Chapter 365 Taiwan Mansion

It is gold that shines wherever it is.

This sentence is absolutely correct. The imperial examinations of the Ming Dynasty and the New Dynasty specifically included calendar questions.

It is no longer the Mingshu subject listed separately before, but compulsory questions, directly accounting for [-]%.

This change can be said to be quite fatal for traditional scholars.

But what Zhu Yijiong wanted was to force these scholars to learn calendar calculation, accept new knowledge, and not be trapped within the framework of the eight-legged essay.

Moreover, Zhu Yijiong did not directly ban the stereotyped articles, but still left a six-point ratio, which is already a great honor.

Of course Liu Tongxun won. Although he was not Jieyuan, he was still third on the list.

Long before the Ming army entered Shandong, Liu Tongxun was already deliberately studying and understanding calendar books.Not only calendar calculations, but also various overseas maps and records, all comers are welcome.

Opportunities are for those who are prepared.

Gao Fenghan also passed. Although he was ranked second from the bottom, he actually passed the exam.

The reason for this is that Gao Fenghan has become obsessed with the imperial examination.Therefore, after confirming that there was no talent for eight-part essay, he decisively went to study calendar calculation and prepared to take the Ming Dynasty arithmetic exam.

Gao Fenghan was right when he said it before. This year, the Mingshu section of the Imperial Examination will be merged into the Jinshi section.For these candidates with bad eight-legged writing, it was indeed a big advantage.

Moreover, Gao Fenghan's bad eight-part essay does not mean that his literary attainments are not good.

This man became good friends with Zheng Banqiao and others by virtue of his literary attainments. He received support from Zheng Banqiao and others during his lifetime, and after his death, Zheng Banqiao personally inscribed his tombstone.

Historically, in the first year of Qianlong's reign, local officials recommended Gao Fenghan to take the exam in Boxue Hongci (Hongli, Qianlong's Hongli). This was an official responsible for drafting and polishing imperial edicts for the emperor.

Because the standard literature of the eight-legged essay ruins the Chinese language level of the candidates.

The key lies in Gao Fenghan's good calligraphy. When Jinan Prefecture examiners saw his paper, they couldn't help but admire: "What a good calligraphy! Whose paper is this?"

That is to say, I asked casually. Although the Ming Dynasty and the New Dynasty canceled the transcription and recording (that is, having the candidates' test papers re-copied to prevent the handwriting from being recognized by the examiner), the names were still obscured.

Anonymous names and transcripts are common methods to prevent cheating in scientific examinations, and they are also the last resort.

However, once these two anti-fraud methods appeared, they attracted a lot of criticism.

More famously, Gu Yanwu believed that anonymity and transcription allowed examiners to judge candidates through only one article, while ignoring the candidates' personal moral character. The candidates selected may not be the talents expected by the public.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Liu Kunyi and Zhang Zhidong also advocated the abolition of transcription, believing that it was harmful to the collection of materials but beneficial to preventing fraud.

Moreover, during the transcription process, there were errors, corruption, cheating, and alterations, especially in large provinces. The examiner could not identify each of the tens of thousands of volumes of handwriting.If you want to cheat, you can still hide it in the words, so preventing cheating is not really here.

The examiners of the rural examinations in the Ming Dynasty and the New Dynasty were all subordinates of the central government, so naturally they could not recognize the candidates' handwriting.

Gao Fenghan failed the exam several times in the Qing Dynasty and was finally recommended to become an official.He was also thrown into prison due to official struggles, and he barely managed to save his life after dissipating all his family wealth.

But I didn't expect that in the Ming Dynasty, I would actually get it.

Seeing his name on the list, even though it was No. 2 from the bottom, Gao Fenghan couldn't help but burst into tears.

Liu Tongxun stepped forward and said with a smile: "Brother Gao, why are you crying with such joy? Come, you and I will find a restaurant together so we can get drunk."

After that, he added: "My little brother is treating me."

Although the difference in ranking between the two is not 01:30 points, Liu Tongxun will not underestimate anyone in the same class, and even if he does, he will not show it.

In the Ming and Qing rural examinations, an average of about 100 people were admitted per province, and in remote and poor provinces, such as Guizhou, there were even less than 50 people.

With such a small number of people, every candidate who passed the exam was considered to be the best among the people, excluding those who had connections in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Gao Fenghan and Liu Tongxun were not just two people. They also invited more than ten people, all of whom were top students in the same subject, so they found a restaurant to drink and celebrate, and by the way, they hooked up.

Official connections are often established at this time. No matter how many people successfully enter the officialdom, there is no harm in doing so.

Some rejoice, others weep.

Many of the people who cried were fake intellectuals and gentry who had their academic titles revoked.

This is really not Zhu Yijiong's deliberate suppression of these people. He also thought about suppressing them, but what Zhu Yijiong suppressed was all about ideas.

