China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 471 Feeling sorry for Zhang Nanyi

Chapter 471 Feeling sorry for Zhang Nanyi

As soon as Zhang Nanyi's response article was published, it immediately triggered a huge discussion.

"Some people only see people's beauty and don't see people being beaten. Mr. Zhang's movie was still censored, and so many of them were deleted. In comparison, it was easier for Tuya's marriage to pass the review."

"Perhaps Mr. Zhang's usual behavior is too lighthearted, giving some people the illusion that everything he does is easy."

"Mr. Zhang, please provide resources. I want to watch the uncut original versions of the above three movies!"

"Mr. Zhang has at least achieved consistency at home and abroad. Wang Quan'an took the original film to the film festival without official permission. This is against the rules. I hope the officials will take punitive measures as soon as possible."

"I studied in the United States. I have to say that Mr. Zhang's evaluation of the American system is very accurate. The United States has legalized some things that China cannot tolerate. If it is legal, there is no illegality. It is a brilliant idea."

"As long as it is a human society, wherever there is no respect for human relations, we can criticize the incorrect phenomena at home, but there is no need to exalt foreign countries."

"Wang Quan'an said that Zhang Nanyi has special privileges, which was reported by overseas media. You can go to foreign media or online comment areas to read it. Foreigners think it is normal, and this is what it should be."

"I'm an American, and I can't understand the thinking of Chinese people. Shouldn't a talented person like Zhang have some privileges? Besides, he doesn't enjoy many privileges, and a lot of content in the movie has been censored and deleted."

After Zhang Nanyi issued his statement, most of the public opinion on the Internet supported him, but there were still some disputes, so that the public opinion did not subside.

Officials noticed this situation and began to rectify some remarks in order to reduce the heat.

On February 2nd, Wang Quanan’s girlfriend of more than seven years, Yu Nan, who was also the heroine of Tuya’s marriage, posted a short essay on the school website.

"Hello everyone, my name is Yu Nan, and I officially announce my breakup with Wang Quan'an.

At the same time, I also apologize to my idol Mr. Zhang for causing him to be implicated in the breakdown of our relationship.

On Valentine's Day, February 2th, Your Name was released in Berlin. As a fan of Mr. Zhang, I wanted to invite my boyfriend to watch this movie together.

Wang Quanan said that he was busy with the Berlin Film Festival and had no time.

Although I wasn't very happy, I didn't force myself and went to watch the movie by myself.

Unexpectedly, when I returned to the hotel after watching the movie, I couldn't wait for Wang Quan'an to come back.

He didn't answer his call, and Wang Quan'an seemed to have disappeared.

I was worried about his safety in a foreign country, so I called the police.

As a result, the police found Wang Quan'an who was having tea in the Hongdeng District of Berlin.

To be honest, I really felt so tired at that moment that I couldn’t even laugh or cry.

I've been with Wang Quan'an for eight years. It's not like he's never cheated on him, and I've forgiven him, but I really can't accept it when he finds a young lady.

So I proposed to break up, but Wang Quan'an didn't agree. I was also angry at the time and said, "You really don't have the life of Zhang Nanyi, and you have Zhang Nanyi's disease! Whether it's your appearance or your talent, you How can you compare with Mr. Zhang?"

Originally, Wang Quan'an was a little concerned about my usual crush on Mr. Zhang as an idol, so he may have taken these words to heart.

That's why he has been speaking out loud recently and deliberately throwing dirty water on Mr. Zhang.

The purpose of posting this article is to tell everyone the reason for this dispute, and to prove to Mr. Zhang that he did not offend anyone, it was just Wang Quan'an who bit people randomly.

I will definitely be more cautious in my words and deeds in the future and apologize to Mr. Zhang again. I'm sorry. "

After Yu Nan's article came out, it immediately became a hot topic on the Internet.

Topics such as "Wang Quan'an prostituted tea", "Berlin Hongdeng District", "Wang Quan'an broke up with Yu Nan", "Yu Nan's idol is Zhang Nanyi", etc., directly appeared on the hot topic list on the school network.

