Chapter 321
Wang Zhi completed the physical education class seriously as usual.

After class, she held her notebook and prepared to go back to the dormitory to catch up on dramas with her roommates.

Recently, the drama "Shuiyuedongtian" was released on As a kung fu fan, Wang Zhi liked the fighting scenes in this drama very much.

The fighting moves of the three main male protagonists are more exciting than the last. Coupled with the handsome appearance of the male protagonist and the touching plot, Wang Zhi, who has never watched Shuiyue Cave Sky before, was immediately hooked.

She was very fascinated by watching this drama recently and was thinking about the plot of the drama when Teacher Yu Xin stopped her.

"Wang Zixuan, please stay here for a moment. I'll see you if I have something to do."

Wang Zhi was very surprised. She had been in school for almost a year, and everything was normal for her. She was an invisible transparent figure in the class, and she was rarely called on in class.

The teacher didn't pay any special attention to her and suddenly asked her to stay in class. Wang Zhi was a little confused.

She looked at her roommate beside her and said, "Yaya, can you wait for me?"

Just when Tong Liya was about to agree, she heard Teacher Yu Xin say: "Yayaya, please go back first, Zixuan won't end so soon."

Seeing that Wang Zhi seemed a little nervous, Yu Xin said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, the teacher stopped you, there is a good thing waiting for you."

Tong Liya was about to leave, but when she heard what the teacher said, she became curious and refused to leave.

There were other students who had the same idea as her.

Liu Congdan said: "I just heard from the senior classmate in the next class that Zhang Nanyi came to our school to cast roles today, and Teacher Yu came to Wang Zhi for no reason. Could it be that Zhang Nanyi fell in love with her?

If it were true, wouldn't Wang Zhi be in great luck? "

Another male classmate, Zhu Xiaopeng, said, "How about we follow up and have a look? It's not a secret anyway."

His proposal was quickly agreed by the classmates. Everyone followed Wang Zhi and Yu Xin and saw them entering an office in the next building.

In the office, Wang Zhi was very surprised when she saw Zhang Nanyi. She subconsciously shouted: "Tong Bo!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Zhi realized that she had said the wrong thing. She was a little annoyed. She had been too addicted to watching dramas recently. When she saw Zhang Nanyi, she thought of Tong Bo.

Zhang Nanyi didn't mind. He smiled and said: "It seems that you are still a fan of my drama, so you must know me, so I won't introduce myself."

Seeing Wang Zhi standing there a little at a loss, Zhang Nanyi said: "Sit down, I came to school this time to invite you to star in the heroine of my new movie Rescue."

Wang Zhi sat down in confusion, feeling a bit unreal when she saw Zhang Nanyi appearing in front of her like this.

So after hearing Zhang Nanyi's words, he naturally said "oh".

After comprehending the meaning of Zhang Nan's words, she stood up excitedly, her expression was a little out of control, and she looked like "who am I and where am I", which made Zhang Nanyi laugh.

After regaining consciousness, Wang Zhi confirmed in surprise: "Did I hear you right? You want me to play the heroine?"

Because she was very excited, Wang Zhi's voice was very loud, and the students who were eavesdropping outside the corridor heard it.

Everyone's faces suddenly showed a look of envy. The heroine of "Jingtao Rescue" is definitely a good opportunity for the students in the acting class to soar into the sky.

Wang Zhi naturally also knew about Jing Tao Rescue and confirmed that Zhang Nanyi really wanted to invite her to play the heroine of this movie. She felt that it was too unreal, even more unreal than winning the rehearsal award.

If the teachers hadn't been present, Wang Zhi would have wanted to pinch her thigh to see if she was dreaming.

Zhang Nanyi understood Wang Zhi's excitement, and after her mood calmed down a little, Zhang Nanyi said: "Yes, I want you to play the heroine Li Rong in the movie, please consider whether you want to star.

This is a good opportunity for you, but there are two things I need to make clear to you first.

First, the heroine of our movie was originally scheduled to be Li Binbin. Because Li Binbin didn’t come, I found you. So after you take this movie, you will definitely be compared with Li Binbin. Our crew will also do this. aspects of publicity.

You will definitely receive a lot of ridicule and criticism. After accepting the role, you must be mentally prepared for negative public opinion.Of course, this is also a good thing for your reputation, and you will become famous quickly.

The second point is that our film is a military action film. If you star in it, you will enter the army for military training on May 5st. Your hair will have to be cut short and you will also get a tan. The intensity of the training is very high. . "

Zhang Nanyi's style of doing things has always been relatively sincere and will not cover up or deceive. Naturally, he had to make it clear to Wang Zhi before she took the role.

He is not very arrogant. He feels that as long as he invites Wang Zhi, he will definitely agree. He always speaks in a consultative tone.

Not only did Ma Shuyun feel comfortable with Zhang Nanyi's attitude, Wang Zhi also felt that she was respected.

She asked: "Will I have a fighting scene in this movie?"

Zhang Nanyi nodded: "Yes, there will be a lot of fighting moves, and some of them will cooperate with me."

Wang Zhi heard this and immediately said: "Then I am willing to star!"

Seeing Wang Zhi's performance, Zhang Nanyi understood that this girl still had a different kind of persistence in kung fu.

Wang Zhi hesitated for a moment, then asked: "I...can I give myself a stage name?"

After hearing Zhang Nanyi's analysis, Wang Zhi knew that he would definitely be scolded if he took on the role of Li Rong.

Her idea was that she could tolerate being scolded, but she didn't want her parents to know that she was being scolded.

