China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 253 Contact Xiao Taohong again

Chapter 253 Contact Xiao Taohong again

After giving up the idea of ​​so-called new techniques, Ning Hao returned to his cheeky style and began to have Zhang Nanyi's idea to star in Crazy Stone.

With Zhang Nanyi's current popularity, if he stars in Crazy Stone, Ning Hao's movie will be half successful, at least it will be guaranteed.

Zhang Nanyi shook his head. Every actor has his own limitations. It is really difficult for someone like him who is too handsome to act in a comedy, and the effect will not be good.

If you insist on acting, it may destroy the comedy effect of the movie, and Zhang Nanyi has no schedule.

He said: "I will be filming The Legend of the Condor Heroes in October, and Yang Guo's appearance is more suitable for me. Bao Shihong, please find someone else."

When Ning Hao saw Zhang Nanyi say this, he stopped forcing himself and said, "Mr. Zhang, forget it if you don't want to act, but I like an actor very much. You have to help me hire him."

Zhang Nanyi thought that Ning Hao wanted to invite Guo Tao or Xu Zheng. When Crazy Stone was filming in his previous life, these two people were more popular or popular in the circle.

But it's just a little bigger, so it's not difficult to invite them.

Guo Tao had a good starting point, having worked with Zhang Yimou and Feng Pants, but now his resources are getting worse and worse, and he has returned to the TV industry from the film industry. Xu Zheng has been working in the costume drama and drama circles, and has not yet acted. Had a movie.

Just when Zhang Nanyi wanted to say that it was okay, he saw Ning Hao rubbing his hands and saying with bright eyes: "I particularly like Teacher Xiao Taohong and want to invite her to star in my movie.

The role of Brother Dao's girlfriend was tailor-made for her. "

Ning Hao was obviously more sincere when he said tailor-made this time, and he seemed to really like Xiao Taohong.

Zhang Nan smiled and scolded: "Xiao Taohong is already married. You like her. Does Xu Zheng agree?"

Ning Hao chuckled and said a little obscenely: "Don't get me wrong, this is purely for artistic appreciation.

Teacher Xiao Taohong’s smile is very contagious. Her beauty makes people feel no distance, which is very suitable for the feeling of a little person in my movie. "

What Zhang Nanyi didn't know was that in his previous life, Ning Hao wanted to find Xiao Taohong to play Dao brother's girlfriend, so he sent her the script. Then Xu Zheng saw the Crazy Stone script. He thought the script was good and took the initiative to take over the role of Director Feng. character of.

From then on, Ning Hao, Xu Zheng and Huang Bocai got to know each other and became good friends. From then on, they made a lot of money together.

Zhang Nanyi understood what Ning Hao was thinking. Brother Dao's girlfriend didn't have much of a role in the movie, she was just a supporting role.

Ning Hao is not famous at this time, so Xiao Taohong will most likely not be interested in this role.

After all, from the time she got married last year until now, Xiao Taohong has not taken on a single role, and she is in a state of semi-retirement.

Ning Hao really wanted to cooperate with Xiao Taohong, but he was not sure, so he asked Zhang Nanyi to help.

Zhang Nanyi thought for a while and said, "I'll call and ask."

He took out his cell phone and dialed Xiao Taohong's number directly. After two rings, he picked up the phone.

"Ouch! It's rare that Mr. Zhang is so famous and still remembers my old and beady sister."

"You must remember that last year when I was not filming, I wanted to treat you to dinner, but you were on your honeymoon and refused me. Hey, I envy Brother Pig."

"There is nothing to envy. What he has is not what you have given up on your own initiative."

Zhang Nanyi: "..."

The eldest sister is still so aggressive and dares to say anything.

If Zhang Nanyi hadn't chosen Gao Yuanyuan and strategically abandoned Xiao Taohong, the relationship between the two would indeed be extraordinary now.

"Ahem!" Zhang Nanyi coughed and said, "Our company is going to make a movie this year. The director is a fan of yours and has customized a role for you.

Although there are not many roles, it is very exciting. Are you interested in acting? "

"Are you acting?"

"I don't have a schedule. I have to play Yang Guo next, but I'm very optimistic about this movie."

"If you don't want to act, I won't act either. Besides, if you want to play Yang Guo, it's just right for me. I'm Xiao Longnu."

Zhang Nanyi: "..."

I have to say that although this little dragon girl is not the other little dragon girl, Xiao Taohong's little dragon girl is still very flavorful.

Xiao Taohong was still a little emotional about Zhang Nanyi giving up on her, so she caught Zhang Nanyi and teased her on the phone.

When Zhang Nanyi didn't speak, Xiao Taohong giggled loudly on the other end of the phone.

She said: "Haha, I'm not teasing you anymore, you have already spoken, I will definitely act, please send me the script.

