China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 519 Kirin 1st Generation

Chapter 519 The Kirin Generation

This wave of publicity for Shu Chang was very effective. It not only helped Shu Chang gain a certain reputation in Omi, but also promoted the very sweet group.

The popularity of the Very Sweet group will in turn feed back the fame of Liu Yifei and Jing Tian.

Of course, in these interviews or articles promoting Shu Chang, it is inevitable to mention the animated film How to Train Your Dragon to achieve the purpose of promoting the film.

While Shu Chang and Very Sweet became popular, How to Train Your Dragon was also remembered by many viewers.

After all, this wave of publicity and promotion cost more than 3000 million yuan, all of which were included in the publicity expenses of the How to Train Your Dragon project.

Zhang Nanyi has no specific involvement in the publicity work of How to Train Your Dragon.

After attending the group company's annual meeting on January 1, he focused his main energy on testing and improving the third version of the Kirin mobile phone prototype.

Around May last year, the first version of the Kirin mobile phone prototype was released. At that time, Zhang Nanyi participated in the testing. There were many problems in various aspects, and he also put forward many suggestions for improvement.

Now in the third version, all aspects of mobile phone hardware are already better matched.

Limited by the current development of upstream and downstream technologies, Kirin mobile phones use a 3.5-inch touch screen with a screen resolution of 480×320 pixels.

The memory is 256M, and it is equipped with a 300-megapixel camera that supports focus photography and video shooting.

When Zhang Nanyi got this phone, he was very satisfied. The overall industrial design is very beautiful. The screen on the front occupies more than three-quarters of the entire phone. The back is a frosted phone case, which not only looks noble. It's high quality and feels very good in hand.

Even from Zhang Nanyi's perspective, who has seen many smartphones, the appearance of this phone is very good.

The only drawback is that the screen is too small, which will be improved in the future.

The stuttering, heating and other phenomena that appeared in the first version of the prototype are much better in the third version.

Seeing Zhang Nanyi's satisfied expression, Li Fuzhen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "As Oppa suggested before, our phone will be named Kylin 1, and its English name will be Kylin [-].

The chip equipped on the mobile phone is G1 designed by Jisi Chip, and the system is Kirin Intelligent Operating System, referred to as KIOS system.

The G1 chip has just started, and its performance is not particularly good. The KIOS system is currently equipped with 17 applications. It can already use touch screen interaction to complete the operation of the phone relatively smoothly. The user experience is very good in an ideal environment, but it is stable. The sex is a little worse.

This is the best we can do under the existing technical conditions. I don’t think there is any need to wait any longer. There is no perfect product in this world. We still have to put the mobile phone on the market first, and then go further based on market feedback. R&D improvements. "

Zhang Nanyi nodded and said in agreement: "Your point of view is right, then when do you plan to go public?"

Li Fuzhen said confidently: "According to the research and development progress, we will launch the fourth version of the prototype in April, which is also the final version.

If there are no other problems, the Kirin first generation is expected to be launched in June this year. I have almost sorted out the supply chain links and can start mass production at any time based on pre-orders. "

Zhang Nanyi put down the Kirin Gen [-] prototype and said, "Follow your plan. If you need any help, just tell me."

Li Fuzhen immediately said: "We still need funds. The company's current R&D expenditures in all aspects are too high. Next, there are production and publicity expenses. I estimate that at least 5 million will be invested."

Kirin mobile phone is not an unknown research and development, but has been doing publicity and distribution work.

Zhang Nanyi himself has shared the development process of Kirin mobile phones many times on his social account.

Kirin mobile phones have also placed a lot of advertisements on other platforms and media.

For example, in the movie "Twenty Again", Kirin mobile phones cost 800 million and placed advertisements. The mobile phone brands used by the male and female protagonists in the movie are all Kirin mobile phones.

Because the movie is set in 2035, Zhang Nanyi beautified the Kirin phone and added many future functions.

It gives the audience a feeling that in the future, Kirin mobile phones will be very popular and will be high-tech mobile phones used by everyone.

