China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 206 Liu Xiaoli buys a house again

Chapter 206 Liu Xiaoli buys a house again
Seeing Ning Hao's worthless and funny look, Sanbao burst into laughter. Zhang Nanyi also laughed happily and was surprised at the same time.

He didn't know Ning Hao's pain at this time.

After filming Incense, Ning Hao never had the money to make a second movie, so he could only work on the crew of a TV series for some stupid directors.

Finally, my wife and I came up with the script for Green Grass, but we couldn't find any investors.

In his previous life, Ning Hao was chasing green grass, but his investors ran away. In the end, his wife Xin Aina supported his dream.

The family's savings of 12 yuan were willing to spend 10 yuan for Ning Hao to make a movie, leaving only 2 yuan for living expenses.

Coupled with the producer's funds, it was difficult to finish the film.

It’s really hard to be an independent director and independent filmmaker. If given the choice, Ning Hao would definitely want to find a good company to join him.

Moreover, when making movies, Ning Hao was not as generous as some independent filmmakers, and his response to reality was not "profound" enough. He could not impress the judges of mainstream foreign film festivals, and he could not win any awards.

At this time, he was still wallowing in the quagmire.

Zhang Nanyi himself is very popular, and his company has also produced many popular works. Ning Hao naturally rushed up the ladder Zhang Nanyi stretched out.

Although he misjudged the situation, Zhang Nanyi still said: "Go to Nanyi Culture to sign a contract tomorrow.

By the way, bring me the script of Green Grass and let me take a look at it and agree on an investment amount.

I personally don’t like the feature films in the exhibition, but this time I support your dream. "

Ning Hao immediately said: "Mr. Zhang is so generous! Dreams are priceless, and the company will definitely invest more money in me."

"The company has money, it depends on whether you are worth it or not." Zhang Nanyi said: "First, let's shoot the very sweet MV."

Zhang Nanyi plans to make a seven-part series about reincarnation. The script about love and literature can be directed by Yu Feihong, which is absolutely no problem.

But those that are more story-telling or interesting, such as Horror Cruise, Edge of Tomorrow, Happy Death Day, etc., still need a director who can tell stories.

In terms of storytelling, Ning Hao is definitely a ceiling-level director in China.

After finalizing Ning Hao's MV shooting, Zhang Nanyi returned to the villa with Very Tian and tutored Shu Chang and Jing Tian at home, especially Jing Tian.

Because they have been filming and working, the performance of Shu Chang and Jing Tian has been greatly affected.

Shu Chang was okay, her grades dropped a bit, but her mock exams were basically above 550 points, and occasionally she could get above 600 points.

Yanying is more than enough.

Jing Tian is much worse. She is still young. She was an art major and fell behind in cultural classes.

In previous mock exams, the scores were basically around 300 to 350 points.

This score is very high. Last year, the admission score for Yanying's cultural courses was 340. If Jing Tian didn't perform well, there was a real possibility that he wouldn't be able to get into Yanying.

And as the college entrance examination approaches, Jing Tian, ​​a "big-hearted" player who has always been an optimist, also starts to get nervous.

She wanted to go to school with Shu Chang, and she didn't want to disappoint Zhang Nanyi, so she was a little panicked. In the past two days, she performed more and more abnormally in the mock exams at home, and her score did not even reach 300 points.

Zhang Nanyi saw that Jing Tian was nervous, so he started to help her study. Although Zhang Nanyi didn't know the advanced topics, he could still teach some basic knowledge points, especially those that relied on memory.

His main idea was to help Jing Tian adjust her mentality. Unexpectedly, there was something useful in teaching this skill. When Zhang Nan used the teaching skills to teach Jing Tian some knowledge, her learning speed was much faster than before.

After Zhang Nanyi taught her twice, Jing Tian took a mock exam at home and got a record-high score of 380 points.

Let Liu Yifei and Shu Chang exclaim, this is the power of love.

Jing Tian didn't deny it, but looked at Zhang Nanyi's eyes with more and more admiration and affection.

After finishing teaching Jing Tian and pressing her little feet in the evening, it was already 11 o'clock.

Zhang Nanyi let Wei Tiantian go to bed first, and he was waiting for someone in the lobby. Liu Xiaoli's flight back to Yanjing tonight.

Zhang Nanyi said he wanted to pick him up at the airport, but Liu Xiaoli refused because her flight was very late.

She waited until 1:[-] in the morning before Liu Xiaoli returned home after a long journey. When she opened the door of the villa, she saw Zhang Nan walking towards her.

Early the next morning, Zhang Nanyi woke up from the villa, drove to Mo Beiwu's residence as usual, taught her Tai Chi, and then had a simple duel with her. Mo Beiwu went to work with all his essence. .

Zhang Nanyi and Mo Beiwu's cooperation became more and more tacit. As Mo Beiwu's situation became bigger, the two were no longer obsessed with the outcome of the bet and could communicate freely.

Fighting in the morning is like a warm-up, which can wake up the sleeping body without consuming too much energy.

Mo Beiwu liked this rhythm more and more.

When Zhang Nanyi came to Nanyi Culture, Liu Xiaoli had already appeared in the company.

The preliminary work of cinema construction is almost busy, and the follow-up is construction, supervision and acceptance.

Liu Xiaoli has been with Zhang Nanyi for a long time, and her work style has followed his, and she is relatively calm.

