China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 42 The Embarrassing Scene

Chapter 42 The Embarrassing Scene

It was too late after dinner, so Liu Xiaoli took Liu Yifei home.

Zhang Nanyi took a taxi back to the rental house.

After returning home, he turned on his computer, logged into his email, and saw the script sent by Yu Feihong.

The story of this script is pretty much the same as the plot of the movie Love Has an Afterlife, but there are some differences in details.

Zhang Nanyi read the script carefully twice, and then thought about how to improve the script.

The biggest problem with this script is that the plot of the male and female protagonist’s previous lives is too cliche.

Zhang Nanyi worked hard on the idea and revision until 3 o'clock in the morning before falling asleep in a daze.

In the next few days, except for having dinner with Liu Xiaoli twice, he was basically conceiving the script of Love Has an Afterlife.

Zhang Nanyi also has his own pursuits. Although acting is for panel rewards, he also hopes that the quality of the works he produces can be better.

He doesn't want the work he participates in to be exactly the same as in his previous life, then it would be meaningless for him to participate.

Just like his role as Duan Yu, new elements have been added to Tian Long Ba Bu, and the overall atmosphere can be more lively.

He will also make some improvements in the upcoming Legend of Sword and Fairy [-].

Zhang Nanyi also thinks the same about love having an afterlife.

So these days, he is completely obsessed with revising the script, and the call time with Yu Feihong is more than an hour every day.

They are all discussing the script.

Until November 11, Gao Yuanyuan returned to Yanjing from the crew of Detective Di Renjie with Pan Yu's costume.

Zhang Nanyi "had" to forget about the script adaptation and experience the style of Pan Yu and Zhou Zhiruo.

As time accumulated, the natural power of the Iron Stomach and Iron Spleen gradually emerged. Zhang Nanyi ate a lot at every meal, and his physical fitness became better and better.

The streamlined muscles on the body, with clear edges and corners, and three-dimensional layers, not only look very powerful and beautiful, but also feel invincible to the touch.

Anyway, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't put it down, and she became more and more satisfied with Zhang Nanyi.

The same is true for Zhang Nanyi.

The two of them are matched in chess and will meet talented people. To be more precise, they are passionately in love.

After a few days of intense indulgence, Zhang Nanyi took the lead in taking the no-fight card. Gao Yuanyuan became more and more graceful and charming than before.

Zhang Nanyi's waist became more and more sore.

In terms of a single match, Zhang Nanyi is completely strong, but in terms of a protracted battle, his current strength is still not enough and he needs more talent support.

On December 12, Zhang Nanyi took Liu Xiaoli and Liu Yifei to Kunming City by plane, and then transferred from Kunming to Dali.

This time on the road, the expressions of Liu Yifei and Liu Xiaoli completely reversed.

Liu Yifei lived on campus for a while and enjoyed a free life. She was in a good mood. She was smiling and chatting lively with Zhang Nanyi along the way.

On the contrary, it was Liu Xiaoli who kept a cold face and said little.

Zhang Nanyi couldn't help it. An embarrassing scene happened two days ago.

Liu Xiaoli was worried that Zhang Nanyi would not be able to eat well in the rented house, so she cooked rib soup at home, cooked a few side dishes, packed them up, and mentioned them to Zhang Nanyi's house, preparing to give him a surprise.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Nanyi and Gao Yuanyuan were fighting.

Fortunately, Liu Xiaoli didn't have the key to the rental house, but when Zhang Nanyi opened the door, the atmosphere among the three of them exploded.

At that time, Gao Yuanyuan, looking at Liu Xiaoli's stern face, huddled behind Zhang Nanyi the whole time, not daring to speak.

Liu Xiaoli had experienced all kinds of scenes. She ignored the smell and clothes in the house, walked into the rental house calmly, and put the food she cooked on the table.Then he secretly kneaded Zhang Nan's waist twice, and then said calmly: "This is what you told me. You have been busy rewriting scripts at home these days, and you can't even eat?"

Zhang Nanyi was also a little embarrassed, but he was shameless enough and said directly: "I'm tired of changing the script, and I have to adjust it occasionally."

