Chapter 437 Annan
Junggar in the Western Region was preparing to launch troops against the Snowy Region and Qinghai, and civil wars broke out in Mongolia in Southern Mongolia and Northern Mobei under the instigation of the Great Detailed Operation.

Regardless of the Mongolian tribes in Monan and Mobei, it is easy for them to abandon the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but it is not a matter of day or night to truly surrender to the Ming Dynasty.

In Monan Mongolia at that time, it took two generations of Nurhachi and Huang Taiji for the Manchu and Qing Dynasties to finally disintegrate the various Mongolian tribes under Lin Dan Khan through constant affinities and alienations.

Yes, when the Manchus and Qing Dynasties first solved Monan Mongolia, they used a marriage alliance because Nurhachi could not defeat Lin Danhan.

As for the Khalkha Mongols in Mobei, the Manchu Qing Dynasty never really solved it. From Huang Taiji to Kangxi, and finally under the pressure of Tsarist Russia, the Khalkha Mongols weighed the pros and cons and believed that the Tsarist Russian Khan was disrespectful to Buddhism, while the Manchurian Khan Respect Mongolian Lamaism.

The Manchus and Tsarist Russia actually relied on respecting the Mongolian tradition of believing in Buddhism in exchange for the surrender of the Mobei Khalkha Mongolia.

Zhu Yijiong didn't have that much time to spend with these Mongolian tribes, so he would be simple and crude. Since they like to fight, let them fight, and Ming Dynasty would sell them grain and salt.

Especially the Khalkha Mongols in Mobei, we must continue to bleed them, and at the same time keep their attention on the Mobei grassland, so that the Khalkhas are unable to go south.

After two years of chaos in Mobei and Monan, the grasslands were exhausted, and the Ming army's logistics and food road system in the north was almost completed.

At this time, he sent his troops northward to conquer all the disobedient Mongolian tribes.

At that time, through hereditary capital control and re-dividing the unified grassland, it can be regarded as giving a few sweet dates. Anyway, it will not be like the Manchu Qing Dynasty, which demolished the grassland into a mess.

It only increases hatred, which is okay when it is strong. Once the Manchu Qing Dynasty weakens, the grasslands will definitely rebel. This is how Mobei was lost.

The Ming Dynasty's future policy towards the grasslands was to allow the existence of the Khan tribe, change the Khan king to a hereditary capital, and then continue to encroach on the territory of the grasslands by building cities and immigrating to the grasslands.

Although the ultimate goal is the land of the grassland, it is gentler than the Manchu... relatively speaking.

The Sauron tribe lives in Baishan and Heishui (Heilongjiang). It is too cold there for most people to go there, and there is no rush to instigate rebellion against the Sauron tribe at this time.

Fortunately, the Ming Dynasty did not let Xi Zuo act rashly. At this stage, it is still only provoking and hooking up Mobei and Monan Mongolia.

Monan Mongolia hardly needed provocation, they themselves had to fight fiercely because of their feud.

Speaking of which, as Monan Mongolia officially surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, well-informed merchants began to go to the grasslands to do business.

It was not that merchants were seeking profits and taking risks. Many of these merchants originally traveled to and from the grasslands to do business. However, as the war situation became tense and the court began to take control, they gradually stopped doing this and turned to the maritime trade business.

Nowadays, the grassland has been subordinated, at least in name, and the imperial court has also liberalized border trade, which is also conducive to controlling the grassland.

Many merchants who have turned to sea trade do not intend to give up sea trade, but they also plan to reuse the grassland line.

Many of them are salt merchants from Yangzhou. When these salt merchants are no longer successful in the salt industry, they will naturally think of other ways out. Moreover, they have strong capital and it is easier for them to change careers than salt merchants from other places.


The northern grasslands and the Western Regions are at war, but peace is rare in the south.

After several years of encroachment, the indigenous leaders in southern Hunan who refused to accept the king's rule have been basically eliminated one by one.The whole territory of Guangxi has been recovered, with only some corners left. There are still a few stubborn chieftain leaders in the barren and rugged ravines, and there are also some remnants of hidden rebels.

