Chapter 136
Ou Mei saw Jia Jingwen's red face and thought she still had a fever, so she didn't think much about it.

She said: "Sister Wen, you are very familiar with Director Lai. Let's talk to him later. Shoot less of your scene tonight and finish it early.

After all, treatment takes time, so it’s best to take a day or two off to rest. "

Jia Jingwen blurted out subconsciously: "The treatment is very quick, it only takes a few minutes, but I will cooperate."

Ou Mei asked in confusion: "No, Yuanyuan said that the treatment took more than an hour last night and the effect was very good. Sister Wen, you are wrong."

Jia Jingwen looked at Gao Yuanyuan, who was holding Zhang Nanyi's hand and talking and laughing not far away, and thought that Yuanyuanyi really understands men and knows how to save face for your man.

You can brag about it for more than an hour.

However, Jia Jingwen did not argue with Ou Mei. In her opinion, the length of communication is just an indicator. The key is quality and emotional communication.

Although Yuanyuan's voice only appeared for a few minutes last night, Jia Jingwen could still hear the joy coming from her heart.

As a woman, you can still tell the difference between a real call and a false call.

And looking at Gao Yuanyuan's cheerful face today, and looking at Zhang Nanyi's eyes that were almost overflowing with emotion, Jia Jingwen felt that the quality of the exchange between the two last night was definitely extremely high.

Suddenly I looked forward to the treatment in the evening.

While putting on makeup, Jia Jingwen was still thinking about the reason for taking Zhang Nanyi to see the old Chinese medicine doctor she knew.

She was not just doing it for that aspect, but she was worried that Zhang Nanyi had exercised too much and had strengthened his muscles without keeping up with his inner self, which could easily lead to problems.

Because of Jia Jingwen's random thoughts and the fact that she was suffering from a cold, the scene shot in the morning was very uneventful and stumbling.

However, Lai Shuiqing did not criticize Jia Jingwen. After all, Jia Jingwen acted despite being sick and was already very dedicated.

In contrast, Gao Yuanyuan is in very good condition, her cold is gone, she is nourished by love, and her whole face is radiant.

It was obvious that both of them were depressed yesterday, but after one night, their states were very different.

Everyone on the crew thought it was amazing. Lai Shuiqing even joked with Zhang Nanyi: "Xiao Zhang, you should come over earlier to visit the class. The two heroines caught a cold together and I have a big head.

Now that Yuanyuan is in good condition, I can at least film more of her scenes first and let Jingwen take a breather. "

The cast of the drama The Legend of the Doctor is a fusion of two dramas: The Legend of the Dragon Slayer and The Supreme Beauty. Lai Shuiqing is the director of Yitian, and he and Zhang Nanyi have known each other for a long time, so they talk more casually.

Zhang Nanyi said: "That won't work. Director Lai, you know the reason why I came to visit the class. If you are adding drama to Yuanyuan, isn't my visit in vain?"

Lai Shuiqing laughed loudly, "You really don't hide it at all. Now you are red, but you haven't changed at all, you just got a lot stronger."

Lai Shuiqing said meaningfully: "There are many beauties in our crew. Don't just focus on Gao Yuanyuan. I will definitely shoot more scenes with Gao Yuanyuan in these two days to let Jingwen rest.

If you have the ability, you can also cure Jingwen's cold, and all problems will be solved. "

There are indeed many beauties in the cast of The Miracle Doctor. Among them are Zhang Tong from the 96th class of Yangxi Opera, who has a delicate appearance, a very good figure, and has a certain size. There is also Dong Xiaoyan, a graduate of Yanying, who is also very good-looking and has a pair of small tiger teeth. deep impression.

But the person Zhang Nanyi is most familiar with is of course Yang Rui, his sister Zhong Ling.

He walked to Yang Rui, who forced a smile on her face and greeted him. Her mood was not very high, and she was completely different from the spicy one in the Tianlong Babu crew.