Now that returning to the age of [-] is a global hit, this wave of advertising for Kirin mobile phones is also a great value for money.

In the past two years, Zhang Nanyi has invested nearly 10 billion in Kirin mobile phones. Li Fuzhen also invested some, but not as much as Zhang Nanyi invested.

Her shares have been diluted from the initial 20% to 10.9% today. If Zhang Nanyi gets money again, her shares will continue to be diluted.

But Li Fuzhen doesn't care. In her opinion, the design and development of Kirin mobile phones are thanks to Zhang Nanyi's creativity.

Without Zhang Nanyi's guidance, she would never have been able to create such a great mobile phone.

Li Fuzhen has participated in the R&D and manufacturing of Sanxin mobile phones. She feels that compared with Kirin mobile phones, Sanxin mobile phones are not products of the same level at all.

As long as people are accustomed to using smartphones, it will be difficult for them to accept the flip phones of the past. Li Fuzhen firmly believes that smartphones are the future development trend, and Kirin mobile phones are an epoch-making product. Being able to personally participate in and even organize the manufacturing of Kirin mobile phones, Li Fuzhen feels that his The ideal of life has been realized.

What's more, Zhang Nanyi is her man. After following Zhang Nanyi, not only is her health getting better and better, her energy is becoming more and more abundant, but her career is also successful, and she has emotional dependence and a destination.

Every day in Yanjing, Li Fuzhen lived a happy and fulfilling life.

Hearing Li Fuzhen's request, Zhang Nanyi smiled and said: "No problem, the cash flow of the group and myself is sufficient, so you don't have to worry about funds."

When it comes to who has the most cash at his disposal in China, Zhang Nan would be ranked second, but no one would dare to be ranked first.

YY and were listed on the market, and together they raised 500 billion yuan. is about to go public, which is another wave of financing.

In Zhang Nan's domestic account, the amount of funds that can be mobilized and liquidated at any time exceeds 20 billion.
  This is the wealth he has accumulated over the years by reinvesting his income from filming, singing, and company dividends.

As for overseas, it is even more exaggerated. The subprime mortgage crisis has fully erupted. Zhang Nan invested all the 22 billion yuan that YouTube had previously withdrawn from financing, shorting real estate and oil.

To be on the safe side, Zhang Nanyi did not use very high leverage to avoid short squeezes caused by swing pullbacks. He should not be too greedy.

Even without too high leverage, assets have increased by about 4 times to 90 billion yuan so far.

It is expected that by the end of the subprime mortgage crisis, it is very likely that Zhang Nanyi's overseas fund net worth will exceed 150 billion yuan.

For Zhang Nanyi now, as long as it is a problem that money can solve, it is not a problem. Li Fuzhen added: "The mobile phone is about to be released, and the brand slogan we promote externally has not been unified yet. It is up to you, OP, to decide. After all, this is the mobile phone brand you created."

Zhang Nanyi: "..."

Zhang Nanyi only made strategic planning for this mobile phone brand. Li Fuzhen and the company's R&D team also put in a lot of effort into specific matters.

Especially Li Fuzhen. In the past two years, she has worked hard from dawn to dusk and forgotten food and sleep to build the company from scratch in the past two years.

But for Li Fuzhen, Kirin mobile phone is the brand created by Zhang Nanyi.

In this regard, Zhang Nanyi did not explain or decline. He thought for a while and said: "In Return to Twenty, the Kirin mobile phone will be the mobile phone used by everyone in the future.

Let’s just call the slogan “When you meet the future, your dreams will never end.”

I have written a song that is a mixture of Chinese and English called "Dreams Never End", which can also be used as the theme song for Kirin mobile phones in the future. "

Strictly speaking, as long as it is an Olympic theme song, its copyright belongs to the Olympic Organizing Committee, but this matter can be discussed.

Today, Endless Dreams has not chosen an Olympic theme song, but even if it does, with Zhang Nanyi as the songwriter and Kirin Mobile becoming an Olympic sponsor, everything will not be a problem.

