Chapter 432 Clean Yourself
The scene in Cuandixia Village ended after two more days of shooting.

On July 7, everyone came to Zhuozhou Film and Television City.

When we arrived at the film and television city, all the supporting facilities were more mature. Han Sanpin held a pre-publicity event for the movie and invited reporters to the crew for on-the-spot interviews.

The reporters who came this time were from Yangshi, YY Portal and Hong Kong Island Radio.

When everyone arrived, they saw the crew filming a circus.

The two armies faced each other and charged at each other. Under the sky full of yellow sand, the horses were blindfolded and charged forward regardless.

Zhang Nanyi wore iron armor, held a broadsword, and rode forward on a war horse, looking horizontally and vertically, as if the ancient overlord was reborn.

Yangshi's photographer immediately captured this precious scene. The reporter felt the vibration on the ground and was shocked. After a while, he asked Han Sanpin.

"Mr. Han, is your crew so realistic when filming? The speed of the galloping horses just now must have been at least thirty or forty kilometers per hour, and these horses were still blindfolded.

The real battlefield is nothing more than this.

Just shoot like this, don't you worry about everyone getting hurt? "

Han Sanpin shook his head and said: "In this war scene, both sides of the horse riding team are professional horsemen we hired. These people's horse riding skills are very strong.

Of course, there is a risk of injury, but in order to produce high-quality works, you still have to make choices. It is impossible not to take risks at all. "

A reporter from the YY portal asked: "What about Mr. Zhang? He is not a professional horse rider, and the speed he rode just now was the fastest among all the people. He felt like he was going 50 kilometers per hour."

In this case, Mr. Zhang still has to perform charging movements on horseback, which is too dangerous.

He is the absolute leading man. If he is injured, the filming of the crew will be stopped. "

Han Sanpin explained: “We also considered this situation, but Mr. Zhang insisted on making the photo more realistic, and he also specially asked me to find a tall purebred BMW.

The horse battle scenes later are even more exciting.

In Mr. Zhang’s words, he wanted to show the dominance and wild charm of the cavalry in the old era.

We were worried about Mr. Zhang’s safety at first, but later we gave it a try and found that Mr. Zhang’s riding skills were better than those of professional horsemen.

He is a real kung fu master, good at both foot and horse fighting.

I often lament that if Mr. Zhang had been born in ancient times, he would definitely be a peerless warrior with his martial arts. Perhaps the title of Overlord would not be given to Xiang Yu. "

Han Sanpin's words were a bit exaggerated, but no one refuted them.

Because everyone saw Zhang Nanyi's figure and skill on the war horse, they truly felt the shock and impact.

A reporter from Hong Kong Island saw that Zhou Huimin was not filming for the time being and was still standing here watching, so he asked: "Vivian, don't you have any scenes today? Why didn't you go to the lounge to rest? Isn't it hot standing here?"

The reporter also made a joke: "Did the crew give you another salary to stand here and be responsible for your beauty, so that everyone will be more motivated to film?"

Zhou Huimin's eyes were always focused on Zhang Nanyi, and his eyes looked at Zhang Nanyi as if they could draw hair.

She had always been interested in Zhang Nanyi. Ever since Zhang Nanyi taught her several times using his teaching skills, it had triggered an immersive effect. Her favorability level was almost full, and now she was completely in unrequited love. middle.

She replied without turning her head: "I have been on the set for so many days and I have never seen the paycheck. To me, the paycheck doesn't matter.

I came to bid for the title, just hoping to be closer to Mr. Zhang. Even if I don't do anything every day, I will watch Mr. Zhang filming every day and listen to what he says and does every day. This is a very happy thing. "

Hearing Zhou Huimin's words, the Hong Kong reporter was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became very excited.

This is explosive entertainment news!

Although there were rumors that Zhang Nanyi admired Zhou Huimin before, there was no actual progress between the two, and no one had any concrete results.

Zhou Huimin said this now, which at least shows that Zhou Huimin has feelings for Zhang Nanyi.

After all, he even said such humble and ungrateful words.

The reporter continued to ask: "What about Ni Zhen? Have you broken up with him?"

Zhou Huimin said simply: "Yes, we broke up. He and I are not suitable."

