Chapter 381

Hearing Li Yinxin's arrangement, Kim Taixi also breathed a sigh of relief. She had just been impulsive and spoke a bit loudly and harshly.

After saying that, she immediately regretted it.

After calming down for a moment, I realized that I was facing Sanxin's little princess. If the other party got angry and caused some obstacles, my father's logistics business might collapse.

Fortunately, Li Yinxin was kind-hearted and realized her mistake, so she didn't argue with Kim Tae Hee.

After the fear was over, Jin Taixi started to feel happy. She took the initiative to walk to the other side of Zhang Nanyi and said, "I'm also a good cook. I'll make a specialty dish for you to try tonight."

Li Yinxin explained: "Kim Tae Hee not only has a good family background, but has also been very good since she was a child. She is a good student with both good character and academic performance.

From the first year to the third year of high school, she always ranked first in the school in all exams. She was admitted to Seoul National University with super high scores and was an out-and-out academic master.

In addition, she is also proficient in cooking, red wine and painting. "

Seoul National University is equivalent to China's Qinghua University. In the Korean entertainment industry, there are very few people from Seoul National University.

In this regard, Kim Tae Hee is indeed very good.

Hearing Li Yinxin's introduction, Kim Tae Hee couldn't help but feel a little proud, but she was a little too happy.

An extended Lincoln drove to the door of the TV station. Zhang Nanyi led Li Yinxin and got in, followed closely by Kim Tae Hee.

Son Yejin shrugged her shoulders and followed in.

Han Jia and Jun Zhixian looked at each other, wordlessly raised their legs, got into the car and sat down.

Li Yinxin continued: "Apart from Kim Tae Hee, Son Ye Jin is usually low-key, rarely socializes, and keeps a clean mind; Han Ga In got married early and has very little experience.

Jun Ji-hyun is just a childhood sweetheart.

The beauties I chose for Oppa are all very clean, and they are all in their twenties. They are in very good physical condition. They have not been repaired by technology yet, and they are all natural. "

At this time, Li Yinxin showed her sexual side as the little princess of Sanxin, directly using cleanliness and age.Evaluation of four beauties in person based on indicators such as whether they are natural or not.

The tone of his speech was as if he were picking out dishes at the vegetable market.

It was impossible for the four daughters of Quan Jin, Han and Sun to say that they were not angry, but they did not dare to say anything more.

Only Kim Tae Hee said firmly: "Thank you, Miss Li, for the compliment."

Li Yinxin said with a smile: "You will thank me, not for my praise, but for letting you feel what it is like to be a real woman.

Being able to communicate with a perfect man like Oppa is a blessing that you will never be able to achieve in a few lifetimes. "

Zhang Nanyi: "..."

Li Yinxin's love for Zhang Nanyi has become a bit crazy. What she said made Zhang Nanyi very embarrassed.

Zhang Nanyi would definitely not blame the people who defended him. He touched Li Yinxin's head and said: "Forget it this time, don't make the decision without permission next time, find a woman for me.

Sometimes one-on-one communication is also very good. "

Li Yinxin nodded and said, "I understand, Oppa, the script of The Walking Dead is almost complete. Do you want to check it out?"

After hearing the script, the four actors, Jeon, Kim, Han and Sun, were all subconsciously paying attention to it.

Zhang Nanyi shook his head and said: "No more inspections. The professionals you raise are not just freeloaders. Let them give their opinions. You can't rely on me for everything."

Li Yinxin said coquettishly: "I just watched the first episode of Breaking Bad produced by the company the day before yesterday. I thought it was very interesting. I admire your talent, Oppa~
Oppa, I have some wonderful DVDs in my villa, we can watch them together in the evening~"

Zhang Nanyi pretended to be surprised and teased her: "Do you still have this thing? Is this the one you have used before?"

Li Yinxin blushed immediately, and she explained: "No, didn't I give it to Oppa the first time? These discs were seen by my eldest sister before and were placed at my place.

I asked the housekeeper of the manor to look for it, but it was still there. "

Zhang Nanyi laughed loudly and said: "It's been a few years, and it should still have some artistic flavor."

Many films in the past were not about communication at the outset, but still contained a bit of story and artistry.

The car slowly drove onto a road surrounding the mountain. There were lush woods on both sides of the road, and the environment was very quiet.

This mountain is not very high, only about 500 meters, so after driving for a while, we came to a manor halfway up the mountain.

When you open the courtyard door, you will see a green, large yard with neatly trimmed flowers, plants and shrubs, and even an independent sprinkler system.

In the middle of the courtyard, there is a ten-meter-tall horse sculpture. Surrounding the sculpture is a circular fountain.

At this moment, in order to welcome Zhang Nanyi's arrival, the fountain was turned on, and the water column soaring into the sky looked very bright under the sunlight.

The car drove directly to the entrance of the villa, and Zhang Nanyi walked out.

In front of you is a two-story single-family villa with a large area. It has a very simple black and gray design style and a large number of glass window decorations. It looks very fashionable and is not a traditional villa manor.

Walking into the house, you first pass through a corridor that is at least 2 meters wide. One side is a cement texture wall, and the other side is full of floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

Through the glass window, you can clearly see the bamboo forest in the yard, which is refreshing and refreshing.

When we come to the living room, it is also open. Opposite the sofa and coffee table, there is also a whole floor-to-ceiling glass wall, facing the mountain.

Lying on the sofa, you can easily overlook the bustling Seoul.

Zhang Nanyi sighed: "This villa is first-class in terms of location, design and decoration. It is indeed very good."

Li Yinxin smiled happily when she saw what Zhang Nanyi said. She said, "If you like it, Oppa, I will give this villa to you. You have made so much money with me, and I can't help but express it." Zhang Nanyi said. He shook his head and said a little shamelessly: "You are mine, and the house is in the same name. Do you think you will reject me if I want to live here?"