After spending a whole day at Qilin Mobile Phone Company, Zhang Nanyi followed Li Fuzhen back to her residence.

Li Fuzhen bought a 187-square-meter flat in Yanjing. It was quite spacious when he usually lived in it, but today the house is quite crowded.

Because my sister Li Yinxin and the four daughters Kim Tae Hee, Han Ga In, Jun Ji Hyun, and Son Ye Jin are all here.

When Zhang Nanyi and Li Fuzhen arrived at home, five beauties were busy in the kitchen.

Seeing Zhang Nanyi's return, Li Yinxin shouted excitedly: "Oppa, wait a moment, my fried rice cake will be ready soon.

This is a dish I have learned for a long time, you will definitely like it. "

Li Fuzhen felt very strange. When did his sister know how to cook?
  She also wanted to cook a delicious meal for the man she loved, but Li Fuzhen knew that she didn't have the talent. Even if she put in the effort to learn cooking, she could only do it in a mediocre way.

If you force yourself to cook, not only will you waste your energy, but it will also make Zhang Nanyi uncomfortable.

Li Fuzhen knew that Zhang Nanyi valued food very much, so he would not do anything thankless.

She felt that since her sister was so smart, she should also understand this.

Zhang Nanyi smiled slightly. His eyesight was very good and he could see clearly. Li Yinxin was in the kitchen, wearing only a special apron. The scenery was very exciting.

Next to her, the four girls Kim Tae Hee, Han Ga In, Jun Ji Hyun, and Son Ye Jin are also wearing their own unique and specially made chef uniforms.

I don’t know where Li Yinxin went to find so many clothes with different styles that can inspire strong visual effects.

It can only be said that Li Yinxin's style has always been like this, and she will always change her ways to please Zhang Nanyi.

Zhang Nanyi could only cooperate. He smiled and said: "Fried rice cake, right? Let me have a taste."

Seeing Zhang Nanyi's actions, Li Fuzhen understood instantly. She blushed and asked, "Yin Xin, do you have any other clothes?"

Li Fuzhen also wanted to join.

Li Yinxin gasped and said, "Sister, you don't need to change your clothes. The formal attire you are wearing now makes you look like a strong woman. You are inviolable. This is exactly what Oppa likes."

Li Fuzhen understood that in some aspects, she still had to learn more from her sister.


After Zhang Zilin learned Tai Chi, Zhang Nanyi originally planned to teach Annie next, and then Li Fuzhen.

These two women are of great help to their careers, and their work intensity is relatively high. It is necessary to improve their physical fitness.

It turns out that Anne doesn't have a holiday, she's been very busy lately.

Under Anne's plan, YouTube will acquire Twitter and accept a large investment from Google.

After acquiring Twitter and accepting investment from Google, YouTube was ready to go public.

In addition, Zhang Nanyi's fund investment in the United States is basically led by Anne and Amanda. Anne is really busy and has no time to come to China.

Moreover, Annie's talent for practicing Tai Chi is relatively poor. She is originally a mental genius but has poor hands-on ability. Zhang Nanyi tested her and she needed to practice Tai Chi for 40 consecutive days to reach level 3.

It can only be said that no one is perfect.

As a result, teaching Annie was temporarily put on hold, and Zhang Nanyi taught Li Fuzhen first. Her talent was not very good, and it took 28 days.

Because she taught Li Fuzhen to practice boxing, Zhang Nanyi spent more time with her during this period of fashion.

Seeing this situation, Li Yinxin refused to leave and insisted on staying in China for the New Year.

Zhang Nanyi did not force her. Anyway, Li Yinxin had many tricks and could always give Zhang Nanyi a good experience.

With Zhang Nanyi's support and support, Li Fuzhen is more motivated to work, and all work on Kirin Mobile Phones is progressing in an orderly manner.

On the evening of January 1st, after Zhang Nanyi defeated the joint challenge of Mo Beiwu, Li Fuzhen, Li Yinxin, Shu Chang and Liu Yifei, he received a message from the protagonist's panel.

"Twenty Again" has just been released, and the protagonist panel has begun to calculate rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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