Chapter 605 Fires everywhere


A thousand cavalry stepped on the field ridge and killed his 3,000 main force of Tuo Ming Gong.

The paddy fields were intertwined, and the horses' hooves would step into the rice seedlings and shallow water from time to time, seriously slowing down the cavalry.

But it doesn't matter, because the main force of the three thousand Burmese troops under his command is also going to take this road, but their speed is even slower.

"Raise the gun!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

These musketeers, who temporarily served as cavalry, learned to raise their guns and fire muskets directly on horseback.

Although the accuracy was extremely poor, the victory was due to the large number of people and the close enough distance. The last few dozen Burmese soldiers were shot down on the spot.

His plan to destroy Ming Gong had completely failed, and the Burmese militiamen did not play any role for the main force in delaying the pursuit of the Ming army.

On the contrary, on the battlefield, the more than 20,000 Burmese militiamen were directly blown away by the Ming army's explosive bombs.

"Dudududu da da da..."

Amidst the sound of trumpets, two thousand Ming Dynasty infantry troops actually took advantage of the artillery fire to launch a charge against tens of thousands of Burmese troops, and also tried to outflank these Burmese troops.

What a failure!

He knew that they could not retreat. The cavalry behind them could kill all the main infantry as long as they pursued slowly and fired their guns from time to time.

Even if it doesn't kill them, it can still tire them out until they lose their fighting ability.

"Too deceiving!"

He knew that he could not leave, so he simply gave it a try and ordered the main force to form an array to meet the enemy.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

What greeted him was the Ming Army cavalry firing a round of muskets, then quickly retreated, widened the distance, and took out grenades.

"Light it on fire and throw it!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Amidst the continuous explosions, the main force of the three thousand Burmese army had no time to react, and it was useless to react. How could a person be faster than the explosives?

He, Xiang Minggong, was blown to the ground on the spot. The hand fire and thunder were definitely not that powerful, but so many people gathered together to blast, and he was relatively close.

Under the huge air wave, countless iron sand and steel needles killed most of the three thousand Burmese troops, and the remaining half were also surrounded by the Ming army cavalry.

The Taungoo Burmese Army, which has lagged behind the world for almost two hundred years, faces the Ming Army's firearms, which are nearly a hundred years ahead of the world, especially sugar gunpowder and explosive ammunition. For the backward Burmese Army, it is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

He was surprised that Ming Gong was not dead for a while. He got up in a daze, only to feel that his ears were filled with empty ringing and his whole body was weak.

There seemed to be no wounds on this guy's body, only his exposed arms were covered with shrapnel wounds and were bleeding.

But his face was flushed, an abnormal flush. This was obviously because he was too close and suffered internal injuries from the blast of air.

The quality of armor from three hundred years ago couldn't stop a grenade from blasting at close range... and it wouldn't be able to stop it three hundred years from now.

He wanted to stand up, but when he tried hard, he couldn't help spitting out a large mouthful of blood. After vomiting, he felt much better.

By this time, the Ming cavalry had disarmed and captured all the remaining Burmese soldiers, and cut off the thumbs of both hands.

As for the other Burmese soldiers who were injured but not dead, they all needed to be repaired. The Ming army did not have so much good medicine and energy to treat these enemy soldiers.

As soon as he vomited a large mouthful of blood and felt a little better, he saw a Ming soldier coming with a knife.


With two knives, both ears were cut off.


As soon as he could cry out in pain, the soldier took out a dagger and started to cut his head.

He punished Uncle Wang, who would be deeply trusted by the nephew of the Burmese king for the next twenty years. And until the Toungoo dynasty fell, and even the Burmese king's nephew surrendered and became a prisoner, this guy was still resisting the Meng people with his subordinates. He died in the war twenty years early.

His head was cut off, purely because the soldier saw that this guy's armor was somewhat luxurious and glittering, and he looked like a big shot in the enemy army.

The battle was outrageous, thirty thousand against one thousand, not to mention being defeated, not even the main regular army could escape.

On the contrary, the Burmese militiamen fled a lot because they were too chaotic and too numerous.

But it didn't matter, all the army provisions and baggage he carried along the way were captured by the Ming army.

These Burmese people were so enthusiastic. They knew that the Ming army came from afar and it was difficult to transport food, so they specially used 30,000 "civilians" to transport food and grass for the Chinese army.

Even though his death was glorious, his death was glorious!

