China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 290 Financing and Car Building

Chapter 290 Financing and Car Building
These women from Zhang Nanyi also knew about Mo Beiwu's situation and were a little afraid of Mo Beiwu. Seeing that Mo Beiwu didn't want to talk much, they didn't dare to take the initiative to provoke him.

Zhang Jizong, on the other hand, had a great time chatting with Mo Beiwu. Obviously, in his eyes, Mo Beiwu was Zhang Nanyi's best match.

On the evening of the 20th, after Mo Beiwu and Zhang Nanyi finished practicing yoga and Tai Chi, they lay limply in Zhang Nanyi's arms and said lazily: "My family's attitude has been very strange recently."

"What's wrong? Are you going to break us up?"

"No, I told you that my family will not interfere with my choice, but my mother still had strong objections to your romance before. But when I went home last week, my mother smiled and asked me to take you home to see , and always advised me to be generous.

She said a lot of your good qualities and asked me to learn to accept them. The key is that I also think what my mother said makes sense. "

Hearing Mo Beiwu's words, Zhang Nanyi immediately understood that she and her family were also affected by the deviant traits, and they were able to accept some of the outrageous things Zhang Nanyi did.

For Mo Beiwu's family background, face is the most important thing. Once her family accepts it and her relatives and friends are affected by her characteristics and can accept it, Zhang Nanyi's romantic style will have no impact.

The trait of being deviant and rebellious is simply domineering. Without this trait, there would definitely be many twists and turns in the affairs between Zhang Nanyi and Mo Beiwu.

It's going smoothly now, praise Yang Guo.

Mo Beiwu kissed Zhang Nan and said with a smile: "I won't force you. Whenever you think it's appropriate, just come to my house.

However, you'd better attend the company's executive meeting and annual banquet this year.

If possible, let Tiantian and Xixi put on a show at the annual meeting to liven up the atmosphere.After all, we and Nanyi Culture are also one. "

As if he was afraid that Zhang Nanyi would misunderstand, Mo Beiwu explained: "I also want to perform a show myself. The annual banquet is just to create a lively atmosphere and thank the employees for their hard work over the year."

Zhang Nanyi smiled and said: "It's okay, there are so many artists in Nanyi Culture, you can follow the arrangements, but you still respect their wishes.

If it doesn't work, I can go up and perform. "

Mo Beiwu nodded and said, "The executive meeting is on December 12th, and the annual meeting is on January 30th. When will your movie be filmed?"

Zhang Nanyi felt Mo Beiwu's huge and plump figure and said with a smile: "According to the plan, the filming will be completed on the 28th, which is 9 days ahead of schedule.

But it’s hard to say. I looked at the weather forecast and it’s going to snow heavily here in two days. The filming will definitely be delayed by then.

I may not be able to make it to the executive meeting, but the annual meeting will definitely be no problem. "

Mo Beiwu felt Zhang Nanyi's mischievous hand, rolled his eyes at him, and did not refuse, but continued: "Before coming here, I was worried that you would be too tired on the set. After feeling it in the past two days, I realized that I was too worried. .

The financing of has been negotiated, and 10% of the shares have been raised in this round, with a valuation of 150 billion, led by Yanda Founder Group and Morgan Stanley. "

Regarding the financing of, Mo Beiwu was very clear and would directly look for capital with official background and overseas regulations.

According to Zhang Nanyi's plan,'s future plan is to be listed on the Hong Kong stock market, so foreign investors chose Morgan Stanley. In fact, this choice was also led by the government.

In recent years, the official and Morgan Stanley have been in an absolute honeymoon period. Official companies such as China Unicom, China Telecom, China Petrochemical, China Property Insurance, and China Construction Bank have been listed on Hong Kong Island, all issued by Morgan Stanley. .

Including the later highly paid representative Joaquin Company, which was also jointly funded and established by China Construction Bank and Morgan Stanley.

Many venture capital investors wanted to participate in the financing of, and Morgan Stanley successfully led the investment with the help of officials.

The reason why has such a high valuation is that in addition to being China's number one online social platform, it also has strong profitability.

In addition to regular advertising revenue, there is also game revenue. Unlike Yiwu Technology, mainly develops web games, and the revenue generated by these web games is very considerable.

Moreover, the co-construction of the knowledge base also ensures that the campus network has a strong role in the needs of student groups and even university elites, ensuring the lower limit for the development of the campus network.

This is also the reason why Mo Beiwu chose Yanda as an investor first, to deepen the cooperation between the two parties in the knowledge base.

Zhang Nanyi asked: "After receiving 15 billion funds this time, you should be making preparations for the car factory. Don't the investors have any objections?"

Speaking of cars, Mo Beiwu's eyes lit up and her speech became faster.

"They have no objection. I said in advance that we will use loans and other forms of operations.

Regarding automobiles, I listen to you and take the direction of new energy. Technically, I am prepared to have in-depth cooperation with Tongji University and acquire car companies at the same time.

Currently there are two targets, one is the American supercar brand Sailin, and the other is the British established car company Luofu Motors. "

One billion dollars sounds like a lot of money, but it is still very difficult to establish a car company from scratch. It is inevitable to ask for some loans from the government and banks.

Mo Beiwu naturally has a relationship in this area, and Zhang Nanyi doesn't have to worry about it, otherwise it would be impossible for a car company that is still in the planning stage to cooperate with Tongji University.

At this time, Tongji University was one of the best in the country in terms of new energy vehicle engineering research, because its person in charge was Professor Wan Gang, a senior engineer at Audi Automotive Development Department, one of the initiators of China's new energy vehicle development strategy, and also The chief expert on electric vehicles under the official 863 program.

Mo Beiwu said that there must be another story behind the in-depth cooperation with Tongji, but this in itself is a win-win situation and even good for the country.

