Wang Zongtan also echoed: "What Staff Huang said is reasonable. The so-called pseudo-Qing northwest elite cavalry that we encountered in Huai River would surrender when they saw our army. But these pseudo-Qing cavalry would rather die in battle than to No one begged to surrender."

After hearing this, Yang Gong really didn't take it seriously: "What's the point? If you don't have the backbone to be strong, you're just going to die!"

After that, he gave another order: "Give me the order and immediately select a group of soldiers who can ride horses from each town, with gunmen and grenadiers being given priority. The rest can also be used. It does not require superb riding skills, as long as they can ride horses."

Wang Zongtan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he understood the meaning instantly and accepted the order: "The last general has received the order!"

Huang Jizhong obviously heard what Yang Gong was going to do, but he remained silent for a moment and still did not speak.


Kaifeng House.

Yongzheng personally led an army of 15 people across the river from Yangwu County (Yuanyang) and entered Kaifeng Prefecture.

Tian Wenjing, the governor of Henan, brought Sun Lanfen, the prefect of Kaifeng, and other officials out of the city to greet him.

Historically, this Sun Lanfen was appointed as the magistrate of Kaifeng Prefecture by the Guangxi Silangzhong of the Ministry of Household Affairs, so he immediately wrote the fold and said: "I will write the fold today to express my gratitude to God."

Yongzheng Zhu Pi: "Come and ask for instructions."

From then on, the Yongzheng Dynasty began to ask for advice.

It is said that there is another famous snack in Kaifeng that is also related to the Kaifeng prefect.

After entering the city, Yong Zheng first comforted and encouraged Tian Wenjing, and Tian Wenjing was indeed worthy of his comfort.

After all, as a former minister of Yongzheng's late residence, Yongzheng was thrown into the mess of Henan as soon as he ascended the throne, and he struggled for almost two years.

Tian Wenjing is nearly seventy years old, and it seems very difficult to survive until now.

After appeasing Tian Wenjing and other Kaifeng officials, Yongzheng immediately made a statement: "In this battle, I will definitely fight against the barbarians to destroy the false Ming Dynasty and Zhu Ni, and return a prosperous world to our people in the Qing Dynasty!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Tian Wenjing took the lead in shouting long live the mountain.

Then a group of civil servants and generals followed Shan Hu.

Yongzheng's 15 troops arrived in Kaifeng, and the whole of Kaifeng was instantly shaken.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, countless young and healthy people were forcibly recruited as civilian husbands, and the landlords' cattle and donkeys were also donated to the army for free to carry grain, grass and baggage for the army.

All those who dissatisfied were killed without mercy, and the gentry and common people in Kaifeng Mansion were filled with complaints.

But facing the arrival of the 15 Manchu and Qing troops, they had no chance to rebel.

Yongzheng was never a benevolent emperor, he was just a qualified emperor, and all his policies were only to maintain his rule.

With the big moves in Kaifeng Mansion, it is naturally impossible for Zhu Yijiong of Guide Mansion not to know about it.

The war is about to break out.

(End of this chapter)

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