Liu Xiaoli glared at Zhang Nanyi, and then left without saying a word.

In the next two or three days, Zhang Nanyi didn't answer her calls. Even the information about booking the air tickets was told by Zhang Nanyi to Liu Xiaoli through Liu Yifei's channel.

Liu Yifei is really a filial son. Seeing her mother and Zhang Nan having conflicts, she felt inexplicably happy.

In a small group of three people, she had always been ignored before, but she would not be ignored this time.

In addition to communicating with Liu Yifei, Zhang Nanyi would also chat with Liu Xiaoli from time to time along the way. Although he was always treated coldly, he didn't mind.

This thing is indeed a bit fucked up. Liu Xiaoli helped cook and delivered it to her door, but she got into a fight. Any other woman would have been unbearable.

Liu Xiaoli did not fall out and broke up with Zhang Nan. She was mature and rational.

After arriving in Dali, Zhang Nanyi suggested renting a B&B near the newly built Tianlong Babu Film and Television City, which would make the stay more comfortable.

Liu Yifei agreed with both hands, and Liu Xiaoli did not refuse.

Zhang Nanyi has been to Dali several times in his previous life and is relatively familiar with it. However, he only visited Dali after 2014.

At this time, Dali had gradually become commercialized, but not as much as in later generations. There were not many B&Bs and hotels on the Erhai Lake.

Because Xizhou is closer to the film and television city, it is quieter here, and the Bai architectural style is more distinctive. Zhang Nanyi finally chose to rent a Bai courtyard in Xizhou.

This courtyard has white walls and black tiles. It is built on the edge of Erhai Lake. The house has three floors. You can enjoy the beautiful view of Erhai Lake from the large balconies on the second and third floors.

The yard is large and spacious, the environment is very good, and the price is not expensive. A two-month short-term rental can be purchased for 6000 yuan.

Since there are fewer tourists in Xizhou at this time, the rental price is not affordable.

According to the crew's accommodation standards, Zhang Nanyi and Liu Yifei can save tens of thousands of yuan by living here.

In order to live comfortably, Zhang Nanyi also invited two relatives of the landlord to help with cleaning and cooking.

But the meal for the evening was cooked by Zhang Nanyi himself.

Pork ribs and lotus root soup, steamed pork with rice flour, cold lotus root strips, stir-fried Erhai bream, fried river fish, and stir-fried garlic sprouts are all Liu Xiaoli's favorite dishes.

Liu Yifei also likes to eat, because they are basically Jiangcheng dishes.

Facing a large table of sumptuous dinner, Liu Yifei never stopped using her chopsticks and her mouth kept bulging. This girl is also a foodie, no wonder she will often gain weight in the future.

Liu Xiaoli also enjoyed her meal. She took the initiative to talk to Zhang Nanyi for the first time in these days: "Aren't you from Shanlu? How can you cook Jiangcheng cuisine?"

Zhang Nanyi knew that Liu Xiaoli's anger was almost gone, so he said with a smile: "She is well versed in cooking, and Shandong cuisine is the first of the eight major cuisines. If you can cook Shandong cuisine, it will be faster to learn other dishes."

The real reason is that Zhang Nanyi was from Jiangcheng in his previous life. He was very poor when he was a child in his previous life and learned to cook at a young age.

Jiangcheng is the thoroughfare of nine provinces, and its food characteristics are rich and complex. It is also a dock city, and the taste is relatively strong, heavy in oil and salt. In comparison, the spiciness is relatively random.

If you are used to eating Jiangcheng food, many people will find it bland when eating out of town.

The three of them enjoyed the meal and the atmosphere gradually became better.

Liu Xiaoli was still a little angry at first, but Zhang Nan woke her up with a word.

When Liu Yifei got up and went to the kitchen to serve another bowl of rice, Zhang Nanyi said: "Sister Xiaoli, you can't blame me for that. First of all, you didn't inform me before you came, and we didn't mean to irritate you.

Secondly, if you are willing to come with me, I don't have to go to Gao Yuanyuan, right? "

Zhang Nanyi's words were almost clear.

(End of this chapter)

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