Chapter 379

It was more than two months later that Zhu Yijiong received the report of the case.

The disaster relief had just ended.

Moreover, this is only the preliminary interrogation result. The Metropolitan Procuratorate, Criminal Ministry, Dali Temple, Jinyiwei, and Privy Council have all sent people to arrest the person.

Yes, just arrest people.

Because Li Fu turned the entire Jiangxi officialdom upside down just by relying on the manpower on hand.

Then, before Huang Dian received the imperial edict, he took off his armor and returned to Beijing to report on his duties.

Zheng Dingrui and Lu Feng are on the front line, and Lu Feng is starting a war with southern Hunan and has to cooperate with the two lakes' defense lines.

Not only could I not walk away, I was almost confused.

what's the situation?
There are dense clouds over Nanjing, and it is a good time for rainy weather.

The officials of the Ming Dynasty were all nervous, not because they were too busy at work, but because this case was too big.

This is only a few years after the founding of the Ming Dynasty!
Everyone could feel the emperor's wrath, and even God began to become clouded, like the calm before the storm.

"Jiangxi is rotten. Not only Jiangxi is rotten, but the two lakes are rotten as well."

Zhu Yijiong was not in the imperial study, but in the imperial garden of the harem.Just holding a handful of fish food in his hand, he looked at the various fishes under the pond fighting for the little fish food that was scattered: "I knew that sooner or later it would rot, but I didn't expect it to rot like this." Quick, so thorough. Pei Haicheng, I remember that he is a filial son with good abilities... Am I too harsh on the officials, or is the New Deal really a harsh rule? "

Wu Wai cupped his hands and said, "This is not harsh treatment. With your Majesty's new policy, the people have found a way to live. They all praise our emperor for his sage. It's just that people are too greedy and can't accept it."

Although the salary of the Ming Dynasty was not as exaggerated as that of the Qianlong period, "three years of Qingzhi County, one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver", it was at least twice as high as that of the Manchu Qing Dynasty before the Ming Dynasty and Zhu Yijiong launched their troops.

And this is just because the finances are not abundant. When fiscal revenue continues to grow, official salaries will definitely increase.

Not only are official salaries going to be increased, but the royal family's internal treasury is also going to be increased, and this is all provided to the officials in advance.

Although the Yonglianyin system established by Yongzheng soon became rotten, this does not mean that there is something wrong with the system.

If everyone follows Zhu's example and does not give officials a salary increase and cannot even maintain basic decency (living), then it would be abnormal for officials not to be corrupt but to rebel.

Zhu Yijiong sighed: "Yes! These fish just want a little fish food, and they dare not be afraid of strangers and come forward to rob them."

After saying that, he paused for a moment and scattered all the fish food in his hand. The fish in the pond started to grab more happily.It caused the water in the pond to tumble, and some fish couldn't catch it, and were even squeezed out of the water.

"Scoop up."

Immediately, a palace maid scooped up a carp with a net. The technique was very skillful. The back of the carp was black and white, which was really beautiful.

Zhu Yijiong looked at it for a moment and then felt bored: "What a pity."

After saying that, he waved his hand and the black-backed carp was released again.

Zhu Yijiong asked: "Has Pei Haicheng come to Beijing?"

Wu Wai said: "I arrived in Beijing a month ago."

Zhu Yijiong was silent for a moment and said, "Let him confess on his own initiative! I can give him some dignity."

This is not in compliance with the procedural regulations. As the commander of the Jinyi Guards, Wu Wai certainly cannot be involved in the major case of the Sanfa Division. At most, he can only send people to assist in arresting and collecting evidence.

However, it is now an order from the emperor, and it is obviously for Wu Wai to speak privately.

Then there is no need to be too particular.

Wu Wai immediately accepted the order and resigned.

After a while, Zhang Ashan, the commander of the imperial camp, came in and reported respectfully: "Your Majesty, General Huang Dian is here to greet you outside the palace gate!"

Zhu Yijiong didn't look back and said, "No, let him reflect on it. If he really doesn't understand, there is no need to go back to Jiangxi."

Zhu Yijiong's tone was very calm, but it still made Zhang Ashan's heart tremble, and he didn't even dare to look up at the emperor's back.

After feeding the fish by the pond for a while, Zhu Yijiong felt bored, got up, left the imperial garden, and went straight to the queen's palace.

Wu Alan didn't know that the emperor was suddenly coming, so he quickly stepped forward to greet him.

Wu Alan was very smart. From the emperor's silence when he came, he could tell that the emperor seemed to have something on his mind, and he also didn't do anything unnecessary.

"Stay with me for a while." Zhu Yijiong said.

Wu Alan took off his shirt and sat forward. There was a soft couch in the yard, which could be used to sit on or lie down to take a nap.

