Chapter 566 Unexpected

Fortunately, the next plot was the climax of the movie. Wan Laisheng led a team to destroy the bacterial experiment base camp. The plot was so tense that everyone soon forgot about Liu Yifei.

The cost of carrying out struggle activities in occupied areas is heavy. The Dongjiang Death Squadron organized by Wan Laisheng has only about 240 people left out of more than 130 people.

After paying a huge price, the team figured out the building structure and various conditions of the experimental base.

Their goal is to destroy the bacterial experimental base, kill the person in charge of the experiment, and burn the experimental materials so that the experiment cannot continue, thereby preventing more innocent people from being captured for experiments.

The final battle plan was to gather hundreds of troops and conduct a frontal feint attack. Eleven kung fu masters would bring explosive bags to a fixed location and detonate them, completely destroying the base.

Wan Laisheng, on the other hand, wanted to take advantage of the chaos to kill Maruyama Shigeru, the project leader of the bacterial experiment, and burn all kinds of materials and equipment.

In the battle where everyone risked their lives, the mission was finally completed, and the explosion ignited various chemicals in the laboratory, and the entire experimental base burned.

Among the members of the death squad who stormed into the experimental base, only Wan Laisheng and Mo Jiasheng, played by Wang Baoyu, were lucky enough to survive. The rest all died, including the heroine.

In the end, only 11 of the hundred-man guerrilla group that engaged the enemy's main force remained.

At the end of the movie, the 13 remaining people stood on a hilltop, looking at the blazing fire in the experimental base, with tears in their eyes.

The camera showed Wan Laisheng's face. He was pale, with dried blood on his forehead, but his eyes were firm.

When the audience thought Wan Laisheng was about to give a victory speech, they only heard him say slowly: "Dongjiang Death Squadron, fortunately you have lived up to your mission!"

The big screen dimmed, leaving only a few large characters.

“With this film, I would like to pay tribute to the Guangdong People’s Anti-Japanese Guerrilla—Dongjiang Column!”

When the movie ended, Jessica quietly wiped the corners of her eyes. Even though she was not Chinese, she still felt very moved after watching this movie.

There were more than 240 members of the death squad, but only 13 survived in the end. The battle was so brutal, but no one flinched, and everyone was a hero.

She looked up and found that many people were sobbing. Lin Yoona even said: "When will we, Korea, make such a good Anti-Japanese War movie?"

No one answered her, and messages from the production staff began to scroll on the big screen. Jessica stood up to leave, but found that everyone was motionless.

Son Ye-jin said: "Soo-yeon, don't worry, I read online that there are easter eggs in the movie, so you must watch it."

Jessica sat down immediately, and everyone waited quietly for a while. The big screen went completely dark, without even subtitles.

dong dong!dong dong!dong dong!

In the cinema, the sound of heart beating sounded. The sound was very soft, but very powerful.

The screen lit up, showing a bacterial experimental base burned by fire. The camera kept moving forward, passing through various burning materials and spaces, and finally came to a very deep pit.

This is where the Japanese troops discarded their corpses. There were at least tens of thousands of corpses in the deep pit.

dong dong!dong dong!dong dong!

The sound of the heart beating became louder and louder, and the camera continued to move forward, and Lu Yanxin, played by Liu Yifei, appeared in front of the camera.

She was surrounded by corpses in all kinds of miserable conditions, which looked very visceral, making everyone hate the crimes committed by the Japanese people again.

There were burning flames everywhere in the pit, but strangely, these corpses were not burned.

Liu Yifei herself was also covered in flames. These flames were like clothes, clinging to her body like a flaming feather coat.

Liu Yifei was lying quietly. Her face was cold and surrounded by flames, which made her look holy and noble. However, there were piles of corpses around her, and the huge heartbeat came from her body, which made it look very strange.

On the big screen, a clock suddenly appeared. The clock rotated rapidly, and the subtitles next to it showed the passage of time.

The sound of the beating heart in the theater suddenly turned into a heavy hammer of a big drum, and the dense and rhythmic drum beats suddenly made the atmosphere very exciting.

