China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 413 Kung Fu Movie: Wan Laisheng

Chapter 413 Kung Fu Movie: Wan Laisheng
Zhang Nanyi took a slow sip of tea and continued: "I am a master of Tai Chi. To put it bluntly, my current boxing attainments are definitely at the master level in the Republic of China.

So I can responsibly say that in the martial arts world, Wing Chun is a very small boxing style and has been suppressed by Cai Lifuquan in Guangdong.

This boxing technique has many disadvantages, and there are problems with using force.

I am not the only one who has this view. Bruce Lee, who has learned Wing Chun, also thinks so. He mentioned in his letters that Wing Chun has very fatal problems in actual combat. "

In the mainland martial arts world, Wing Chun is not a boxing technique that can be seen on the stage. As a result, due to the popularity of Ip Man, many people think Wing Chun is very good. There are even many idiot fans who compare Wing Chun with Tai Chi and Baji. Boxing is also known as the three major boxing techniques of China.

Wu Jing is a national martial arts champion. When he was being interviewed, a reporter asked him how he saw Ip Man. Wu Jing answered straightforwardly, "Who is Ip Man?"

Just this sentence made many Ip Man and Wing Chun fans break their guard, and some people bet 50 to compete with Wu Jing in the ring.

Ip Man's image has been transformed into a big IP by Hong Kong filmmakers, greatly beautifying it.

It can't be said to be beautification. It should be said that it is a creation of a god out of nothing, or it is an ugly and despicable villain who is elevated to the altar.

Whether this is for commercial interests or for other purposes is unknown.

Seeing that Wang Jiawei was deep in thought, Zhang Nanyi said casually: "I personally suggest that you make the male protagonist of The Grandmaster invisible, just like the female protagonist Gong Er, why do you need to specify that the male protagonist is Ip Man?
Today is an information society. As the Internet becomes more and more developed, information will become more and more transparent in the future. Everyone will know what kind of person Ip Man is.

By then, Ip Man's reputation has collapsed. Isn't the movie The Grandmaster just a joke? "

Wang Jiawei immediately waved his hand and said, "Stop, stop, stop, Mr. Zhang, you are so good at talking. I am about to be convinced by you. Let me think about it first."

Wang Jiawei is retreating in order to advance, showing weakness in words, but in fact he will not change at all in his heart.

Zhang Nanyi also knew it, but he still followed Wang Jiawei's words and said: "I just awakened your reason and conscience. Film and television works can be adapted, but they cannot confuse right and wrong."

As an investor, Song Dai actually didn't care much about Ip Man, so he took the opportunity to ask: "Mr. Zhang, if the male protagonist is not Ip Man, but a Tai Chi master, will you play the role?"

Zhang Nanyi still shook his head: "No, when Director Wang shoots a movie, he only has characters and no script. The time he takes to shoot one movie is enough for me to make ten movies.

For such a long time, even if I were willing to take pictures, you couldn't afford to hire me. "

Wang Jiawei prepared for ten years and filmed for three years. Even if there were no problems with Ip Man, Zhang Nanyi would not act.

He didn't have the patience to waste time with Wang Jiawei.

After pouring tea for Song Dai and Wang Jiawei, Zhang Nanyi said: "My promise is still valid. This time Director Wang will help me in Cannes. After The Grandmaster is released, I will help with theater arrangement and platform promotion."

If the male protagonist is not Ip Man, I will help promote it myself.

Of course, if the heroine is an employee of our company, then we will have greater publicity measures. "

The movie "The Grandmaster" can be said to have saved Zhang Ziyi's career. The international Zhang, whose reputation had already collapsed due to the beach scandal and fraudulent donation scandal, has won awards and won awards and stabilized his career because of this movie. status.

The character Gong Er is really a good resource.

The heroine of "The Grandmaster" has not yet been selected, and it will not be decided until 2009. The filming of this movie was also delayed until December 2009, which is very Wang Jiawei's style.

When Zhang Nanyi mentioned the heroine, it was just a casual foreshadowing. If there is a suitable candidate in the future, he will recommend it. If not, forget it.

He doesn't particularly value the role of Gong Er. If Zhang Nanyi really wants to praise others, he can do so himself.

Now that the conversation was over, the three of them stopped dwelling on the movie The Grandmaster and started talking about other things.

Zhang Nanyi also made it clear that she hopes to win the Palme d'Or and give priority to the best actress in other awards.

Zhang Nanyi was also heartbroken for Liu Yifei.

