China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 55: Sold by Liu Yifei?

Chapter 55: Sold by Liu Yifei?

Although Zhang Nanyi is a scumbag, he is willing to spend money when he has it, and he is not stingy with his own woman.

He bought gifts for Liu Xiaoli, Liu Yifei and Shu Chang, and of course Gao Yuanyuan. He even prepared gifts for sister Yu Feihong.

Zhang Nanyi opened his backpack and took out two sets of clothes from it. "These are unique clothes of the Bai people. I'll find someone to customize them according to your figure. You can try them on later."

Gao Yuanyuan picked up the clothes, one set was pink and white, and the other was mainly yellow. They were all national costumes with fluttering ribbons. They were purely handmade and very delicate and beautiful.

Although this kind of clothes is not suitable for daily wear, women like it as long as it is beautiful clothes.

She subconsciously asked: "How do you know my body size? What if it doesn't fit?"

Zhang Nanyi immediately retorted: "You can question me in other aspects, but you can never question my professional ability! Everything I handle will never make mistakes!"

Gao Yuanyuan: "..."

Zhang Nanyi took out another yellow jewelry box, which contained a set of silver jewelry, including bracelets, earrings and necklaces. Gao Yuanyuan took a closer look and saw that there was no ring. Her eyes were both happy and disappointed.

Zhang Nanyi said: "This is Dali's characteristic snowflake silver. This set of jewelry is not expensive, but it is very unique and beautiful. It took me a long time to choose it."

Gao Yuanyuan immediately took the jewelry box with a smile.

Zhang Nanyi took out another wooden jewelry box and opened it to find a jade bracelet.

Zhang Nanyi went to an old store to buy this, an ice jadeite bracelet with floating flowers.

Of the three gifts, this one was more expensive, costing more than 2.

Gao Yuanyuan liked it very much after seeing it and put it on her wrist on the spot.

After reading the gift, Gao Yuanyuan picked up a piece of Bai ethnic minority clothing, looked at Zhang Nanyi with big innocent eyes and said, "Brother Nanyi, I'm going to change clothes~"

Zhang Nanyi yelled, "Damn it, I can't stand it, the blood tank is almost empty."

Gao Yuanyuan's eyes were absolutely stunning.

Because of these three gifts, Zhang Nanyi received even better treatment when he visited the master bedroom again.

Had a very ultimate experience.

The two of them originally planned to spend two days and two nights at home. Unexpectedly, Zhang Nanyi received a strange call just after giving Gao Yuanyuan food at noon.

The caller turned out to be You Jianming, the producer of Jinfen Family. He said he had something to ask Zhang Nanyi for help and made an appointment to have dinner together in the evening.

Zhang Nanyi did not refuse.

At 6:[-] in the evening, he appeared at the Jinshan City restaurant holding the beautiful Gao Yuanyuan.

This is a relatively high-end private restaurant with a relatively elegant environment. There is no hall for dine-in dining, and all are private rooms.

The main thing is the banquet.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Zhang Nanyi walked into Yunshuijian, where three men were sitting.

One of them is of medium height, slightly fat, with a three-quarter haircut and a gray suit. He is the producer of the Jinfen Family, You Jianming.

When he saw Zhang Nanyi come in, he stretched out his hand and said: "Hello, Mr. Zhang, I am You Jianming, nice to meet you.

Let me introduce to you, this is Li Dawei, the director of Jinfen Family.

This is Teacher Sanbao, a famous musician in my country. The soundtrack and theme song of our Jinfen Family were all produced by Teacher Sanbao. "

Zhang Nanyi greeted the three of them very politely. Li Dawei was tall and handsome. He didn't look like a director, but more like an actor.

Teacher Sanbao has long messy hair and a sad stubble on his face, and he looks like he is a musician.

Zhang Nanyi introduced Gao Yuanyuan to the three of them. They were all insiders and familiar with Gao Yuanyuan.

Sanbao and Gao Yuanyuan still know each other.

After sitting down, You Jianming asked Zhang Nanyi and Gao Yuanyuan for their opinions, ordered the dishes, and then explained his purpose. "Teacher Xiao Zhang, I heard that you are very good at singing. We can't find a suitable singer for the theme song of our Jinfen Family, so I wanted to ask you to give it a try."

