China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 374 The 2nd English Album

Chapter 374 Second English Album

Seeing Zhang Nanyi communicating intimately with the three very sweet girls, ignoring herself, Zhu Zhu couldn't help but feel a sour taste in her heart.

It wasn't until Liu Yifei took the initiative to mention herself to Zhang Nanyi that a smile appeared on Zhu Zhu's face. She bent down and apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, your singing is so beautiful. I was completely immersed in the song and danced involuntarily. I’m really sorry for disturbing your song recording!”

When bending down to apologize, Zhu Zhu also played a trick. He put his hand under his chest and squeezed it slightly, making the ravine more obvious when he bent down.

Zhang Nanyi saw the beautiful scenery and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, just record it again, it will be quick."

Zhu Zhu asked again: "Is your song the theme song of your new album? The rhythm is strong, the momentum is high, and the lyrics are also positive. Your songs are always like this, inspiring people to move forward bravely."

Zhang Nanyi nodded and said: "This song is called Roar. It is not only the theme song of my new album, but also the promotional song for the Yanjing Olympics next year.

This news has not been released to the public for the time being, and Miss Zhu Zhu was asked to help keep it secret. "

Zhu Zhu heard Zhang Nanyi tell her a secret, and felt a sense of being taken seriously in her heart. She smiled very happily, and the pear dimples at the corners of her mouth appeared, giving her a charming aura.

She promised: "I will keep it a secret!"

In fact, even if this news spreads, it doesn't matter. Zhang Nanyi said keeping it secret is just a small way to enhance the relationship between them.

After chatting with Very Sweet for a few more words, Zhang Nanyi turned around and recorded the song again.

This time no one disturbed me, and the song was recorded smoothly. If it weren't for Zhu Zhu's interruption, I would have just finished it in one go.

Zhu Zhu also listened to Roar in its entirety, and she fell in love with the song right away.

She has been independent and rebellious since she was a child. She likes to take unconventional paths. Instead of following the family's arrangements and taking the path within the system, she studied design and music.

When it comes to choosing songs to listen to, Zhu Zhu likes to choose some niche works to show his unique taste.

But after hearing Roar live this time, she was completely conquered by the song and immediately gave up her so-called niche taste.

The song "Roar" is Katy Perry's masterpiece. It is the number one single on the US Billboard Hot [-] singles chart and is also number one on the music charts in more than a dozen countries.

This song incorporates elements of psychedelic rock and stage rock. It is full of momentum and expresses the feeling that in the face of everyone's doubts, I can still resist the pressure and become more courageous with every setback.

This is also the fundamental reason why Zhu Zhu, a rebellious woman, likes this song.

After recording Roar, Zhang Nanyi began to record Believer. This song is the representative work of the Dream Dragon Band and a pure rock work.

If Roar becomes more and more courageous in the face of doubts and opposition, Believer directly regards pain as the driving force for progress, and even becomes a believer in pain.

After Zhu Zhu heard this, he was shocked again.

Zhu Zhu was originally a music fan, otherwise he would not have taken advantage of his family connections to work at MTV, and he would even release an album in the future.

Listening to Zhang Nanyi sing, she felt it was the ultimate enjoyment. If Liu Yifei hadn't reminded her that she didn't have enough time and it was time to shoot a promotional video, she would have stayed in the recording studio.

After seeing Zhu Zhu leave, Sanbao checked the equipment and joked: "Congratulations, you have another beautiful girl.

Judging from my experience, although this Zhu Zhu is not the traditional beauty in appearance, her every move is charming and she has a graceful figure. She is a charming woman.

This kind of woman, tsk tsk tsk, is so wonderful that only you can control her. "

Zhang Nanyi glanced at Sanbao and said mockingly: "Are you missing your youth? Now that you are older, you are powerless to see the beautiful little fruit.

The poor man that no outline can save. "

When Sanbao heard this, he became a little anxious and said smoothly: "Fart, I just drank too much recently, lacked sleep, and am in a bad state."

After he finished speaking, he realized that he had said the wrong thing. Seeing Li Minghao and others covering their mouths and trying to laugh but not daring to laugh, Sanbao laughed and cursed: "You bastard, you set a trap for me, I'm too lazy to explain to you.

Anyway, brother, I am in my prime and have good strength! "

Zhang Nan laughed and said sarcastically: "You have good strength, but in the arrangement of Believer just now, why is there a problem with the rhythm of the drum beats?"

Sanbao argued forcefully: "Impossible! You can question my strength, but you can't question my professional ability to eat!"

Zhang Nanyi directly played back the song, and there was indeed a mistake.

Sanbao was shocked: "Damn, it's just a lighter accent. Can you even hear that?"

Zhang Nanyi only discovered the benefits of his gift of hearing when he was recording songs. His ability to distinguish sounds was already at a cheating level.

Any absolute sense of pitch is not enough when faced with the gift of hearing.

Zhang Nanyi said: "Brother's talent is not only better than yours in terms of strength, but also in music. Please change it quickly and finish recording Believer as soon as possible."

Sanbao cursed a pervert and continued to devote himself to his work.

The next week, Zhang Nanyi finished recording his second English album, with a total of 16 songs.

They are: "Roar", "Sugar", "Believer", "Natural", "Brave", "Centuries", "Strike A Match", "Stronger", "Call Me Maybe", "Goodbye my lover", " Booty Music", "That Girl", "Control", "Mountains and Seas", "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", "Ordinary Road".

This album has the most rock-style songs. In order to ensure sales, Zhang Nanyi selected rock songs that are highly popular and popular, such as Sugar, Stronger and other songs, which are all champion singles and popular around the world.

