China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 234 A song for Yuanyuan

Chapter 234 A song for Yuanyuan
Jia Jingwen heard Zhang Nanyi's inquiry and replied: "Yuanyuan and I each invested 100 million, plus image endorsement fees, totaling 40% of the shares. My friend Tang Lei invested 800 million, accounting for 60% of the shares." .

In fact, if you hadn't told me that houses would definitely rise, I wouldn't have dared to invest.

Anyway, I bought several houses, which is enough to protect my life. The bar is considered a risky investment. "

Gao Yuanyuan immediately joked: "Sister Wen said that the shares in this bar will be her future dowry. Anyway, she and Nan Yi will only be together for a while, and she will definitely find a good man to marry in the future.

I don’t know which man will benefit from this wealth. "

Jia Jingwen slapped Gao Yuanyuan and said coquettishly: "What nonsense are you talking about? I was joking. What I said casually cannot be taken seriously."

Gao Yuanyuan blinked and said with a smile: "I have a cell phone recording."

Jia Jingwen: "..."

Seeing Zhang Nanyi's presence, Jia Jingwen breathed a sigh of relief. She glared at Gao Yuanyuan and quickly changed the subject: "Let's go, I have arranged the best booth."

The three of them sat in a semi-circular booth. From here, they could overlook the entire lobby on the first floor, and it was directly opposite the stage of the bar. They could clearly see any performances.

The waiter immediately came up to ask what he wanted. Zhang Nanyi ordered cold beer as usual, Gao Yuanyuan and Jia Jingwen each ordered a low-alcohol cocktail and some snacks.

Before the wine was served, Jia Jingwen's friend Tang Lei, who was also the owner of this bar, came over.

This woman is about 35 years old. She is small and exquisite, and looks a bit weak and pitiful.

When walking on the street with this kind of person, you would never guess that she is the owner of a big bar.

According to Jia Jingwen's introduction, this Tang Lei is actually from mainland China. By accident, she went to Bay Island to work as a mistress, and then succeeded in becoming a high-ranking official.

Her husband has a background in entertainment in Wandao. She used this background to open three bars in Wandao, and the business was very good.

Therefore, he has accumulated a lot of experience in store opening and management.

When her husband died last year, she decisively sold all her assets in Wandao and came to Shanghai to invest. She only opened this bar this year.

Zhang Nanyi and Tang Lei got to know each other, and after sitting together and chatting, they suddenly felt that the investment made by Jia Jingwen and Gao Yuanyuan was very good, and that this woman named Tang Lei had something.

She looked very weak, but she was very good at taking advantage of the situation. She directly asked Zhang Nanyi if he was willing to buy shares in her bar. If he was willing to buy shares, she would not pay a penny and would give Zhang Nanyi 10% of the shares for free.

Zhang Nanyi directly refused and expressed no interest. He currently earns tens of millions of endorsement fees a year and does not want to be prostituted in vain.

If he wants to play in the bar, he can just invest himself. There is no need to be a small shareholder here.

After chatting for a while, Tang Lei wisely withdrew.

Zhang Nanyi had no desire to go dancing. He just drank and ate while chatting leisurely with Gao Yuanyuan and Jia Jingwen.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, the DJ on the scene began to shout loudly: "Radis End Arrows, tonight's resident performance is about to begin!"
Where are the applause and cheers? ! ! "

The men and women at the scene cooperated well with the DJ, clapping and shouting in various ways, and the atmosphere was very exciting.

"First of all, let us welcome, the champion of the National PUB Singer Competition and the signed singer of EMI Records, Chen~Chu~sheng!!!"

Zhang Nanyi was quite surprised when he saw Chen Chusheng walking onto the stage wearing a plaid shirt and carrying a guitar.

I didn’t expect that I could meet the future Happy Boys champion just by visiting a bar.

Seeing that Zhang Nanyi was very interested in Chen Chusheng, Jia Jingwen explained: "Bars usually can't afford big-name singers, like Chen Chusheng, who has good singing skills and has won some championships in shows, but is not very popular and is not expensive. , is the first choice for resident singers.

Chen Chusheng was recruited by Tang Lei from a bar in Shenzhen.

If he becomes popular in the future, it will also be a publicity for our bar. "

Jia Jingwen has been at the bar these days since she visited Zhang Nanyi on the 11th and is familiar with the bar's business.
These words were explained to her by Tang Lei, and she told them to Zhang Nanyi intact.

Zhang Nanyi nodded and said, "Your idea is right."

The first song Chen Chusheng sang was Zhang Nanyi's song, Once Upon a Time, and then he sang "Big City, Little Love" and "Code".

Zhang Nanyi smiled and said: "This is arranged by Tang Lei, keep singing my songs, remember to pay the copyright fee."

