China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 494 Finishing and Shooting

Chapter 494 Finishing and Shooting

In addition to teaching Naza, Zhang Nanyi also taught Tong Liya, Gao Yuanyuan, Wang Ou, Qin Lan and Daddario how to ride horses.

Riding a horse is very interesting.

The human body will rise and fall rhythmically as the horse runs.

Zhang Nanyi's master-level driving skills can effectively control the rhythm of the horse's running.

When he holds a beautiful woman and rides on a horse, his sense of rhythm is very good. People and people fit together closely, and people and horses are also quite harmonious. They have reached the state of unity between man and horse, and experience It feels like flying.

After learning horse riding from Zhang Nanyi several times, the five beauties all fell in love with the fun of horse riding.

There was only Naza, who pouted her little mouth and angrily practiced equestrian skills alone. She was still young.

On August 8rd, Zhang Nanyi finished filming a jungle chase scene, and the protagonist panel gave out rewards again.

[Title of film and television work: Wolverine. 】

[Character: Logan.Protagonist or not: Yes. 】

[Current character completion level: 40%.Random rewards are being generated...】

[Reward talent: Iron Man, congratulations, you have obtained the Iron Man talent, which comprehensively increases the strength of all parts of the body. This talent can be superimposed. 】

Gaining the Iron Man talent again, this talent has been stacked to 8 levels, and the overall strengthening of the body has been very impressive.

Zhang Nanyi was in a good mood, but when he saw director Jon frowning, he walked over and asked, "Is there anything wrong with the shooting just now?"

Jon shook his head and said: "No problem, your performance just now was perfect!
I was just thinking about taking some warm and romantic pictures.

Baihaba Village is so beautiful, but I couldn't take pictures of its vitality. "

When Zhang Nanyi heard Qiaoen's words, he also fell into thinking. He raised his head and looked into the distance, subconsciously using the talent of "eyesight", and saw a dense patch of wild rosettes on a sunny hillside in the distance. .

Astragalus belongs to the Apocynaceae family and is a perennial herbaceous vine. This plant is full of treasures and has strong medicinal value.

Generally speaking, the flowering period of radish is from June to September, and the fruiting period is from September to December. However, the sunshine time in Xingjiang is long and the climate conditions near Baihaba Village are very good, so the fruit maturity period of radish in this area is Earlier.

It's only August, and the rosette vines are already full of heavy fruits.

Seeing these radish fruits, Zhang Nanyi remembered a short video he had seen in his previous life. He tore open the ripe radish fruits and found that the seeds inside were like dandelions, flying all over the sky in the wind. The picture was very beautiful.

This is because the seeds of radish are arranged around a central axis inside the fruit. When the fruit cracks, it is like releasing a compressed spring, and the unfolded silk hairs "gut out" of the fruit shell with the small seeds. The wind goes away to achieve the purpose of sowing seeds.

Zhang Nanyi said: "I thought of a picture, I will take you to see it."

Seeing the actions of Zhang Nanyi and Qiao Qiaoen, many people from the crew followed. The group walked for about 10 minutes and arrived at the sunny hillside.

On the hillside, you can overlook the entire Baihaba Village, and the picture is very beautiful.

Zhang Nanyi picked a radish fruit and tore it open. The seeds inside immediately started to fly in the mountain wind. The seeds were large and shaped like a dandelion.

When they fly in the wind, they are not only very beautiful, but also make people feel full of vitality. The inheritance and beauty of life are also contained in it.

In Omi, there is no such plant as rosacea. It was also the first time for Jon to see rosacea. He was conquered in an instant and said excitedly: "This is it. This is the picture and feeling I want. I have it." The whole Baihaba Village "came alive" in the scene with Luo Su.

Our Wolverine is about life, optimism and inheritance, and is very similar to Luo Lo. "

The rest of the crew were also shocked by the scene of Luo Luo sowing seeds, and everyone unanimously decided to shoot more related scenes, and to match the lighting and colors to create different effects.

Next, Zhang Nanyi transformed into Wolverine and filmed many Luo Luo scenes with Song Zuer and Daddario respectively.

On August 8, after the filming of Luo Su's scene was completed, the protagonist panel actually gave out the final reward directly.

It is still an Iron Man talent. At this point, Zhang Nanyi's Iron Man talent has been stacked to 9 levels.

The rest of the crew's filming went very smoothly. The entire crew worked well together. Zhang Nanyi and Team Song's cooperation became more and more tacit, not to mention Daddario.

Even Mr. Yu Chenghui, who came to guest star as the "village old man" who teaches Wolverine martial arts, was full of energy and performed very well.

As of August 8, Wolverine is officially finished.

This movie was shot much faster than Zhang Nanyi expected. Firstly, it benefited from Zhang Nanyi’s own strength. Secondly, Jon is also a fast shooter. In his previous life, he shot the first Iron Man in less than 3 months. That's it.

Of course, Song Zuer's outstanding performance also deserves a lot of credit.

So after the filming of this movie, Zhang Nanyi's attitude towards her changed a lot.

After filming was completed, the Wolverine crew dispersed, and Daddario reluctantly returned to the United States. She planned to talk to Annie and join YouTube Films.

Gao Yuanyuan, Wang Ou and Qin Lan also returned to Yanjing.

Zhang Nanyi stayed in Urumqi with Gu Linaza and Tong Liya, preparing to start filming "Father and Daughter on Horseback".

