China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 263 Let’s do a rap

Chapter 263 Let’s rap

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Zhang Nanyi sat on the very simple judges' bench under the guidance of the staff. On his left was Li Xiaoling, the so-called gold medal agent and the boss of Tianzhong Culture, and on his right was Song, the boss of Taihe Maitian. Can.

After the two met Zhang Nanyi, their attitudes were still very polite.

At around 8:25, the live broadcast officially started.

On the big screen at the scene, a promotional video for Super Girl began to play, mainly showing the advancement of the three contestants Zhang Hanyun, An Youqi and Wang Ti.

After the promotional video was played, under the host's announcement, the three contestants came out wearing the same silver clothes as in the promotional video and began to sing the song Super Star.

The clothes worn by the three people do feel a bit cheap, but they are still better than those worn by Li Yuchun and Zhou Bichang next year.

Moreover, they appeared with great momentum. Although the song was lip-synched, they showed a confident demeanor.

The three of them have to prepare 5 songs tonight, which is a lot of work.

This Super Star is the only chorus of the three, and it is also the opening song.

On the one hand, the program team arranged lip-synching in order to achieve a good start for the live broadcast, and on the other hand, it also reduced the burden of singing practice on the three of them.

After Super Star finished singing, the prelude of "Sing This Song If You Want" rang out, and on the other side of the stage, a very sweet trio appeared.

Shu Chang is the shortest, standing in the middle, with Liu Yifei on her left and Jing Tian on her right.

The three girls wore very beautiful dresses tonight, and the styles were also made by the team's dedicated stylists. They were so beautiful that they shined on the stage.

Whether it is appearance, temperament or singing ability, Liu Yifei and Zhang Hanyun were crushed, but no one felt there was anything wrong.

After all, Very Sweet is now the most popular and top singing group in the country. It is normal for them to crush the three contestants in the draft.

After the trio of Very Sweet finished singing the first chorus, they walked to the middle of the stage and sang with Zhang Hanyun and the others.

Together, the six performed the Supergirl theme song.

After the performance, the three very sweet people were interviewed by Wang Han and Li Xiang, and sat next to Yang Lele and Zhao Ziliang. Together with them, as today's interactive host, they read some text messages sent by fans outside the venue.

Later, Wang Han and Li Xiang began to introduce the guests and judges tonight.

When Zhang Nanyi was introduced, the audience cheered in unison.

"Mr. Zhang! Mr. Zhang! Mr. Zhang!"

Audiences watching the Super Girl live broadcast in front of the TV can hear these neat shouts and intuitively feel Zhang Nanyi's terrifying popularity.

After introducing the guests and judges, the host introduced tonight's mysterious guests, the mothers of the three contestants Zhang Hanyun, An Youqi and Wang Ti.

After interviewing the three mothers about their feelings, and after a while, tonight’s game finally started.

An Youqi was the first to perform and sang the song "Zhi Lai Zhi Go". Except for Super Star at the beginning, all three of them sang real songs in the competition.

An Youqi performed well and made no big mistakes, but the performance of the whole song was average, mainly because her singing talent was limited and she only had this ability.

Song Ke and Li Xiaoling spoke well of her. When it was Zhang Nanyi's turn to comment, he said utilitarianly: "What everyone is talking about about hiphop is actually rap.

In this song, your rapping part is not good enough, the rhythm is not clear enough, and the emotion is not enough.

At 10pm on October 26th, my new drama The Deer and the Cauldron will be broadcast on YangTV Channel 8.

The ending song of this drama is called Qilin, which is a rap song.

I suggest you wait until my drama is aired to listen to this song and experience the singing method of Chinese rap. "

Wang Han is a good person. When he saw Zhang Nanyi promoting the TV series, he immediately said: "The Deer and the Cauldron will not be broadcast until October 10th, why wait until October 26th?

There is still one month left until October 10th.

Teacher Zhang, why don’t you give us a segment on the spot! "

Wang Han mentioned October 10th three times in a row, which helped Zhang Nan improve the publicity effect of The Deer and the Cauldron.

And his last suggestion also won the approval of the audience.

"Come on!" "Come on!"

Hearing the shouts of the audience, Zhang Nanyi smiled and said: "I need money to sing, and today I had to lose money to promote The Deer and the Cauldron.

