China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 106 Someone Wants to Invest

Chapter 106 Someone Wants to Invest

Sitting on the left side of Yang Shoucheng is a beautiful woman in her 30s. She has a very obvious aura of a professional elite, and with beautiful and elegant beauty, she looks like a rose with thorns.

Although Zhang Nanyi saw this person for the first time, he could guess that she was Huo Wenxi, the artist and music director of Yinhuang.

The other two women were "familiar" to Zhang Nanyi. They were the twins group that became famous in the Hong Kong music circle this year. Among them, Zhang Nanyi had also admired the photos of Zhong Xintong.

Seeing the real person at this moment, he still felt a little weird in his heart, but he was more surprised.

He remembered that twins only started to develop in the mainland in 05. Now that the control of Feidian has just ended, why are they coming to Yanjing?

Seeing Zhang Nanyi and Sanbao come in, Yang Shoucheng stood up and said politely: "Hello, Mr. Zhang! I am Yang Shoucheng."

Zhang Nanyi and Yang Shoucheng shook hands. They introduced each other and exchanged a few words before taking their seats.

Zhang Nanyi sat between Yang Shoucheng and Huo Wenxi, and Sanbao sat on the twins' side.

Seeing that Yang Shoucheng was very polite and didn't put on any airs of being a big boss, Zhang Nanyi explained first: "I'm sorry, Mr. Yang.

The Very Sweet Group was busy filming some time ago and the album recording progress was far behind, so they are still busy with work tonight and cannot come over to attend the dinner party tonight. "

The topic of the invitation tonight is about the album of the Very Sweet Group. It stands to reason that the Very Sweet Group is going to attend this dinner.

It's just that Zhang Nanyi didn't bring Liu Yifei and the others because they were still too young and didn't want them to participate in these social activities too early, and they were all preparing for their final exams.

No matter what the reason was, Liu Yifei and the others did not come. It was considered rude in terms of etiquette, so Zhang Nanyi found a reason to explain it.

Yang Shoucheng said with a smile: "It's okay, Mr. Zhang, just come."

Zhang Nanyi also responded with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Yang for your understanding. Teacher Sanbao and I were a little flattered to know that you wanted to treat us to dinner today.

It would be an honor for you to discuss the agency release of an album in person. "

The sedan chair was carried by everyone, Yang Shoucheng had a good attitude, and Zhang Nanyi said a few more beautiful words.

Everyone complimented each other and the atmosphere in the private room was pretty good.

When the food and wine were served, Yang Shoucheng said a few words, and everyone raised their glasses together and took a sip of red wine.

Most of the wine shops on Hong Kong Island sell red wine, and Zhang Nanyi has no objection to this, but Sanbao is not used to drinking it, and he prefers white wine.

When it comes to drinking, although Zhang Nanyi and Sanbao are only two people, Drinking Emperor has four of them, and they can handle it easily.

However, everyone was very measured and knew that the matter had not been discussed yet, so they did not drink too much.

After just a few sips, Yang Shoucheng took the initiative and said: "Mr. Zhang, you should have noticed that I came here today not just to sign a very sweet album distribution agent."

Zhang Nanyi nodded. He had guessed it, so he implicitly pointed this out in his compliment just now.

With Yang Shoucheng's status, there was no need to go to the distribution agent for a very sweet album.

After all, the income of a record distribution agent is limited. If you sell 300 million copies of a genuine album, the price is a bit high, 30 yuan a piece, which is 9000 million yuan in sales.

This includes the costs of production, packaging, labor, publicity, channels, etc., and the final net profit has to be divided again. Even if the music king gets an album agent, it will be good to make several million in the end. This is still in the album. With sales booming.

This profit-making business is not worthy of Yang Shoucheng's personal negotiation, and Yinhuang's route and strength is to train and package artists, make singers famous, and earn other profits such as endorsements and commercial performances.

Zhang Nanyi nodded and said, "Mr. Yang, please speak directly if you have anything to say."

Yang Shoucheng smiled and said calmly: "Mr. Zhang is so refreshing, I won't beat around the bush. In fact, the main reason I came here is to invest in your company.

Nanyi Culture, I am very optimistic about this company and want to buy some shares from you. "

This is the pattern of a big boss. I won’t talk to you about the release of an album, but I will directly invest in your company.

When Sanbao talked with EMI and other record companies before, the first reaction of these companies was to sign Zhang Nanyi and Very Sweet Group to their own record companies in order to earn more profits.

It's just that Zhang Nanyi and Sanbao didn't agree and only considered distribution agents, so these record companies had no choice but to compromise.

Like Yang Shoucheng, investing directly in your company is equivalent to signing a contract with Zhang Nanyi and Very Sweet Group in disguise.

When Zhang Nanyi heard Yang Shoucheng's words, he did not refuse immediately. He had told Sanbao before that he could discuss all forms of cooperation.

This is not a joke.

Zhang Nanyi does not reject capital from Hong Kong Island.

Many people dislike Hong Kong and feel that mainlanders are looked down upon by Hong Kong Island. This situation does exist.

Nowadays, in many mainland production crews, actors from Hong Kong and Bay Island receive several times the salary of actors from mainland China.

Not only the salary, but also the treatment in various aspects such as food, accommodation and transportation for the crew are also treated differently.

But the reality is that there is a gap in development between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the three regions. Rich areas look down on poor areas. This is a phenomenon that occurs at any time.

