China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 578 Controversial Publicity

Chapter 578 Controversial Publicity

After Cameron finished speaking, Allen continued to ask questions. She found that the audience was very interested in the topic of "quarrels." Out of professional sensitivity, Allen focused the following interviews on this topic.

As the interview progressed, everyone became more and more aware of Zhang Nanyi's contribution.

According to the descriptions of the leading actors in the crew, Zhang Nanyi is omnipotent and can solve any problem encountered by him.

When they don't know how to perform a role, they will discuss it with Zhang Nanyi, who will guide them in acting.

When they are in bad condition, Zhang Nanyi has mastered the ancient and magical face-saving technique of China, which can help actors improve their facial condition.

When they are under psychological stress, they can chat with Zhang Nanyi and quickly relieve their stress.

There are so many different things.

Young actress Michelle said bluntly: "Zhang is my mentor. He taught me a lot on the set, and these skills have served me well throughout my life.

On the crew, the most difficult time was shooting the final war scene. We sat on mechanical seats and performed to the air.

I have never done an action scene before and it was too difficult for me.

Fortunately, with Zhang's help, we completed many difficult battle scenes. "

Because of his teaching skills, Zhang Nanyi has taught many people on the crew, which has resulted in everyone having a very good impression of him and a very high favorability rating. The main creative actors speak highly of him.

On the contrary, it is Cameron. Everyone mentions him as a cliche.

This interview scene was like the main creative staff collectively supporting Zhang Nanyi and stabbing Cameron in the back. Cameron was very depressed and his face didn't look good.

After hearing these interviews, there were various discussions in the live broadcast room.

"I can see that Zhang has a high prestige among the crew, and his words may be more effective than Cameron's."

"That's right. When everyone mentioned Zhang Nanyi, they were very passionate and spoke sincerely. When talking about Cameron, they used the official language and their emotions were very indifferent. The contrast is so obvious!"

"Through these interviews, I summarized that Zhang is an all-rounder on the Avatar crew, serving as deputy director, action designer, artistic creative consultant, costume stylist, music director, acting instructor, psychological counselor, beauty and makeup artist, etc. Character."

"Although Zhang was modest and said that Avatar is Cameron's movie, after seeing these interviews, I feel that Avatar is Zhang's movie."

"Haha, although I feel the same way, saying this seems unfair to Cameron. After all, the Avatar project has been prepared by Cameron for many years."

"There is nothing unfair. Avatar was once shelved because it could not attract investment, and 20th Century Fox had given up on the project. At the critical moment, it was Zhang who took the lead in attracting investment so that the project could proceed.

From this perspective, there would be no Avatar without Zhang. "

"Nonsense, Avatar is Cameron's movie. This is a typical Hollywood blockbuster. Zhang is just a starring role. Zhang's fans should not come here to mess with it."

"Yes, yes, Zhang is just a small actor, and yet he can find fault with Cameron on the set every day, and Cameron doesn't even replace this small leading actor. Do you believe it?"

Cameron is so powerful, why didn't he take the job himself and asked Zhang to take on so many duties? "


The interview of Avatar at the premiere in Los Angeles was originally seen by many viewers in the live broadcast room, and many people later made edited videos of this interview.

As a result, this interview was seen by more people, and everyone began to dispute whether Avatar was a movie by Cameron or Zhang Nanyi.

There's a lot of buzz on the Internet about this issue.

If it had been another actor, there wouldn't have been this kind of controversy from beginning to end, because the director's status is definitely higher than that of the actors.

But everyone knows Zhang Nanyi's style. In the movies he shot before, such as Pilgrim, Rescue, Wolverine, etc., although he is only an actor, Zhang Nanyi has the final say on everything on the crew. He is more powerful than the director. Much more power.

Everyone refers to the movies starring Zhang Nanyi as Zhang's movies. As for who the director is, it doesn't matter at all.

Now Zhang Nanyi is the starring role of Avatar, and he has a lot of say in the crew. However, this movie is directed by Cameron, and there are interviews at the premiere.

It’s not surprising that people are debating whether Avatar is Chang’s movie or Cameron’s movie.

As a top Hollywood director, Cameron still has a lot of fans, but compared to Zhang Nanyi, an actor and singer, his number of fans is not enough.

As long as you are a fan, your speech will be biased. In addition, Zhang Nanyi has indeed made a great contribution to the Avatar crew, and the main creative staff recognize it.

Therefore, in this debate, Zhang Nanyi gradually gained the upper hand. More people believe that Zhang Nanyi is the soul of Avatar, and Avatar is Zhang's movie.

Seeing this public opinion, Cameron felt very unhappy.

But the crew is a whole, and Cameron cannot make the final decision when it comes to publicity and distribution. Everything is run professionally.

When the crew discovered that the quarrel between Zhang Nanyi and Cameron had aroused public opinion and attracted more attention to the film, they naturally chose to add fuel to the fire and work hard in this area, deliberately creating controversial publicity.

Ever since, behind-the-scenes videos of Zhang Nanyi arguing with Cameron on the set began to appear on the Internet one after another.

