China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 334 Win glory for the country

Chapter 334 Win glory for the country
Early the next morning, before dawn, Li Yinxin got up and washed up.

The second sister didn't work this morning and was going to sleep in, but she woke her up.

Li Xuxian asked in a daze: "Yin Xin, why did you get up so early? Isn't your Oppa already gone?"

Li Yinxin said: "Today is the day when Oppa's new album is released. I want to buy the album."

Li Xuxian's eyes lit up when Li Yinxin mentioned Zhang Nanyi, and she suddenly felt a little jealous of her sister. What she lacked most in her marriage and life was this kind of passion.

So she said, "Just wait for me, and I'll go too."

Li Yinxin urged: "Then you have to hurry up, I'm afraid I'll be late and won't be able to buy the record!"

Li Xuxian looked at the time and complained: "It's only 6 in the morning. Record stores usually open at 9:[-] in the morning. If you go now, you can only wait outside.

It’s still early, so what’s the rush? There’s no way you can’t buy it. "

Saying this, under Li Yinxin's urging, Li Xuxian quickly finished washing up and went out without even having time to put on makeup.

Their destination was the Amoeba Record Store on Sunshine Boulevard in Los Angeles.

This record store is the world's largest independent record store, with two floors of huge space that can accommodate millions of new and used vinyl records. It is called the "Disneyland of music."

This store even has a performance space, and bands often come to perform, which shows how big the space is.

When Li Yinxin and Li Xuxian arrived at the record store, it was 7:2 in the morning, two hours before it opened, but at this time, there was already a long queue outside the store.

The queue has already curved to another street.

Li Xuxian was completely shocked when she saw this scene. She sighed: "I have lived in the United States for several years, and I have never seen such a long queue in a record store. This is so magical."

Li Xuxian thought about what she just said, "It's impossible not to buy it." She felt like her face was swollen. With such a long queue, her sister really might not be able to buy the record.

Li Yinxin ignored her sister, but walked forward very quickly, and quickly reached the end of the queue.

After a while, there were more and more people behind them.

As time passed, another long team appeared behind the two people.

Outside the record store, many media reporters appeared. They began to record and report on the grand scene of queuing in the record store, and randomly interviewed people in the queue.Without exception, everyone comes here to buy Zhang Nanyi’s new album.

At 9:[-] a.m., Amoeba Record Store officially opened its doors. The store has a large interior space, so the team moved forward quite quickly.

At about 10 o'clock, Li Yinxin was able to enter the store.

She immediately heard a fat white man, wearing record store work clothes, holding the phone and shouting excitedly: "Not enough, not enough stock, 2 copies are almost sold out, and only about 5000 are left in stock!
But there is still a long queue outside my store!I want to apply for emergency shipment! "

As the largest record store in Los Angeles, Amoeba already has a lot of goods, but I didn’t expect it wasn’t enough.

Hearing this, Li Yinxin hurried to the shelf with Zhang Nanyi's records and took two, one for her and one for Annie.

Surprisingly, sister Li Xuxian turned into a shopping madman. She pushed a shopping cart at the door and took hundreds of Zhang Nanyi's records in one go, which made Li Yinxin look stupid.

She asked: "Why did you buy so many?"

Li Xuxian said: "Zhang Nanyi's record is so popular, I will buy more and give it to business friends. It is a good gift.

What's more, everyone now knows that my little sister is in a relationship with Zhang Nanyi. I can't even get Zhang Nanyi's records. That would be too embarrassing.

Besides, this record is only 20 yuan a piece, which is not expensive.

If I wasn't worried about the dissatisfaction of the people in line behind me, I could have bought all the records in the venue. "

After listening to her sister's words, Li Yinxin finally understood why the record was almost sold out in half an hour, and many people bought more than one copy.

She thought for a while, then took a large stack of more than a dozen records from the shelf, and then lined up with her sister to check out.

While waiting for the checkout, Li Yinxin heard the announcement in the store, informing Zhang Nanyi that all the new albums were sold out and the next batch of goods would not be delivered until 12 noon.

What happened at the Amoeba Record Store is repeated in major cities across the United States.

In China, Zhang Nanyi's album was sold 12 hours earlier than in the United States, and the queue scene at Xinhua Bookstore was also very lively.

After Liu Yifei finished practicing Qigong early in the morning, she took Shu Chang and Jing Tian to a Xinhua Bookstore near her home.

They arrived early, so they were at the front of the queue.

Seeing the long queue behind him, Jing Tian said: "Fortunately, Chang Chang was smart and asked us to come earlier. If we had listened to Boss Sissi, we probably wouldn't be able to buy this record."

Liu Yifei said without confidence: "I thought everyone would buy it on, weren't most of our albums last year sold online?
I didn’t expect that everyone would come to the physical store this time. "

Shu Chang said with a smile: "The online discounts are not very strong this time. Everyone wants to get the album as soon as possible, so there are many people in the physical store.

Moreover, the early promotion of the album was very lively, and Brother Nan Yi is very popular. It is normal for there to be a long queue today. "

Zhang Nan is not in the country, but the promotion of the English album has been very effective in the country.