Zhang Nanyi asked: "What's wrong, sister Zhong Ling, who made you angry? Tell your brother that he shot her to death with the Six Meridians Divine Sword."

Yang Rui rolled her eyes at Zhang Nanyi: "You are as glib as ever. It's no big deal. I'm broken in love and the person who bullied me is a man. Do you want to shoot him with the Six Meridians Divine Sword?"

Zhang Nanyi laughed: "Forget about men, my brother's sword only shoots at women, you know."

Yang Rui is a minor supporting role in this drama and doesn't have many roles. She didn't have any scenes in the morning, so she just sat and chatted with Zhang Nanyi for a while.

Most of the time, Yang Rui was complaining about her ex-boyfriend, and she seemed to have a lot of resentment.

Zhang Nanyi was not very interested in her story. He just had nothing to do and chatted casually. When Gao Yuanyuan finished her scene, Zhang Nanyi immediately abandoned Yang Rui and walked towards Gao Yuanyuan.

When Yang Rui saw Zhang Nanyi like this, she couldn't help but laugh and curse: "Men are all big pig hooves!"

Gao Yuanyuan took a sip of water and said to Zhang Nanyi: "If you feel bored, just go out for a walk instead of staying on the set."

Zhang Nanyi shook his head: "There is not much to do in Hengdian. I will leave the day after tomorrow and go to Shanghai to do some errands."

Hearing this, Gao Yuanyuan immediately said, "Then I'll ask the director for a day off and I'll be with you tomorrow."

Zhang Nanyi laughed loudly: "If you ask for leave tomorrow, Director Lai will probably kill me. He is counting on you now."

Gao Yuanyuan said confidently: "That is the director's business. As an actor, I have the right to ask for leave. He can film the scenes between Zhao Wenzhuo and Dong Xiaoyan first.

Besides, if you give Wenwen a massage at night, she will probably recover tomorrow, so I should ask for leave. "

This love brain really forgets everything when she has a man.

Gao Yuanyuan has been doing this all the time. She often takes leave from every crew, and it's all because of love. In the long run, it will definitely have an impact on her reputation as an actor.

But with Zhang Nanyi here, she doesn't have to worry too much about this.

"Okay, you can ask for leave." Zhang Nanyi said, "But I can't guarantee that I can cure Sister Wen. I'm just giving you a massage, not a special cold medicine."

"It will definitely be fine. Your massage is more effective than cold medicine. I still have a fever tonight and I need your help."

Gao Yuanyuan's confidence in Zhang Nanyi is very strong. Now that her body has recovered, she has begun to fight.

Zhang Nanyi immediately said: "No problem!" Gao Yuanyuan turned around and went to Lai Shuiqing to ask for leave. Lai Shuiqing was not embarrassed. Zhang Nanyi came to visit the class, and Lai Shuiqing was mentally prepared for Gao Yuanyuan's request for leave.

Lai Shuiqing did this to give Zhang Nan some face.

During lunch, Ou Mei saw that Gao Yuanyuan had successfully asked for leave, and said to Jia Jingwen: "Sister Wen and Yuanyuan can ask for leave, and you should also ask for leave to rest.

Your body is the most important thing, and if you want to compete with Yuanyuan for Teacher Zhang, it will take time and more importantly, state.

Look how haggard you are now, being outdone by Yuanyuan. "

Jia Jingwen looked at Ou Mei in surprise: "When I was taking off my makeup last night, didn't you advise me not to be impulsive and focus on my career? Why did you change your mind today?"

Ou Mei said in a low voice: "I think Mr. Zhang is worth grabbing for you. He is tall and handsome. He can also write and sing songs. He is now popular and has a bright future.

And there are also mysterious treatment methods. Look at Yuanyuan, the changes in one night are too obvious.

It’s just that I’m not pretty enough, otherwise I’d like to try it myself! "

Obviously, Gao Yuanyuan's changes shocked Ou Mei greatly and made her change her mind.

