China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 241 Investment Situation of U.S. Funds

Chapter 241 Investment Situation of U.S. Funds

After seeing Zhou Wenqiong, Zhang Nanyi felt that Liu Yifei said that her family was the ugliest. Although it was a modest statement, it was not unreasonable.

Zhou Wenqiong is indeed very beautiful. Although she was not born in Jiangnan, she has the charm of a Jiangnan beauty, with delicate facial features, fair skin, and lively eyes.

Although there are a few small wrinkles at the corners of the eyes and the muscles and skin are a little loose, the whole person is well maintained, like a ripe peach, which is very delicious.

Judging from Zhang Nan's personal aesthetics, he still thinks Liu Xiaoli is the most beautiful, bright and generous, with stunning facial features, which is unforgettable at a glance.

After a few more glances, it's easy to get immersed in her beauty.

Compared with her mother, Liu Yifei is more cool, soft and cute, with perfect bones, but her facial features are a bit uninteresting when taken alone.

In terms of appearance alone, Zhang Nanyi feels that Liu Xiaoli is his perfect match.

Just adding personality, Liu Yifei is also invincible. This naive inner personality, combined with her fairy-like appearance, has an ultimate contrast of cuteness, which is very attractive.

Being both internal and external is the quality of a top beauty.

Zhou Wenqiong's face is rounder and her facial contours are softer. Compared with Liu Xiaoli, she looks more playful.

Even though she had wavy hair and wore a red dress, she still didn't look cool and glamorous. She still gave people a strong affinity, and she felt like a pretty aunt next door.

This feeling was even more obvious when she held Liu Xiaoli's arm and talked intimately.

After Zhou Wenqiong got to know Zhang Nanyi, she kept asking Liu Xiaoli around.

"Sister Li, what kind of cosmetics did you use? How come you are getting younger and younger after two years back in China? Wow, your skin is elastic and smooth. Your milk skin is better than Annie's skin."

"And your place is so much bigger. I'm jealous."

"Honestly, have you found a stepfather for Sissi in China? What kind of man can nourish you like this? He is too strong."

Zhang Nanyi pushed the suitcase and walked behind the two sisters without saying a word, hiding his merit and fame.

Liu Xiaoli pinched her cousin and explained with a pre-thought-out excuse: "What's wrong with moisturizing? I've been busy with work since I returned to China.

My current physical condition is good because I started practicing Tai Chi after returning to China.

This internal boxing method is very effective in conditioning the body, so my condition is much better than before. "

Zhou Wenqiong obviously didn't believe it. She touched her pinched arm and said, "Don't lie. There are many masters in Chinatown here who teach Neijiaquan. They have real skills in their hands. One punch and one punch in the United States." It was punched out of the foot.

I think they will age as they should. I have never heard of any internal martial arts that can reverse growth.

Someone must be nourishing it. "

Then, Zhou Wenqiong looked back at Zhang Nanyi and said quietly: "It can't be Zhang Nanyi, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"What can't be said about this?" Zhou Wenqiong didn't know Zhang Nanyi's reputation as a romantic in China, so she said directly: "Although there is an age gap, the most popular thing in the United States now is sister-brother love.

Moreover, Xiao Zhang is really handsome, with a tall and straight figure, and he walks with an imposing manner, and he looks very strong at first glance..."

Seeing that her cousin was talking more and more excessively, Liu Xiaoli pinched her again, this time harder.

Zhou Wenqiong sighed. Through the force of the pinch and the pain in her arm, she knew that her cousin was angry and did not dare to say anything more.

The three of them came to Zhou Wenqiong's car, a Toyota Camry.

In the United States, Japanese cars occupy a large market with their cheap prices.

The middle class in the United States like to buy these cheap cars. It is rare to see BMWs, Mercedes-Benz and the like. For them, cars are just means of transportation. A family may have several cars, so there is no need to buy too expensive ones.

For example, Zhou Wenqiong bought a Camry, which is already a relatively good car, which shows that her living standard in the United States is very good.

Putting the suitcase in the trunk of the car, Zhang Nanyi took the initiative to sit in the back seat of the car, and Liu Xiaoli sat in the passenger seat. Zhou Wenqiong subconsciously wanted to make a joke and asked her cousin if she wanted to sit in the back.