Hearing this, Zhang Nanyi said: "I know about Sailin. When I went to the United States to participate in the Silber supercar test competition this year, I heard the rich second generation talk about it. I quite like their tone. I think about the Sailin S7 series. I am full of praise and call it the light of American supercars.”

Mo Beiwu smiled and said: "It seems that the rich second generation in the racing meeting you attended have little money, or are not patriotic at all. They keep saying that the United States is the glory of supercars, but the sales volume of Sailin S7 is not good. Sailin Cars are also on the verge of bankruptcy.

Sailin is my first acquisition target this time. I plan to hire a team of lawyers from the United States, hoping to bypass some regulatory review and successfully acquire it. Zhang Nanyi thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I think you are too impatient. It is too difficult to get everything done in one step."

Other countries have severe blockades on our technology. The success rate of your acquisition of Sailin is extremely low. Even if the acquisition is successful, it will help them bear debt and the core technology will not be available at all.

As for Luofu Automobile, it has long been in disgrace, and there is no point in acquiring it.

I think it is better to accumulate food widely and slowly become king. First, we should cooperate with Tongji University to build a factory in the Yangtze River Delta, spend money wisely, and slowly accumulate technology.

There are differences between new energy vehicles and traditional vehicles. "

In 2004, joint venture factories sprouted up all over China's automobile market. This was because they could not buy core technologies and had no choice but to take the joint venture path in order to steal technology.


SAIC Group's goal is very clear, which is SsangYong Motor's SUV technology. Unfortunately, even as a major shareholder, SAIC still cannot gain absolute say in SsangYong, and the executives sent to Korea can't manage things at all.

It was also overwhelmed by the strike in Korea and various legal documents. Finally, in 2009, Ssangyong Motors filed for bankruptcy protection, and SAIC sold its shares in despair.

This investment was a huge loss. It cost 40 billion. I didn't learn any technology from the beginning to the end. It also became Ssangyong Motor's channel dealer in China, helping them sell cars.

This is a real case of acquiring foreign car companies in this era. Korean car companies are still like this, but those Western car companies will only be more difficult to do so.

It is precisely because of repeated failures in the field of fuel vehicles that the government has increased its focus on new energy vehicles and wants to play with you on a different track.

Seeing Mo Beiwu thinking, Zhang Nanyi said: "You are in the wrong situation now. You like racing and plan to build cars, but you do not have a deep understanding of the situation of new energy vehicles.

I suggest you find time to take a short-term refresher course at Tongji University to at least understand the situation of new energy vehicles so that you can make effective decisions.

The core technology of new energy vehicles lies in the three-electric system, namely battery, motor and electronic control.

Regarding motors, I suggest you investigate some companies in Wandao. They have good technologies, such as Wandao Tomita. This company can be acquired. "

Wanda Tomita was Tesla's later motor partner. This company's current output value is not high, and acquisitions are cheap.

We need to find companies that have some technology but are not expensive to cooperate with, preferably domestic ones. After integration, we can make further research and development breakthroughs.

Mo Beiwu nodded and said: "Okay, I will find time to learn it later, but I acquired Sailin not for the engine technology, but for Sailin's industrial design technology. The United States has very loose control in this regard.

My idea is to use electric vehicle technology to first create a car with a cool appearance, top performance, and a very technological feel.

With the appearance and performance of a supercar and a price of around one million, this car became famous in one fell swoop. First, build the brand’s reputation, and then slowly accumulate technology. "

Zhang Nanyi: "..."

Mo Beiwu is indeed the son of luck. Isn't this just Tesla's early routine?
Zhang Nanyi suddenly felt that his suggestion was a bit redundant, so he said: "Okay, you can make the decision on the acquisition yourself."

Mo Beiwu looked at Zhang Nanyi with admiration and said, "I was still confused about building a car, but after listening to you today, I suddenly felt that I had a direction.

Don't worry, if the purchase price of Sailin is too expensive, I will spend a high salary to form an industrial design team, and it will be the same.

As for battery, motor and electronic control technology, I will pay attention to it. "

Zhang Nanyi touched Mo Beiwu's head and warned: "The company has more and more businesses now. You should pay attention to cultivating talents and let senior executives manage more."

Mo Beiwu said a little proudly: "Don't worry, the company is experiencing a talent spurt, and I'm actually not that tired.

This year we acquired Foxmail, and the vice president of this company also joined YY Communications. His name is Zhang Xiaolong. He understands technology and has strong ideas. I asked him to be responsible for developing YY mailboxes first and then promote him later.

We also acquired UC Browser. The founder, He Xiaopeng, is also very capable. He is also very interested in electric vehicles. When the car company is established, I will let him participate in the operation and management of the car company and get some training.

A Xiaolong and a Xiaopeng are the talents I discovered this year.

In addition to them, for this financing, I also hired a financial director from PricewaterhouseCoopers named Zhang Yong.

He originally planned to change jobs and become the financial director of Shanda. During this financing process, he showed extremely strong professional ability, so I activated my money-making ability and stopped him. "

Zhang Nanyi: "..."

Zhang Xiaolong, the founder of WeChat; He Xiaopeng, the founder of Xpeng Motors; Zhang Yong, the financial director of Alibaba Group. He played a great role in Alibaba’s capital development and later became Alibaba’s CEO.

Mo Beiwu is the real cheater.

However, based on the current development situation of Yiwu Group in the Internet industry, it is natural for it to be able to recruit so many talents.

Zhang Nanyi sighed: "The company has indeed joined many new faces. No wonder you want me to attend the executive meeting and annual meeting."

Mo Beiwu did not answer, but breathed evenly. Under Zhang Nanyi's touch, she fell asleep peacefully. It was obvious that she had been tired from the intense yoga practice just now.

(End of this chapter)

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