Thank you Mr. Zhang for remembering me, an actor no one wants. "

"Thank you for your help, Sister Hong. I'll treat you to dinner another day."

"Any other day, or tonight."

Having an appointment with another Hong sister tonight, Zhang Nanyi could only hold back the commotion of Wei Wu's attributes and refused Xiao Taohong's invitation.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Nanyi gave Xiao Taohong's mobile phone number to Ning Hao.

"Xiao Taohong, I've got it done for you, hurry up and get the crew together and start filming as soon as possible.

Li Dashan will calculate the investment budget clearly, you just need to film. "

Xiao Taohong has a cheerful personality and speaks loudly on the phone, so Ning Hao can hear her clearly.

He looked at Zhang Nanyi with a gossipy face and said cowardly: "Mr. Zhang, you are my idol. If you have any secrets, please share them with me."

Zhang Nanyi said expressionlessly: "It's no use asking me for the secret. Ask Teacher Xu Zheng, he knows better."

Li Dashan patted Ning Hao on the shoulder and said, "Don't ask for the secret. You can't use Mr. Zhang's method. This is my lesson learned through blood and tears."

Ning Hao looked at Zhang Nanyi's tall and handsome appearance and immediately understood what Li Dashan meant.

After chatting with Li Dashan and Ning Hao, Zhang Nanyi took them to have lunch near the company.

Then I drove alone to Dajue Temple in Yanjing.

In this solemn and simple ancient temple, there is a separate courtyard called Minghui Tea Garden.

Zhang Nanyi came here because of Zhang Yimou's invitation.

Zhang Yimou previously invited Zhang Nanyi to attend the premiere of House of Flying Daggers, but Zhang Nanyi refused.

This time, Zhang Nanyi could not refuse the invitation to Minghui Tea House for tea.

Anyway, if you have time, it would be nice to come over and meet this great director and get acquainted with him.

Walking into the courtyard, Zhang Nanyi took a look at the environment and felt that it had a strong commercial atmosphere and the smell of a scenic spot.

In the originally quiet courtyard, there were several sets of coffee tables and seats, making it a bit crowded.There are already people sitting in two of them, drinking tea and chatting. It seems that they are all tourists visiting Dajue Temple.

Zhang Nanyi walked into the main hall of the tea house, and under the guidance of a beautiful waiter, turned left and entered an antique wing.

There were three men and one woman sitting in the side room.

Four people were sitting in front of a long mahogany table, and a beautiful tea sommelier wearing a white patchwork shirt and a blue skirt was making tea.

The tea master was skillful and focused. The room was very quiet and no one made a sound.

Zhang Nanyi was also standing at the door and did not come forward to disturb him. After a complete tea making process was completed, Zhang Yimou took the initiative to get up.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhang, we arrived early and wanted to experience the tea culture here."

"Director Zhang, you are very polite. You are really good at choosing a place. The ancient temples here are majestic, the ruins of monuments recall the past, the famous springs are surrounded, and the fragrance of tea is overflowing. It is indeed suitable for receiving international friends from Japan."

Zhang Nanyi is a mature social person. Although from the perspective of future generations, this is a commercial reception tea house in the scenic spot. In the ancient temple, beauties wearing ancient costumes serve as receptions and make tea, which is quite a bit Buddhist and traditional. Chawon's feeling.

But naturally he would not spoil the fun, and he would exaggerate that Yi-Xi had chosen the position well.

Zhang Yimou was of course very happy after hearing this.

He looked at Zhang Nanyi and had a very good impression of Zhang Nanyi. Not only was he handsome in appearance, but the key was his improved figure and calm temperament.

In inviting Zhang Nanyi this time, Zhang Yimou wanted to invite Zhang Nanyi to act.

It's just that Zhang Nanyi has a reputation for being romantic. Before meeting him, Zhang Yimou was a little worried that he would indulge in excessive sexual activities and lead to deficiency of qi and blood.

Now it seems that he is not only true, but also very masculine, and his words are well spoken, and he is worthy of his reputation as a scholar.

Zhang Yimou was very satisfied. He said with a smile: "Let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Takakura Ken, a Japanese national treasure actor. This is the great Japanese director Yasao Fanghata, who is also a good friend of Mr. Takakura Ken.

This last beauty needs no introduction, right? "

The last one is Zhang Ziyi. Now she is in the most prosperous two years of her life. She is very famous and needs no introduction.

Zhang Nanyi greeted the three of them. Behind Takakura Ken and Fangqi Yasuo stood an interpreter. When they saw Zhang Nanyi, they were not arrogant and were very polite.

It's not because Zhang Nanyi is popular in Japan, but because both of them are from Toei. Zhang Nanyi and Toei are in the honeymoon period of their cooperation at this time, so everyone has some relationship with each other.