The Ming army had no worries and no shortage of food. They could concentrate on heading north to deal with the enemy forces in the north.

Even if you can't defeat it, you can still take a boat and go south to defeat the long-empty city of Pyay, which dominates this strategic location in Myanmar.

At this time, Myanmar has completely lost its strategic initiative in the middle and lower reaches of the Irrawaddy River.

No, they never had the strategic initiative. Facing the Ming army's attack, Myanmar, which was already at the end of its dynasty, could only run for its life.

The only chance of victory is to stick to the city of Ava and wait for the rainy season to force the Chinese army, which is acclimatized to the acclimatization, to withdraw.

The complete annihilation of the Burmese army in Pyay City not only shocked the country of Burma, but also caused the King of Burma to lose a general, the only general at present.

The governor of Bagan had no choice but to defend and strengthen the city defenses while sending people to frantically ask for help from the Burmese king in Ava City.

Lin Jinjun led the Mon people to play too much along the Irrawaddy River. Only 200 miles behind Bagan is the capital of Burma, Ava. The Burmese troops in various places did not even care about the Chinese in the north. They hurriedly mobilized troops and horses to block the northward movement. of the Chinese army.

From Upper Burma to Central Burma, they were attacked by the Ming armies from the north and the south, causing a mess.

Down here in Myanmar, the Siamese King Bolong Moge personally led a Siamese army of more than 50,000 people, directly heading towards the coastal city of Dawei in Myanmar.

The Siamese army suddenly attacked and killed the Burmese officials in Dawei by surprise.

Dawei City was captured by the Siamese army within three days.

In Siam's perception, this is the homeland occupied by Myanmar, but in fact it has long been unclear, because Myanmar and Siam basically went back and forth between each other for two hundred years.

They change each other's homes at every turn, and no one can distinguish the territory clearly.

Nearly a hundred years ago, Siam once pushed Myanmar back with the help of Japanese mercenary groups.

Then a coup broke out in Siam. These Japanese mercenaries, who had a great influence on the change of royal power, were slaughtered by the Siamese. Even the Japanese towns that were once built in Siam for Japanese mercenaries were burned down.

After capturing the city of Dawei, the 50,000 Siamese army first looted the towns and villages, then abandoned Dawei, and then went north to attack Yecheng.

Jerusalem also fell quickly, and the Siamese army marched straight towards Moulmein.

Further north of Mawlamyine is Maduba. Governor Maduba heard about the tragedies of the Dawei and Yechengmen people and did not dare to surrender. However, there were Mon rebels to the west, and he was already being attacked from two sides.

"Your Highness, both Mawlamyine and Maduba belong to the hometown of the Mon people. Please also restrain the military discipline of the Siamese army!"

The person who spoke was Xu Yisheng, the Ming Dynasty's envoy to Siam, mainly to prevent Siamese people from messing around and taking advantage of the situation.

Maduba is indeed the old capital of the Mon people, but due to the Siamese invasion very early on, the capital was moved to Bago, leaving only a part of the Mon farmers living here.

In history, in another ten years, Governor Madu Ba will choose to surrender to the Kingdom of Siam because he cannot withstand the Meng offensive.

But the Kingdom of Siam only briefly touched Madu Ba. Because of the rise of the Konbaung Dynasty later, the Ayutthaya Dynasty of Siam was instantly destroyed.

Bolong Moge said: "Most of the Mon people here have moved to Bago. Now only a few Mon people stay, and the rest are Burmese."

Xu Yisheng said with a smile: "This is just right. Your Highness helped the Meng people to recapture Moulmein and Maduba, and did not commit any crimes here. The Meng people will definitely be grateful to Your Highness, and the Siamese and Meng people will be able to put an end to their past feud."

Bolong Moge's face was a little ugly. He wanted to swallow up Maduba and Moulmein directly and completely expel the Burmese forces from the peninsula.

On the side, Chen Xizhong, the Guangdong adviser recruited by Bolong Mo Pavilion over the years, advised: "Your Majesty, just accept it as soon as you see fit! You have captured Dawei and Yecheng, and Siam has regained its lost territory. Your legitimacy and prestige will be lost." I’ll question again. Don’t make China unhappy just because of these two cities.”

Bolong Moge thought about it and realized that it was indeed the most important thing to secure the throne now. After all, it was his uncle who took the throne from his nephew: "Then restrain military discipline and knock down Moulmein and Maduba and hand them over to the Meng people."

(End of this chapter)

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