In these quarreling videos, Zhang Nanyi was almost always making suggestions, and Cameron disagreed. The two argued for a long time, and finally Cameron compromised.

In this regard, Cameron is at a disadvantage.

Because Zhang Nanyi would not have any objection to what he did well, and the two of them would not quarrel.

Therefore, when there are quarrels, Zhang Nanyi feels bad. However, Zhang Nanyi's suggestions were all very good, and Cameron accepted them in the end.

This makes Cameron look "miserable", as if he was suppressed by Zhang Nanyi on the set.

So much so that in the United States, "Cameron, you also have today" has become the hottest topic in recent times.

Many superstar actors who have worked with Cameron have spoken out.

"Leonardo: Cameron, do you have this day too? Seeing you being speechless by Zhang, I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Haha, just kidding, I wish Avatar will be a big seller and surpass Titanic soon! "

"Schwarzenegger: I admit that I was once made very unsure of myself by Cameron, and I began to doubt myself for a while. Fortunately, Zhang appeared, and he let me know that Cameron is not so scary and can be suppressed.

No matter how we quarrel, it’s all for the movie, the great Avatar, respect! "

"Winslet: Cameron scolded me and flogged me, but he also made me successful. Thank you Cameron.

I believe he felt the same way at this time. Zhang's quarrel with him was also helping him grow. Together, they completed a miraculous movie.

The magical Avatar, this is a movie destined to be recorded in the history of movies. On June 6th, everyone must remember to go to the cinema to watch it. "


These stars have all been "hurt" by Cameron, the autocratic tyrant, on the set.

For them to speak out now is actually a bit of a vent for revenge.

But these people are also helping to promote Avatar. Cameron can't say anything. Instead, he wants to thank them. It's good to remember this.

In China, the topic "Cameron is so miserable" topped the list of hot searches on Weibo.

"After watching the video of the quarrel between Zhang Nanyi and Cameron, I can only say that Cameron's image in my heart has collapsed. He is no longer the tyrant on the set, but a good director who is upright and good at listening to opinions."

"Haha, Cameron is so miserable. Before turning on the movie every day, he would be picked on by Zhang Nanyi, and he would spend all his energy arguing with Zhang Nanyi. In the end, he was persuaded by Zhang Nanyi. He was really prosperous and in a trance!"

"Cameron: Mr. Zhang, aren't you doing this well? Why do you keep bullying me? Can't the wool be collected by another person?"

"Mr. Zhang is awesome! Only Mr. Zhang has the strength and ability to handle the top directors in Hollywood.

I'm looking forward to the release of Avatar. When the time comes, I'll go to the cinema to see if Mr. Zhang's opinions are correct and what the effect will be. "

"Yeah, it doesn't matter if we quarrel, the main thing is that the movie should be good."

“Avatar is definitely good-looking, I believe in Mr. Zhang’s golden reputation!

So far, audiences and film critics who have watched the premiere have given it very exaggerated praise. "

"Although Cameron has been bullied, it is not without gain. YouTube Films' box office forecast for Avatar is 20 billion yuan. This movie will definitely be a hit. Cameron can just sit back and collect the money."

"Thinking about it this way, Cameron's misery seems to be worth it. I also want to experience this kind of misery, the misery that can make me rich!"


On June 6, Avatar held its Chinese premiere at the Standing Grand Theater in Yanjing.

After the movie was played, it naturally received positive feedback from the audience, standing up and applauding.

During the interview, Cameron directly praised Zhang Nanyi when faced with questions from reporters and the audience, saying that Zhang was also one of the creators of Avatar.

His words seemed to be subduing and directly recognized Zhang Nanyi's contribution. The dispute between Zhang Nanyi and Cameron seemed to be over.

However, when promoting in the UK, Cameron expressed his dissatisfaction with Zhang Nanyi in an interview with BBC News. He said that Avatar is his movie and will not be "stolen" by anyone.

Zhang Nanyi also expressed his most "authentic" opinion in a joint interview with YY Portal, Fox News and other media: "Without me, Avatar would just be a landscape film. Maybe the picture would be beautiful, but There is no connotation.

I have tried my best to correct Cameron's mistakes, but unfortunately, there are still some minor flaws in the plot.

What flaw? You can find out if you go to the cinema and watch it. "

After the two interviews between Zhang Nanyi and Cameron were broadcast, public opinion once again aroused.

Before, only fans and audiences were discussing whether the movie Avatar was a Zhang movie or a Kaspersky movie.

Now that Zhang Nanyi and Cameron have spoken in person, the major media reports have directly turned into a conflict between Zhang Nanyi and Cameron over the "sovereignty" of Avatar.

As a result, Avatar received even greater attention.

Of course there is no conflict between Zhang Nanyi and Cameron. These interviews are all intentional and are a means for Zhang Nanyi and Cameron to cooperate with the promotion of Avatar.

Even though Cameron was a little unhappy inside, it was all for the box office.

In the movie Avatar, Cameron will get a share of the profits, and he will not have trouble with Meakin.

(End of this chapter)

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