One day, one year, five years, ten years, the corpses around Liu Yifei turned into bones, and even gradually merged with the soil, but the flames here strangely did not stop.

Until seventy years later.

The flames all around Liu Yifei seemed to be sinking into quicksand, all flowing into her eyes.

Liu Yifei's eyes, which had been closed tightly, suddenly opened!

Boom, boom, boom! Accompanied by even more shocking music, several large characters appeared on the screen, "Hanba will be released on August 2009, 8."

This is where the movie’s easter eggs end.

In the theater, Xu Zhuxian said excitedly: "Wow, the last moment Liu Yifei opened her eyes was so cool! That look was so cold-blooded and ruthless, it killed me so much!

I will definitely watch the movie Hanba after it comes out! "

Kim Taeyeon agreed and said, "It's really cool. She stayed in the mountains of corpses and seas of fire for seventy years and was finally reborn as a drought demon. I want to watch this movie too."

However, Lin Yoona said: "I am so envious of Liu Yifei, she is only two years older than me, and now she is an internationally renowned superstar, and she can still act in such a movie with a leading heroine.

Nanyi Oppa was so kind to her. "

Cui Xiuying, who has been completely brainwashed, said: "So we have to work hard. When we also serve Oppa, maybe we can become the next Liu Yifei!"

Jung Soo-yeon felt that Cui Xiuying was delusional. She looked at the four seniors Son Ye-jin and thought to herself, the four seniors are so beautiful and have good acting skills. They have never starred as the heroine in Jang Nam-il's movie. How could you possibly do that?

But she only cursed these words in her heart and did not dare to say them out.

In fact, in her heart, she may not have the same ambition as Cui Xiuying.

Son Ye-jin said: "Protagonist, don't think about it for now. You should find a chance to meet Oppa first."


Naturally, Zhang Nanyi didn't know about what happened in Goryeo.

How could he have imagined that Li Fuzhen also raised a girl group for him to experience the unpretentious happiness of a chaebol family.

After Zhang Nanyi arrived in Tokyo, he first went to Ishisai Mimotoko's residence and took a look at her body. He found that everything was fine.

Zhang Nanyi came here mainly to visit Ishizai Mimotoko, and he didn't pay much attention to the promotion of the movie.

After all, Wan Laisheng is a kung fu movie with an anti-Japanese theme, and Japan is the villain. The movie reveals the countless crimes that Japan has committed. Zhang Nanyi didn't plan on making much of this movie at the box office in Japan.

He is also prepared to lose some Japanese fans.

Unexpectedly, after coming to Japan, he participated in several promotions, and the scene was still so crowded that the road traffic in Tokyo was crowded.

Zhang Nanyi's popularity in Japan is astonishing, and he is cheered everywhere he goes.

There were also many Taoist people who came to the event to support Zhang Nanyi.

In Japan, heydao associations are legal.

He Taoists originally advocate personal force. Many people admire Zhang Nanyi's bravery, and Zhang Style Tai Chi has extremely strong practical ability. Many Japanese He Taoists have learned Zhang Style Tai Chi from videos. These people They are all loyal fans of Zhang Nanyi.

Zhang Nanyi's fan base in Japan is very complex. In addition to Taoists, there are also some fans of his tea-making fairy who appreciate his tea ceremony skills, and some are his fans who like his songs. Many of them are his fans and like his movies and TV series.

There are also those who admire his kung fu, as well as those who are simply fans of his physical appearance, fans of his looks, etc.

The most bizarre thing is fertility worship. Zhang Nanyi's ability in a certain aspect is recognized globally as fierce.

Japan, on the other hand, is a country with a very strong fertility worship. Various activities are held for this purpose in various parts of Japan every year.

Therefore, Zhang Nanyi has many followers of fertility worship in Japan, and this group is also very large.

The combination of so many fan groups has created Zhang Nanyi's unique popularity in Japan.

