China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 505 Adaptation of the Wind

Chapter 505 Adaptation of the Wind

Zhang Nanyi did not keep people waiting for a long time. He now has level [-] shooting skills. He can move quickly or slowly according to his heart. After giving Dong Xuan a rich breakfast of love, Zhang Nanyi felt refreshed.

He greeted his cousins ​​Zhang Nanlu and Mecca in the tea room next door.

Seeing the two of them, Zhang Nanyi understood their purpose. While boiling water, he asked: "Is there any problem with the Feng Sheng project?"

The novel "The Wind" is a novel published by Mecca just this year. After the book came out, the copyright was bought by the company.

According to the previous plan, Zhang Nanyi planned to adapt this novel into a movie, starring Dong Xuan as the heroine Gu Xiaomeng, helping her win two awards and improve her status.

Dong Xuan's current popularity is extremely popular. If he gets some awards, he has both popularity and status.

After hearing Zhang Nanyi's question, screenwriter and original author of the novel, Makka, said: "The Wind is a novel, and changing it into a script still requires a certain amount of work.

Now the screenwriting team has two ideas. One is to strengthen the status and role of the male and female protagonists, and the plot closely revolves around the male and female protagonists. The other is to treat The Wind as a group drama, and everyone's role will be outstanding. In this way, the movie The quality of the film will improve, but the roles of the male and female protagonists will be relatively less, and they will easily be overshadowed by other characters. "

As soon as Mecca said this, Zhang Nanyi understood that the screenwriting team tended to shape Feng Sheng into a group drama to enhance the excitement of the script.

But in this way, the roles of Zhang Nanyi and Dong Xuan will be weakened.

These people were worried that Zhang Nanyi would be dissatisfied, so they came in advance to ask for Zhang Nanyi's opinion.

Be a good person before doing anything, this is the same everywhere, and as the company gets bigger and bigger, internal flattery and clique fighting are inevitable.

This kind of thing is true wherever there is an organization.

Reflecting on the reality, people in the company are getting more and more flattering and complimentary to Zhang Nanyi, for fear that the boss will be dissatisfied because of something.

After hearing Mecca's words, Zhang Nanyi said: "Is there a script outline for the two ideas? I still want to see the specific script effects. You just talk about group scenes being more exciting, but I can't feel it."

Zhang Nanyi will not directly choose group portraits because Mecca said that group portraits are of higher quality. In some film and television works, group portraits can indeed improve the quality of the movie.

But this does not mean that the scripts with the heroine or the hero are not exciting.

Moreover, he shot "The Wind" just to support Dong Xuan and win awards. If too many of Dong Xuan's roles are weakened, it will inevitably affect the character creation and the actors' performance space will also be limited.

It makes other characters stand out more, which in turn suppresses the heroine.

This was the case in previous movies. Zhou Xun's Gu Xiaomeng was originally the heroine, but Li Binbin's Li Yuning won the Golden Horse Award for her wonderful performance in the interrogation scene, and Zhou Xun was only nominated.

Of course, there is also the reason why Zhou Xun and Li Binbin failed to compete for the first sister of Huayi and left Huayi the following year. However, it is not controversial that Li Binbin won the Best Actress with the role of Li Yuning, because the role and performance are indeed very good.

After hearing Zhang Nanyi's words, Mecca was already prepared. He took out two script outlines and handed them over.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, please take a look first."

Zhang Nanyi took the script and motioned to Dong Xuan to come over and help make tea. He sat aside and began to read every line.

Zhang Nanyi reads books very fast and quickly finished the two script outlines. Indeed, as Mecca said, the script outline for the group scene is more exciting.

However, there are still some differences between the main plot and the script of the previous movie Feng Sheng. The biggest difference is that Li Ningyu is an old ghost.

In such an adapted script, the role of the heroine Gu Xiaomeng has indeed been greatly weakened. Not only is it weakened, it is hard to say whether it is the heroine or not.

In his previous life, Zhang Nanyi had only seen the movie Feng Sheng and never read the novel. He only knew that the novel Feng Sheng was very exciting and had won the Mao Dun Literature Award.