The number one topic among them is "Feeling sorry for Zhang Nanyi".

In just two hours, there have been more than 30 comments on this topic.

"Haha, I really feel sorry for Mr. Zhang. I did nothing at home and yet I was implicated in the breakup of a couple thousands of miles away. I became the focus of public opinion. I was criticized by a lot of people and even had to issue a statement."

"Zhang Nanyi: Who am I? Where am I? What does it have to do with me if we break up and go on horseback?"

"I have now discovered that it is not a good thing for someone to be too handsome or too charming. Zhang Nanyi has too many female fans. These female fans will use Zhang Nanyi as a reason for breaking up in the future. He will probably be scolded to death."

"This is so magical, it doesn't feel real. Yu Nan is not a fake fan, deliberately trying to gain popularity, right?"

"Yu Nan is a true fan of Mr. Zhang. If you look at her previous interviews, she mentioned Mr. Zhang many times and said that she is a fan of Mr. Zhang. But she is a bit self-defeating as a fan and puts Mr. Zhang on the fire."

"Haha, if you don't have Mr. Zhang's life, you will get Mr. Zhang's disease. Yu Nan is quite right."

"Yes Mao, Mr. Zhang never does anything illegal or disciplined. Wang Quan'an only goes to whoring for tea. How can he be compared to Mr. Zhang?"

"Strictly speaking, Wang Quan'an is not illegal, because it is legal in Berlin's Hongdeng District, which once again proves the advanced nature of foreign systems."

"Wang Quan'an is filming the suffering at home while engaging in tea drinking abroad. It's really disgusting. Why doesn't he make a movie to deeply analyze the suffering of tea drinking in Berlin's Hongdeng District?"

"Does he dare to film it? Deguo will definitely not let him release it. Let him see what Deguo's review system is."

After the release of Yu Nan's essay, Wang Quan'an's reputation in the country immediately became bad. But the matter was not over yet, and something even more magical happened.

On February 2, a girl named Yao Tingting from a certain college exposed herself directly on the school website, saying that she had traded with Wang Quan'an, and released candid photos and a short video, as well as YY chat records and other evidence

For a time, public opinion was like a fire and boiling again.

This girl's schoolnet account gained more than 50 followers overnight.Many netizens left messages following her revelations.

"I would like to call you an independent woman of the new era, you are a true warrior!"

"You are brave, letting everyone see how full of filth some film directors who rely on filming domestic suffering and winning awards abroad are."

"Sister, you are very courageous and we support you. The content on your homepage is also very exciting. We support you even more!"

"Yao Tingting is from our college. She has been caught twice and her reputation has been ruined. That's why she dared to stand up and identify Wang Quan'an. She left these evidences for blackmail."

"I don't care what her situation is. Now that she dares to directly expose Wang Quan'an, she is just. Moreover, this beauty is rich and generous. She is a female Bodhisattva. I will definitely support her."

This woman named Yao Tingting obviously has some brains. When she knew that Wang Quan'an was a director, she had deliberately kept a backup plan.

Now that the incident has come to light, she has a criminal record, and her reputation has been ruined. The topic of Wang Quan'an is currently very popular, so she simply stepped forward to break the news, gain traffic, and become an Internet celebrity.

You can also make a lot of money by becoming a welfare blogger in the future.

Obviously, she succeeded, the number of fans increased dramatically, and this wave of traffic was full.

Wang Quan'an was also numb, because the domestic police had issued a statement that they were paying close attention to this matter and would conduct actual investigations.

Wang Quan'an was a habitual criminal who could not stand up to the investigation. He was detained after returning to China. His reputation was completely ruined on the streets. In addition, he offended Zhang Nanyi in the circle. No one dared to ask him to cooperate, so he slowly No such person was found.

It can only be said that impulse is the devil, and the consequences of being quick to talk are like this. Originally, he won the Golden Bear Award, which was regarded as the most glorious moment in his life.

It turned out like this.

Zhang Nanyi was also speechless. After all, this incident made a big fuss, and his movies were also affected.