Everyone must remember to watch The Deer and the Cauldron on October 10th to make up for my losses. "

After making a joke, Zhang Nanyi stood up and walked to the band teacher present and told them about the requirements for the song's soundtrack.

In fact, the band teacher had already rehearsed "Kilin" in advance. Zhang Nanyi's performance was requested by the program team to tell the audience that this was an impromptu performance.

As the sound of the suona sounded, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly ignited, and Zhang Nanyi sang the climax directly.

“I want to bring my flag, my medal, and my brothers, and pose on the top of the mountain!

I am better than what you have seen and heard, all the bells and whistles put together!

I want to dye everything between heaven and earth red, and I want to turn into a burning cloud six thousand miles away!
From Wudang Chao to Southern Shaolin!From Wudang Chao to Southern Shaolin! …

Just like a unicorn! "

In just 20 seconds, Zhang Nan sang 200 words in one breath, with an average of one cross per second. The key is that the pronunciation of each word is very clear, and the continuous rapping in one breath gives people a hearty feeling. .

Moreover, the song "Qilin" has an ancient soundtrack, coupled with a strong sense of rhythm and passionate lyrics.

The audience at the scene felt their blood boiling all over after listening to it, and their emotions were completely aroused. Many people couldn't help but stand up and began to twist their bodies.

They were completely excited by Zhang Nanyi's rap.

The three very sweet girls have always been Zhang Nanyi's biggest fans, so after Zhang Nanyi finished singing this part, Liu Yifei took the lead and jumped up and applauded hard.

Shu Chang and Jing Tian also looked at Zhang Nanyi with dazzling eyes, their little hands turning red.

The live TV camera first scanned the enthusiastic audience, and then settled on the three very sweet people.

Everyone noticed the excited and cute look of the three beautiful girls and laughed.

Zhang Nanyi finished singing this paragraph and concluded: "The Deer and the Cauldron tells the story of chasing deer in the Central Plains. In fact, deer are not as fragile as everyone thinks. Once the deer has claws, teeth, and antlers, it can become Kirin.

So I composed the song Qilin for the TV series The Deer and the Cauldron.

This is the same as the three of you. After the show Super Girl, you have many fans who love you, and you also have the opportunity and conditions to transform from a deer into a unicorn.

I hope you can work hard, continue to practice, arm yourself, and become your own Qilin. "Zhang Nanyi's last words were a free expression, which not only promoted his TV series, but also gave everyone a mouthful of thick chicken soup.

Wang Han sighed: "Teacher Zhang is indeed a talented person who graduated from Yanda University. He immediately explained the meaning of our Super Girl program. Every ordinary girl has the opportunity to become a unicorn. As long as you have a dream, be brave." Go after it!”

Li Xiang joked: "Let's quickly invite the next contestant. If Teacher Zhang keeps talking, you and I will be unemployed!"

Zhang Hanyun appeared next. She was a little nervous and her performance was not very good. Several parts of the song were off-key. In addition, the song "Lonely Antibody" itself is very niche, and the lyrics and music are very average.

The singing effect is relatively poor.

After Wang Ti also finished singing, the audience began to vote. In the first round of competition, Zhang Hanyun received the least votes.

Zhang Nanyi doesn't know how tricky this vote is, but Zhang Hanyun is indeed the worst performer among the three girls.

After the first round of competition, the program team arranged for three hosts, Wang Han, Li Xiang and Li Hao, to sing duets with the three contestants. Then the three girls Liu Yifei read some text messages from the audience outside the venue, and they had a good time for half an hour. After a certain amount of time, the second round of singing was performed.

This time, the song Zhang Hanyun sang was even more inexplicable. She, a 15-year-old girl, actually wanted to sing Teresa Teng's "How Sorrowful".

First of all, her age and experience are inappropriate, and secondly, she can't control it.

So the performance is terrible.

When commenting, Li Xiaoling and Song Ke were very polite and praised Zhang Hanyun's courage to seek innovation, change and desire for progress.

Zhang Nanyi said very directly: "There are two problems with your performance. The first is the Hong Kong and Taiwanese accent. Do you like to watch idol dramas on the Bay Island? You also sing with that kind of accent. This It's not right.

Super Girl chose mainland China’s own idols to give out a voice from mainland China.

You are from Sichuan and Sichuan. In fact, the Sichuan-Sichuan dialect is very nice.