Although the company has sufficient funds, theater construction is still proceeding steadily. The first batch only built one theater each in Shancheng, Jiangcheng and Hangzhou.One theater has 8 screens, and the total of the three theaters is only 24 screens.

Liu Xiaoli's plan is very solid. She will first accumulate experience in the construction and management of these three theaters, summarize the shortcomings and the processes that can be scaled up, and then gradually speed up the construction of the theaters after improvements.

In the office, Zhang Nanyi closed the door and pressed Liu Xiaoli's shoulder.

Liu Xiaoli closed her eyes comfortably and said, "Didn't I massage it last night? Is this a massage or something else?"

Zhang Nanyi didn't stop, but said with a smile: "Xiaoli still understands me."

Liu Xiaoli did not answer Zhang Nanyi's words, but said casually: "The courtyard house you asked me to buy before, one of which is about 900 square meters, I transformed into a teahouse, where I can make tea, entertain, and receive friends.

The renovation is expected to be completed by the end of the year. "

Then, she whispered: "The small house I lived in before has never been occupied, but I asked my aunt to clean it. You can come back with me to take a look when you have time."

Zhang Nanyi smiled and said he understood.

Sister Xiaoli was still thoughtful, but unexpectedly Liu Xiaoli continued: "A top-level villa project will be launched in June called Ziyu Villa, and I plan to buy another villa there.

Don’t tell anyone else yet. "

Zhang Nanyi applauded and said happily: "It is right to invest more in houses. I support it with both hands!"

Liu Xiaoli rolled her eyes at Zhang Nan charmingly, stood up and said, "I won't do the massage anymore. I'll go read the plan you wrote first."

Zhang Nanyi had previously made a plan for the framework planning of Nanyi Entertainment Group. Liu Xiaoli turned on the computer and began to read it carefully.

Zhang Nanyi did not disturb her, but came to the coffee table, boiled water to scald cups, and prepared to make tea.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat down, there was a knock on the door in the office.

"Come in!" As soon as Zhang Nanyi finished speaking, the door opened and Ning Hao walked in with a smile.

Zhang Nanyi asked in surprise: "If you don't go to shoot the MV, why do you come to me?"

The smile on Ning Hao's face suddenly disappeared. He choked and asked, "Mr. Zhang, you don't keep your word, do you? Yesterday you agreed that I would come to the company to sign a contract today."

Zhang Nanyi was so happy that he forgot what he said yesterday. Seeing that Ning Hao was a little anxious, Zhang Nanyi did not tease him, but said directly: "Why are you anxious? What I promised you will definitely be I won’t break my promise.”

Ning Hao sat across from Zhang Nanyi and smiled: "Fortunately, I took the initiative to come today. Mr. Zhang, you will definitely not break your promise, but noble people forget things.

Let’s sign the contract today. Your thighs are so thick, I want to hug you. "

Hearing Ning Hao's slightly exaggerated words, Liu Xiaoli looked away from the computer and glanced at Ning Hao.

Ning Hao also noticed the bright Liu Xiaoli.

Zhang Nanyi smiled and said: "Sister Xiaoli, you also know Mouzi. He is going to join our company. From now on, he will be a contracted director of our company just like Sister Hong."

Then, he solemnly said to Ning Hao: "You have met Sister Xiaoli before, but it was as Liu Yifei's mother and very sweet manager. Now I will introduce you again.

Ms. Liu Xiaoli, the actual controller of Nanyi Entertainment Group and my immediate boss. "

Zhang Nanyi's tone was serious, and Liu Xiaoli was sitting in the general manager's office, so Ning Hao really believed it.

Seeing Ning Hao's shocked expression, Liu Xiaoli lightly glared at Zhang Nanyi and said, "Hello, Director Ning, don't listen to Nanyi's nonsense. I, like you, work for him."

Ning Hao breathed a sigh of relief. If Liu Xiaoli really had the final say in the company, Ning Hao would have to consider whether to join.

When he joined Nanyi Culture, firstly, he really wanted to find an organization and a backer. Secondly, he felt that he was very happy getting along with Zhang Nanyi and was optimistic about Zhang Nanyi's development prospects.

He was not familiar with Liu Xiaoli.

Ning Hao came to the company today, and his mood was up and down. He couldn't help but laugh and curse: "Mr. Zhang's mouth is such a liar. It's so stupid. I almost believed it just now."

Zhang Nanyi burst out laughing and said, "How could I lie to you? Sister Xiaoli is still my agent and she is in charge of me. I have to listen to her."

Ning Hao chuckled: "I believe you are a ghost!"

Liu Xiaoli said: "You guys chat, I'll ask Yu Yu to draw up a signing contract."

After Liu Xiaoli left, Zhang Nanyi said: "The script of Green Grass is here, show it to me."

Ning Hao took out a stack of paper from his briefcase and handed it to Zhang Nanyi.

The script was not long, only nine sheets and eighteen pages. Zhang Nan scanned it very quickly.

A very typical drama about a few children in Inner Mongolia who misunderstood the meaning of table tennis as a "national sport", thought that table tennis was a national treasure, and wanted to return the picked up table tennis balls to the country.

After reading the script, Zhang Nanyi asked: "Why set the background of the story in Inner Mongolia?"

(End of this chapter)

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