China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 499 The Legend of Donghuang

Chapter 499 The Legend of Donghuang
  While Zhang Nanyi and Mo Beiwu were experiencing a new version of communication, in an apartment building near Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Wang Yiqun put on a handsome casual suit, combed his hair like an adult, and stood in front of the mirror. Flirtatious.

After a long time, he pretended to be coquettish and asked: "Magic Mirror, Magic Mirror, who is the most handsome man in the world?"

A voice sounded behind him, "The most handsome man in the world is Sun Cong, he is even more handsome than Zhang Nanyi."

The Wang group looked back and saw their good friend Sun Cong walking out of the room neatly dressed.

He was wearing a complete set of Armani men's clothing, wearing an Omega watch on his hand, and his hair was made of mousse, which made it very shiny. He looked even more showy than himself.

The Wang group immediately joked: "The way you are dressed, it seems that you haven't given up on the goddess yet!"

Since the two of them edited an analysis video of the movie "The Road to Heaven" in their dormitory last summer, the account "A Group of Great Smarts" has become popular on, and the number of fans has been increasing.

They subsequently made many videos explaining the movie, which were loved by everyone.

The number of fans of the account "A Group of Great Smarts" has exceeded one million. They earn a lot of money by making videos and have become famous figures in the school.

In order to better make videos, Wang Yiqun and Sun Cong moved out of the dormitory and rented a house outside the school.

The reason why the two of them were dressed up was because the goddess Chen Dong, also known as Bai Bing, returned to school to make up for classes.

Today is the first day for the movie to be released. Baibing and the student union of the school organized a private movie viewing event.

Wang Yiqun and Sun Cong were also invited to participate.

After hearing what Wang Yiqun said, Sun Cong shook his head and said: "The goddess is just for viewing from a distance, but it is not beautiful when you get close. Shen Liya will also go tonight."

Shen Liya is the woman who watched a movie with Sun Cong last year and rejected Sun Cong's confession. She is a big fan of Zhang Nanyi.

Sun Cong has become a famous figure in the school this year. He is tall, thin, and cheerful, so there are many girls pursuing him in the school.

It's just that what he can't get is always turbulent. Sun Cong still can't forget Shen Liya. He rejected the pursuit of other girls and is still single to this day.

The Wang group also knew this. After hearing what Sun Cong said, he said: "I haven't met Shen Liya yet. Today I will see what kind of six-point girl she is. She is so confident that she must chase Zhang Nanyi."

Sun Cong did not answer, but continued to tidy up his appearance in front of the mirror.

His family's conditions are already very good, so after making money, he is willing to spend it. He is wearing brand-name clothes and watches. Today's outfit is bound to make him stand out in front of Shen Liya.

It's best to make her regret or change her mind.

In comparison, Wang Yiqun's casual suits are a bit unsightly.

However, Wang Yiren is used to saving money. If he is asked to buy so-called famous brands, he will feel uncomfortable and feel that he is paying an IQ tax.

Although he showed off a little bit just now, it was just for his own entertainment. As long as he didn't make a fool of himself tonight, the main purpose was to watch a movie.

In the video production of "A Group of Smart People", Sun Cong focuses on editing and scoring, while Wang Yiqun is responsible for the analysis and copywriting of the film, so every time he watches the movie, he is the most serious.

After the two walked out of the apartment building, they immediately shivered. The good friends looked at each other and saw regret in each other's eyes.

The temperature in Xi'an has dropped sharply in the past two days, and people on the road have begun to wear military coats.

In order to look cool, their clothes are a bit thin, but they are really elegant but not warm.

However, when the two came to the Yili Cinema near the school, they saw many female classmates wearing skirts for the sake of beauty, and they suddenly felt that what they were wearing was nothing.

The Yili Cinema on Xuefu Road opened in August this year. It is currently the largest cinema in Xi'an. The ticket purchasing hall is very spacious and grand.

At this time, the hall was already full of people and quite crowded.

In the crowded crowd, Wang Yiqun and Sun Cong saw the beautiful and fair Bai Bing at first sight. Standing in the crowd, the goddess was still dazzlingly beautiful.

Next to Bai Bing, there is a girl who is gorgeous and fashionably dressed. Standing next to Bai Bing, she is not much inferior, especially her figure that is bulging forward and backward, which is very good.

It was Shen Liya who Sun Cong never forgot.

Shen Liya is from the philosophy department, and this is the first time for Wang Yiren to meet her. After seeing Shen Liya, he understood why Sun Cong had always liked this woman. She was really beautiful. He also understood Sun Cong’s so-called 6-point evaluation, which was that she was full of Deliberate negative reviews out of resentment.

The two of them walked forward and said hello to Bai Bing.

Bai Bing said in a very gentle voice: "I have watched your videos, they are really exciting, especially the analysis of Tianlu."

After being praised by the goddess, the Wang group's mouths widened, and Sun Cong was also very proud. He even looked at Shen Liya deliberately.

Shen Liya said lightly: "Sun Cong, you are quite talented. I also watched the video of Tianlu. Thank you for your analysis for Mr. Zhang. I told you before that Tianlu is a good movie. You said it was a bad movie, but luckily you found your way back."

After saying this, she ignored Sun Cong and didn't even look at the famous brands he wore.

Seeing that the gay friend's efforts to regain his position were not successful, the Wang group said deliberately: "Classmate Shen, the dress you are wearing today is very beautiful. It looks so luxurious. What brand is it?"

He wanted to direct the conversation to the brand of clothing and help Sun Cong dress up.

