China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 11 Is there an opportunity?

Chapter 11 Is there an opportunity?

When everyone was halfway there, Gao Yuanyuan's stomach suddenly turned upside down, and she squatted on the side of the street and vomited violently.

No matter what kind of beauty she is, she looks extremely ugly when she vomits. Tears and snot are mixed together and dripping down. Coupled with the sour smell of gastric juice and beer fermentation, the scene is really tragic.

Jia Jingwen has a relatively good relationship with Gao Yuanyuan on the set. It may be because the two of them have a common experience and have both been mistresses.

She supported Gao Yuanyuan and gently placed her palms on Gao Yuanyuan's back.

Looking back, I found that everyone was a little disgusted with Gao Yuanyuan and was far away. Zhang Nanyi was even missing.

Jia Jingwen frowned. She didn't expect Zhang Nanyi, who looked tall and handsome, to run away when a friend vomited after drinking, so irresponsible.

She endured the sour smell and nausea and stayed with Gao Yuanyuan until the vomiting was over. Jia Jingwen wanted to find a tissue to wipe Gao Yuanyuan's tears, saliva, and the remaining vomit at the corners of her mouth.

But I realized I didn’t have any tissues with me.

"Use this towel to wipe her, and use this water to rinse her mouth."

Looking up, Zhang Nanyi was holding a clean towel and a bottle of mineral water in his hand.

Jia Jingwen took the towel and found that it was wet and a little hot. It had obviously been soaked in hot water. She couldn't help feeling ashamed of her previous thoughts.

Zhang Nanyi is not only responsible, but also more considerate than her and can take care of others.

At this moment, Jia Jingwen's favorable impression of Zhang Nanyi skyrocketed.

Jia Jingwen wiped Gao Yuanyuan twice, and Gao Yuanyuan took the towel and wiped it herself. She took the mineral water and rinsed her mouth.

After vomiting, she felt much more awake and her mood seemed to have recovered a lot.

"Thank you!" Gao Yuanyuan said to Zhang Nanyi.

Zhang Nanyi smiled and said: "Every time I meet you, your eyes and face are always swollen. You didn't sleep well last time, and you cried and vomited this time.

To be honest, your 95-point rating here is in jeopardy.

It can be downgraded at any time. "

Gao Yuanyuan laughed when she heard this, and her mood improved a lot. She said boldly: "You can rate it however you want, I don't care anymore!

No matter how beautiful it is, men will get tired of it! "

Zhang Nanyi didn't answer her question. He was not interested in the beauty's emotional experience.

"Let's go after vomiting. Don't waste time." After Zhang Nanyi finished speaking, he walked to Xiao Taohong and started chatting with this cheerful big sister.

It has been more than three months since he was reborn, and Zhang Nanyi has not been released. Although his physical condition is not particularly good, he is still a young man with strong blood and rich capital.

Zhang Nanyi felt that he might be able to do some activities tonight to release some stress.

Although Xiao Taohong's appearance is not as good as Gao Yuanyuan and Jia Jingwen, Xiao Taohong is obviously more generous and casual, and she also looks very sweet. She also practices synchronized swimming, and her body proportions are actually very good.

The most important thing is that Zhang Nanyi can feel that Xiao Taohong has a good impression of him and targets her with a relatively high success rate.

As for Gao Yuanyuan and Jia Jingwen, Zhang Nanyi can't handle it for the time being.

Seeing Zhang Nanyi leaving without hesitation again, Gao Yuanyuan hugged Jia Jingwen's arm and asked: "Sister Wen, do you think I have lost my charm at all?

The men at home are flirting with women outside. The handsome guy I met on the set would leave every time he said a few words to me. "

Jia Jingwen asked in surprise: "Did Yadong cheat on you?"

Gao Yuanyuan nodded sadly: "That woman has already sent me text messages. What a bullshit love, a bullshit man!"

The biggest blow for someone who has been cheated on is that they will fall into self-doubt and wonder if there is something about themselves that is not good enough, causing their partner to cheat.

In fact, cheating is all the fault of the other party and has nothing to do with you. But the reality is that the injured person always doubts and denies himself first.Gao Yuanyuan fell into this mood at this time.

