I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 429 The integration of politics and religion 1

Chapter 429 The integration of politics and religion
The Ming army had just entered Sichuan, and Shi Ling Xuanwei Si took the initiative to change his flag. It was impossible to force him to return to his hometown.

It was only after the Manchu Qing Dynasty ruled for hundreds of years that they rehabilitated Shi Ding on the grounds of harboring traitors and having no heirs in the direct line, and only deprived him of the civil power.

Zhu Yijiong's canonization of Shili's Xuanwei Division was nothing more than maintaining Shili's status quo, not only to help the Ming army, but at least not to stab him in the back.

Moreover, this can also appease the strength of the native chieftains in southwest Sichuan. The previous policies of the Ming army in Guangxi were too scary, which obviously made these chieftain leaders very resistant.

When Sichuan is captured, it will be possible to take action against Shi Ling's Xuanwei Division and other chieftains in the southwest.

At the end of the fifth year of Jianwu's reign, the Junggar envoy led by Galdan Celing detoured through the grasslands for several months and finally arrived in Nanjing successfully.

Nanjing, Forbidden City.

Although Galdan Celing was a prince of the Khan court, his nominal envoy was the eminent monk Yixi Gyatso sent by Junggar.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Emperor of Tomorrow!"

The two came to Jinshen Hall and immediately saluted Zhu Yijiong respectfully.

This etiquette was specially taught by people from Honglu Temple in advance, so it did not seem rude at this time. There were officials from Honglu Temple on the side who were responsible for translation and reminder.

"Without courtesy, I will give you a seat." Zhu Yijiong said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The two people respectfully thanked them again, and then took their seats at the prompts of the Honglu Temple officials.

Let’s chat briefly first, and then get to the point.Galdan Celing said: "Your Majesty, the Great Emperor of the Celestial Dynasty, I, King Cewang Alabutan of the Junggar Khan, would like to bring the Junggar Khanate, Yarkand, Zasaktu, and Heshuote to join the Ming Dynasty and serve for generations to come. The Celestial Shepherd guards the northwest."

"The King of Junggar Khan is really loyal and commendable, I am really relieved!" Zhu Yijiong nodded in praise, "I wonder how the King Khan is doing now? If I have the opportunity to come to Nanjing in person, I would also like to see the King Khan in person!"

Galdan Celing replied: "Your Majesty, King Khan had many illnesses in the past few years, but he has been much better in the past two years, and he can still ride a horse and hunt."

Zhu Yijiong thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "Really? It will be better when it gets better."

Cewang Alabutan is 60 years old this year. According to the lifespan of Mongolians in the steppe, he is already at a precarious age.

Zhu Yijiong remembers very clearly that in her previous life, when she was watching "The Legend of Zhen Huan" with her family, the Junggar Khan who went to court to see Yongzheng was no longer named Cewang Alabutan.

The detailed information from this border town mentioned that the capable and knowledgeable Khan of Junggar obviously would not live for a few more years.

That's it!

Zhu Yijiong looked at Yixi Gyatso again: "Why didn't this master speak?"

Yixi Gyatso stood up quickly and said: "His Majesty the Emperor is like the sun and the moon in the sky. The young monk is in awe and dare not say anything!"

Long before receiving the Junggar envoys, the cabinet had specially sorted out all intelligence related to Junggar, from military to religious and cultural aspects, and conducted a systematic analysis and sorting.

Strictly speaking, Junggar is a theocratic country. The former Great Khan Galdan was enthroned by Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, the fifth emperor of Tibet, and was promoted to a khanate since then.

Even during the period of Cewang Alabutan, the Dzungarian Mongols still believed heavily in Tibetan Buddhism. Cewang Alabutan also established a Duruba monastery to stabilize the rule of his khanate.

The way the Manchus and Junggars competed for the dominance of Tibet was to support each other and establish new lords.

The Manchus won the final victory and successfully enthroned the sixth emperor Gasang Gyatso in Tibet. However, Tsangyang Gyatso, who was supported by the Junggars, died suddenly while passing through Qinghai on the way to Beijing.It can be said that the core issues of the entire Junggar, Snowy Region, and Qinghai cannot escape the religious struggle, and this is also the core method of the Manchu Qing Dynasty to rule the Snowy Region.

Zhu Yijiong just asked casually to express his interest in Yixi Gyatso.Turning back to the topic, he asked, "Has Junggar already captured Mobei, Xuecheng, and Qinghai?"

