Chapter 519 Prince Master

The prince of the new Ming Dynasty was destined to be under a lot of pressure.

Not only was there a ruthless and arbitrary founding father at his head, but the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty had high hopes for him, and they even tried every means to plan it.

The only advantage is probably that the crown prince's position as heir apparent is difficult to shake.

Zhu Yijiong will definitely not allow it, because if other princes ascend to the throne and usurp the throne, it means that they must cooperate with certain interest groups, and the results of his reforms will be destroyed in an instant. The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also did not want to change the prince arbitrarily. The change of prince meant the purification of the court, and the party was united and opposed, which had wide implications.

Only the little prince felt unhappy. The baby, who was just ten years old, had no time to play. In the morning, I had to read, read, and astronomy with the gentlemen. In the afternoon, I had to practice martial arts and learn to read maps. It is not just the territory of the Ming Dynasty, but also the mountains, rivers, military geography, etc. You must learn about the humanities of various countries, the relationships between the countries, etc.

Zhu Yijiong does not expect his son to be both civil and military, but he must at least understand some basic military knowledge and relations with foreign vassals, so as not to be blind after he succeeds to the throne and be led by the officials and generals.

Before going to bed at night, I would also take time to go to school for exams, and there was no concept of weekends at all. Except for some ancient statutory holidays, because gentlemen have a holiday and rest, they can only get some rest time.

Zhu Yijiong doesn't think it's hard. Don't ask, it's just three years of high school. This is how everyone got through.

At least he, the little prince, still has good clothes and good food, and a bright future. He can even go to bed before eight o'clock, and he doesn't get up until eight o'clock in the morning to go to class.

After receiving the edict that day, only a few days passed.

Wang Wenyuan was dressed in formal robes and entered the palace again with the token given by the emperor.

A few days ago, he took the time to write to his hometown of Suzhou, saying that he had been transferred to Nanjing by the emperor and had been given a job as the prince's advisor. So I told my children that I would not go home, since they were already married and starting a business anyway.

Come to Miyagi City, take out the token and check it.

The emperor's secretary, who had been preparing for a long time, quickly wrote down a note. Starting from today, it will be seven days before he can enter the palace again to teach the prince.

Under the guidance of the secretary, Wang Wenyuan entered the palace through the side door, passed through the complicated corridors, and finally arrived at a palace room.

This place still belongs to the outer court. The prince is too old and has not opened an east palace, so he still lives in the inner court.

Seeing Wang Wenyuan being led in, the ten-year-old prince was quite curious, but he did not make any noise.

The secretary said: "His Royal Highness, this is Mr. Wang Wenyuan. Under the arrangement of His Majesty, I am here today to teach His Highness how to read."

Prince Zhu Boxi then stood up and stepped forward, saluting respectfully: "Student pays homage to Sir."


Wang Wenyuan first nodded and accepted the salute, and then returned the salute: "I pay my respects to His Highness the Crown Prince."

Even Tang Zhen, who satirized the emperor's powerful people in the book, would still pay attention to the etiquette of monarchs and ministers. Otherwise, he would not have lived to the end of his life, and he would have been exterminated by the nine tribes long ago.

Wang Wenyuan quickly got into the mood, cleared his throat and said: "Today is the first day of class, so I won't teach anything profound and complicated. I wonder if your highness has read the Three Character Classic?"

Zhu Boxi nodded proudly: "I have read it since I have read it. This is an introductory book that only children can learn. I can recite it by heart."

Wang Wenyuan smiled and said: "Since I have read it, I would like to ask the prince, what is the first sentence of the Three Character Classic?" Zhu Boxi replied: "In the beginning, human nature is good."

Wang Wenyuan shook his head: "Wrong, how can a human being be born good by nature? Correct, it should be that a human being is born evil by nature."

Zhu Boqi was stunned, obviously not keeping up with Wang Wenyuan's rhythm: "But in the past, teachers said that in the beginning, people are inherently good..."

Wang Wenyuan didn't wait for the prince to finish speaking, and interrupted: "It's just Confucianism deliberately fabricating false lies in order to fool and manipulate the people. Not to mention the common people in the world, even the great Confucians, who can have no selfish motives. What they do and do , must have some kind of purpose, that is, a newborn baby has to endure the pain of ten months of pregnancy in order to live. If there is a kind, selfless and fearless person, he can only be a dead person."

This statement is obviously a fallacy if you study it carefully. Even if it were an academic argument, it would still be a strong argument.

But this is not a big problem for Wang Wenyuan. His original purpose is just to explain his academic views. He also told the prince not to read too deeply into those classics, especially some of the ignorant theories in Confucian classics, otherwise he would only become a nerd.

Wang Wenyuan struck while the iron was hot: "So Your Highness should understand from now on that human nature is mainly utilitarian. Everyone in the world is seeking benefit. If there are people who do not seek utilitarianism in the world, they must be those who harm the people (speaking of ancient times). Your Highness should keep a respectful distance. You should also read half of the Confucian classics and keep half of them."

Zhu Boqi frowned, as if he was thinking about his teacher's meaning: "Read half of it and keep half of it? But if Confucian classics are like this, fooling the people and harming the people, then why do everyone still want to learn it?"

Wang Wenyuan nodded: "We will talk about these slowly in the future. Moreover, although Confucian classics are harmful to the people and fool the people, your Highness must still learn it. However, Your Highness must remember that you can only rely on it as a tool, but you cannot truly rely on it as an arm. Not only It is only the classics of Confucianism, as well as other schools and schools. In the future, Your Highness will succeed to the throne and rule the world. You should also remember it deeply at all times and not be arbitrary and arbitrary in everything. The king and his ministers are kings and ministers, and the ministers cannot leave the king, and the king also He cannot leave his ministers. An emperor without the restraint of his ministers will only..."

Seeing that Wang Wenyuan's words were getting more and more outrageous, the secretary not far away suddenly reminded him: "Ahem, Mr. Wang, you have been commissioned by His Majesty to teach Prince Xi how to read."

After that, he took out a book and wrote down: "Wang Wenyuan taught Prince Xi to read today. His remarks were excessive and involved the monarch and his ministers."

Wang Wenyuan woke up instantly. He was a smart man and naturally understood the emperor's intention.

The emperor asked him to come over and teach the prince. What he valued was not how profound his knowledge was. It's that he doesn't like Confucianism, and even despises Qi, Li and Xing, attaches great importance to the integration of agriculture and business, etc., which are weird and deviant theories.

He was not asked to preach to the prince his own theory of virtual kings and subordinates. If he really told the prince, he would be dragged into exile in Heilongjiang by the emperor immediately.

Wang Wenyuan felt a pity in his heart. He highly respected his teacher Tang Zhen's "Qian Shu", especially now in his later years.

Fortunately, although the emperor did not allow him to speak to the prince, he was not prohibited from speaking to the students of the Nanjing Imperial College in the future.

Although there is a high probability that those students will not listen. Those who can go to Nanjing Imperial College to study are not rushing to buy goods and the emperor's family.

Isn't it crazy to oppose the emperor and the powerful?

But it doesn't matter. He is now the prince's teacher and teaches at the Imperial College in Nanjing.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

These schools will always have a place among the schools in the world in the future.

Moreover, he had just criticized Confucianism for harming the people, and the emperor's secretary did not come to dissuade him, nor did he record it. This shows that even if the emperor does not dislike Confucianism, he certainly does not like it and does not want the prince to be deeply influenced by Confucianism, even other schools of thought.

If this is the case... Wang Wenyuan suddenly had concerns in his heart.

 I have a headache, and I’m stuck (at work)



(End of this chapter)

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