As for Zhu Yijiong's eldest prince, Zhu Boqi, he has been sent away from the queen and given to the nanny in the palace to raise him.

This is an ancient Tianjia tradition. The main purpose is to alienate the relationship between the concubine and the prince, and to prevent relatives from interfering in politics and causing the harem to harm the country.

Zhu Yijiong's heart is getting harder and harder. Although he still has feelings for the queen and the others, he no longer rejects her as a political vassal.

After lying down for a while, Wu Alan advised softly: "If your Majesty is too tired, you should go inside and rest! It seems to be raining outside."

"Yeah." Zhu Yijiong responded, but made no move.The maids had already gone to prepare umbrellas to prevent the emperor and empress from getting wet by the sudden heavy rain.

The sky became darker and darker, but it never rained.


The case in Jiangxi involves too much, not only Jiangxi as a whole, but also southern Anhui, the two lakes, and even Fujian, the emperor's land of Longxing, are involved.

No one in the court's civil and military circles dared to intercede.

Pei Haicheng's status as the emperor's disciple has become his life-threatening talisman at this moment.

People were being arrested everywhere in Jiangxi, Lianghu, Southern Anhui, and Fujian. Before they could all be arrested, Pei Haicheng, the governor of Jiangxi, took the initiative to confess a list of names.

This list involves almost half of the officials in Jiangxi, as well as the two lakes, and is also widely implicated.

Moreover, as Li Fu speculated, the army was indeed involved.Although most of them are middle and lower-level personnel in the army, many are about to retire or have even retired.

The civil and military systems are rotting together, or on a large scale, with collusion between government, business and the military.

If this disaster hadn't happened suddenly and Jiangxi had been in ruins for more than a year, we would have already relaxed our vigilance and acted rashly.In addition, Li Fu is going to monitor Jiangxi again, and I am afraid that this thunder will explode without knowing when.

Zhu Yijiong understands that official corruption cannot be stopped. Even if the founding of the country is clear, he will die sooner or later.

But what he couldn't bear was that just because the civil servants died so quickly, the generals and the army also died with them.

Yes, it is absolutely impossible to say that Huang Dian didn't notice that this matter was so big.

It's nothing more than turning a blind eye.

The only good thing is that the troops in the two lakes areas are not bad.Because this is the front line, especially Shonan, which has been in a state of war for a long time.

The only ones who died were the local officials in Lianghu. Many of these people were from the pseudo-Qing Dynasty and were demoted.

In order to prevent them from colluding with each other, the Ming Dynasty specially conducted mutual transfers. The prefect here was transferred to the other side to become a county magistrate or something.

However, this was obviously of no use and ended up rotten.

Nanjing City, Pei Mansion.

This is Pei Haicheng's residence in Nanjing. For people like them, who were high-ranking officials in the border areas and close confidants of the emperor, Zhu Yijiong would naturally not be too stingy.

Almost every feudal official has a mansion in Nanjing. Although the area is not too large, it is very close to the imperial palace.

But usually no one really lives in these mansions for a long time, most of them just stay there when they come to Beijing to report on their work.

Because there is no official residence for them in the capital.

Pei Haicheng was wearing a brand new official robe, sitting in the lobby.

There was a tray in front of him, with two things in it, a glass of poisonous wine and a white silk ribbon.

He looked up in the direction of the palace, and his thoughts seemed to go back to a few years ago, when he was forced into the Secretariat by the emperor.

Because he couldn't escape, he simply broke the jar and threw it, but he didn't expect the emperor to be the real Dragon Emperor. The Ming Dynasty won many battles and finally recovered in Nanjing.

And with his excellent work ability and serious attitude, he was appreciated by the emperor, and he gradually reached the position of official in the border areas when he was sent to other places.

For a time, it could be said that it was in the limelight, and countless officials and wealthy businessmen came to curry favor.

Then, he fell.

At first, only wealthy businessmen and officials came to give money.

He rebuked harshly.

Then send the beauty.

He also withstood temptation.

Later, the other party seemed to figure out his preferences and gave him authentic paintings and calligraphy by famous people.

Well...he accepted it and couldn't put it down.

Needless to say what happened after that, from a small incident in the beginning, which did not even violate criminal laws, to stealing official warehouses and smuggling official grains.

Since when did he become unable to stop himself?
It's obvious that just rejecting it the second time, the third time... why is it so difficult?

Pei Haicheng sighed, then stood up, straightened his clothes, and bowed in the direction of the palace, kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times.

"I respectfully accept your majesty's holy grace. Long live my emperor!"

He stood up, picked up the wine glass, and drank it in one gulp without even looking at it.

 Worked for seven consecutive days, on the verge of death.jpg
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(End of this chapter)

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