Galdan Celing shook his head: "No, but King Khan has decided to send troops to go to the snowy area together with Jiluobuzangdanjin in Houtai, Qinghai. As long as the snowy area is gone, the Manchu Tatars will have no barrier in the southwest."

Zhu Yijiong nodded and asked: "Are Junggar and Tsarist Russia still at war?"

This is not a casual question. Historically, there have been many conflicts between Tsarist Russia and Junggar and Khalkha. The reason why Junggar moved south to Xinjiang was actually because they could not bear the invasion of Tsarist Russian Cossacks. Even Khalkha surrendered to the Manchus for the same reason.

Although the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were stronger than the Khalkha, they had never really defeated the Khalkha in history because Mobei was too cold and it was difficult for the Manchu and Qing Dynasties to launch a large-scale war against Mobei.

Galdan Celing replied: "Those hateful Russians have occupied the north and are still trying to attack our tribes and territory. The army they attacked us is called Cossacks. Although they are not large in number, they are full of bandits. . Wherever the Cossacks passed, there was only a piece of scorched earth. King Khan specially formed the Fire Gun Cavalry just to fight against these Cossacks. However, these Cossacks are really hateful and cunning. If they cannot be defeated, they will run away and continue to harass the borders of our Khanate."

When Galdan Celing mentioned the Cossacks, he was filled with hatred.There is no way, these Cossacks are too disgusting, it should be said that they are a group of extremely vicious bandits, even the Manchus were disgusted by them.

The Cossacks were originally Russian serfs or poor people who could not bear the oppression. Later, they fled to Far Eastern Siberia together and formed the Cossacks.

Cossack is also derived from the Turkic language "free and brave people". Similarly, Kazakh is also derived from the Turkic language family.

Historically, Tsarist Russia controlled the entire Cossack group by bribing the Cossack upper class, making it the main force for Tsarist Russia's external expansion.

The Cossacks' war method is very disgusting. They fight when they can win, and run away if they can't. They occupy an area and engage in massacres. Unless they really can't win, there will be no grass growing in the place they pass, and they don't care about the issue of governance at all.

Zhu Yijiong asked about Junggar's attitude towards the Cossacks and said: "Tsarist Russia is really hateful. Now that Junggar has surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, Tsarist Russia is also the enemy of the Ming Dynasty."

In a few words, the pretext for future war against Tsarist Russia was determined.

Galdan Celing was very happy and said: "Your Majesty, King Khan has said before he came here that the Junggars and the Manchu Tatars are mortal enemies, and the Ming Dynasty is also mortal enemies of the Manchurian Tatars. Junggars are willing to dispatch 30 Junggars with your majesty. The cavalry will cooperate with the Celestial Empire to attack the Manchu Tatars. At that time, Junggar and the Celestial Empire will use Jiayuguan as their boundary, and will share the respect of the Ming Dynasty with Qinghai, Mobei, and Xue District for generations."

This Cewan Alabutan has a big appetite!

He actually planned to swallow up all of Mobei, Qinghai, and Xue District, but he didn't dare to attack Jiayuguan, and he didn't even plan to take Monan.

This is a typical example of foresight and greed, and it is also in line with the character of Cewang Alabutan in history. He was clearly ambitious, but he did not dare to really go to war with the Manchus.

I only dare to go around encouraging others to rebel against the Qing Dynasty, and then I won’t be able to give up even a single soldier of my own.

Zhu Yijiong chatted with Gal Danceling for a while, and basically understood Junggar's attitude.

As long as the actual interests of Junggar are not moved, they can bring the entire Khanate to surrender to the Ming Dynasty and promise not to cross Jiayuguan.

Regarding Qinghai Mongolia, Cewang Alabutan's attitude should be that he wanted it, but Galdan Celing disagreed.

It should be said that Galdan Celing was more interested in Mobei.

I chatted with Galdan Celing for a while about the situation in the Western Region, and also talked about some Central Asian countries. However, Galdan Celing didn't know much about Central Asia, and he might be deliberately concealing it.

After talking about the Western Regions and Central Asia, Zhu Yijiong immediately asked Yixi Gyatso about Buddhism, mainly asking about religious beliefs and the distribution of Buddhist temples in the Western Regions.

Historically, Yixi Gyatso was not unknown. After the death of the Fifth Emperor, he was nominated to be the Sixth Emperor, but was rejected by the Manchus.

(End of this chapter)

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