Hearing Zhou Huimin say this, the reporter was naturally very happy. Han Sanpin was also a little surprised. He had not heard that Zhou Huimin and Ni Zhen broke up.

However, Han Sanpin did not stop Zhou Huimin from speaking. After all, if the scandal spread, it would be very beneficial to the publicity of the certificate.

The reporter asked Zhou Huimin a few more questions. Zhou Huimin answered all the questions and expressed her love for Zhang Nanyi, which was basically a public display of love.

After the horse fight scene was finished, Zhou Huimin immediately took a bottle of water and handed it to Zhang Nanyi.

Zhang Nanyi said thank you very politely, with a polite and distant tone and demeanor.

Several reporters were also well-informed and could tell at a glance that Zhou Huimin was interested in Zhang Nanyi, but Zhang Nanyi remained unmoved.

This scene made the reporters even happier, because it was completely contrary to what the outside world had rumored.

The outside world said that Zhang Nanyi admires Zhou Huimin, but the fact is completely opposite. In fact, the scene where the woman chases the man is the selling point when such news is exposed.

Therefore, the focus of the reporters' interviews was all around Zhang Nanyi and Zhou Huimin, so that no one paid attention to Liu Dehua. This made Liu Tianwang, who was used to being surrounded by reporters, a little uncomfortable.

In contrast, Wu Jing is very accustomed to it. He smiled and said: "No matter who you are around Mr. Zhang, you will always become invisible."

No one was interviewing him, so Liu Dehua was happy and relaxed, and he was in a better mood, so he joked: "That's not necessarily the case, men will become invisible, but women will not.

Because of Mr. Zhang's presence, women may still shine, just like Zhou Huimin now. "

"Haha, you're right!" Wu Jing said with a smile: "It's a pity that I'm not a woman, otherwise I would have pestered Mr. Zhang to accept me as his disciple.

Mr. Zhang's horse riding skills, damn, are really no worse than boxing.

It's just so handsome!
Moreover, Mr. Zhang can also play with guns. According to the evaluation of the army leaders, his shooting ability is definitely at the level of a military king. "

After Zhang Nanyi was interviewed by the reporter, he heard Wu Jing's words and said with a smile: "Don't be disgusting, if you were a woman, no one would dare to ask for it.

Don’t think I haven’t seen your female costume appearance in Shaolin King of Martial Arts, it’s so eye-catching.Get over here, the reporter still wants to interview you. "

Zhang Nanyi asked Liu Dehua and Wu Jing to be interviewed while he continued filming.

Reporters from Yangshi, Hong Kong Island Radio and YY Portal stayed on the set for a whole day before leaving.

The next day, various reports about this visit came out.

Yangshi's style is very steady. The focus of the report is on Zhang Nanyi's riding and shooting, and it focuses on praising Zhang Nanyi's professionalism.

The Hong Kong Island Radio reports are full of Hong Kong Island style.

"Misunderstanding! It turns out that a woman is chasing a man. Vivian confessed to Zhang Nanyi on the spot but was rejected!"

"The love is gone, Vivian finally gets rid of Ni Zhen!"

"Being chased by a pretty girl, Zhang Nanyi concentrated on filming and remained unmoved."

"Vivian: I don't do movies for money. As long as I see Zhang Nanyi every day, I will be very satisfied."

Obviously, Hong Kong Radio's news reports are more popular than Yangshi's, but the most amazing thing is the YY portal. They directly uploaded the video of the interview with the crew to the portal.

Moreover, the YY portal also has an official account on They also edited several videos and uploaded them to

In an instant, these videos generated a lot of attention and discussion.

"Holy crap, who on earth said Zhang Nanyi admired Zhou Huimin? The situation is completely wrong now.

Zhou Huimin is too humble. She told reporters that as long as she sees Zhang Nanyi and hears his words every day, she feels very happy. If a woman talks to me like this, I will fall into the trap! "

"I have said before that when a woman meets a handsome man, she will be very proactive. You can see how proactive Zhou Huimin is this time. I envy Mr. Zhang!"

"I suddenly understood Zhang Nanyi. He only has so many women up to now, so he is very clean and self-sufficient.

