China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 447: Kicking the bottle cap and longevity

Chapter 447: Kicking the bottle cap and longevity
People are like this. Once they get used to a pattern and suddenly change it, they will definitely not adapt to it, and may even fall into self-doubt. Cameron cannot escape this rule.

Zhang Nanyi has been quarreling with Cameron every day since he joined the Avatar crew. The two of them have many ideas and creativity, which were all generated during the quarrel.

Cameron's filming of Avatar was actually a state of exploration and creation.

Zhang Nanyi is even more confident. He is an expert in action design, has master-level photography and editing skills, and has watched the original movie of Avatar.

So during the quarrel between Zhang Nanyi and Cameron, Zhang Nanyi won most of the time.

Cameron himself didn't realize it, and he became more and more accustomed to accepting Zhang Nanyi's opinions.

This also shows that the two have already gotten along very well, and the quarrel is just a unique mode of cooperation.

Under such circumstances, the filming of Avatar naturally became more and more smooth. By October 10, Zhang Nanyi received another reward, which was his fishing skills.

This will upgrade fishing to level 2.

[Fishing (2): You have mastered the advanced skills of fishing and are on the road to becoming the ultimate fishing king!
Warm reminder: It only lets you fish, not raise fish. This is a serious skill. 】

It was also on this day that the sister tour group spent a month in the United States and returned home radiant and satisfied.

After they left, Zhang Nanyi and Liu Yifei started to get busy. They filmed from Monday to Friday, and went to YouTube Films on Saturday and Sunday to start dubbing Kung Fu Panda.

Both Zhang Nanyi and Liu Yifei now have master-level singing skills. They are extremely proficient in the use of voices, and with a stable and sufficient breath, their lines can be said to be top-notch, and the dubbing is very smooth.

It was originally planned to be seven or eight days of work, but the two of them completed it in two weekends.

On October 10, the dubbing work for Kung Fu Panda was completed.

On November 11st, the first trailer of Kung Fu Panda was officially released.

On YouTube, the number of views of this trailer exceeded 300 million on the day it was released, and countless foreigners were amazed.

"Oh my God, it's hard to imagine that this is an animated film produced by Chinese people? Judging from the trailer, the quality of the picture is definitely top-notch in Hollywood!"

"For some popular science, the production team of Kung Fu Panda is mainly composed of employees who switched jobs from DreamWorks. The quality of this movie is worth looking forward to."

"My favorite two things from China are kung fu and pandas. Zhang is really a genius. He was able to combine kung fu and pandas to create Kung Fu Panda.

Haha, I love this movie and it's already on my must-see list. "

"Just after watching the trailer, I fell in love with this panda. Not only is he honest and cute, but his kung fu moves are also very exciting. This must be a wonderful adventure story."

"The producer and screenwriter of Kung Fu Panda are Zhang. I have no doubts about this guy's ability. Think of his works, The Rescue, Pilgrim, The Night the Comet Came, Terror Cruise, The Last Day Poison Master, The Walking Dead, I love every one of his works, this guy is really a genius!"

As more and more of Zhang Nanyi's works are seen by foreigners, his reputation abroad has gradually accumulated.This has played a great role in promoting Kung Fu Panda overseas.

In the eyes of many foreigners, Kung Fu Panda is the work of Zhang Nanyi. As for its director Xu Chengcheng, there is little attention and discussion.

The trailer of Kung Fu Panda has conquered a large number of audiences abroad, especially at home.

Originally, many domestic audiences felt that as long as Kung Fu Panda was not too bad, they would support the Chinese animation industry and would go to theaters to support it.

After the trailer came out, everyone was pleasantly surprised.

"I'm in tears, brothers, is this really an animated movie made by us Chinese?"

"This beautiful picture, cute characters, smooth fighting, every frame is perfect! Kung Fu Panda is a true 3D animated movie, absolutely the best in the world!"

"I went through the wall and read the comments on YouTube, and they were all mostly praising. Many people said that judging from the trailer, Kung Fu Panda is the top level in Hollywood."

"Although it may be a teaser, as long as the feature film is half as good as the trailer, I will definitely go to the cinema and watch it ten times!"

"The handsome guy upstairs, can you still believe Mr. Zhang's character? There is absolutely no way that the trailer can deceive you. The whole movie is at this level."

"I have a hunch that under the promotion of Mr. Zhang, China's animation industry will rise. I'm going to change my career to animation modeling!"

A trailer has made Kung Fu Panda very popular, and its momentum in China is unparalleled.

When Zhang Weipin and Zhang Yimou saw this situation, they immediately gave in and announced that Golden Armor would be rescheduled.


This shows Kung Fu Panda’s strong influence at this time.

On November 11, Zhang Nanyi released a video on and YouTube at the same time.

In the video, Zhang Nanyi first played the trailer of Kung Fu Panda. There was a clip in which the panda Po turned around and kicked the lid of the kettle away.

Zhang Nanyi took out a bottle of mineral water, loosened the cap a little, and then said: "Panda Abao's turnaround kick is very cool. Now, I want to launch a challenge to the entire Internet. This challenge is called "Kick the bottle cap."

My challenge is divided into three stages. In the first stage, I turn around and kick the bottle cap off the bottle mouth, but the mineral water bottle cannot be poured over.

The second stage increases the difficulty and requires you to play blindfolded.

In the third stage, not only are you blindfolded, but you also have to kick off three bottle caps in a row! "

In the video, Zhang Nanyi easily completed the three stages of the bottle cap kicking challenge. His movements were graceful and freehand, and he was very handsome.

Finally, he said: “Anyone who succeeds in the first stage of the challenge, I will give away 5 Kung Fu Panda movie tickets and a signed album;
Those who succeed in the second stage of the challenge will receive an additional set of Kung Fu Panda peripheral dolls and T-shirts.