After reading the outline of the script, he said: "Teacher Mai, your masterpiece will only be published in October, and I haven't had time to read it yet. So, I'll read the novel first and then make a decision."

Hearing what Zhang Nanyi said, Mecca and Zhang Nanlu left first.

Dong Xuan was a very competent secretary, and he quickly got an original copy of Feng Sheng.

Zhang Nanyi drank tea and read a book, and quickly became immersed in this novel.

He was so engrossed in reading that he didn't even go for lunch. He read the book intensively until 3pm in the afternoon.

After reading the novel, Zhang Nanyi felt that the novel was much more exciting than the movie.

The general plot of the novel is:

After discovering that the intelligence was leaked, the Japanese Japanese pirates put all the staff of the Wang puppet government who had handled the intelligence under house arrest in Qiuzhuang. These five people were Secretary Bai, Jin Shenghuo, Li Ningyu, Gu Xiaomeng and Wu Zhiguo, and the Japanese pirates who interrogated them The main person in charge is named Ryukawa Hihara.

The Japanese pirates apparently wanted to find the undercover "Old Ghost" among the five people, but their actual goal was to block the higher-level leader "Old K".

Moreover, the Japanese pirates already knew that Lao K would organize a secret meeting in four days and set up an ambush in advance.

The old ghost knows all this, so he must give the information about the "cancellation of the event" to the organization while he is imprisoned, so as to save the lives of other comrades.

The novel "Wind Sound" combines the narrative method of Rashomon and the story mode of Blizzard Villa, making the plot of the novel progressive, exciting and gripping.

The novel is divided into three parts: East Wind, West Wind, and Quiet Wind.

The same story, told by three people, has three versions.

The first version was provided by our staff member Pan Lao, and his son relayed it to the novelist "I".

The main narrator of the second version is Gu Xiaomeng, who was one of the five people back then.

The last part, "Quiet Wind", is the novelist's "I" completion and speculation about the events of that year. Through the narrative of three parts, the novel deconstructs the events of that year from different angles, forming an overall effect of a blurry, interlocking and difficult-to-distinguish between fiction and reality.

After reading the first version of the story, Zhang Nanyi felt that the novel was average and had many loopholes. However, after reading Gu Xiaomeng's narrative version, I felt suddenly enlightened and amazed. It turns out that it is so logical.

Looking at the third version, all that is left is silence and sighs. The spies not only have beliefs about the country, but also have their own personal loves, hates and desires. These loves, hates and desires do not damage their image, but make the characters come alive.

Because of these selfish desires, when we think about their sacrifices in retrospect, they become even greater. Combined with the factors of the times, the desolation and tragic feeling of history comes to our faces.

After reading the novel, Zhang Nanyi realized that he had been affected by the plot of the movie in his previous life, and he also understood why Mecca came to him to ask for instructions on the script.

Strictly speaking, the novel The Wind has no male protagonist.

The first heroine is Li Ningyu, she is the old ghost. In the novel, she is witty, calm and decisive, and finally uses her own wisdom and determination to sacrifice herself to get the information out;

Gu Xiaomeng is only the second heroine, or even the supporting female character. She is a spy of the military commander, and she has some unexplainable feelings for Li Ningyu, and in the end she was threatened and used by Li Ningyu.

In the previous movie, Gu Xiaomeng was changed to an old ghost and was regarded as the first heroine. This greatly weakened Li Ningyu's role. It also arranged a scene where Li Ningyu was interrogated naked by Longchuan Feihara and her will almost collapsed.

In fact, this kind of interrogation is nothing to Li Ningyu in the novel.

In addition, the movie also changed the traitor Wu Zhiguo into an old gun and an enemy.

This change is also a big failure. It provides the heroine with helpers and greatly weakens the difficulty of the situation the heroine faces.

During this imprisonment and interrogation, Li Ningyu had no allies from beginning to end. In order to ask the military commander Gu Xiaomeng for help, she first threatened and finally begged, knocking her knees until they were covered in blood.

In the end, in order to pass on the information smoothly, she deliberately angered the Japanese pirates and took advantage of their psychology to let them torture and kill her. She died in a miserable way.

This is the most shocking plot, but it was deleted and changed in the previous movie.