Shen Liya heard what Wang Yiqun said and said happily: "You have a good sense of aesthetics. The dress I am wearing today is called "East Phoenix Legend".

This skirt is made of very precious Xiangyun yarn. It not only looks gorgeous, but is also very comfortable to wear. It also uses special tie-dyeing technology. The skirt always has a light plant fragrance, and you don’t even need to wear perfume after wearing it. .

Mr. Zhang is really awesome, no matter what he does, he can do his best. I don’t know when I will be able to meet Mr. Zhang in person.

Dongdong, this matter depends on you. "

Shen Liya and Bai Bing are good friends, and they met at the student union.

When Shen Liya said that Donghuang was passed on to the world, Sun Cong's expression became unnatural. He paid more attention to clothes and had some attention and knowledge of brands.

But the Wang group usually didn't understand this. In order to help his gay friend show off, he continued to ask: "Your clothes are expensive, aren't they? Sun Cong usually has a lot of knowledge about dressing. You can talk about it."


Sun Cong coughed and interrupted Wang Qun's words.

Shen Liya then took a serious look at Sun Cong, and she commented: "The outfit Sun Cong wears, including the watch and belt, totals about 4.

It seems that you are quite profitable making videos, making a lot of money.

However, his overall look can be optimized. The gray trousers are too light in color. If he changes to red trousers from Armani this spring and paired with a black top, it will be more eye-catching and fashionable. "

Sun Cong was worried that the Wang group would continue to talk nonsense, so he quickly said: "I just mix things up randomly, but I can't match your taste, Liya.

Donghuang Huafu is a top luxury brand founded by Mr. Zhang, and Donghuang Chuanshi is an autumn long dress launched by Donghuang Huafu in September.

A long dress handed down by Donghuang costs 99999 yuan in China, and even more expensive abroad, costing 19999 yuan. "

Hearing Sun Cong's words, Wang Yiqun was shocked. Although he had made some money by making videos, he still didn't understand the world of rich people. A dress costing 10 yuan was considered robbery in his opinion.

Nowadays, the house price in Xi'an is only [-] to [-] square meters. This dress can be used as the down payment for a house. But Shen Liya wore it out without any psychological pressure, which shows that her family background is excellent.

The Wang group didn't understand why someone would spend so much money on a dress, but Sun Cong continued: "This dress is limited to 999 sets worldwide, and it was sold out as soon as it was released.

It seems difficult to grab.

I saw the news last week that Princess Hesha of Dubai was looking for a dress from the Eastern Phoenix Dynasty online and was willing to pay 10 yuan. Then a Chinese woman named Natalie sold the dress she grabbed to Princess Hesha. .

Natalie also posted a message online, thanking Mr. Zhang for helping her make money. "

When the Wang group heard this, they were already numb. He forgot about helping his gay friends to show off, but sighed: "Such expensive clothes are sold out in seconds, there are so many rich people.

Petroleum guys are really rich, spending 10 yuan on a suit of clothes that doesn't fit. "

Shen Liya explained: "Donghuang Huafu provides tailor-made services. If your figure changes, or if it is passed down to someone else, you can ask Donghuang to have your clothes altered.

The so-called hand-me-down means that this dress can be kept at the bottom of the box and passed on to the next generation.

If you ask me, Mr. Zhang still sells them too cheaply. Such a good dress is much better than some deceptive luxury goods abroad, so it should be sold more expensively. "

The Wang group stopped talking, and Bai Bing said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang's pricing is already very bold. When the official price of the Legend series was announced in September, it was sold at such an expensive price. Many domestic and foreign clothing brands are waiting to see Donghuang and Mr. Zhang’s joke.

Unexpectedly, the purchasing power of Mr. Zhang’s fans was so strong that even though one person was limited to one set, they still sold out all the clothes in this series in seconds.

The key is that the reputation of the Heirloom series is very good, and everyone who gets the clothes is full of praise.

The value of these clothes is appreciating very quickly now. If Liya sells the clothes she is wearing, it is estimated that the price will increase at least five times.

Donghuang's high-end and luxurious brand image has been completely established. "

High prices, limited editions, value preservation and appreciation, this is how luxury brands play.

The Donghuang Legend series is designed to build the brand image, not to make money.

This set of long skirts is very expensive, but to be honest, it is worth the price, because the various craftsmanship, materials and time are indeed real, and the cost is not cheap.

Donghuang Legend is limited to 999 sets worldwide. Under the operation of Zhang Nanyi and Liu Daqing, even without Zhang Nanyi's huge fans, it will definitely be sold out in seconds.

What's more, Zhang Nanyi's fans are famous for their strong purchasing power.

With Zhang Nanyi's connections at this time, there is no need to worry about selling 999 sets of skirts. Even overseas, he also has Anne's connections and Amanda's circle of celebrities.

Therefore, most of the items from Donghuang Legend were bought by stars and celebrities. After everyone got the clothes, they were shocked by the gorgeousness and texture of the clothes. This was coupled with human connections and the ability to satisfy their own desire to show off.

People who buy skirts will share their stories online or in social circles.

This made Donghuang Chuanshi more and more famous and its value appreciated rapidly.

It is also true that Saudi Princess Hersha bought Donghuang Chinese clothing for 10 yuan. This matter is very popular abroad.

When appreciation began to occur, the image of Donghuang Huafu's high-end brand had already become that many people wanted to buy it but couldn't. This is the "style" of luxury goods.

Among Zhang Nanyi's fans, there are also some people who have grabbed the Legend of Donghuang, such as Shen Liya.

Under the circumstance that if you grab it, you will make money, Zhang Nanyi has once again helped fans make money.

(End of this chapter)

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