But feeling the pain in her arm, she wisely shut up.

When the car reached the surface highway, Zhou Wenqiong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, there was no traffic jam today. We are lucky."

Zhang Nanyi came to the United States for the first time. He asked curiously: "Are there often traffic jams here?"

Liu Xiaoli explained: “The transportation in the United States relies heavily on airplanes, so the airports are very busy. JFK Airport is one of the busiest airports in the United States, with a large flow of people.

Therefore, the ground transportation here is not very good, and there are often traffic jams. "

Zhou Wenqiong also said: "Every time I take a flight, I have to leave three hours in advance. My husband thinks I am too slow and is afraid of delaying the trip.

You two rich men, when will you buy a private jet, let me take advantage of it and enjoy it. "

Zhang Nanyi and Liu Xiaoli hired a professional fund management team to operate their funds in the United States. Zhou Wenqiong, as the company's general manager and fund supervisor, supervised the normal operation of the fund.

Liu Xiaoli paid her a salary, but Zhang Nanyi didn't ask how much it was.

So Zhou Wenqiong knows that Zhang Nanyi and Liu Xiaoli are both rich now, but the profits and losses on Zhang Nanyi and Liu Xiaoli's books are not particularly terrible, and they are not enough to buy a private jet.

Two funds bought three stocks, namely Apple, Amazon and Yahoo.

When I bought stocks in 2003, these three companies had just ended the impact of the Internet bubble, and their stock prices were not high.

At its lowest point, Apple's price was only 7 million yuan per share. At that time, Steve Jobs sold 5000 million shares in one go, and Amazon's stock price was only about 5 US dollars. From 1998 yuan in 361, it fell to 5 yuan, and Zhang Nanyi bought the bottom. .

As for Yahoo, it is the most prosperous Internet company in the past two years. Its founder Jerry Yang's current status is similar to that of Zuckerberg later.

Although Yahoo's various tricks were later killed by Google, it is still very good now.The three stocks Zhang Nanyi bought also saw the biggest gains in Yahoo, with the gains reaching around 185% in more than a year.

The average increase of the three stocks so far is about 1.4 times, which is not particularly exaggerated.

With the advice of a professional team, Zhang Nanyi used some leverage, and the overall income was about 3 times. The current capital in the stock market is about 6000 million meters.

In addition to the stock market, Zhang Nanyi also made two venture capital investments, one in Facebook and one in MySpace. The two are actually somewhat similar in that they are both social network products.

Among them, Facebook can be regarded as a co-founder. Zhang Nanyi has Zuckerberg’s msn. From facemash to the Facebook to Facebook, Zhang Nanyi provided a lot of advice to Zuckerberg.

When the company was established, Zhang Nanyi invested 100 million in capital, accounting for 40% of the shares, and the other five founders, including Zuckerberg, accounted for 5% of the shares.

In the eyes of Zuckerberg and others, Zhang Nanyi is not an investor, but a co-founder who started a business with them and provided creative ideas, or he can also be regarded as an entrepreneurial mentor.

After all, the school network created by Zhang Nanyi has already achieved success in China, and he is qualified to be their mentor.

With Facebook's future financing, Zhang Nanyi's shares will definitely be diluted.He doesn't want to take too many shares. After all, he is Chinese, not Chinese, and his identity is still very sensitive.

As for the investment in MySpace, it was relatively simple and crude. Zhang Nanyi directly invested 400 million yuan and got 25% of the shares of the start-up company.

He remembered that this company would be acquired by Murdoch's News Corporation next year for a price of 5.8 million yuan.

In one and a half years, 400 million meters of gold turned into 1.45 million meters of gold. Zhang Nanyi certainly didn’t want to miss such a good thing.

Moreover, his fund invests in two social network platforms at the same time, which is also in line with the working habits of popular industries.

Venture capital institutions are optimistic about an industry, but they don't know which company will ultimately succeed, so they will invest in several more to increase their probability of winning.

As for YouTube, which will be established next year, Zhang Nanyi will continue to invest.