Those who succeed in the third stage of the challenge will receive an additional cash reward of 1000 yuan.

The above three rewards are all limited to 5000 copies, and the person who completes the challenge first will get the reward.

The deadline for the challenge is December 2006, 12. Please abide by the rules and do not edit the video to try to get past the challenge. We will check the authenticity of the challenge.

Warm reminder, the action of kicking the bottle cap is risky. Please do it according to your ability and avoid causing physical harm. “In a previous life, the challenge of kicking the bottle cap became popular around the world, and many celebrities participated.

So Zhang Nanyi came up with this trick to promote the Kung Fu Panda movie.

With Zhang Nanyi's global fame, the challenge he launched quickly attracted the attention of many people.

"Fake, Zhang is indeed the king of kung fu, and his turning and kicking movements are so cool. When he does the same action, he is more handsome than others!"

"Kicking the bottle cap, this challenge is very interesting, and there are rewards to be won. I want to try it."

"I tried it a few times at home and it wasn't easy and I would kick the bottle over every time."

"Yes, this challenge is very difficult. We were deceived by Zhang. He did it so easily and freely that it gave me the illusion that kicking the bottle cap was easy."

"It's fun when it's difficult. I decided to practice more, and Lina promised me that as long as I complete the challenge, she will go on a date with me!"


The challenge of kicking bottle caps has its own fun and poisonous propagation properties. Coupled with the operation of YouTube, Facebook and several domestic platforms, this challenge quickly got out of hand and became popular all over the world at an extremely fast speed. , many people began to join this challenge.

Hollywood action superstars and some celebrities in the fighting world around the world responded most positively.

But the first one to complete the challenge was Liu Yifei. She completed three challenges in one go, and her movements were very neat and elegant.

The video of her completing the challenge quickly exceeded one million views, which made Liu Yifei's popularity increase again with Omi.

The third person to complete the challenge was Wang Zhi. With her real kung fu skills and Zhang Nanyi's Tai Chi teachings, she could kick bottle caps easily.

Soon, netizens at home and abroad discovered that each of Zhang Nanyi's women was able to complete the challenge, and they seemed to have some hard work on their bodies.

Even the Hearst sisters can easily complete the challenge.

Everyone understood that Zhang Nanyi must have taught them kung fu.

Therefore, Zhang Nanyi’s previous videos on and YouTube teaching people to practice Tai Chi became popular again.

Many people began to study this video, learn Tai Chi, and also want to become Kung Fu masters.

As a result, Zhang Nanyi has many more "disciples" around the world.

These people learned Zhang Nanyi's Tai Chi by watching videos and considered themselves Zhang Nanyi's disciples, although Zhang Nanyi did not admit it.

With the popularity of the bottle cap kicking challenge, the movie Kung Fu Panda has become known to more people.

Even Zongtong from the United States took the initiative to mention the movie Kung Fu Panda when communicating with Chinese leaders when attending a multi-nation summit.

More and more people decide to go to the cinema to watch the movie Kung Fu Panda.

The marketing planned by Zhang Nanyi is definitely a textbook-level success story in the history of film marketing.

Because the marketing was so successful, the market saw the potential for Kung Fu Panda to become a hit.

There are more theaters in North America that choose to screen the Kung Fu Panda movie.

As of November 11, Kung Fu Panda has signed contracts with 11 theaters in North America. This scale of opening is definitely the top blockbuster treatment.

With such a scale of opening, in addition to the successful publicity of Kung Fu Panda, it is also due to the fact that it is scheduled to be released on December 12rd and there are no strong competitors.

The biggest rival of Kung Fu Panda is "007: Casino Royale", but this movie has been in theaters for two weeks and the box office is on the decline.

Zhang Nanyi was also very satisfied after knowing the opening figures of Kung Fu Panda in North America.

If Kung Fu Panda wants to achieve high box office, the North American market is definitely the top priority. Such a large-scale theater opening will undoubtedly give Kung Fu Panda a good start.

Also on November 11th, after filming the afternoon scenes, there was news again from the protagonist panel. Zhang Nanyi received the last reward for starring in Avatar.

[Title of film and television work: Avatar. 】

[Character: Jack.Protagonist or not: Yes. 】

[Current character completion level: 50%.Random rewards are being generated...】

[Reward Talent: Lung Power, your lungs have been strengthened again, and you have a vibrant iron lung. 】

[The host gathers the heart power, liver power, spleen power, lung power, and shen power. The five internal organs complete the second round of balance strengthening, gain talents, and live longer.

Longevity: Your internal organs have been comprehensively strengthened again to form an automatic power cycle. Not only are they immune to all diseases, but they can also effectively extend their service life. Your internal organs can be used healthily for another 150 years.

Tip: The effect of inner strength has been covered by longevity. Please explore other effects of longevity by yourself. 】

Seeing this reward prompt, Zhang Nanyi was so happy. After completing the second round of strengthening the five internal organs, the previous internal strengthening effect was also upgraded to longevity.

This means that as long as Zhang Nanyi doesn't die in an accident, he can live for 150 years without disease or pain. Don't be too happy with this reward!

And with the rewards from the panel, Zhang Nanyi's body can continue to strengthen, and there will be more possibilities in the future.

After receiving the reward, Zhang Nanyi felt that he was full of energy and his body was indeed better. Of course, the ointment had also evolved.

His ointment is an absolute holy nourishing product for women. Even if there is no special effect, women who have tasted the effects of Zhang Nanyi's ointment will probably not be able to drive away.

Zhang Nanyi felt that he had to be careful when he went out. There would only be more and more female fairies outside.

(End of this chapter)

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