The movie "Father and Daughter on Horseback" is about equestrian competition, the friendship between father and daughter, and the development and changes of the times, so the filming location is naturally the most suitable one in Urumqi. After all, equestrian is a very expensive sport, and it is unaffordable without certain financial strength.

Moreover, equestrian is a very interesting sport. It is one of the very few games in the Olympic Games where men and women compete together.

Zhang Nanyi's photo of "Father and Daughter on Horseback" not only shows the development of the Xingjiang region, but is also a tribute to the Yanjing Olympics.

The background of the story is that a little girl, under the strict guidance of her father, step by step, eventually became the champion of the three-day equestrian event of the Yanjing Olympic Games, that is, the comprehensive all-around equestrian event.

According to the shooting plan, the crew will shoot in Urumqi for 35 days, and then go to Hong Kong Island for about 15 days.

Because the equestrian competition of the 2008 Yanjing Olympics was held on Hong Kong Island.

The preparations for the film "Father and Daughter on Horseback" are also very thorough. The heroine Naza has been studying with Zhang Nanyi for more than a month, and the early training is almost complete.

She is now two or three shades darker than when we first met, and her body looks thinner, but her spirits are getting better and better.

When Nazha returned home, her parents couldn't believe that their daughter had changed so much after going out for a while. She was originally a delicate girl, but now she looked a bit "wild and untamable".

The father of the male protagonist in this movie is played by Zhang Nanyi. The first female lead is Naza, who is the younger daughter. The second female lead is Tong Liya, who plays the eldest daughter and has a lot of roles.

The three of them are the leading actors. The actors in the Xingjiang area in this drama are basically recommended by the Xingjiang Song and Dance Troupe.

Dilraba also played a supporting role, playing Naza's classmate. Because of the leader's words, she is now also a contracted artist of Nanyi Entertainment.

Although there is no special care from Zhang Nanyi, she is an artist mentioned by the leader after all, and she still receives some preferential treatment in the company. Being able to play a supporting role this time is a sign of being taken care of.

As for the scenes and actors related to the equestrian competition, Chen Kexin was in charge.

For the movie "Father and Daughter on Horseback", Zhang Nanyi chose Chen Kexin to direct. On the one hand, Chen Kexin's directorial talent is still very strong, and he is also relatively good at making this type of film; on the other hand, in terms of equestrianism, Hong Kong The people on the island know better. The crew will go to Hong Kong Island to shoot and find Chen Kexin as the director. These tasks can be left to him.

Moreover, when Zhang Nanyi was bidding on the title, it was very pleasant to work with Chen Kexin.

Chen Kexin received Zhang Nanyi's script in May. After reading the script, he decided to direct it and then started making relevant preparations.

During the nearly four-month preparation period, Chen Kexin's work was very meticulous and all aspects were taken into consideration.

Everything has been prepared long ago, just waiting for the leading actors to arrive.

So on August 8, Father and Daughter on Horseback officially started filming in a very low-key manner.

Zhang Nanyi used his master's makeup skills and his ever-changing temperament to perfectly interpret a very handsome middle-aged uncle.

Watching Na Zha so hard, she began to call Uncle Zhang Nanyi on the set every day, and the more she called, the sweeter she became.

But it's useless to shout sweetly. Zhang Nanyi is becoming more and more strict with her. As the heroine of this movie, her performance is very important, so Zhang Nanyi will not be careless.

Whenever she behaves poorly, Zhang Nanyi will criticize, scold, or even spank her.

The relationship between Zhang Nanyi and Nazha is really becoming more and more like an uncle and a young wife separated by generations.

Nazar was taught a lesson, and he would struggle and resist at first, but then slowly he started to enjoy it a little bit.

Naza was completely absorbed in the game and played the role of the heroine very well.

It was as if the entire crew had become a part of her and her uncle's play.

After finding the feeling in Nazha, the filming of the movie sped up even faster. By September 9, Zhang Nanyi received his first reward.

[Title of film and television production: Father and Daughter on Horseback. 】

[Character: Bairiyati. Protagonist or not: Yes. 】

[Current character completion level: 10%.Random rewards are being generated...】

[Bonus skill: Make-up, you have mastered the basic skills of make-up and can dress yourself up freely. Come on, make-up is one of the three major evil arts in the world. Mastering it, you can not only be beautiful, but also have freedom. 】

[Makeup (4): You have mastered makeup techniques and are already a master in the makeup industry. You have mastered makeup techniques and developed your own style.

Effect [-]: Return to nature. You can make suitable makeup according to each person's characteristics and status. While blooming the beauty of your personality, it will make people feel extremely natural without any trace of makeup.

Effect [-]: The character is strengthened. Your makeup can help the actor better shape the character, which will increase the performance of the character. 】

For filming the father and daughter on horseback, the first reward Zhang Nanyi received was the makeup technique. From then on, the makeup technique was promoted to the master level.

Zhang Nanyi has a deeper understanding of makeup, makeup and aesthetics.

Before, he put on his uncle's makeup, and there were still some traces. Now after the makeup is done, it looks very natural, as if Zhang Nanyi is really in his 40s, and he looks like he didn't wear much makeup.

After watching it, Chen Kexin was very excited. This is the makeup texture he wanted, and what he was pursuing was reality.

Moreover, the master-level makeup skills also add to the shaping of the character. After Zhang Nanyi put on makeup for Nazha, she became closer to the character's image, and the filming went more smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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