China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 584 Travel and Pacific Rim

Chapter 584 Travel and Pacific Rim

As the news that Zhang Nanyi is about to take a break has fermented, there are more and more comments from foreigners. Coupled with domestic netizens, in just three days, the number of comments on the school website where Zhang Nanyi announced his break exceeded 1000 million!

Although the languages ​​​​of these foreign comments are different, domestic netizens can quickly understand these comments using online translation software.

In the past, everyone knew that Zhang Nanyi was an absolute international superstar and was very famous internationally, but the real experience was not deep.

There are even some people with ulterior motives who have been preaching that Zhang Nanyi's popularity abroad is false and it is all marketing propaganda, and many people believe it.

This time Zhang Nanyi posted about his break, which attracted so many foreigners to comment. Moreover, the words of praise used in these remarks made even Zhang Nanyi's domestic fans feel ashamed after reading them.

Domestic netizens can also intuitively feel Zhang Nanyi's international influence.

The Simplified Chinese Internet has never been so lively, with so many guests and friends coming from all over the world.

The topic of Zhang Nanyi taking a break is so popular that naturally major media reports, as well as the self-media and Internet celebrities who have begun to rise gradually, are all taking advantage of the popularity.

Everyone began various summaries and inventories, counting Zhang Nanyi's works and achievements in detail, and placing various titles and honors on Zhang Nanyi's head.

Although Zhang Nanyi is not dead, this wave of rest has a somewhat "dead" effect, and his status has been improved a lot invisibly.

Zhang Nanyi paid no attention to all this. After issuing a temporary farewell statement on the morning of the 24th, he prepared to go on a self-driving trip.

It took two months for Zhang Nanyi to personally participate in the entire process and gather the company's technical strength to modify an armored off-road vehicle.

This car is like a heavy tank. The chassis has a large center of gravity and a stable center of gravity. It is very durable and can adapt to a variety of terrains. It has full power and strong endurance.

When traveling for self-driving, the car must be durable and have as few problems as possible.

Moreover, Zhang Nanyi also changed the interior decoration of the car, including leather seats, a folding soft bed, and even a kitchen and bathroom system.

While being durable, it also takes into account comfort.

Originally, according to the plan, Zhang Nanyi was going to take Liu Yifei on a self-driving trip, but before leaving, there was an extra Liu Xiaoli in the car.

This was personally invited by Liu Yifei. She said she wanted to take an intimate trip with her mother.

Zhang Nanyi naturally agreed readily. After traveling to the United States with Liu Xiaoli five years ago, he never went out with Liu Xiaoli again.

When everything was ready, Zhang Nanyi took Liu Xiaoli and Liu Yifei on a pleasant self-driving trip.

The three of them started from Yanjing and passed through Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Qinghai, Xingjiang and other places before going abroad.

Zhang Nanyi has powerful skills that can be used in travel. With him, travel is very smooth.

The three of them had a great time. The original plan was to arrive in Norway on November 11, fly from Norway to Iceland for a few days, and then take a private jet back home.

As a result, we had so much fun along the way that our stay time at each stop increased a lot.

The happy threesome couldn't stop at all. Zhang Nanyi felt very comfortable. This is a happy life.

The original plan was for the trip to last about a month, but it ended up being extended to nearly 3 months.

It wasn't until January 2010, 1 that the three of them returned to Yanjing with unfinished business.

After the plane landed at Yanjing Capital Airport, it was after 8 o'clock in the morning. Zhang Nanyi, Liu Xiaoli and Liu Yifei did not go home immediately.

The three of them came to the VIP lounge at the airport and waited for the arrival of Annie and others.

The New Year is coming soon again, and Annie, Li Yinxin and others will bring their children to Yanjing to celebrate the New Year together.

After knowing Zhang Nanyi's itinerary, Annie decided to return to China today. Her private plane also took off today and landed in half an hour.

Zhang Nanyi planned to wait at the airport and everyone went home together.

After the three of them sat down in the VIP lounge, they saw the TV set hanging on the wall playing Yangshi's "Chao Wen Tian Xia" column.

Host Zhao Pu said: "The movie "Pacific Rim" directed and starred by the famous Chinese filmmaker Zhang Nanyi has been released for one month, and the global cumulative box office has exceeded 26 billion yuan, surpassing Avatar and setting a new single-month box office record for movies. .”

Another host, Li Xiaomeng, said: “According to the predictions of the authoritative organization YouTube Films, Pacific Rim’s final box office is expected to exceed 35 billion yuan, surpassing Avatar and becoming the first box office in film history.

This is undoubtedly another proud achievement achieved by Chinese filmmakers.

At the end of the show, let’s enjoy the exciting trailer of Pacific Rim. "

In the VIP room of the airport, a piece of very exciting music immediately appeared.

Paired with this background music, the picture on the TV shows the complete process of a mecha from the production of various parts to the completion of assembly.

The cooperation of all people to create mechas not only demonstrates the powerful productivity of industrial civilization, but also reflects the unity of mankind in the face of external cooperation.

Although there is no battle scene in this trailer, it is very exciting.

Zhang Nanyi looked up at the TV and sighed. He edited this trailer, so he was naturally very familiar with it.