Anyway, if I was chased by Zhou Huimin, I would definitely not be able to handle it, but Zhang Nanyi could be so calm. "

"It's normal. Mr. Zhang is well-informed. I haven't seen any beautiful women. Although the little Jew is my ideal type, he can't win over Mr. Zhang's cold heart."

"Ni Zhen's response is here. He said that he and Zhou Huimin have not broken up. Now it seems that Zhou Huimin has moved on and has cheated on her."

"Isn't this great? If you give it to Mr. Zhang, everyone will be happy. If you give it to Ni Zhenzha, the price will really drop. Zhou Huimin is finally smart."

"Brothers, don't just pay attention to the gossip. Haven't you seen the video of Mr. Zhang filming the horse riding scene? Damn, this is too fierce. The ancient warriors were nothing more than that!"

"I used the video distance and time to roughly estimate the speed of Mr. Zhang's horseback riding, and the value I got was 55 kilometers per hour. This speed is already close to the world record.

The cast and crew of "The Certificate of Appreciation" are so awesome. Where could they find such a powerful war horse?

But Zhang Nanyi is even more powerful. He can ride a horse so fast and even stand up to stab with a knife.With this strength, it is estimated that Guan Yu would be killed instantly if he met Zhang Nanyi. "

"Is there anyone else in the world who can shoot a horse battle scene like this? Even Cheng Long can't do it. He doesn't have the ability. Just based on this horse battle scene, I will definitely go to the cinema to watch it after the movie is released."

"Mr. Zhang is also risking his life when filming. If he falls off his horse, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Seeing the video of Zhang Nanyi riding a horse and wielding a sword, I suddenly understood Zhou Huimin. If I were a woman and saw such a powerful and handsome man at the scene, I would also be moved."

Because of the scandal between Zhang Nanyi and Zhou Huimin, as well as the behind-the-scenes video of Ma Zhan, the promotion of the title was very successful.

Even abroad, after the behind-the-scenes footage of Zhang Nan's horse racing scene was uploaded to YouTube, many people watched it.

Naturally, the main creative staff of the film crew knew about this publicity and public opinion, and everyone was surprised by Zhou Huimin's boldness. Only Zhang Nanyi was calmer.

Zhou Huimin did this on purpose. She planned to speak out, adopt a straightforward style, and capture Zhang Nanyi in one go.

In Zhou Huimin's opinion, after the crew came to Zhuozhou, they were a little far away from Yanjing. There seemed to be no women visiting the cast, and there was only Jing Tian beside Zhang Nanyi.

This is your perfect opportunity.

But she seemed to have forgotten that Zhuozhou was actually not far from Yanjing, and she had never thought about why Zhang Nanyi's other women had a tacit understanding and did not come to visit the crew after Jing Tian came to the set.

Without understanding these, Zhou Huimin's initiative would be in vain.

Zhang Nanyi was on the set and was almost inseparable from Jing Tian.

During filming, Jing Tian was waiting for him, and when they ate, they ate together.

After filming, the two will go back to the room together, and it's very sweet every day.

Zhang Nanyi completely ignored Zhou Huimin, because in a few days, it would be Jing Tian's 18th birthday.

Jing Tian has learned the knowledge for so long, and now she needs to put it into practice.

Because of this, the sisters at home deliberately did not come to the set, leaving this time for Jing Tian.

By 7:20 pm on July 9, Zhang Nanyi finished filming today's night scene and was taking off her makeup in the dressing room.

He leaned back in the chair and asked, "Tiantian, do you have any ideas for a birthday gift?"

Jing Tian immediately said: "I don't need a gift, I'm just happy to be on the set with you."

Zhou Huimin on the side heard Jing Tian's words and sighed that little girls nowadays are really good at talking about love so naturally. She was not at this level back then.

But seeing the sweet smile on Jing Tian's face, her big eyes, curved like a beautiful crescent moon, Zhou Huimin felt inexplicably that this girl was telling the truth, and she really didn't want anything else.

Zhang Nanyi also knew that Jing Tian was telling the truth.

If Shu Chang said this, he must be worried that his birthday would affect Zhang Nanyi's filming progress, so he took the initiative to stay on the set.

But when Jing Tian said this, she really felt that being on the set with Zhang Nanyi was very satisfying.

Da Tiantian’s brain circuit is really simple sometimes.

(End of this chapter)

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