Or try to find out as late as possible.

After changing her stage name, she could hide it for a while longer.Wang Zhigang was about to explain the reason why he wanted to choose a stage name, but Zhang Nanyi nodded directly and said, "Okay, do you have a name in mind? Do you want me to help you find a master to figure it out.

If you want to change your name, try to change it as quickly as possible, and remember to change the name on the school website as well.

The crew will officially announce your information tomorrow. "

Wang Zhi didn't expect Zhang Nanyi to be so easy to talk to, and she felt like she was understood.

Looking at Zhang Nanyi's handsome face and thinking of his reputation as a talented person, Wang Zhi said, "I haven't thought about it. How about Mr. Zhang give me a stage name."

Zhang Nanyi did not refuse, he said: "Hu Jiangli and Pi Zhixi are admired by Ren Qiulan, so please change their names to Wang Zhi.

It not only means nobility, but also has a similar pronunciation to the purple of your natal king Zixuan. "

"Wang Zhi, Wang Zhi..."

Wang Zhi recited her new name, and it became easier and smoother as she recited it, feeling very happy.

A new name seems to be the beginning of a new life.

"This name is very good, I like it very much! Thank you Mr. Zhang for helping me choose the name."

Zhang Nanyi never thought that Wang Zhi would be given a stage name by himself, and that it would be different from his previous life.

Seeing Wang Zhi's satisfied look, Zhang Nanyi also found it interesting. He exchanged contact information with Wang Zhi and gave her some follow-up instructions before turning around and saying, "Teacher Ma, Teacher Yu, are you free tonight?

Thanks to your help, the heroine's problem was solved so smoothly. I would like to treat you to a big meal to express my gratitude. "

Yu Xin shook his head and said, "Let's have another day. The school just happened to organize a farewell banquet for us today."

Ma Shuyun and Yu Xin will go to Korea for exchange and study in one week. Tonight is the school's internal farewell to them.

Zhang Nanyi said: "Then remember this meal first, and we will meet again when the two teachers come back.

I still have some connections in Korea. If you encounter difficulties in Korea and need help, you can contact me. "

After chatting for a few more words, several people got up and walked out of the office.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a bunch of students outside the door, not only from the 04-level acting class, but also from the 02- and 03-level students.

Tong Liya was very smart. She did not hide the fact that she heard the conversation. Instead, she was the first to say to Wang Zhi: "Xuanxuan, congratulations!"

This action made Zhang Nanyi notice her immediately.

In the previous physical class, Tong Liya was sitting on the left side of the first row of the classroom, right in front of Zhang Nanyi, and Zhang Nanyi did not see her.

It was really amazing to see this Zhao Feiyan at this time.

Tong Liya's facial features are exquisite and three-dimensional, and her eyes are lively and bright. Especially when she smiles, a pair of small tiger teeth are exposed, making her look very naughty and cute.

Her beauty is very contagious. In terms of appearance alone, she is indeed one of the top stars in the entertainment industry.

It's just that her skin is darker and she is thinner. She is currently holding back a bit in terms of appearance and figure.

Tong Liya and Dong Xuan look very similar. When they stand together, Dong Xuan must be more beautiful, because at this time, Dong Xuan is not only nourishing by his red aura, but also has more aura, and Zhang Nanyi The moisturizing, skin and body shape are obviously better than Tong Liya's.

Beauty also needs to be cultivated, and Tong Liya obviously lacks maintenance and moisture.

Noticing Zhang Nanyi's appraising gaze, Tong Liya felt that her purpose of standing up had been achieved and she showed her face in front of Zhang Nanyi.

She is very confident in her appearance, but she is a little regretful that she did not put on makeup to cover up her skin problems today.

Yu Xin also knew what Tong Liya was thinking, and she was still willing to help her students, so she said: "Nanyi, this beauty is the most beautiful national flower in our 04-level performance class, called Tong Liya.

She is a girl from the Xibe ethnic group in Xingjiang. She is very good at dancing and is a dancer in the Huaguo Song and Dance Troupe. "

Zhang Nanyi smiled and explained: "Beautiful women always have something in common. I just saw Tong Liya, and I unconsciously thought of Dong Xuan. They are really similar."

Then he said to Tong Liya: "Dong Xuan also studied dance. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can get to know each other. Maybe you will become good friends."

Seeing how thin Tong Liya is now, Zhang Nanyi feels that he has a long way to go. If Tong Liya doesn't reject her, he is still willing to put in some energy to help the beauty make up for her shortcomings and evolve into a complete body.

Hearing Zhang Nanyi's words, Tong Liya said naturally: "It's an honor for me to look like a big star. Then let me leave your contact information with Mr. Zhang, so that I can get to know Teacher Dong Xuan."

Tong Liya entered the Yang Opera relatively late. She will soon be 22 years old. She performed with the Xingjiang Song and Dance Troupe for several years before she was selected to the Hua Guo Song and Dance Troupe because of her outstanding performance.

Therefore, her mind is relatively mature and she knows how to seize opportunities and speak boldly.

Faced with the beauty's request, Zhang Nanyi did not refuse. He took Tong Liya's mobile phone, entered his own mobile phone number, and then said: "My YY number Wang Zhiyou, you can ask her for it and you can add it." I."

Seeing that Zhang Nanyi really left her phone number and could add YY, Tong Liya breathed a sigh of relief and felt very excited at the same time.

Being able to recognize a popular star like Zhang Nanyi, a film and television publicity boss, and a rich man on the rich list is a huge gain for Tong Liya.

(End of this chapter)

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