Li Yinxin became even happier after hearing this. She hugged Zhang Nan's arm and introduced: "The villa has an entertainment area, a physiotherapy area and a meditation area. The entertainment area has various entertainment facilities. The physiotherapy area can be used for hot springs, saunas, For SPA projects, the meditation area has a library and meditation room.

Oppa, which project do you want to experience, or should you go fishing in the reservoir on the other side first? "

Zhang Nanyi thought for a while and said: "First go to the physiotherapy area to soak in the hot springs and get a massage. Is there a dedicated massage technician here?"

For such a large villa, there must be a management team doing daily maintenance and operation.

Li Yinxin nodded, "There are professional technicians, Oppa, can I give you a massage? I have been studying massage very hard recently, and my skills are already very good."

Under the influence of the professor's skills, Zhang Nanyi's women have basically mastered first-hand massage techniques, among which Liu Xiaoli's technique is the best.

Li Yinxin has also been learning for a long time. She has long wanted to press the button on her beloved man.

Zhang Nanyi knew that Li Yinxin's skills, under his own guidance, would definitely be better than those of ordinary professional technicians, so he said, "Okay, you press the button for me first, and then I press the button for you."

When everyone came to the physical therapy area, Zhang Nanyi took off his clothes naturally, leaving only his boxer briefs.

Looking at Zhang Nanyi's extremely smooth muscle lines, broad shoulders and narrow waist, and a very large penis, the four daughters of Quan Jin Han and Sun felt a little hot even before taking a bath in the hot spring.

They were a little embarrassed to soak in the hot spring right away, but after seeing Zhang Nanyi's figure, they felt that they deserved it.

Especially Kim Tae Hee, who was very active in changing clothes.

Unfortunately, she was not as fast as Li Yinxin. After she changed into her three-point swimsuit and came out, Li Yinxin was already nestled in Zhang Nanyi's arms.

The two of them were lying in the hot spring, looking very comfortable.

Kim Tae Hee saw Li Yin Xin's demeanor, which was charming and charming, and her eyes were full of Zhang Nan Yi. As a woman, she could feel Li Yin Xin's love for Zhang Nan Yi.

Before coming to this party, Jin Taixi thought that Li Yinxin and Zhang Nanyi were in a relationship of interest, or a friendship to relieve loneliness.

After all, Zhang Nanyi is well-known and has many women. Under such circumstances, how can there be any true feelings at all.

But after actual contact and seeing Li Yinxin's behavior, she knew that Li Yinxin had true feelings for Zhang Nanyi. When she stayed by Zhang Nanyi's side, her every move exuded satisfaction and happiness.

The hot spring pool here is very big, and Kim Tae Hee also walked in. She took the initiative and asked: "Oppa, what do you want to eat? I'll get it for you."

Zhang Nanyi waved his hand and said, "No need, I will call Yin Xin if necessary. You can relax yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, Son Ye-jin, Jun Ji-hyun and Han Jia-ren also walked out one after another.

You can see their personalities from the way they dress and behave.

Kim Tae Hee wore a hot, three-point swimsuit, but her performance was generous and natural.

Although she is the shortest among the beauties, her aura is the strongest.

Son Ye-jin's clothes are quite regular and unassuming, but she doesn't have stage fright and is still very casual.

Han Ga-in and Jun Ji-hyun are more conservative. Perhaps because of their relationship, they talk less.

Zhang Nanyi soaked in the hot spring with his eyes closed, and Li Yinxin nestled in his arms, rubbing her smooth thighs against Zhang Nanyi's legs from time to time, which was a bit naughty.

Neither of them spoke, ignoring the other four women, feeling each other in the hot spring and enjoying their leisurely time.

For a moment, the room became very quiet, with only the sound of the hot spring water rushing.

About a quarter of an hour later, Zhang Nan stood up and said, "It's almost done. I'm going to take a shower."

When she heard about taking a shower, Li Yinxin's eyes lit up and she followed Zhang Nanyi: "Oppa, let me help you."

Seeing Zhang Nanyi and Li Yinxin leave, Han Jiaren breathed a sigh of relief. Kim Taixi saw this and said disdainfully: "Why are you nervous? From my observation of Zhang Nanyi, he will not force you."

Han Jiaren said: "I just think it's too quiet and a bit embarrassing."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sound from the bathroom. Everyone blushed and the atmosphere became awkward again.

Ten minutes later, Han Jiaren asked worriedly: "Is Miss Li going to be okay? It's been 10 minutes and her voice is a little hoarse."

Kim Tae Hee asked with great interest: "What happened to 10 minutes?"

Han Jiaren said confidently: "My husband only has one minute on time, but this time is ten times longer. How can I bear it?"

Kim Tae Hee, Son Ye Jin, Jun Ji Hyun: "..."

The three girls originally looked at Han Jiaren sympathetically, but after half an hour, they were numb.

Nearly an hour later, Li Yinxin walked out.

She was lying on the small massage bed, her whole body was sore, her fair skin was red, and her face was rosy.Between his brows and eyes, there was a lazy contentment.

Li Yinxin apologized: "I'm sorry Oppa, I'm so useless. I'll give you a massage after I take a break."

Zhang Nanyi pinched Li Yinxin's face. In this case, it felt smoother and more delicate. He said, "I'd better press it for you and let you sleep for a while."

Zhang Nanyi's massage skills were superb. In about 5 minutes, Li Yinxin fell into a deep sleep with a satisfied smile.

Zhang Nanyi put a layer of quilt on her body.

He was just about to ask the technician to come in and massage himself when he heard Kim Tae Hee say: "Oppa, I can also massage, let me massage it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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