You Jianming was so polite to Zhang Nanyi mainly because of Zhang Jizong.

Zhang Nanyi asked in surprise: "Mr. You, how did you know that I can sing?"

You Jianming took a sip of tea with a smile and explained: "Teacher Sanbao is very talented and has composed two classic songs, one is Secret Fragrance and the other is Let Her Land, both of which are very suitable for our TV series.

Originally we wanted the male and female actors from the crew to sing, but Cheng Kun's singing skills were not good, and Dong Jie couldn't sing at all. Two days ago we found Liu Yifei.

Let her try to sing "Let Her Land". Liu Yifei's voice is good, but her breath is too weak, so it won't work.

But she recommended you to us, saying that you are very good at singing. She also said that you can sing "Omni Fragrance" and sang this song for her. "

As soon as You Jianming said these words, Zhang Nanyi almost broke into a cold sweat. Liu Yifei, a silly girl, had good intentions, but she sold him directly.

Zhang Nanyi was thinking about how to explain that he could sing secret fragrance, but he didn't expect that You Jianming didn't care at all.

The crew had previously hired several singers to try out "Secret Fragrance". Many people knew this song, and he subconsciously thought that Zhang Nanyi had heard it from a certain singer.

No one would immediately suspect that Zhang Nanyi is a time traveler.

You Jianming asked: "If you are willing, Teacher Xiao Zhang, take time tomorrow to go to Teacher Sanbao's place and try singing?"

Of course Zhang Nanyi would not refuse. There was money to be made for singing, and it was also a classic song like An Xiang. One song has supported Sha Baoliang for his whole life.

He said: "Okay, tomorrow I will go to Teacher Sanbao for advice, but my singing skills are relatively amateur and rely purely on talent."

Sanbao was a little disdainful of Zhang Nanyi at first, but when he heard Zhang Nanyi's words, his eyes lit up. It's all about talent!

He said: "I have a student named Wang Fei. Her singing relies on talent. It's best to have talent. The so-called skills are vulnerable to talent."

After the business was finished, the food and wine gradually arrived, and everyone began to drink and eat.

You Jianming kept holding cups to toast Sanbao, and Zhang Nanyi finally understood that the main target of You Jianming's banquet was Teacher Sanbao.

Others have great cards and high status, but he is the one who is just a piggybacker.

Think about it, Zhang Nanyi is just a new actor. Although he is Zhang Jizong's nephew, he just sings the theme song, and he is not sure whether he can do it. He won't find a high-end restaurant to treat guests to dinner. It's like this grand.

Knowing that he was a guest, Zhang Nanyi was not angry. At least it was a great honor for others to treat you one more time.

He was not angry at all, he just picked up the glass, opened and closed it, and focused on attacking You Jianming. After a few rounds, he drank until he was dizzy. It wasn't until You Jianming started to soften his mouth that Zhang Nanyi let him go.

Gao Yuanyuan was stunned by this operation. She finally saw that Zhang Nanyi was really stingy. Gao Yuanyuan felt that she must keep a distance from other men in the future.

After the meal, Li Dawei paid the bill and helped the staggering You Jianming to leave first.

Sanbao is from Inner Mongolia. He has a good drinking capacity and loves to drink. After having a drink with Zhang Nanyi just now, he became much closer to him.

He asked: "Would you like to go to the bar to continue drinking?"

Zhang Nanyi hugged Gao Yuanyuan's soft waist and said very directly: "No, Teacher Sanbao, I have an important battle tonight."

Sanbao looked at the beautiful Gao Yuanyuan, gave Zhang Nan a blow, and said: "Take it easy, young man.

Small fruits are plentiful, but drinking companions are rare.

I won’t force you. I’ll invite you to drink another day. You must come! "

Zhang Nanyi stopped a car, pushed Sanbao in, leaned against the car door and said, "No problem, if you miss tonight, I'll be there when you call me!"

Sanbao muttered and left, while Zhang Nanyi started his wonderful night life with the fragrant and soft beauty in his arms.

 Thanks to Feng I Am My Different Life, Luo Hua Parade, Xiaoying 97, Ran Stewed Complete Books and other big names for their rewards. Thank you to all book friends and big brothers for your monthly tickets and recommendation votes!

(End of this chapter)

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