Jia Jingwen pulled Gao Yuanyuan, and the two sisters said together: "There is no copyright fee, it's up to you."

What else can I do? I can't get the copyright fee, but I am here, so I can only let two beauties pay for it with their flesh.

Gao Yuanyuan hugged Zhang Nanyi's arm and whispered in his ear: "Come to the stage and sing a song for me. There will be a surprise tonight."

Zhang Nanyi said righteously: "It doesn't matter whether it's a surprise or not. Yuanyuan, if you want me to sing for you, just say so. I will definitely satisfy you."

Before coming today, Zhang Nanyi was ready to perform on stage. After all, this bar was invested by Gao Yuanyuan and Jia Jingwen, and he always wanted to express it.

Singing a song on stage can also be considered as a way to support their popularity.

Zhang Nanyi thought for a while and said, "I'll just sing the theme song of Time Traveler.

Originally, this movie was written for you, Yuanyuan.

This song was also created for you, and it is just right to sing it to you now. "

As a scumbag, Zhang Nanyi said some love words that were hard to distinguish between true and false, and they were absolutely random.

Hearing Zhang Nanyi's words, Gao Yuanyuan felt her whole body soften, and she kissed Zhang Nanyi very excitedly. Jia Jingwen was very envious.

But she also knew that Gao Yuanyuan was several steps ahead of her. When it came to feelings, Zhang Nanyi definitely liked Gao Yuanyuan more.

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan's actions becoming more and more excessive, Jia Jingwen had to interrupt: "Okay Yuanyuan, this is a bar, please be careful about the impact.

Let’s talk about your surprise for Nan Yi at the hotel in the evening.

Let Nan Yi sing for you first. "

Gao Yuanyuan got off Zhang Nanyi with a blushing face.

Zhang Nanyi kissed Jia Jingwen again, and then said: "Just prepare a guitar for me. Remember to find someone to take pictures. Take pictures from multiple angles, some blurry and some clear."

Jia Jingwen immediately found Tang Lei and told Zhang Nanyi's request. Tang Lei was very excited when she heard that Zhang Nanyi was willing to perform, and went to prepare in a hurry.

About a quarter of an hour later, Chen Chusheng came off the stage, and the DJ's voice was a little crazy.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Congratulations, you have won the grand prize! The mysterious guest is about to perform. Let us hold our breath and welcome Miss Jia Jingwen and Gao Yuanyuan~~~~~~"

The DJ paused and drew a long tail note.

Many of the customers who came here knew that this bar was invested by Gao Yuanyuan and Jia Jingwen. They thought Gao Yuanyuan and Jia Jingwen were going to perform on stage, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

As a result, the DJ continued: "My friend~"

Many impatient customers booed.

I heard DJ take a deep breath and shout in his loudest voice: "Zhang~Nan~One!!!"

"Damn it, it's impossible, the DJ just said Zhang Nanyi's name?"

"It's Zhang Nanyi. We heard it right. It's very possible. After all, Zhang Nanyi has had scandals with Gao Yuanyuan and Jia Jingwen."

"Are we so lucky? We came to the bar for a drink and saw Zhang Nanyi's performance?" Many customers in the bar began to discuss, and the scene was very noisy. The main reason was that Zhang Nanyi, as a singer, had not held any concerts. , and there are very few road shows.

Opportunities to hear him sing live were rare, so patrons were excited.

When the stage lights came on and Zhang Nanyi sat in front of the microphone with his guitar on his back, the audience burst into enthusiastic cheers, especially the screams of the girls.

The entire bar was like boiling water at the moment, so noisy and hot that it was boiling.

Tang Lei stood next to Jia Jingwen and Gao Yuanyuan. When she saw this scene, she sighed: "Mr. Zhang's popularity is unique now. Compared with him, you don't seem to be a star."

Neither Gao Yuanyuan nor Jia Jingwen spoke, but looked at Zhang Nanyi on the stage with affectionate eyebrows.

He simply wore a black T-shirt and casual trousers today. He was dressed very simply, but under the illumination of the stage lights, Zhang Nanyi was still so handsome that he shone.

With three-dimensional facial features, clear outlines, and clean attire, Zhang Nanyi could already hear the sound of frogs singing at the scene just by her appearance.

Some girls who had no feelings for Zhang Nanyi became fans directly after seeing the real person on the spot.

Zhang Nanyi did not sing directly, but waited. After the scene became quieter, he said: "Thank you for your love. I will sing a song here today. This song is from my new movie Time Traveler." The theme song is a new English song I wrote called Dancing with Your Ghost.

This song, and my new movie, are dedicated to a beautiful and generous woman.

In order for her to like this song more, when I wrote the song, I put in a female perspective, and the lyrics were also interpreted from a female perspective. I hope everyone will like it. "

After saying that, Zhang Nanyi began to strum the strings gently, and a simple but slightly sad melody sounded in the bar.