Although Wang Jiawei is doing a lot of wholesale at Cannes. In one session of Cannes, 5 best actors and 6 best actresses were awarded, but as long as he can get the honor, it doesn't matter whether it is alone or tied.

From now on, she will be the Best Actor and Best Actress at Cannes.

Liu Yifei's acting skills are still very good under Zhang Nanyi's training. Her performance in Tianlu was sincerely recognized by Li Jianjian. She really deserves the Best Actress Award.

After making tea for a while in the RV, Zhang Nanyi took Wang Jiawei and Song Dai to visit the set, and happened to see Master Liu filming a martial arts scene.

Wang Jiawei watched it for a while and said: "The movements are somewhat beautiful, but they are weak and have no spirit."

Wang Jiawei's evaluation is fair. Mr. Liu studied ballet in elementary school, so he has a slight advantage in fighting scenes, and his movement completion is quite good.

But after all, she has not practiced systematically, and she cannot do professional martial arts moves. Her fighting skills are only at the level that can be used in costume dramas.

Ten years later, Liu Shishi would seem to be very good at fighting, but compared with the current costume actresses, she is actually not outstanding, and there is even a slight gap.

After all, these are not the popular actors of later generations who can fake their horses. In this period, the competition among actresses is fierce. Everyone has a few brushes, and every one of them is very neat and beautiful in the filming scenes.

In the trailer of Yi Nian Guan Shan, which was filmed after Mr. Liu returned from giving birth to a child in his previous life, the fans were crazy about playing invincible, but they were found out. They were all stand-ins, and the stand-ins were even edited into the trailer.

It's really a bit embarrassing.

Zhang Nanyi feels that she still has to play the role of "father like a mountain" and teach Liu Shishi well. She has started to learn Tai Chi from Zhang Nanyi in the past two days. She will still make great progress in acting in the future.

However, Liu Shishi's current performance is much better than Tang Yan.

Tang Yan is very afraid of heights, and Diaowei Ya is frightened every time.

Hearing Wang Jiawei's words, Zhang Nanyi agreed in his heart, but he still wanted to protect his "daughter". He said lightly: "We are a fairy tale drama. What we want is beauty. No matter how good the fight is, it is not as good as the posture." More beautiful.

The character image is the most important thing, and the rest should be up to standard. "

As soon as Zhang Nanyi finished speaking, Wang Jiawei pointed at Jing Tian, ​​who was also filming a fighting scene, and retorted: "Jing Tian's fighting moves are very good. Not only are they beautiful and stretched, but every move is very powerful."

Zhang Nanyi smiled and explained: "Jing Tian is my apprentice and has practiced Tai Chi with me for two and a half years."

Wang Jiawei suddenly became interested and asked, "Can Jing Tian show us Tai Chi later?"

Zhang Nanyi did not agree immediately, but said, "I have to ask Jing Tian about her wishes."

Jing Tian is very proud that she knows boxing skills, so she is naturally willing to show it off.She performed a set of Tai Chi. It wasn't particularly beautiful, but each move was simple and neat, with a strong sense of power.

The two younger sisters, Liu Shishi and Tang Yan, were very excited when they saw their eldest sister punching hard and vigorously, and they clapped and applauded.

Wang Jia didn't look at it and nodded frequently.

After Jing Tian finished her performance, she said, "My Tai Chi skills are the worst among the three of Very Tian. Sissi's Tai Chi skills are much better than mine!"

The Tai Chi learning progress of the three people was originally very sweet, but in fact there was not much difference, Liu Yifei was only slightly ahead.

But after the effect of "respecting teachers and respecting Taoism", Liu Yifei's learning efficiency was greatly improved, and the progress of Tai Chi was indeed ahead of everyone.

Hearing Jing Tian's words, Wang Jiawei sighed: "The apprentices are so amazing, the master must be even more incredible. It's a pity, Mr. Zhang, that I couldn't invite you to film The Grandmaster.

When the heroine auditions in the future, be sure to let your female apprentices try it out. "

"No problem." This was a good thing, and Zhang Nanyi did not refuse.

Wang Jiawei stayed on the set for a while and then left with Song Dai.

Zhang Nanyi turned around and started filming.

After filming in the evening and returning to the hotel, Wang Ou took a shower and saw Zhang Nanyi typing on the keyboard quickly in front of the computer. She walked over to take a look and asked, "Are you writing a script?"

Zhang Nanyi nodded and said, "You go to bed first. I just got some inspiration and sorted out the framework of the script."