However, these people do not believe in evil, are not willing to count their academic qualifications, and even have resentments against the new government and new policies.

...Jianwu three years, Yangchun March.

The Ming army officially sent troops to attack Luzon.

The commander leading the expedition this time was Liu Sheng, the general who had recaptured Ryukyu last time. The Taiwan Front Army dispatched 3000 troops, Qiongzhou Prefecture also supported [-] troops, and the Army Division dispatched a total of [-] troops.

The Nan'ao Navy and the Penghu Navy jointly dispatched more than [-] warships and dozens of grain transport ships to accompany the expedition.

Most of these grain transport ships were seconded by maritime merchants. They also hoped that the army could go out as soon as possible to capture Luzon Island and drive away the Spaniards.

These maritime merchants donated a lot of food and salary to the court this time. After conquering Luzon, the court will also determine the market share of Luzon in the next few years based on the amount of money these merchants contribute, that is, commercial enclosure.

In other words, Zhu Yijiong's court sold part of its monopoly rights to merchants.

Don't think monopoly is a bad thing. After all, Luzon is an overseas land. Including Luzon, there are only ten thousand Chinese people in the entire Philippines, and most of them are indigenous, mixed-race, and European colonial merchants.

If we want to quickly digest Luzon, it is inevitable to use monopoly to attract Chinese businessmen to settle in.

And this is only the early stage. When a large number of lower-class people immigrate, conflicts will definitely break out with the local indigenous people.

Colonial wars can never be separated from blood.

Such as Thanksgiving, giving thanks to the Indians for their land and...

The Luzon army set off for the expedition and stopped for supplies in Pingtung County, Taiwan Prefecture, where they established a grain road transfer station.

Pingtung County is Xiatsui, named after Pingshan to the east and Fengshan County (Kaohsiung) to the west.

People in Pingtung County are very happy because they can make money.Civilians were required to transport food to and from the army, and they could also sell Taiwanese specialties to the army and crew members.

Today's Taiwan Prefecture is very different from when Zhu Yijiong started his army. Pingtung County was added to the south, and Ahou City was expanded into the county seat.

To the north, Changhua County was added to the north of Zhuluo County, and the county seat had already been built.Local people mainly cut camphor wood for the imperial court and boiled camphor.

The naturalized Fan societies in western Taipei have gradually relaxed their interactions with the Han people under government policies.

Because the government promised that they could also go to Taitung to cultivate land.Moreover, the government of the new dynasty did not allow slaves to exist. When these naturalized Fan people were freed, they were naturally willing to fight for the government.

With the guidance of these naturalized people on how to deal with the headhunters in the mountains, Taiwan Mansion's conquest of Taitung went very smoothly.

Those headhunters have been beaten so far by the people in Taiwan that they dare not take the lead. Only occasionally tribes come down from the mountains to attack the villages established by the people who colonized the land.

However, these villages participating in the reclamation are basically integrated with farming and fighting.

The tribes that descended from the mountain to attack either stayed with their entire clan or fled in panic.

Unless the large tribes hiding in the mountains send out large-scale troops to attack, but if that happens, the government troops will also be dispatched, and several nearby villages will not sit idly by.

This is not only dangerous for farming, so those villages often join forces.

Moreover, not all of these headhunters were killed. Many captives were directly turned into serfs to help the people of these villages farm the land.

The government did not allow slaves, but it did not say that tenants could not be used.

Moreover, those headhunters are not Han people, not even young people, they are just a bunch of strangers, and the government will not care about the human rights of these people.

Strictly speaking, this is a loophole in the court's laws, but as the saying goes, officials will not be punished if they are not punished by the people.

You know, it is difficult for these native Taitung natives to integrate into Chinese culture. Even the naturalized natives are afraid of these savages who have nothing to do but cut off their heads for fun.

The issue of Taitung's unrest also troubled the Manchus for 300 years. It was not until the Japanese came and used machine guns and artillery that it finally stopped.

As soon as the new Taiwan magistrate came to power, he planned to build another county to the north, tentatively named Taipei County.

The county seat was placed in Tamsui Hall (Hsinchu), just north of Houlong and Maolishe (Miaoli), in order to connect the chicken coop with the entire Taiwan Prefecture.

At this stage, there is still an army here in Taiwan stationed in Jilong (Keelung), and it is too inconvenient to go back and forth.

However, this is definitely not possible in the short term. At least we have to wait for a year or two for Changhua County to develop and the population to increase before moving north.

Moreover, if Taipei County is established, the government of Taiwan Prefecture will also have to be moved, at least to Zhuluo County, otherwise the distance will be too far.

Changhua is quite far away now.

 Found a BUG, ​​but forget it, no one noticed it, just pretend it didn't happen, it doesn't have much impact
(End of this chapter)

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