Chapter 152 The only style

Seeing Zhang Nanyi walk in, Chen Hao said with a smile: "Oh, boss Zhang, you are finally here. You are the only boss who is so cruel to leave three beautiful girls here."

Before Zhang Nanyi could speak, Jing Tian said seriously: "Sister Chen Hao, brother Nanyi is the best boss. He treats us very well."

Chen Hao: "..."

Zhang Nanyi laughed loudly. Jing Tian's personality became more and more fun. Sometimes she really couldn't tell that what others said was a joke, but sometimes she could tell and pretended not to.

It's hard to tell the truth from the lie, so she said some slightly disgusting things, which seemed very sincere and not abrupt at all.

These words would sound false coming from other people's mouths, but for Jing Tian, ​​they were very appropriate.

Chen Hao said with a smile: "It's really nice of Tiantian to be so protective of your boss. Nan Yi, let me introduce to you, this beauty is Huang Yi."

Zhang Nanyi smiled and said hello: "Hello, Teacher Huang Yi, I am Zhang Nanyi."

At this time, Huang Yi was still quite beautiful. Although not as good as when she was in her prime when she married the right man in a wrong sedan chair, she was still very natural and not like the stiffness she had after her failed plastic surgery.

After Zhang Nanyi became involved in the entertainment industry, he became more aware of plastic surgery. He used to not understand why many female stars, even though they were quite beautiful, still went for plastic surgery.

Now I probably know the reason. On the one hand, there are too many beautiful people in the entertainment industry, and it is easy to be unsure of yourself. On the other hand, appearance and appearance are what many female celebrities rely on for their survival. They have undergone plastic surgery and are as advanced as many people in the workplace. One's own business skills are the same as improving one's own competitiveness.

Many celebrities' careers took off after plastic surgery. Typical examples are Yang Mi and Da Baobao, as well as 4000-Year-Old Beauty and others.

Huang Yi generously stretched out his hand and shook Zhang Nan's hand. She smiled and said: "Yuan Yuan mentioned you to me. He said that if Tian Long Ba Bu was broadcast earlier, he would definitely not be able to take the position of the four major students this year. .”

The four major students in 2003 were Huang Xiaoming, Yao Yuan, Yin Xiaotian, and Tong Dawei. This result was selected in September this year. At that time, Zhang Nanyi was only slightly famous and had not yet become popular.

So it was not chosen.

After the selection of the top four major and junior college students in 2003, the selection of the top four students was suspended for four years and was not re-evaluated until 08.

Regarding this, Zhang Nanyi expressed that he was very happy. What a niche, he didn't like this name very much. Others were all the Four Heavenly Kings. The media in mainland China was really a bit small.

Four young students and four young ladies are boring.

So Zhang Nanyi said: "Brother Yu Yuan deserves the title of the four big and small students, so I will not get involved."

Then he sighed: "I really envy you and Yaoyuan's freedom and ease."

Huang Yi and Yao Yuan broke up. There are rumors that because Huang Yi was filming an intimate scene with Ho Run-tung, Yao Yuan couldn't bear it and chose to break up. It is also said that the two had a quarrel because Huang Yi played the role of Xiao Yanzi in Return of the Pearl.

Now it seems that after the two of them became popular, they broke up peacefully. Seeing that Huang Yi also took the initiative to mention Ya Yuan, with a natural demeanor, I knew that he was not pretending, and the two were still friends.

Zhang Nanyi chatted with Chen Hao and Huang Yi for a few words, and reminisced about old times with Xie Yuxin. Then he took Liu Yifei and the three of them to find a seat and sit down.

Seeing Liu Yifei sighing with relief after sitting down, Zhang Nanyi asked: "Do you feel uncomfortable? Is it because you didn't dare to sit down and kept standing when I was away?"

Liu Yifei nodded: "Many of the people here are seniors in the industry, and we are not familiar with each other, so we had to stand obediently in the corner after we came in. Sister Chen Hao saw us being cautious, so she deliberately came over to chat with us."

Today's audition is for a song and dance show, and many of the singers who come are well-known singers in the industry. They are very sweet and have just become popular. They are young and have no experience. It is normal to be a little reserved.

After more experience, they will be able to deal with such situations appropriately.

Just as Zhang Nanyi was about to speak, two people walked in from the door. One of them was carrying something in his hand and dressed plainly. He was obviously an assistant.

The other man was cool, wearing a baseball uniform and a baseball cap. His hair was slightly long, and the bangs in front of his eyes covered his eyebrows.

When he walked in, there was a hip-hop vibe about him. He was none other than Bay Island's emerging singer Zhou Jialun.

Zhang Nanyi was still very surprised when he saw Zhou Jiulun.In this era, most singers from Bay Island and Hong Kong Island attend the Spring Festival Gala through an invitation system and do not need to come to audition. Qi Qin and Karen Mok did not come.

This situation also applies to some big-name celebrities, such as Wang Fei and Zhao Yanzi, who are not here today.

Zhou Jielun even came to the audition, with such a good attitude, and his clear stance, no wonder he will become Yangshi's biological son in the future, and Yangshi will praise him highly.

Yangshi represents the official attitude, which is very important for an artist. Zhou Jiulun is now very popular, but only among young people. In the mainstream media, Zhou Jiulun has not yet received widespread attention. recognized.

His singing style where he could not sing the lyrics clearly was still controversial. It was Yangshi's support. In addition, there were more and more good works of Zhou Jiulun. It was not until 2008 that Zhou Jiulun slowly made his way to the altar.

