China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 243 Real Estate Sales

Chapter 243 Real Estate Sales

While eating, Zhou Wenqiong habitually said in English: "Nan Yi, breakfast is relatively simple, and it is definitely not as rich as the one you eat in China.

But this is a standard American breakfast, so it’s good for you to experience it. "

Hearing Zhou Wenqiong's words, Shang Mingzhong frowned. Just as he was about to speak, Annie preempted him. She asked curiously: "Is there coffee in China? Do you only drink tea?"

Zhang Nanyi said calmly: "You can't imagine how rich we have for breakfast. If you have a chance, go to China and experience it yourself."

This Annie grew up with her mother. She could not speak Chinese and did not understand Chinese culture. Shang Mingqiang ignored his daughter's education and focused all his energy on his younger son.

Zhang Nanyi didn't want to talk anymore. In his opinion, these people would not have any interactions with him in the future, so there was no need to waste energy.

I came here to give Liu Xiaoli face.

After today, he and Sister Xiaoli will have a good time in the United States. This is the main purpose.

Unexpectedly, Annie continued: "I don't want to go to China."

Zhang Nanyi glanced at Shang Mingzhong and said in a very sarcastic tone: "Thank you, distinguished Niuyue people, for being willing to set your sights on my motherland.

My country is very good and you don’t need to worry about it, even though your father’s wealth all comes from my motherland. "

Anne was so nervous that she couldn't hear Zhang Nanyi's sarcasm at all. She said very characteristically: "My father's wealth has nothing to do with me. Although he is my guardian, our relationship is very bad. I can make money to support myself." .”

Zhang Nanyi stopped talking. He finished his sandwich in two bites and drank his coffee slowly.

Unlike Shang Mingzhong and his daughter who looked down on Zhang Nanyi, Annie was a fan of appearance, so she was very interested in Zhang Nanyi. She asked again: "I heard that you are a star in China?"

"A little star is not as good as Crystal. She is much more famous than me."

Crystal is Liu Yifei's English name. When Zhang Nanyi mentioned Liu Yifei, Shang Meiyun's eyes flashed with disdain, and she said directly: "What kind of star? He's just a little actor. He really knows how to brag."

Zhang Nanyi was too lazy to argue with the idiot. Seeing that Liu Xiaoli had finished eating, he winked.

Zhou Wenqiong immediately said: "Meiyun, please put away the tableware. I'm going to the fund company."

Shang Meiyun was very reluctant when she heard that the dishes had to be put away. She complained: "Mom, what's the point of going to that fund company of yours?

With just my aunt's little assets, what's there to take care of?

Since you have a fund company, you have to go there several times a week, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and you get no benefits.

You can't help your aunt all the time! "

Because of Liu Xiaoli's instructions, Zhou Wenqiong did not tell her family about the specific situation of the fund.

And Zhou Wenqiong herself doesn't want to say that her job in the fund company is not complicated, and the salary she gets is not low, which can be regarded as saving a sum of private money for herself to spend as she wants.

Anyone who has ever been married knows how good this money is.

Shang Meiyun's words were very unpleasant, and they were directly aimed at Liu Xiaoli.

Liu Xiaoli's expression did not change at all. She had obviously experienced it many times and had long been used to it.

On the contrary, Zhou Wenqiong was trembling with anger. She severely criticized her daughter. Shang Meiyun was not convinced at first. When Zhou Wenqiong said that she would stop her credit card, Shang Meiyun stopped talking.

On the way to the fund company, Zhou Wenqiong was still angry. She said angrily: "You are not my son after all. I can't teach you how to teach him. I have no blood relationship and I am not related to you!"

Zhang Nan was so confused that he accidentally found out about a big melon.

Zhou Wenqiong was so angry that she lost her mind. When she finished speaking, she realized that Zhang Nanyi was still there, and she immediately shut up.

Zhang Nanyi was not interested in this melon, so he closed his eyes and rested.