Although the quality of "The Wind" shot by Gao Qunshu in his previous life is very good, there are still many problems, especially in terms of logic, which is not as rigorous as the novel.

Zhang Nanyi put the novel "The Wind" on his desk, thought for a moment, and said to Dong Xuan: "Call Mai Jia to come over, and also ask the canteen to make me a beef noodle. I'm hungry.

Forget it, I'll have a few words with Mecca, and then we'll go to the restaurant downstairs to eat together. "

Zhang Nanyi was reading a book, and Dong Xuan was with him all the time. He hadn't eaten lunch yet.

After a while, Mecca arrived at Zhang Nanyi's office.

Zhang Nanyi said straight to the point: "The script of Feng Sheng still follows the route of the heroine. Other characters can shine, but the heroine's role cannot be missing."

Hearing this, although Mecca felt embarrassed, he nodded and said, "Okay, then I will change it again."

Zhang Nanyi said: "Don't worry, I haven't finished yet. The heroine will be changed. Li Ningyu will be the main heroine, and Gu Xiaomeng's scenes will be appropriately deleted.

To increase the suspense and tension of the script, Dong Xuan plays Li Ningyu. "

The novel Feng Sheng is a proper heroine novel. Li Ningyu’s character is so good. As long as it can be perfectly restored, the high quality of the movie can be guaranteed.

Zhang Nanyi was influenced by the stereotype before and wanted Dong Xuan to play Gu Xiaomeng. Now it seems that Li Ningyu is the real protagonist, and letting Dong Xuan play Li Ningyu is the best choice to win the award.

Hearing Zhang Nanyi's words, Mecca showed a look of joy on his face. As the author of the original work, he has devoted the most affection to the character of Li Ningyu, so he naturally hopes that Li Ningyu can shine.

After he sold the copyright to Huayi in his previous life, the script was mainly written by Chen Guofu. Mecca had no say in it and could only let Chen Guofu adapt it.

Mecca asked: "Mr. Zhang, who will you play?"

Zhang Nanyi said: "You should write the script first. Once it is written, I will check the schedule. I may not participate in it."

The male protagonist of the previous movie "Feng Sheng" was the changed Wu Zhiguo, but according to Zhang Nanyi's idea of ​​writing the script, Wu Zhiguo was a traitor, and he would be the first to be framed and killed by Li Ningyu, so he would not have many scenes.

The male character with the most scenes is the Japanese pirate Ryukawa Hihara.

Zhang Nanyi is still hesitating whether to play Ryukawa Hihara. He is not opposed to playing a big villain. An actor must show his versatility.

Zhang Nanyi has never played a real villain so far. Strictly speaking, Pang Qingyun is just a capitulator and not a big villain.

He also wanted to try out what it would be like to play a complete bad guy, and as Tatsukawa Hihara, he could definitely perform the ultimate sense of oppression.

In the previous life, Li Ningyu's character was very weak. Takeda, played by Huang Xiaoming, had an overwhelming advantage in interrogating Li Ningyu.

However, in Zhang Nanyi's conceived script, the interrogation scene between Li Ningyu and Fei Yuan, in addition to cruelty, also included a battle of wits. The two were constantly competing intellectually and psychologically.

The role of Ryukawa Hihara is not easy to play and requires a strong aura. Only a powerful villain can stand up to highlight the power of the heroine Li Ningyu.

Another thing is that Zhang Nanyi and Dong Xuan often play interrogation games on a daily basis. Zhang Nanyi's performance as Fei Yuan was very helpful for Dong Xuan's entry into the role.

The only concern is how the protagonist panel views the character of Tatsukawa Hihara and whether he is considered the male protagonist.

So Zhang Nanyi plans to wait until the script comes out.

If he doesn't act, it actually doesn't matter. As long as the script and characters are good, Feng Sheng will definitely be a wonderful movie. Zhang Nanyi is confident that the quality of the movie will surpass that of his previous life.

Moreover, Li Ningyu is a heroine and will undergo criminal interrogation, but there will be no nudity scenes like Li Binbin in her previous life. Dong Xuan will not make a "sacrifice" like Li Binbin.

(End of this chapter)

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