Of course, I also chose some lyrical and dynamic ones, such as Goodbye my lover and That Girl.

Just for these 13 English songs, the overall quality is definitely not inferior to Zhang Nanyi's first album "We Are Young", or even better.As for the last three Chinese songs, Mountains and Seas, The Brightest Star in the Night Sky and Ordinary Road, they all belong to Zhang Nanyi's small thoughts.

He has been singing English songs, and his reputation has increased. Now he also secretly exports Chinese songs and culture.

In a 16-song album, there are 3 Chinese songs included, which will make many foreign fans try to listen to Chinese songs. There will always be some people who will gradually like Chinese songs.

This is Zhang Nanyi’s attempt.

Although the album has been recorded, it will take a long time to be released. According to the plan, this English album will be released globally in June next year.

The reason for setting this time is for the external publicity arrangement of the Yanjing Olympics.

The song Roar is one of the English theme songs for the Yanjing Olympic Games. Starting from June next year, the Yanjing Olympic Games will enter the promotion cycle.

For this reason, Zhang Nanyi's new album is directly named "Roar".

On the afternoon of September 9th, after recording the album, Zhang Nanyi turned around and came to the company's practice room. Three very sweet girls were training for a concert here.

Seeing Zhang Nanyi come in, Zhu Zhu immediately stood up and walked over. She said, "Mr. Zhang, today is the last day for Qianqian and the others to train here.

According to our arrangements, they will then go to a similar venue for preliminary rehearsal practice. "

Zhang Nanyi nodded, looked at Zhu Zhu who was looking up at him, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work. I just finished recording the album today and will not come to the record company again tomorrow."

After filming the promotional video for the Very Sweet Three Girls on September 9, Zhu Zhu returned to the company and directly approached Li Yifei and asked to be the person in charge of the Very Sweet concert.

This was very inconsistent with the work route Li Yifei had arranged for her before, but Zhu Zhu insisted, and Li Yifei agreed.

Zhu Zhu's idea is very simple. After becoming the person in charge of the Very Sweet Concert, she can find opportunities to get close to Zhang Nan Yiduoduo.

This is a habit she has developed since she was a child. If she likes something, she must learn to take the initiative to fight for it.

Her goal was achieved. After a week of getting along, she and Zhang Nanyi became familiar with each other, and even added friends on their YY account.

Zhu Zhu still doesn’t know that once she adds her YY account, she will become a fish in Zhang Nanyi’s fish pond...

Zhang Nanyi chatted casually with Zhu Zhu and found that this woman was really meticulous and smart. She could observe Zhang Nanyi's reactions to different clothes, and her clothes were increasingly in line with Zhang Nanyi's preferences.

At this moment, she was wearing a black light shirt and a blue short skirt that covered her hips.

The skirt is very short and barely covers the buttocks. Although there are safety pants inside, the visual effect is very strong.

Paired with red high-heeled shoes, Li Na's style has been revealed with her twisting and turning as she walks.

Zhang Nanyi sometimes wonders if he also lacks a personal secretary.

After the training of the three very sweet girls was over, Zhang Nanyi said: "I'm going to have dinner with Huanhuan tonight, so I can't accompany you anymore.

You guys go home after training, and I asked Auntie to cook a seafood dinner. "

"Okay, you go and play, don't worry about us." Liu Yifei said. She originally wanted to kiss Zhang Nan, but she stopped when she saw the sweat on her body.

Zhang Nanyi didn't mind. He hugged Liu Yifei and kissed her, and then kissed Shu Chang and Jing Tian before leaving the record company.

He drove himself to the downstairs of Dong Xuan's house. After waiting for a short while, he saw Dong Xuan running out of the community in a hurry.

Dong Xuan wore a white dress today. Matching her gentle temperament, she looked very pure and clean. However, there was a black collar on her neck, which was like a drop of ink on a snow-white flower. A kind of contradiction and contrast.

After getting on the bus, Zhang Nanyi saw Dong Xuan panting and gave her a piece of paper to wipe her sweat and said: "Why are you in a hurry? I won't leave here. Just take your time. If you run too fast, be careful." Wrestling.”

Dong Xuan calmed down his breath, wiped the sweat on his face, and then said: "I'm afraid you've waited too long. I just decorated the room and didn't see your text message."

Then, she said charmingly: "Director, can you help me put on my seat belt?"

Zhang Nanyi smiled, knowing that Dong Xuan must have deep intentions in making this request. He leaned over and helped Dong Xuan buckle his seat belt.

Dong Xuan kissed Zhang Nanyi, then pulled the neckline of the dress outwards, and Zhang Nanyi immediately saw clearly what was going on inside.

He smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about scaring Yaya when you wear this thing and decorate the room."

Dong Xuan shook his head, "No, Yaya has gradually adapted to it. I have been very happy getting along with her during this time.

It's really magical to get along with Yaya, it feels like another me in the world.

Not only do we look alike, we even have the same hobbies and similar nicknames. My name is Huanhuan and her name is Yaya. "

Tong Liya returned to Yanjing from Xingjiang at the end of August. Zhang Nanyi did not force her to cooperate with Dong Xuan, but let her get along and get familiar with Dong Xuan first.

Tong Liya and Dong Xuan have the same man. They both trained as dancers and became actors. They have the same preferences in certain aspects, so they still have a lot of common topics.

After the two women met, they felt like they had met too late.

Now more than half a month has passed, and Tong Liya and Dong Xuan have become very good friends.

Tonight is the time for the two to join together. After Zhang Nanyi picked up Dong Xuan, he was going to pick up Tong Liya.

(End of this chapter)

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