Jia Jingwen didn't say anything. She couldn't tell her assistant that Zhang Nanyi was a prodigal. She just wanted to experience the love she hadn't had in a long time and had no long-term plans.

However, Jia Jingwen still followed the assistant's advice. She spoke to Lai Shuiqing and asked not to shoot any night scenes tonight and to go back to the hotel to rest early.

Lai Shuiqing also agreed. Today he will focus on filming the scenes between Zhao Wenzhuo and Liu Xuehua.

After the afternoon scenes were filmed, everyone had a simple lunch on the set. Gao Yuanyuan had another scene in the evening, and Zhang Nanyi was waiting for her on the set.

At 8:[-] pm, Ou Mei came to Zhang Nanyi's side.

The assistant whispered: "Teacher Zhang, Sister Wen are ready. This is her room card."

What else could Zhang Nanyi say? He told Gao Yuanyuan and returned to the hotel first.

Zhang Nanyi was surprised when he opened the door with the room card and was stunned for a moment.

There was only an ambient light on in the room, which was slightly dim. There was a faint orange scent in the air, which was obviously some aromatherapy.

Jia Jingwen wore a set of black lace pajamas. The pajamas were very light and breathable, looming.

Although her face was very pale, she was still bright and charming.

There was an open bottle of red wine and two goblets on the table.

Seeing Zhang Nanyi come in, Jia Jingwen said: "The conditions here are relatively simple, I just decorated it briefly, don't mind."

After saying that, she stood up, poured the wine, took a glass for herself, and handed a glass to Zhang Nanyi. She was about to drink when Zhang Nanyi held her down.

"You have a serious cold, so it's better not to drink."

Zhang Nanyi put the medicine bag he brought into the kettle and started to boil it. The pleasant aromatherapy smell in the room was slowly replaced by the smell of medicine.

Jia Jingwen was stunned for a moment and said, "Are you so impatient? The night is still long, so we should pay attention to the atmosphere and fun."

Zhang Nanyi understood everything when he saw Jia Jingwen's arrangement. He said: "I'm not impatient, you are impatient. As the saying goes, the future is long. You are sick now and have no fighting ability.

Let me give you a massage to treat your illness first, then lie down on the bed! "

Jia Jingwen thought Zhang Nanyi had some strange hobbies, so she didn't refuse and lay on the bed.

Zhang Nanyi laughed: "Like Yuanyuan, stop sticking your butt out and twisting your waist. Lie down straight. I want to give you a massage."

When Zhang Nanyi actually started massaging, Jia Jingwen buried her head in the pillow and clasped her toes, feeling particularly embarrassed.

She finally knew that Zhang Nanyi was really a serious massager. He probably gave Gao Yuanyuan a massage last night. The medicine was not for food, but for massage.

She herself made a misunderstanding and arranged such a scene today. The scene was very social.

However, Zhang Nanyi's massage skills are outstanding, and Jia Jingwen is really comfortable.

After a while, just like Gao Yuanyuan last night, she started humming and then fell asleep again.

Zhang Nanyi finished the massage obediently, covered Jia Jingwen with a quilt, took the red wine prepared by Jia Jingwen, and returned to Gao Yuanyuan's room first.

I made an appointment with Yuanyuan tonight to carry out further treatment and help her consolidate.

Zhang Nanyi has a dark dream about Zhang Wuji. The first step is to make Zhou Zhiruo understand that this man is too strong and she cannot conquer him alone.

Finding help is the only way out.

Gao Yuanyuan also deeply realized this truth. She was indeed no match for Zhang Nanyi.

She thought of Wei Tiantian and Liu Xiaoli, the big boss behind the scenes, and felt that she needed to find allies, and Jia Jingwen was a good ally.

Well, all of this is Gao Yuanyuan's excuse for herself.She knew that she couldn't stop Zhang Nanyi and Jia Jingwen, so she might as well think in a better direction.

I can only say that a person’s bottom line can be lowered again and again...

(End of this chapter)

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