As for Zhang Ziyi, her attitude towards Zhang Nanyi was lukewarm, and she just stood beside Zhang Yimou very affectionately.

After everyone sat down, they drank tea and chatted.

The conversation at the beginning was about movies. Zhang Yimou talked about his knowledge of Japanese movies. His words were thick and dense, which made the translator very busy.

Zhang Yimou really likes Takakura Ken, and he even feels like star-chasing. It is rumored that when filming Heroes, Zhang Yimou wanted to ask Takakura Ken to star, but Takakura Ken refused.

Judging from Zhang Yimou's attitude at this time, the rumors should be true.

After talking about Japanese movies, Zhang Yimou started talking about culture again, and finally extended the topic from culture to his new film project - Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles.

He spoke eloquently about traditional folk customs and cultural treasures, about the inferiority of father and son, and about separation after death, expressing the significance of his filmmaking.

Takakura Ken and Fangqi Yasuo nodded frequently when Zhang Yimou spoke. Zhang Ziyi was already used to Zhang Yimou's style and looked at the great director with admiring eyes throughout the whole process.

If Zhang Nanyi hadn't known about Zhang Ziyi's style, he would have thought that this man really loved Zhang Yimou so much.

Seeing that the foreshadowing was almost complete, Zhang Yi said: "Mr. Zhang, my movie tells the story between two pairs of fathers and sons. The role of Mr. Takakura Ken's son is also the second male lead in the film. Are you interested?" "

Zhang Nanyi said with a smile: "I am very interested, but there is no schedule. My company will film The Legend of the Condor Heroes in October, and I am the male lead."

Zhang Yimou knew that Zhang Nanyi had no schedule, so he invited him over to make tea, hoping to persuade him to give up The Legend of the Condor Heroes and switch to filming A Thousand Miles Alone.

Zhang Yimou has done this kind of thing a lot. In order to invite Li Lianjie to star in the hero, Zhang Yimou personally flew to the United States.

Zhang Nanyi's current popularity is not inferior to that of Li Lianjie, but his popularity is not as good as that of Li Lianjie.

Zhang Yimou's current situation is not good. The 8-minute performance he directed for the closing ceremony of the Athens Olympics was very poor due to venue restrictions. Everyone is questioning Zhang Yimou's directing ability.

Moreover, Tang Yan and others danced on the stage in miniskirts. This show also caused a lot of controversy. Many people criticized Zhang Yimou for being immoral and catering to Western aesthetics.

These criticisms are not completely unreasonable, and many viewers also joined the media in criticizing Zhang Yimou.

In fact, Zhang Nanyi's quarrel with Lu Chuan has become the hottest news these days, which inadvertently helped Zhang Yimou distract the firepower of criticism.

In addition to the unsatisfactory performance of Yanjing's 8-minute performance, Zhang Yimou's House of Flying Daggers, which was released in July, also received a very bad reputation.

There are even some experts within the system in Yanjing who hold seminars to criticize Zhang Yimou's films. The main argument is that Zhang Yimou has completely given up the pursuit of film art for the sake of market and box office.

It is this situation that makes Zhang Yimou eager to return to the path of literary films.

For the movie A Thousand Miles Alone, Zhang Yimou's expectation is to win an international award again, prove himself, and restore his reputation.

Many people said that his movie script was weak, so he invited Zou Jingzhi, one of the most famous screenwriters in China today, to write the script of Riding Alone, Thousands of Miles.

He is also very serious about the selection of actors.

On the Japanese side, the national treasure actor Takakura Ken plays the role, so on the Chinese side, someone with both fame and acting skills must be chosen.

So Zhang Nanyi became Zhang Yimou's target.

"Mr. Zhang, with all due respect, I think your reputation in China is already popular enough. It doesn't make much sense to make another movie about The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

You are still so young, you should set your goals bigger and go global.

You see, Ziyi is very good in this aspect. Her goal has always been clear, which is to become an international superstar.

Next, she will go to Japan to shoot a movie, what is it called, yes, it is called Rigoden.

If you come to shoot Thousand Miles Alone, it will further consolidate your popularity in Japan and help you become an international superstar.

You are the most representative actor among the young generation of our country. You should open up the world and go to the world. I am also willing to help you. "

Zhang Yimou's tone was sincere and he spoke sincerely.

Zhang Nanyi was unmoved and just said politely: "I can't compare to Teacher Zhang Ziyi. She is the first Chinese actress to star in a major Hollywood A-level production. She can work with a great director like Spielberg." .

I'm a lazy person, so I feel more comfortable focusing on my domestic career, and I just leave everything to chance when it comes to international things. "

On August 8, Memoirs of a Geisha announced the role candidates, with Zhang Ziyi, Gong Li and Yang Ziqiong confirmed to star.

This is a magical movie. An American director filmed a story in which a Chinese actress plays an Japanese geisha.

(End of this chapter)

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