China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 449 Nazar’s Boyfriend

Chapter 449 Nazar’s Boyfriend
At 12 pm on December 3, a tall Uighur girl stood at the door of the People's Cinema in Urumqi, Xingjiang, waiting for someone.

Her facial features are extremely delicate, her forehead is full, her face is smooth, and her contours are clear. Although her face is still a little green and immature, she already shows the charm of a stunning beauty.

The girl not only has a beautiful face, but she is also tall, has long legs, slender limbs, and has a very good figure. She just stood in front of the cinema for a while, and she attracted the attention of many men.

There were many people who came over to strike up a conversation, but they were all rejected ruthlessly by the girl.

About 5 minutes later, a man and a woman walked towards her. One of the women said, "Nazar, I have something to do at home, so I won't watch the movie tonight. You and Aji can go to the movie together first."

Although Gulinaza was not very clever, he could see through Mira and Aji's thoughts at a glance. Mira's trouble must have been an excuse to let herself and Aji watch the movie alone to create opportunities for Aji.

She said very straightforwardly: "I told you, I already have a boyfriend, and I will not go to the movies alone with other men. If there is something wrong with you, Mira, then I will watch it alone."

Aji is a lean boy. Although he is not particularly tall, he has a well-proportioned figure and three-dimensional facial features. He is still very handsome.

After hearing Gulinaza's words, Aji immediately said: "Mira, if you are not in a hurry at home, just come with us and watch a movie, which only takes an hour or two."

Mira understood what Aji meant. She hugged Nazha's arm and said, "Then I'll come together. Please take it easy at home."

Gulinaza didn't say anything. Because she was pretty, young, and not very good at talking, she had been ostracized in the song and dance troupe and had few friends.

Today was the release of Kung Fu Panda, dubbed by two of her idols, Zhang Nanyi and Liu Yifei, and she wanted to watch this movie.

It’s just that watching movies alone is a bit lonely. Mira took the initiative to find her and wanted to watch movies together, and Naza agreed.

Mira asked: "Nazar, I said that I have a boyfriend, but I have never seen your boyfriend show up."

Mira was helping Aji to find out the news. Naza didn't have any intentions, and she didn't hide it. She casually explained: "I am in online dating, and my boyfriend is in the game."

Because he was excluded in the dance troupe, Naza had no friends in life, so he fell in love with surfing the Internet.

She accidentally saw an advertisement for an online game called Youcheng Huanjianlu, which told the story of the Western Regions and Ancient Loulan.

Nazha, who grew up in Xingjiang, saw the introduction of the game and felt a sense of immersion. She was immediately interested, so she registered an account and played the game.

It's just that she's stupid and doesn't know how to play games. She has been bullied in the game. When she was being robbed of monsters for PK by someone in the wild, the female swordsman of Nazha was about to die. A male mage saved her. tie.

This male mage is not only luxuriously equipped, but also very sharp in operation. He is a great master. After Naza was rescued, he felt that his heartbeat was very fast.

This scene is just like in many love stories, where the hero saves the beauty.

Nazar, who likes fantasy, felt that his destiny had arrived at that time, so he pestered the male mage to marry him in the game.

The male mage was pestered for a long time and finally agreed.

From then on, Naza would log in to the game Youcheng Huanjianlu every day, waiting for the male mage to come online. If the other party came online, she would be like a little follower, following the male mage to level up.

The time she spent playing games with the male mage was the happiest time in her dancing career.

As time passed, the female swordsmen in Naza improved their levels and equipment, and gained a certain level of combat effectiveness.

It's just that the male mage hasn't been online for a long time recently. Naza sent many messages to him, but got no response.

If she were an ordinary person, she would have given it up long ago, but she was a bit single-minded. She stubbornly believed that the male mage was her online dating partner and she had a boyfriend.

Hearing Nazha's words, Aji's face lit up and he said: "There are countless things you can do online. You don't even know what kind of person is on the other side of the network cable.

What if it is an ugly uncle who is 40 or [-] years old? "

Aji belittled the male mage, and Naza immediately became angry. Her voice was bright and loud: "Even if he is a 40- or [-]-year-old uncle, he is still my boyfriend, and you have nothing to do with it!"

Nazha's temper is well-known in the dance troupe. To put it nicely, he is simple and upright, but to put it badly, he has no brains.

Mira saw that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so she immediately smoothed things over: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore. It's so cold outside, let's go into the cinema and wait."

The three of them walked into the cinema and found that the hall was crowded with people. There was a long queue at the front desk to buy tickets.

Mira sighed: "Kung Fu Panda is really popular. There are so many people in the cinema, probably all to watch this movie."

Nazha said proudly: "Of course, this is an animated film produced and written by Director Zhang. It has the top level of Hollywood and represents the future of China's animation industry!"

Mira made a joke: "You like Mr. Zhang so much. If Mr. Zhang pursues you with your online dating partner, who will you agree to?"

Nazha was a fantasist. After hearing Mira's words, she really thought about it seriously, and a tangled expression appeared on her delicate face.

After a while, she said: "I'd rather choose my boyfriend. He and I are already married in the game."

Then, she said to herself: "My boyfriend is somewhat similar to Mr. Zhang."

Mira didn't believe it at all. She asked, "How is it possible that Mr. Zhang is a big shot in the sky and your boyfriend can be like him?"

Nazha raised his little head and said confidently: "My boyfriend has three wives in the game! Isn't this style exactly the same as Mr. Zhang?"

Mira: "..."

Aggie: "..."

For a moment, Aji's determination to pursue Naza wavered. He felt that Naza was too stupid to have a fictitious online dating boyfriend and could still tolerate him marrying three wives.