Perhaps in order to avoid suspicion or to prove one's innocence, the higher authorities have become more strict in reviewing the application form.

In particular, the petition revealed the ugliness of the Qing Dynasty too thoroughly, with a strong sense of irony. There were also some places specially arranged by Zhang Nanyi to praise the sun.

This is unacceptable to some of the top officials, and it is precisely because of the influence of public opinion caused by Wang Quan'an's nonsense this time that he is dragging his vote.

In order to reflect the so-called fairness, the official also issued a statement stating that during this period, all film and television works will be strictly reviewed to create a good social atmosphere.

On February 2, the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Han Sanpin found Zhang Nanyi on the second day of work at the company.

He took a sip of tea made by Zhang Nanyi and said: "The petition was reviewed and returned, saying that it involved bloody violence and political metaphors, and the entire film was required to be re-edited and re-reviewed.

This is very troublesome. There is no clear requirement to re-edit and there is no way to modify it. It is estimated that if you edit it again and send it up, it will still be rejected. "

Seeing that Zhang Nanyi didn't speak, Han Sanpin continued: "In order to appease us, the higher-ups said it was all about sex and caution, and dismissed it all.

This is to tell us that they are not targeting this movie, but they have also not given it to the movies of the great director Li An. "

Zhang Nanyi also took a sip of tea and said calmly: "It's okay, I will release it at the end of this year or next year, and wait until the storm passes.

Public opinion is paying attention to this issue now. No matter how we change it, it will probably be reviewed, so there is no need to waste our energy. "

Han Sanpin sighed: "You are also famous for your misdeeds, but this time it was an unreasonable disaster.

Wang Quan'an also won the Golden Bear Award, which was too inflated. The media boasted that he was Zhang Yimou's successor, and he really thought that he was a figure like Zhang Yimou.

I'll give him some tricks later. "

Zhang Nanyi said calmly: "It doesn't matter, the review objectives of the certificate of nomination are still the same as before. There are a few places that must be reserved. If it doesn't work, we will go and find out.

It is impossible to tie our own hands and feet because of Wang Quan'an's words. "

Han Sanpin knew Zhang Nanyi's energy, so he was not in a hurry. He knew that the petition would eventually be approved, and it was only a matter of time.

There is no absolute fairness in this world. Zhang Nanyi's current influence and connections mean that he can get preferential treatment.

Even if there is no official relationship between Mo Beiwu, Jing Tian and Yu Feihong, Zhang Nanyi is now the most representative artist in China, regardless of Zhang Nanyi's status as an entrepreneur, and he can be regarded as contributing to the country's literary and artistic undertakings and Wouldn’t the officials be stupid if they don’t give preferential treatment to those who have made outstanding contributions to image promotion?
What's more, the leader of the inspection office has a good relationship with Zhang Nanyi because of the Jingtao rescue incident.

Han Sanpin said with a smile: "It seems that if Wang Quan'an fired at you, the one who was injured in the end might be the movie Lust, Caution.

Nowadays, the censorship is tightened, and the scale of lust and caution is very large. Li An does not have such a strong relationship as you. It is difficult for me to watch their movie.

Even if some scenes are deleted, it may still be difficult to pass the review. I don’t know when it will be stuck. "

This world is so magical. Wang Quan'an bombarded Zhang Nanyi, but the dart hit Lu Jing.

Zhang Nanyi smiled happily when he heard the news. He poured a cup of tea for Han Sanpin and said, "This is a good thing, and everyone is celebrating."

What Zhang Nanyi hates the most right now is filmmakers like Li An, who have some talents but have bad butts.

The so-called art films they produce are very influential and can easily brainwash a group of people.

For example, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon seems to have a high box office and has won many awards, but it is just a braided drama, and it interprets Chinese culture from a Western perspective. When it comes to Chinese culture, it is the suppression and restraint of human personality. .

The essential core of this movie is to praise the freedom and independence of the West and to put some solid labels on Chinese culture.

This kind of movie will certainly be popular in North America and will have a high box office.

(End of this chapter)

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