After communicating with Wang Jiawei during the day, Zhang Nanyi suddenly felt that allowing a shameless villain like Ip Man to become a so-called master and receive a lot of praise was a tribute to those real martial arts masters and the fateful heroes who were killed by Ip Wen. insult.

Why don't you write a script, which is also a kung fu movie, and wait for Zhen Zidan's Ip Man to be released, and directly snipe this movie.

Use your own influence to restore Ye Wen's "innocence".

It also makes everyone aware of the specific situation of Wing Chun.

Zhang Nanyi checked the information of various martial arts masters and finally found that adapting Wan Laisheng's story was the most suitable.

Wan Laisheng is Du Xinwu's apprentice. Like his master, he is also an all-rounder in both civil and martial arts. He has been a teacher at a university and has serialized many martial arts articles in newspapers, which caused great repercussions.

Wan Laisheng's life experience is as legendary as his master Du Xinwu.

The most important thing is that Wan Laisheng went to Guangzhou and served as the curator of the Guangdong and Guangxi Martial Arts Museum.

As the director of the museum at that time, Wan Laisheng was officially designated. Many people were unconvinced, so Wan Laisheng directly announced that he would accept everyone's challenge.

As a result, one man's fight silenced the Guangdong and Guangxi martial arts circles.

This experience actually overlaps with that of Ip Man. Zhang Nanyi can adapt some stories.

He plans to directly arrange the supporting role of Ip Man in the movie to show the true image of Ip Man in front of everyone.

Zhang Nanyi had already thought about the name of the movie and decided to call it "Wan Lai Sheng".

The time chosen for the script was in 1939, after the Japanese occupation of Guangzhou, their 8604 bacterial force conducted inhumane bacterial experiments in Guangzhou, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of people.

Guangzhou, which had already experienced 14 months of bombing, was even worse.

Through intelligence channels, the remaining comrades of our party in Guangzhou obtained the specific location of the bacterial experiment, as well as information on several key leaders of the 8604 bacterial unit.

An operation to destroy the bacterial army begins.

However, our party has no armed forces in Guangzhou at this time and must unite more people.

At this time, many of those still resisting the Japanese in Guangzhou were civilian armed forces, and many of these people were martial arts practitioners.

In order to unite these people, some comrades contacted Wan Laisheng, who was then the chief martial arts instructor of the Central Training Corps, and asked Wan Laisheng to come to Guangzhou.

Wan Laisheng once served as the director of the Guangzhou Martial Arts Museum in Guangdong and Guangxi. Not only did he conquer the Guangzhou martial arts community with force, but also during his tenure as director, he taught many disciples and used his superb medical skills to treat illnesses and save people. He has a very high prestige in Guangzhou Wulin.

After learning about the situation, Wan Laisheng immediately decided to go to Guangzhou regardless of the danger to complete the task of eliminating the bacterial troops and destroying the bacterial experiments.

When Wan Laisheng was completing his mission, he had an opponent, Ye Wen, who was the captain of the puppet government's inspection team...

This plot is of course adapted by Zhang Nanyi based on history, and it is also fictional.

Zhang Nanyi's adaptation is well-founded. Wan Laisheng, like his teacher Du Xinwu, is a martial arts master who is devoted to patriotism and fights bravely.

The adapted image is also consistent with Wan Laisheng's experience. Even if it is strengthened, it is the need of the film and television plot and does not confuse right and wrong.

After all, this is a movie, and even when the background is the most miserable, it still has to feel satisfying.

Zhang Nanyi will not write the script to make him feel particularly aggrieved just because it is a special period, when he should be beaten or killed.

The main line of the script is the story of Wan Laisheng leading the remaining anti-war forces in Gwangju to destroy the bacterial experiment.

There will be a lot of assassinations and fighting scenes.

While creating a sense of excitement, the movie also reveals the crimes committed by the Japanese Japanese and the ugly face of Ip Man who helped the Japanese.

When the movie is released with Ip Man, the scene will definitely be interesting.

Zhang Nanyi wrote more and more smoothly, and he continued writing until 3 o'clock in the evening, finishing the outline of the script before going to bed.

As soon as he lay down on the bed, Wang Ou automatically hugged Zhang Nanyi as if he had sense.

Like Zhang Nanyi, she has the habit of sleeping naked.

Zhang Nanyi squeezed it casually, and then asked Wang Ou to hug him in a very comfortable position behind his back. He calmed down and fell asleep quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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