For these rebels who have basically become bandits and bandits, Xu Jin's Third Army does not even need to take action. The Zhuang wolf soldiers in Guangxi can handle them, and they are happy to solve them.

Because these people are hiding in the mountains, they can't really rely on the mountains to eat. They have to go down the mountains to plunder.

The Zhuang wolf soldiers in Guangxi are not innocent people. These rebel bandits hiding in the mountains and forests will either never come out again, or they will come out and become the heads of these Zhuang wolf soldiers and the government to receive rewards.

Nanning Mansion.This place has been designated as the new provincial capital of Guangxi. It is not that Zhu Yijiong is fitting in with future generations, but that Guilin was so badly harmed by King Lin that it can no longer afford the status of a provincial capital.

In addition, Lianzhou Prefecture was assigned to Guangxi, and Guangxi had more outlets to the sea. Lianzhou's status would definitely rise sharply, and Nanning was adjacent to Lianzhou, which could just suppress and balance it.

Moreover, one more thing is that it is relatively close to Annan from here.

At this moment, Xu Jin was training troops here in Nanning Prefecture. The Third Army suffered considerable losses when fighting in Guangxi. The Ming court also saw the combat effectiveness of the Guangxi wolf soldiers.

As a result, Zhu Yijiong personally issued an order to set up a Privy Council branch here to select elite Zhuang wolf soldiers to join the army for the training of special troops fighting in the mountains.

Also, taking advantage of the break between the end of the previous war and the granting of dukes and nobility, Xu Jin, who was far away in Guangxi, was not forgotten and was awarded the title of Marquis of Yue.

Xu Jin, who was also a Yizihou, received the imperial edict and suddenly felt that all the hardships were over.After several years of hard work in Guangxi, it was indeed worth it. Your Majesty has not forgotten him.

Lin Liang, who was in Qiongzhou Prefecture, had previously cooperated with Xu to attack Guangdong.Although the credit was not too great, he still received the title of Qiongyazi.


"General Xu... Huhu... Siling sent an urgent military message!" A Ming army messenger came on horseback. Seeing Xu Jin who was patrolling the city wall, he hurried over.

Xu Jin was a little confused. If the strong people in Siling had not surrendered, how could there be an urgent military situation?
However, there was no delay. He quickly took the letter and opened it. After a few glances, Xu Jin's eyes widened in an instant, which was quite incredible.After repeatedly confirming the mark in the letter, he was finally convinced: "Is Annan finally unable to hold himself back? No, we must report to the court immediately. How can we miss such a great opportunity so easily?"

Xu Jin immediately went to the governor's office with his soldiers. He was going to inform his colleague here, the governor of Guangxi.Not only did he report to the court together with him, but he also asked him for money and food.

That day, a fast horse ran out of the Guangxi Station, carrying an urgent letter with it.

The entire armament, money and food in Guangxi were also quickly mobilized. All sergeants were recalled to assemble, and those who went home on leave were required to return to the army within three days.

The Guangxi arsenal is hoarding prepared food and soldiers every year. With the order of the Privy Council branch, it is also transferred from it and begins to be transported in batches to the south.

Many civilian husbands were recruited by the government and given money to take care of food. They were responsible for helping the government transport grain, grass and luggage.

Three days later.

"Let's go!"

Xu Jin drew his sword and shouted.

The army set off, a total of [-] troops, followed by countless civilians and food and baggage.

So far, the Third Army has absorbed almost [-]% of the wolf soldiers into the army.There are a total of ten thousand wolf soldiers, and one third of them are equipped with war horses.

These wolf cavalry did not follow the training model of dragoons, because the horses they rode were mountain ponies, which were too short to charge in a wall-style charge.

But there are also advantages, that is, running in mountainous areas is more comfortable on flat ground than those Mongolian war horses.

The army and the civilians walked east along the Yujiang River, first arriving at Bachizhai (Yongning). From here they turned south along the Bachijiang waterway and went directly to Qinzhou to take a boat.

As the focus of the development of Qinbei Defense in Guangxi, Qinzhou has been doing preliminary work for the opening of the port as early as Lianzhou Prefecture was placed under Guangxi. Finally, at the end of last year, the port was officially opened.

(End of this chapter)

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