Everyone at the scene fell silent.

This is Zhang Nanyi's aura, which can make everyone in the bar listen to the song quietly.

"Yelling at the sky
Call to the sky

Screaming at the world
shout to the world

Baby, why'd you go away?
Baby, why did you leave?

I'm still your girl...

I'm still your girl..."

The consumption level of this bar is not low. There are many foreigners and some elite groups in Shanghai who come to the bar to have fun. Many of them can understand English.

Even listeners who don't understand are either attracted by the melody or pretend to follow it as if they understand.

Everyone listened carefully.

Zhang Nanyi sang very relaxedly, like a good friend confiding his sadness in everyone's ears.

“How do I love, how do I love again?
How do I, how do I fall in love with someone else again?

How do I trust, how do I trust again?
What should I do, how can I trust others again? "

After these two rhetorical question-style chants, the atmosphere of a sad emotional song slowly gained momentum.

Zhang Nanyi strummed the guitar twice, the tempo of the song sped up, and the melody of the chorus was catchy, catching everyone's ears.

"I stay up all night
I can't sleep at night

Tell myself I'm alright
Lie to yourself that everything is fine

Baby, you're just harder to see than most
Lie to yourself that you are here just hard to see

I put the record on
I play the record

Wait 'til I hear our song
waiting to hear our song
Every night I'm dancing with your ghost
I dance with your phantom every night

Every night I'm dancing with your ghost..."

Zhang Nanyi's warm but slightly hoarse voice echoed in the bar. Many people silently picked up the wine glasses in front of them and took a sip of wine. Some people followed the melody of the chorus and swayed their bodies.

The song Dancing with Your Ghost has a cold sadness, the melody is soothing and beautiful, and the rhythm is strong, but the lyrics are very sentimental.

Most people can find some emotional resonance from this song and have their own unique feelings about the song.

Some people heard sentimentality in the song, some heard healing; some thought of love, and some thought of their lost relatives.

It’s not unreasonable for this song to occupy the top spot on Douyin’s top ten English songs list all year round.

The effect of the live singing was very good. Everyone was so immersed in the atmosphere of the song that Zhang Nanyi quietly stepped down from the stage, and the audience did not react immediately.

In order to avoid being surrounded, after Zhang Nanyi finished singing, he took Gao Yuanyuan and Jia Jingwen and slipped away through the back door.

After singing, Yuanyuan was the most moved. At this time, the "surprise" effect is definitely the best. Zhang Nanyi must savor this surprise.

When Zhang Nanyi experienced a surprise in the hotel's luxurious suite, the video of him singing has gradually spread on the Internet.

Among them, some of them were viewers who listened to the song that night and spontaneously uploaded videos. Their posts were full of excitement and praise.

There was also encouragement from bar owner Tang Lei. She followed Zhang Nanyi's words and shot a clear version of the video so that netizens could clearly see Zhang Nanyi's appearance and hear his singing through the video.

I also shot a blurry version, which imitates the angle of the live audience recording.

Tang Lei also spent money to promote and promote videos online, which was regarded as advertising for her bar.

In addition to spontaneous audiences and bars, the crew of Time Traveler are also taking advantage of this trend to promote this video and warm up the movie.

This is one of the reasons why Zhang Nanyi chose to sing the theme song of Space Traveler in a bar, so as to promote the movie.

Before the performance, Zhang Nanyi had already thought about promoting the movie, so he asked Jia Jingwen to arrange for someone to shoot a video of the performance.

Driven by the three parties, coupled with Zhang Nanyi's own popularity, and the song "Dancing with Your Ghost" is so good.

The video of Zhang Nanyi singing in a bar was posted on the Internet that night, arousing the attention and discussion of many netizens.

"Zhang Nanyi plays and sings by himself. He is so handsome. He can sit there and not sing."

"Zhang Nanyi wrote a Japanese song lemon before, and this time he writes an English song. Is he going to enter the international music scene?"

"Support Zhang Nanyi's international expansion. His talent should be seen by the world."

"This song is really nice, Dancing with Your Ghost. Just the title of the song moved me."

"I can't stand it anymore. I just broke up last month and I have already recovered. But when I heard this song, I couldn't stand it any longer."


Netizens not only discussed various topics, but also actively forwarded and shared the video. The video of Zhang Nanyi singing quickly became popular on online platforms such as, Tianya, Maopu, and Tieba.

Internet media such as Xinlang and Yahoo also noticed the popularity and immediately reported the relevant news on their websites.

Traditional media have also noticed this news hot spot, and newspapers and periodicals that responded quickly are already changing the content of the entertainment section of tomorrow's morning paper.

(End of this chapter)

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