She said dullly: "This is my retribution, I deserve it!"

Jia Jingwen was speechless. She was an insider, so of course she knew the situation of Gao Yuanyuan and Zhang Yadong.

Zhang Yadong was originally a married man, and his wife was Dou Wei's sister Dou Ying. Because of Gao Yuanyuan's intervention, Zhang Yadong divorced Dou Ying and chose to be with Gao Yuanyuan.

Now that Gao Yuanyuan has been involved by another woman, it is not an exaggeration to say it is retribution.

Jia Jingwen really can't be comforted, because she herself has a criminal record, and when it comes to this topic, she herself is not justified.

Zhang Nanyi didn't know that the two heroines of the crew were talking about their sorrows, so he followed Xiao Taohong to the Qiangui KTV.

Qiangui KTV entered the mainland in the 90s and is now developing rapidly across the country, opening stores everywhere. This store in Hengdian also opened at the end of last year.

It's just that the people who can sing in KTVs nowadays are mostly from the social elite. The main reason is that the price of private rooms is not cheap, and the income of the people has not yet risen.

In another two years, as everyone's pockets gradually bulge, the prosperity of KTV will come.

Xiao Taohong ordered a medium bag, and 8 people walked into the private room.

Unexpectedly, Liu Hengyu, who doesn't talk much, has the potential to be a Mai Ba. After entering the box, he ordered a song by Dick Cowboy's How Much Love Can Come Again.

"I always blame myself, I shouldn't have..."

His voice is relatively clear, and his singing still has a bit of his own flavor. Unlike Dick Cowboy's vicissitudes of life, Liu Hengyu's singing is more sincere and youthful.

I don’t have enough singing skills, so my emotions just come in, so it’s very sincere.

Liu Hengyu's singing was barely passable, but he was very intoxicated and felt it was very good.

This is Mai Ba's self-cultivation.

After Liu Hengyu, Xiao Taohong, Chen Zihan and Li Dashan were very active and sang a few songs.

Zhang Nanyi saw that everyone was singing happily, so he did not participate. He sat on the sofa, eating melon seeds and fruits, and chatting with Gao Yuanyuan.

After entering the private room, Gao Yuanyuan didn't know what happened, but she was particularly enthusiastic and proactive towards Zhang Nanyi. Not only did she tell Zhang Nanyi all about her past with Zhang Yadong, she also kept pestering Zhang Nanyi and asked him if he was pretty. pretty.

Is there any need to talk about Zhang Nanyi’s eloquence?

After a while, he read a poem: "The beautiful scenery hides the past and the present, and the lotus flowers shame the jade face."

Let’s talk nonsense literature for a moment: “There are two kinds of girls in the world who are the cutest, one is smart and the other is beautiful, and you are the smart and beautiful girl.”

Although a bit exaggerated, in the atmosphere of KTV and Gao Yuanyuan's emotional needs at this time, these words seemed just right.

Gao Yuanyuan was very satisfied with Zhang Nanyi's praise. The two chatted for half an hour. Gao Yuanyuan's eyes were so charming that they could drip with water.

Zhang Nanyi did not expect such an unexpected surprise tonight, and immediately changed his strategy.

Xiao Taohong was strategically abandoned, and her main focus was on Gao Yuanyuan.

Noticing that Zhang Nanyi and Gao Yuanyuan were getting more and more excited as they chatted, and the two of them were leaning together, Xiao Taohong directly used the microphone to say loudly: "Xiao Zhang, we have all sung!
You and Yuanyuan haven't sung yet, why don't you sing one first? "

Everyone immediately began to boo, asking Zhang Nanyi to sing. Zhang Nanyi was not stage frightened at all. KTV singing is also one of the advanced skills of bank account managers.

After drinking, it is inevitable to sing with the customers.

Zhang Nanyi has a very rich music library, with at least three classic Cantonese songs, three popular songs, three classic TV drama theme songs, and three nostalgic love songs, all of which his customer base will like.

Choose different songs according to different customers. Once you sing well, it will be easy for customers to feel that they have met a close friend, and it will be much easier to attract deposits.

(End of this chapter)

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