Not to mention Hong Kong Island, here on the mainland, the "nobility" of some places in the coastal areas is even worse than that of Hong Kong Island.

Even among blood relatives, it is common for rich people to look down on poor people.

We are all Chinese, and internal affairs are all internal conflicts. Zhang Nanyi is not exclusive about the Hong Kong community.Of course, some dogs do not recognize themselves as Chinese, and that is an external conflict, which is another matter.

Moreover, although the Hong Kong circle at this time has gone downhill, its foundation is still there, and various channels at home and abroad are very strong.

If your company has Hong Kong capital, whether it is TV series production or movie production and distribution, it will be much smoother in the future.

Zhang Nanyi started a company mainly to facilitate his career as an actor and promote his works, and he did not expect to make much money.

Therefore, he hopes that the more small shareholders his company has, the better. The more small shareholders he has, the more friends he will have, and the easier it will be for him to get along in the circle.

But it can only be a small shareholder, and the valuation must be in line with Zhang Nanyi's own assessed potential. The control of the company must be in Zhang Nanyi's hands.

The key to this matter is at what price and how many shares Yang Shoucheng will get. Zhang Nanyi feels that now is not the time for his company to raise funds.

So Zhang Nanyi asked: "Mr. Yang, how many shares do you want?"

Yang Shoucheng said with a smile: "40%, I will pay 1000 million to buy 40% of your company's shares. Mr. Zhang, you are still the major shareholder and have control over the company. This is sincerity."

Strictly speaking, this price is not too bad. After all, Nanyi Culture has only been established for less than a year. Yang Shoucheng gave a valuation of 2500 million, which is reasonable.

Although the three girls Zhang Nanyi and Liu Yifei have great potential, potential is just potential and it is hard to say how to realize it. Moreover, the contracts of the very sweet combination can be poached by paying liquidated damages in the eyes of outsiders.

But Zhang Nanyi did not accept this valuation. He knew the potential of his company, and Yang Shoucheng wanted too many shares.

It is impossible for a startup to give out so many shares.

Zhang Nanyi said directly: "1000 million, 5% of the shares."

Yang Shoucheng was stunned for a moment. He felt that Zhang Nanyi's opening of the lion's mouth, a company that had just been established less than a year ago, was valued at [-] million, was simply fantastic.

You must know that the total market value of Yinhuang International's shares in Hong Kong stocks at this time is only six to seven billion.

Moreover, Yinhuang only received 5% of the shares, so the investment was meaningless.

Yang Shoucheng was really optimistic about Zhang Nanyi, and he also wanted to develop and expand inland, so he started to make a counteroffer: "1000 million, 30% of the shares, this is my biggest concession.

Price comes second. 30% of the shares is my bottom line. No matter how small the shares are, it’s meaningless for me to invest. "

Zhang Nanyi said with a smile: "My company has just been established and there is no shortage of funds. In fact, I don't plan to raise funds.

Mr. Yang, I understand your bottom line.

Now that everyone has differences, I think we can wait and talk about financing later. "

Zhang Nanyi deliberately spoke loudly. He did not reject Hong Kong capital, but now is not a good time for financing. He directly offered an outrageous price, which was a disguised rejection.

When he and Very Sweet become more popular and the company produces more film and television works, the valuation will naturally increase.

I have the advantage of time.

Yang Shoucheng also heard the confidence in Zhang Nanyi's words. He felt a little tricky. He thought that as long as he came forward, Zhang Nanyi would happily accept the capital injection.

After all, the sense of superiority in Hong Kong is still very strong at this time. Yang Shoucheng and others have invested and developed in the mainland in recent years, and have received very high courtesy and discounts.

In particular, Huayi's behavior of kneeling and licking Hong Kong circles, and even forming a team to Hong Kong Island every year for public relations, gave Yang Shoucheng the illusion.

He is very confident that he can invest in Nanyi Culture.Before this meal, he didn't make any plans for being rejected by Zhang Nanyi.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Nanyi had a very good attitude, but he didn't care at all about the olive branch offered by Emperor Yin.

Faced with the "gift" that he wanted to inject capital into, Zhang Nanyi actually refused.

Yang Shoucheng had been ups and downs in the shopping mall for decades, and the city was very deep. He quickly adjusted his mentality and decided to postpone investment.

I started chatting with Zhang Nanyi about the differences in customs and customs between Yanjing and Hong Kong Island, and Zhang Nanyi was very happy to do so.

Everyone started chatting, and the twins combination started to show off.

They began to toast Zhang Nanyi and Sanbao. Although their Mandarin was not good, they were very active in physical contact. It seemed that they were no strangers to this kind of drinking party and occasion.

Because the twins were sitting next to Sanbao, they mainly attacked him. With gentle words, Sanbao loved to drink, but he lost control and drank a little too much.

His nerves were a little wandering, and he spoke a little more casually.

After finishing a glass of wine with Zhong Xintong, he asked: "As far as I know, your group has no business in the mainland and has never released a Mandarin album.

Are you planning to expand your business in the Mainland this time? "

Hearing Sanbao ask this, Huo Wenxi's face changed and her eyes flickered a little.

Yang Shoucheng's expression remained unchanged, and he explained casually: "We have this plan. Twins is a group we have been promoting in the past two years. Their development in Hong Kong Island is now in full swing and they are very popular.

However, the market in Hong Kong Island is only so big, and sooner or later they will come to the mainland for development.

This time I brought them to Yanjing to let them come in advance to learn and experience the situation here and prepare for future development. "

(End of this chapter)

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