Liu Xiaoli took the initiative to change the topic and started talking to Zhou Wenqiong about her elders in China.

The car drove to Hearst Tower, and Liu Xiaoli took Zhang Nanyi to the fund company to learn about the specific operations.

The company is located on the 7th floor of the building and has only 8 employees, including 5 people responsible for practical operations and 3 people responsible for financial and tax planning.

Even after coming, Zhang Nanyi went over the company's current assets, financial status and previously signed contracts again.

Everything is normal.

When it was almost noon, Zhou Wenqiong took the initiative and said: "The company's affairs have been cleared up. I will go home later."

Seeing Liu Xiaoli trying to pinch herself again, Zhou Wenqiong ran away with a smile.

Looking at Zhou Wenqiong's leaving figure, Zhang Nanyi sighed: "You are a good cousin, and she treats you very well."

Liu Xiaoli rolled her eyes at Zhang Nan: "Don't think wrongly. Although Wen Qiong has regrets in her life, her life is pretty good now."

After dealing with Zhou Wenqiong, Zhang Nanyi and Liu Xiaoli were very happy. It was time to travel next, so they joked casually.

Zhou Wenqiong deliberately left his car behind.

Liu Xiaoli has an American driver's license. She drove a car and traveled to the United States with Zhang Nanyi. When other people come to the United States, they like to go to crowded places and see all the bustling cities.

Zhang Nanyi and Liu Xiaoli, on the other hand, focus on natural scenery.

The two originally planned to play for a week, but ended up getting a little drunk and not knowing where to go. They played for ten days, and the more they played, the happier they became.

It was Zhou Wenqiong who called to inquire about the situation, and Liu Xiaoli felt it was time to end the trip.

On August 8, Zhang Nanyi and Liu Xiaoli finished their visit to St. Lawrence Islands National Park, the American version of Thousand Island Lake, and drove back to New York.On the way, Liu Xiaoli said: "The nearest flight to Yanjing is on the evening of the 12th, and the connecting flight will be available tomorrow.

Which trip do we buy. "

Zhang Nanyi looked at Liu Xiaoli, who was getting more and more plump, and said, "Let's buy the direct flight on the 15th. It's too troublesome to transfer."

"Okay, let's return the car to Wen Qiong and spend another two days in the city of Nuyo."

"It takes about 6 and a half hours to drive back to Niu. It's late at night when we get there. Let's return the car tomorrow. Let's experience the American motel culture tonight."

The next morning, Liu Xiaoli drove her cousin's car to a car wash to clean it, then filled it with gas, and then drove it to Zhou Wenqiong's home.

There seemed to be guests at her home today. Several people were chatting in the hall. When they heard the sound of a car, Zhou Wenqiong came out.

Looking at the charming Liu Xiaoli, Zhou Wenqiong was very envious. She joked: "Are you willing to come back? If I weren't worried about your safety, I wouldn't call you."

Liu Xiaoli didn't want to get entangled in this topic, so she deliberately said: "Are there any guests at home? Then I will leave first."

Zhou Wenqiong shook his head and said, "No, two real estate salesmen came to sell houses. We happen to be planning to buy another house in the near future for Meiyun to live in after graduation."

Zhang Nanyi looked through the door and saw Shang Mingzhong chatting and laughing with the two salesmen, even a little bit fawning. It felt amazing.

This guy looks down on himself in every way, but when he meets a salesman, he becomes respectful again just because he is wearing white skin. This is true.

Zhang Nan glanced twice at the hall, mainly because there was a woman among the salesmen.

She is wearing a professional attire. Although her back is to Zhang Nanyi and her appearance cannot be seen, she is tall and has long legs. Her waist-to-hip ratio is very good, especially her small waist, which is very thin. It is rare to see a Western beauty with such a slender frame. .

Her golden hair is draped on her beautiful back. Just her back view gives people unlimited imagination.