After Zhou Jiulun came in, he had no acquaintance, so he sat with the assistant, and the two of them talked quietly.

Jing Tian noticed Zhang Nanyi's eyes, and looked at Zhou Jiulun curiously, and said straightforwardly: "Brother Nanyi, is that man bald? He's still wearing a hat indoors, that's weird."

Zhou Jiulun: "..." Zhou Jiulun heard Jing Tian's words. He was sitting not far from Zhang Nanyi, and with the beauty of Liu Yifei, Jing Tian and Shu Chang, any man would look at them more.

Zhou Jielun also listened to very sweet songs, so he paid close attention to this area.

After hearing Jing Tian's words, Zhou Jiulun took off his baseball cap with a slight embarrassment, and touched his hair a few times with his hands to make sure that his hairstyle was not messy.

Seeing Zhou Jiulun's actions, Liu Yifei burst into laughter. Jing Tian also realized that he had heard her words and was a little embarrassed.

However, she had no intention of talking to Zhou Jielun. Instead, she turned around and took the opportunity to rest her head on Zhang Nanyi's shoulder, as if she was avoiding him out of embarrassment.

Shu Chang noticed Jing Tian's movements and looked at Liu Yifei who was smiling innocently. She felt very tired and had a feeling that Liu Yifei would be robbed at any time.

Zhang Nanyi was unable to move as Jing Tian was leaning against him, so he waved to say hello to Zhou Jiulun.

Zhou Jiulun misunderstood, thinking that Zhang Nanyi called him over. He jumped up from his position with a slight jump, and then walked to Zhang Nanyi's side.

"Hello, Teacher Zhang Nanyi, the songs you wrote are quite cool, especially the pirate song and the summer wind, I like them both!"

Zhang Nanyi: "..."

Facing the real owner, Zhang Nanyi still said modestly: "The inspiration for me to write these songs is derived from listening to your songs and learning from you."

Hearing Zhang Nanyi say this, Liu Yifei and Jing Tian were instantly unhappy. They didn't like Zhang Nanyi being too modest. Jing Tian was about to speak but was stopped by Shu Chang.

But Zhou Jielun was very happy. He felt that Zhang Nanyi gave him a lot of face, and these songs were indeed very similar to his music style.

He said: "Your songwriting style is quite varied, such as Jiangnan, Always Quiet, and Superstar. I can't write these songs."

Zhou Jiulun's words were also modest. The sedan chair was carried by everyone, and Liu Yifei and Jing Tian immediately looked at Zhou Jiulun more favorably.

At this time, Zhou Jielun was relatively thin. In the past two years, he had achieved great success in the music industry. His initial youthfulness and humbleness had been swept away, and he no longer had the obesity problem. He was now at the peak of his appearance.

Coupled with the blessing of talent, the whole person is still a bit handsome.

Just standing next to Zhang Nanyi, the comparison is still quite severe.Zhou Jiulun soon discovered this. He felt that he had been pretending to be cool for a long time. The eyes of the three beauties were always on Zhang Nanyi, which was a failure.

Originally, he wanted to have dinner with Zhang Nanyi after the audition, but after seeing this comparison, he quickly gave up the idea.

Everyone chatted casually for a few words. The director of this year's Spring Festival Gala, Yuan Dewang, came on stage to say a few words, thanking everyone for their support, and then announced the start of the audition.

The first song was Wang Zhao's "Good Luck Comes" by Teacher Zu Huan. When Teacher Zu's high-pitched and powerful voice sounded, "Fold a thousand paper cranes and tie a red ribbon", Zhang Nanyi suddenly felt like celebrating the New Year. a feeling of.

This song is so festive, and the strength of the national team cannot be overshadowed.

Zhou Jiulun was actually very interested in this song and listened to it with gusto.

After Good Luck came to a good start, the subsequent songs and dance programs were both good. Zhou Jiulun came on stage for the seventh time. He sang "Dragon Fist". The live performance was slightly flawed, but still very impressive.

Zhang Nan likes the song "Dragon Fist" very much. He used to listen to it with Orcs. It is full of enthusiasm and very touching.

After Zhou Jielun's audition, he did not leave. Instead, he sat down on the stage again. When Wei Tiantian sang "Listen to me and say thank you" on stage, Zhou Jielun bowed his hands to Zhang Nanyi and said with admiration: " Although there are many different styles, I am still not as good as you. I can write children's songs, I admire you!"

Zhang Nanyi didn't care whether Zhou Jiulun was joking or sincere, he said deliberately: "When I write songs, they are all tailor-made, it doesn't matter the style or not.

Because my talent is never limited by style. "


Zhou Jiulun looked at Zhang Nanyi and sighed: "I know your style. Thick-skinned is your only style."

Zhang Nanyi smiled and said jokingly: "You are really good at reading people!"

After the very sweet performance, the director team began to comment. Fang Li said: "The singing was very good and the emotions were sincere, but I think the dance part is worthy of discussion.

I think it is better not to let the three of them dance. The three of them will concentrate on singing and dancing. They will find a children's dance troupe to accompany them behind.

This should be more appropriate. "

Yuan Dewang nodded in agreement, and Zhang Nanyi also felt that the directing team was very professional. The song Thank You is really not suitable for the singer to dance. It would obviously be better to find children to dance with.

However, the three of them, Liu Yifei, were still a little frustrated. After all, they had been practicing dancing for a while, so it would be a little uncomfortable if they were killed in the dance.

(End of this chapter)

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