But seeing Nazha's beautiful elf-like face, Aji was convinced. He couldn't resist such a beautiful woman.

Mira said: "There are so many people queuing up, can we still buy tickets?"

Nazha proudly showed off his mobile phone: "I bought the tickets in advance on the E-gou ticketing software, and I can go directly to the counter to pick up the tickets with the help of text messages."

Aji gave a thumbs up to Naza, "Nazha, you are so smart. You agreed that I will treat you today and I will give you the money." Aji took out a 50 yuan and a 10 yuan note and handed them to the man. tie.

Nazha only took a 50 yuan ticket, and then gave 10 yuan to Aji: "I will pay for my ticket myself, you don't need to pay for it."

Aji smiled coquettishly: "There's no need to tell the difference so clearly."

Nazha said seriously: "To be clear, my boyfriend told me that girls should love themselves and not accept small favors from other men. I only spend my boyfriend's money."

Aji suddenly felt uncomfortable.

The three of them queued for a while, went to the counter to redeem their movie tickets, and when the time came, they walked into the screening room together.

Naza let Mira sit in the middle and sat on the edge. This behavior made Aji even more uncomfortable.

But soon, Aji didn't care so much.

Because when the movie started playing, he couldn't help but be immersed in the plot of the movie, and even forgot about pursuing Naza.

The same goes for Mira. When she watched the pandas in the movie, she felt they were cute and funny. In the cinema, she laughed with everyone from time to time.

She was also sad when she saw A Bao being bullied and depressed because he didn't know martial arts. She was also encouraged when A Bao found his talent and started learning Tai Chi.

She was originally going to be a matchmaker and plan to find an opportunity to change places with Aji after the movie was played to create opportunities for Aji, but she had forgotten all about it at this moment.

Especially when the climax of the movie was when Abao was fighting the villain, the background music of "First Meeting with Tai Chi" sounded, and Mira felt her blood boiling all over and her emotions were very exciting.

After the movie was played, the audience couldn't help but stood up and applauded. Everyone was conquered by the pictures and stories of Kung Fu Panda.

The big screen dimmed for a moment, then lit up again, and began to play various behind-the-scenes footage of the production staff working on Kung Fu Panda.

Among them, Zhang Nanyi has many scenes.

From the character design of Kung Fu Panda, to the choreography of action and fights, as well as dubbing and other work, Zhang Nanyi is all present.

Guli Nazha felt very proud when she saw the handsome Zhang Nanyi on the big screen and heard all kinds of praises from people around her.

This is how fans feel about their idols, nothing else.

After all, the posters in Nazha's dormitory at this time were all of the fairy sister, not Zhang Nanyi's.

She still has to take responsibility for her online dating boyfriend.

Aji was also very excited. He spoke very quickly: "Mr. Zhang is really awesome. When I was watching the movie, I was still thinking, there seems to be no Bear Boxing or Cat Boxing, let alone Panda Boxing. What will A Bao do?" Have you found your true calling?
I didn’t expect it to be Tai Chi, Tai Chi Yin and Yang, corresponding to the black and white colors of the panda. This design is so exquisite! "

Mira also discussed happily: "It's indeed very subtle. I'm just worried that foreigners won't understand this setting."

Nazha immediately said: "You must understand it. There is a demonstration of Tai Chi Yin and Yang in the movie. Mr. Zhang said that when he makes movies, he must promote Chinese culture. Foreigners will also understand after watching Kung Fu Panda Some Tai Chi concepts.”

After hearing Nazha's words, Aji realized that he still wanted to pursue the beauty.

But Naza didn't give him a chance. She said, "It's almost 10 o'clock. I have to go home quickly."

After saying that, he walked away with his long legs and disappeared quickly.

Nazha's home was not far from the cinema. When she got home, she ran to her room, quickly turned on her computer, and logged into Youcheng Fantasy Sword Record. She was afraid that if she was slow, she would miss her husband in the game.

After logging into the game, she saw that her husband's account "The sword is thick and the legs are thicker" was gray. She was a little frustrated, but she still sent a few private messages.

"Honey, I watched Kung Fu Panda today. This movie is very good. I recommend you to watch it too."

"Mr. Zhang is really awesome. You are so awesome. You are worthy of being my idol. But I still like you the most, don't worry."

"Liu Yifei's dubbing is also very good. You will definitely like the fairy sister. She is so beautiful. Let me tell you quietly, I am as beautiful as the fairy sister."

After sending the private message, Naza stopped thinking about the game and started browsing reviews of Kung Fu Panda online, and found that they were all positive reviews.

She also posted several posts to support her idol.

Although I didn't get a reply from my "husband", Naza was still very happy today after seeing such a good movie as Kung Fu Panda and seeing so many people exaggerating on the Internet.

The phone vibrated twice. Nazha picked it up and saw that it was from Aji. He wanted to invite himself to watch Kung Fu Panda again.

Naza didn't reply. There were too many similar text messages on her phone, and it was too expensive to reply.

Although I don’t have many friends, life in Nazha is still very nourishing.

Her family is relatively well-off in Xingjiang, and her parents both have serious jobs, so they can spend money for her to learn to dance.

As my sister started working and became a flight attendant, the family's conditions became better.

Nazha's computer was given to her by her sister after she received her salary.

After surfing the Internet for a while, Naza turned off the computer and prepared to go to bed. Suddenly, he heard his mother's scream from next door.

Nazha rushed out quickly and saw his father lying on the ground, and his mother looked extremely panicked.

Nazar felt bad, and the fate seemed to be malicious to him.

She quickly dialed 120, and after the ambulance arrived, she and her mother took her father to the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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