Yao Qian, the marketing director of Warner Antarctic Records, is responsible for domestic publicity work. His strategy is to use foreign praise and popularity to increase domestic listeners' expectations and attention for Zhang Nanyi's album.

So these days, the media on many platforms such as the Internet, radio, newspapers and TV stations are often full of these news. "Zhang Nanyi made history, Apologize topped the US Billboard singles charts!"

"No. [-] for four consecutive weeks, Zhang Nanyi's music conquered the picky Omi people."

"Zhang Nan Yi Niu made an appointment to hold a music club, and the tickets were sold out in seconds, and all the attendees were locals!"

"Linkin Park: Zhang's singing ability is a miracle, we can't match it."

"Come and see, Zhang Nanyi held an outdoor event in Luoshanji. The scene was crowded and the traffic was paralyzed!"

"Times Magazine has an exclusive interview with Zhang Nanyi in ten pages, the first time in history!"

"Warner Music Global President Cooper: Zhang Nanyi is already a well-known star in the United States, and the sales of his new album are about to set a new record!"

These reports greatly satisfied the national pride of the domestic people, so every report received a lot of attention.

At first, many of the reports were publicity paid for by Warner Antarctic Records, but later they became spontaneous publicity reports by major media.

Because writing these news, people like to read it and get attention.

This is also rare, and many domestic media have made a patriotic fortune.

The most important thing is that Yangshi made a series of special reports on the release of Zhang Nanyi's new album and his promotion work at OMI.

The official determination to promote Zhang Nanyi as the representative of mainland celebrities is still very high.

Yangshi's reports were all about Zhang Nanyi's popularity abroad and his achievements. The authorities did not mention a word about Zhang Nanyi's sexy news abroad.

The major mainstream TV stations and print media also tacitly refrained from mentioning these things.

It was obvious that they had all said hello from above.

However, there are a lot of tidbits about Zhang Nanyi on the Internet. The matter of dating the Hearst sisters made countless LSPs shed tears of envy.

Everyone once again shouted Zhang Nanyi’s slogan of winning glory for the country.

But compared to the Hearst sisters, Li Yinxin is completely popular on the domestic Internet this time.

After all, the impact of the Hearst Group is not deeply felt in China, but everyone knows about the neighboring Korea and Korea's Sanxin Group.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Nanyi took over the little princess of the Sanxin Group without saying a word, and even asked Li Yinxin to rub Zhang Nanyi's legs like a maid.

Yes, the photo of the Hearst sisters posted on Facebook was also widely circulated on the domestic Internet.

"Li Yinxin is so beautiful. She has completely adapted to my taste. How does a rich family have such good genes?"

"Of course, let me show you the photo of her sister Li Fuzhen."

"Damn, these sisters feel better than the Hearst sisters! I have no hope, but Zhang Nanyi, as a representative who brings glory to the country, press forward. I support you!"

"I'm from Yan University. It turns out that Li Yinxin is the little princess of Sanxin Group. She came to our school for exchange studies some time ago. Many classmates pursued her, but she rejected them. Hey, it turns out that the goddess's family background is so good, and the relationship between us is The gap is even wider.”

"Brother upstairs, you must be one of her former suitors. Don't be sad. Zhang Nanyi is also from Yanda. In the end, she will still be the woman of a classmate of Yanda. Damn it, I actually comforted the students of Yanda. I It’s crazy.”


Official reports say that Zhang Nanyi has brought glory to the country, and the Internet is also discussing that Zhang Nanyi has brought glory to the country. Although everyone has different meanings, they all reach the same goal, which is to win glory for the country.

Therefore, even though Zhang Nanyi is not in the country, the publicity effect of the album is very good.

The album went on sale today, and there were queues at major bookstores in the country.

After the bookstore opened, the three very sweet people were the first ones to enter. They bought a total of 100 albums.

The three of them got the album and walked out of the bookstore happily carrying the bags. After getting in the car, the car drove to the One and Two Tea House.

Here, seven or eight sisters, including Wang Zuxian, Gao Yuanyuan, and Yu Feihong, were all together. When they saw the three Liu Yifei coming back, they immediately stood up and applauded.

"Welcome home our hero, thank you for helping us buy records!"

Liu Yifei said angrily: "It's okay, the three of us have the disguise masks left by Mr. Zhang, so we can go queue up.

It's not convenient for you to go. "

After saying that, the three very sweet people distributed the records to everyone.
Liu Yifei also thoughtfully left a few copies for Yan Danchen, who was on the set of Liangjian, and Li Xiaoran, who was on the set of Wulin Gaiden.

After everyone got the record, they chatted for a while, and then they went about their own activities, playing cards, arranging flowers, and reading.

Liu Yifei came to the entertainment room and played animation video games with Yang Rui.

At lunch time, Liu Yifei, Shu Chang and Jing Tian's bowls were piled high with vegetables, all because of their sisters' love for them.

After having the trait of sleeping together, the jealousy of Wang Zuxian, He Qing and others has become very weak. They all have a good relationship, and they all want children, but there is no result, so towards the younger Liu Yifei and the other three, It's special care and love like a daughter.

Zhang Nanyi's rear area, at least locally, is already very harmonious and united.

(End of this chapter)

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