His goal is to seize the honeymoon period of cooperation between China and America and become the godfather of American Internet investment.

The rice stocks invested by the two funds are all big bull stocks, which are medium and long-term investments. The companies they invest in do not have much going on, and they also hired a small professional team to take care of them.

So Zhang Nanyi really doesn't need to come to the United States. This time he came here mainly to travel and relax with Sister Xiaoli. The fund thing was a pure excuse.

It can also be seen from Zhou Wenqiong's reaction that after seeing Zhang Nanyi and Liu Xiaoli for a long time, she did not mention the fund, which means she really doesn't have much to say.

If anything happens, we have communicated on the phone.

This is why Zhou Wenqiong doubts the relationship between Zhang Nanyi and Liu Xiaoli. The two obviously traveled together.

When the car drove to Zhou Wenqiong's house, it passed a school. Liu Xiaoli introduced: "This school is Louis Pasteur High School. Sissi studied in this school in the United States."

Speaking of Liu Yifei's study, Liu Xiaoli remembered a funny thing and couldn't help but smile on her face. She said: "When Sissi went to school for the first time, she got lost because she was not familiar with the environment.

She asked the teacher for directions, but because she was not proficient in English and had communication errors, the teacher took her to the second grade class.

She didn't find any problems and ended up taking a week of classes in second grade. "

In the night, only some outlines of the middle school campus could be seen faintly. Zhang Nanyi said: "Go to the fund company tomorrow to have a look, and then come to this school to take pictures."

Zhang Nanyi planned to take two photos and send them to Liu Yifei to tease this idiot.

The car sped to the Edmond neighborhood of Scarsdale.

This community looked very high-end at first glance, with a lot of luxury cars coming and going. Zhang Nanyi observed that there were basically no black people, and there were also very few Chinese people. The residents in the community were mainly white people.

After entering the community, we drove for another two or three minutes and finally stopped in front of a majestic-looking single-family villa.

As soon as the three of them got out of the car, a middle-aged man heard the noise and walked out of the villa.

He has a Chinese-character face, which looks serious and hard to touch. There are specks of white hair on his temples, making him more calm and sophisticated.

This man maintains a good figure. Although he is not tall, the muscles on his exposed arms are very obvious. It can be seen that he works out regularly.

After seeing Liu Xiaoli, the middle-aged man's eyes flashed with surprise and fascination. Zhang Nanyi's eyes were very good and he could see clearly.

"Xiao Li, long time no see. You haven't been a guest at my house for a long time. Annie was still saying a few days ago that she misses her aunt very much."

Liu Xiaoli did not move forward, but helped Zhang Nanyi move the suitcase out of the car, and then said with a smile: "Is Annie here? I always thought she was too noisy. I haven't seen her for a while, and I miss her a lot.

Nan Yi, let me introduce to you, this is Shang Mingzhong, Wen Qiong's husband, and Annie is his brother's daughter. "

Regarding the affairs of her cousin Zhou Wenqiong's family, Liu Xiaoli had briefly introduced it to Zhang Nanyi before coming to the United States.

Shang Mingzhong was born in a merchant family in Gwangju. He had relatives at the customs and made his first pot of gold by reselling materials seized by the customs.

Later, he switched to foreign trade, and his business grew bigger and bigger. In the 90s, he had a net worth of tens of millions.

But after a relative at the customs passed away, Shang Mingzhong immigrated to the United States with his eldest brother Shang Mingqiang.

Liu Xiaoli did not elaborate on the secrets here, but Zhang Nanyi could probably guess it.

Zhou Wenqiong also came to the United States with her husband. Relying on the wealth accumulated in China, they lived a very comfortable life in the United States.

Although it is said that many Chinese immigrants to the United States will always encounter problems such as pig slaughter, or acclimatization, etc., Shang Mingzhong himself has elders in the United States, and he has some connections in the United States.

So he has developed quite well here, and is now one of the directors of the Guangdong Overseas Chinese Federation in the United States.

Although he is not rich and powerful, and he cannot squeeze into the upper class circle of white elites, he can still get along well in the Chinese circle in the United States, and he is a typical high-class group.

(End of this chapter)

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