In addition to the fact that every promotional event was sold out and its popularity was unique, Wan Laisheng's box office performance was unexpectedly good in Japan.

On the first day of release, the movie's box office revenue reached 12 billion Japanese dollars.

During this period, the exchange rate of the Japanese currency increased greatly, reaching a high of 96 to 1 against the rice dollar. In conversion, Wan Laisheng's box office in Japan reached 1250 million yuan on the first day.

This is a very good result, and paradoxically, the movie's reputation is very good.

Wan Laisheng's rating is as high as 4.67 on Filmmarks, Japan's largest film and television animation rating website.

This rating can be said to be quite good. After all, the rating mechanism of this website is a 5-point scale.

Zhang Nanyi read the comments on the website and found them very interesting.

"Nan Yijun is too strong. His fighting ability is too fierce. He is the most ferocious tiger in the empire. It is very reasonable for him to defeat us Japanese people."

"I can't think of anyone in Japan who is stronger than Nan Yijun. If you fight against him, defeat is inevitable."

"Nan Yijun contributed the most perfect Kung Fu fight in the movie. In my opinion, his fighting moves have surpassed Jacky Chen. This is a more classic Kung Fu movie than Drunken Master."

"Nan Yijun's body is so perfect. I really want to spend a wonderful night with him!"

“After watching this movie, it’s time to change the posters in my house!”

"It turns out that our country has really been so evil, and it still conducts bacterial experiments in China. We must apologize for this!"

"Although it is not our generation that made the mistake, it is also our ancestors. We should sincerely apologize."

"Yes, I'm going to the cinema to watch this movie a few more times and take my family with me. This is also a way of atonement."

Of course, there are some bad reviews.

"It is a random fabrication. This movie smeares the image of our country, and we must boycott it."

"I am speechless for some idiot fans. Before chasing stars, please remember your country. We are Japanese!"

"Chinese kung fu is all fake, Japanese karate is the most powerful, and bacterial experiments don't exist at all. Don't listen to Zhang Nanyi's slander!"

There are not many bad reviews, the majority are good reviews.

Only then did Zhang Nanyi deeply understand the human nature and perversion of Japanese people.

This country and its people "know small etiquette but not great righteousness, stick to trivial matters but not great virtue, pay attention to trivial matters but neglect integrity, fear power but not be virtuous, the strong will be robbers and bandits, and the weak will be humble."

As long as you are strong enough, even if you step on their heads and shit, they will treat you respectfully. It is worthy of being the country that invented the tauren culture.

In addition to Wan Laisheng's movie, there is also heated discussion in Japan about Liu Yifei and her next movie Hanba.

"To be honest, Wan Laisheng's movie still has shortcomings. The biggest shortcoming is that Liu Yifei's scenes are too few. She committed suicide not long after she appeared. She is my favorite actress, and her scenes are too few to watch."

"Liu Yifei is so beautiful. Although she only appeared for a short period, she undoubtedly surpassed the heroine Wang Zhi."

"Fortunately, there is an easter egg. Liu Yifei survived 70 years in the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​fire, and then came back to life.

Hanba is a goddess in ancient China and one of the originators of zombies. She will definitely come to Japan to take revenge! "

“In other words, in the movie Hanba, we Japanese are still the villains.

To be honest, I felt that I deserved it. When Liu Yifei was caught by the bacterial army, I felt ashamed of the crimes our ancestors had committed! "

"You must see Hanba. Liu Yifei's final look is so beautiful. Her eyes are cold, beautiful and sassy. Sister Yu is full of momentum. Sister steps on me!"


Liu Yifei has been very popular in Japan since the beginning of Legend of Sword and Fairy, and she also has a large number of fans here.

Anyone who has watched the movie Wan Laisheng will basically notice the easter egg at the end of the movie, so the movie Hanba has also begun to be anticipated by everyone.

Not only in Japan, but also in China and Omi, Hanba has also attracted a lot of attention.

In just two days, "Hanban" has appeared on the BBC's list of most anticipated movies of 2009, temporarily ranking 9th.

(End of this chapter)

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