Zhou Wenqiong held Liu Xiaoli's hand and said, "It's not easy for you to come to the United States. Please stay with me more. You know how lonely I am."

Liu Xiaoli saw Zhang Nan nodded and said, "Okay."

The three of them walked into the lobby together and saw Shang Mingzhong and Shang Meiyun standing opposite two salesmen. The four of them chatted about the recent real estate market in New York.

Annie was sitting on the sofa, looking very impatient.

There are two salesmen, one male and one female. The male is about 30 years old, about 1 meters tall. He is wearing a suit and leather shoes, and he is dressed very formally and meticulously.

The woman is younger. She looks like she has just graduated from college. She is about 1 meters tall and has curvy figures. Although she is wearing professional formal attire, she does not look like a real estate salesman. She has a rebellious and casual feeling about her.

The woman's facial features were very delicate, like a Barbie doll. Zhang Nanyi thought she looked familiar and couldn't remember her for a moment.

It seemed that I had seen this face in some gossip news in my previous life, so I took a closer look.

Noticing Zhang Nanyi's appraising eyes, the woman turned her head and glanced at Zhang Nanyi, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

She put aside Shang Mingzhong and his daughter, took the initiative to walk up to Zhang Nanyi, and introduced herself: "Dear Mr. Zhang, hello, I am Lydia, the sales manager of Bruce Ratner Real Estate Company. Our company has developed a new project in Brooklyn. , high-end positioning, very suitable for successful people like you.”

Smelling Lidya's elegant perfume, Zhang Nanyi had a good impression of her.

It’s rare to meet a white person who uses perfume well.

He asked in surprise: "Is this the first time we have met? How do you know my surname is Zhang? Do you know me?"

Zhang Nanyi is not well-known in the United States. He is very comfortable in the United States these days. It is quite pleasant to live a normal life without anyone paying attention.

Shang Mingzhong's father and daughter and Annie also looked over. They were shocked that Lidya knew Zhang Nanyi.

Lidya said confidently: "Yes, my mother has always liked Chinese culture, especially the fighting spirit of China, so I have been influenced by it since I was a child and have paid close attention to the situation in China.

You are a well-known star in China. Your song album has sold more than 500 million copies in China and more than 200 million copies in Japan.

You have extremely high popularity throughout East Asia and are the well-deserved King of Asia. "

Zhang Nanyi could feel that this beautiful woman named Lidya was very capable and skillful, and had a strong sense of self-confidence. She was a typical white elite.

After she recognized Zhang Nanyi, she immediately thought that Zhang Nanyi was rich and might not have a house in the United States, so he was a more suitable client than Shang Mingzhong.

So she continued: "Our project is located in the city center of Brooklyn. It is a super high-rise landmark mansion. It is the best choice for extraordinary and successful people like you to buy property in New York. Many celebrities are our clients..."

Lidya's business skills are very good. While praising Zhang Nanyi, she introduced the company's real estate projects incessantly.

If Zhang Nanyi hadn't known about the future situation, he would really have spent money to buy a house in the United States.

Shang Meiyun looked at Zhang Nanyi's ordinary clothes and questioned: "Miss Lidya, have you mistaken the wrong person? He doesn't seem like someone who can afford a luxury house.

Each of your projects starts at 100 million yuan, right? "

Given Shang Mingzhong's current financial situation, he must carefully consider spending 100 million yuan to buy a house.

Shang Meiyun does not believe that Zhang Nanyi has this strength.

Lidia said naturally: "You can't admit it. There are not many men in the world who look as handsome as Mist Zhang. His face is so handsome. Once you see him once, you will never forget him."

Shang Meiyun suddenly stopped talking. She could question Zhang Nanyi's financial resources, but she could not question Zhang Nanyi's appearance.

 I have been renovating and moving my house for the past two days, so I don’t have time to type. I will update at least 2 times tomorrow, and try to update [-] times...

(End of this chapter)

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