"I'm not going to work today, so I'm going to have to go to work." Don't you think this sounds good? "

Zhang Nanyi casually sang in Sichuan dialect that Emperor Xie will not go to work tomorrow, and then continued: "The second problem is that your positioning is not clear, which leads to you not using your advantages.

If you sing very sweet songs tonight, the effect will definitely be better. "

Zhang Hanyun has a sweet girl look and voice, and if she chooses the right songs, she is still very marketable.

In fact, in the final analysis, Zhang Hanyun is too young and doesn't understand anything. She just got into the entertainment industry with a lot of courage and no background. She chose randomly and was deceived.

However, her famous songs in this life are "Sing It When You Want" and "Sour and Sweet Is Me", both of which were written by Zhang Nanyi to be very sweet. I wonder if she can still become popular.

In fact, if it wasn't so popular, it might not be a bad thing for her.

Because she didn’t make much money after becoming famous, and all the endorsement fees she signed with Mengniu were taken away by the company.

She herself thought it was a completely free endorsement and she didn’t make a dime.

And because she was so popular, someone made pornographic rumors about her. She went on a show to clarify and was induced by the host. It was really tragic.

If it were not so popular, it might not have experienced this online violence.

After the two rounds of performances, Zhang Hanyun was eliminated in tears. Next was a one-on-one PK between An Youqi and Wang Ti. After both of them finished singing, the result of the championship was kept secret for the time being.

In the past, such an appetizing thing would definitely be booed by the audience, but not this time. Not only was there no booing, the audience at the scene became excited.

Because before the results are announced, Zhang Nanyi will go on stage to sing.

It was also at this time that Qin Lan and Yang Mi ended the recording of Rose's Appointment program.

The two of them didn't even take off their makeup, they quietly came to the corner of the studio and stood watching the live broadcast of Supergirl's show.

On the stage, a beam of light shone on Zhang Nanyi.

He was wearing a black suit with a red corsage on his chest, sitting quietly in front of a piano, like the perfect hero in an idol drama.

Looking from Qin Lan's point of view, he happened to see Zhang Nanyi's perfect side face. Under the light, a layer of halo appeared on Zhang Nanyi's side face, giving it a handsome and glowing effect.

The scene was quiet, and everyone was silently admiring Zhang Nanyi's appearance in a tacit understanding.

The song Zhang Nanyi sang tonight is "Fairy Tale". This is the most popular song in his album, and it is more popular than Qilixiang and Once Upon a Time.

Little girls love to listen to this song, and it is very suitable for the audience of the show Super Girl, so the program team appointed Zhang Nanyi to sing this song.

Otherwise, if Zhang Nanyi had to choose, he would definitely sing the theme song of The Deer and the Cauldron to promote his TV series.

Zhang Nanyi pressed his fingers on the keys of the piano, and a sad melody sounded.

"I forgot how long I haven't heard from you
Tell me about you, my favorite story..."

The song "Fairy Tale" is not difficult for Zhang Nanyi.

With his current voice talent and singing skills, singing this song live is very contagious and can make several emotionally sensitive audiences cry. That is the most basic operation.

The on-site director was also very good at cutting shots. When Zhang Nanyi sang, the camera focused on him. During the middle melody, the camera cut to the live audience, specifically filming those who were moved to tears.

The audience watching the live broadcast in front of the TV was also moved emotionally when they saw the tears of the audience.

Many people have begun to realize that the effect of Zhang Nanyi's singing is very explosive and sounds better than in the recording studio.

The tears of these audiences are the best proof of Zhang Nanyi’s singing ability.

The audience during this period was still very innocent and had not experienced the severe beatings of various programs such as I Am a Singer. Everyone believed that the tears of the audience were based on the true reaction after listening to the song.

Tonight is indeed a true reflection. After all, this is the stage of the Super Girl finals. The program team will not cry because of Zhang Nanyi's singing.

After singing a fairy tale, the scene was quiet for a second or two, and then burst into warm applause.

Unlike Qilin's rap, Fairy Tale's performance is more complete and the effect is better.

Qin Lan also applauded along with the crowd. She asked with a smile: "How is it? Is Zhang Nanyi's performance cool?"

Yang Mi laughed, but still said stubbornly: "Very handsome, a cricket's cricket."

"Okay, you go back to the hotel later. I'm going to say hello to Zhang Nanyi and see if we can have a meal together."

Yang Mi immediately said: "How can you eat without me? I am a professional at eating."

Qin Lan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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