The soundtrack was also "composed" by him, called Time to Pretend.

This background music has both mysterious and ethereal elements and is very exciting. After listening to it, people feel like they have climbed to the top of the mountain and are holding the sun and the moon. It is very refreshing.

There were other people in the VIP room.

On the sofa on the other side, a young man with long hair said to the woman next to him: "The trailer of Pacific Rim, no matter how many times I watch it, I will always feel passionate.

Baby, let’s go to the cinema and watch Pacific Rim again. You like Mr. Chang so much, we must let Pacific Rim surpass Avatar at the box office. After all, this may be his last movie. "

The woman said helplessly: "We have watched Pacific Rim four times, do we still want to watch it?

I begged you to watch Mr. Zhang’s movies with me before, but you didn’t even agree.

Now he is so obsessed with Pacific Rim and seems to want to support Mr. Zhang.

You didn't like Mr. Zhang when he was active, but now he's about to withdraw, but you've fallen in love with him.

What a strange idea you have.

Besides, Avatar is also Mr. Zhang’s movie, and it won’t have any impact at the box office if it’s not surpassed. "

The young man's face was a little green, and he smiled sheepishly and said, "I was a little jealous when you liked Mr. Zhang before, and many of his movies are not my cup of tea.

This Pacific Rim is different. It features mechas and behemoths from the Classic of Mountains and Seas. I like this movie very much.

As for the box office issue, of course it is better than Avatar.

Pacific Rim is a purely domestic film. If it becomes the number one box office hit in film history, it will be an honor for our country.

And if Pacific Rim becomes number one, Cameron is an absolute clown, and Avatar is Zhang's movie, and it will become an indisputable public opinion. "

The movie Pacific Rim has been released for a month.

During the promotion of this film, a strange phenomenon occurred.

That is, the film's director and male lead, Zhang Nanyi, has announced his temporary withdrawal from the industry and has not participated in promotions. The female lead, Jing Tian, ​​is pregnant and now has a big belly, and has not participated in promotions.

Only supporting actors such as Johnson and Tang Yan are promoting the movie.

Fortunately, the graphics and quality of Pacific Rim itself are top-notch. The special effects scenes are not inferior to Avatar, and the theme of the movie is mechas and behemoths that are loved by audiences around the world.

Coupled with the global popularity of the comic, it has its own traffic. Even if Zhang Nanyi and Jing Tian did not participate in the promotion, the movie still attracted a lot of attention.

The most amazing thing is that the Pacific Rim crew came up with a slogan called "This may be Zhang Nanyi's last movie."

As soon as this slogan came out, Zhang Nanyi's fans couldn't hold it back. Even some passers-by and spectators couldn't hold it back and spent money to watch the movie in the cinema.

The effect of this slogan is much stronger than "We all owe Mr. Xing a movie ticket" in the future marketing of Zhou Xinchi's "Mermaid".

Therefore, after the release of Pacific Rim, the box office has been rising all the way, exceeding 25 billion yuan in one month. It is a high probability that the box office will eventually surpass Avatar.

Zhang Nanyi had keen senses. He heard the conversation between the young man and his girlfriend and glanced at them.

It didn't matter at this glance, he found that the young man was still an "acquaintance".

It was none other than Wang Shicong, the so-called national husband in the future and the member of the Entertainment Industry Discipline Inspection Commission.

At this time, Wang Shicong had just returned from studying abroad and was still a young and innocent boy.

By his side, it was his green tea girlfriend who made him break his defense and change his Weibo status to widowed in the future.

The two of them were probably going on a trip, so they waited in the VIP lounge to board the plane.

Zhang Nanyi took a moment to look at Wang Shicong's girlfriend, and couldn't help but shook his head. This woman was pretty, but not top-notch, and her makeup was only 7 points.

But looking at the happy expression on Wang Sicong's face, you can tell that this woman is very good at coaxing. After all, she is a model from Meikong, and she is skilled in tea art and skills.

Noticing Zhang Nanyi's gaze, Wang Shicong frowned and turned to look at Zhang Nanyi.

The faces of Zhang Nanyi and three others were all "pasted" with the "human skin" masks he had made before.

These masks were specially made by Zhang Nanyi for traveling. They are easy to use and have a good camouflage effect. They can be applied and used immediately, and the image changes greatly.

When Wang Sicong saw Zhang Nanyi, Liu Xiaoli and Liu Yifei, he only thought that these three people had good temperaments and did not recognize their identities.

Seeing Zhang Nanyi's gaze retracted, Wang Sicong didn't care and turned to chat with his girlfriend.

About a quarter of an hour later, Annie's plane landed early, and several people came to the lounge to join Zhang Nan and the others.

The four girls who came to Yanjing this time were Annie, Li Yinxin and Amanda and Lydia.

Four beauties walked together, surrounded by bodyguards, and behind them were nannies holding children.

This combination is very popular and has naturally attracted much attention along the way.

The four girls were not disguised, they just wore sunglasses and hats. Wang Sicong immediately recognized Anne and Li Yinxin, now world-famous rich women.

He also had an impression of the top socialites, the Hearst sisters.

Seeing four beauties walking into the VIP lounge and hugging and kissing Zhang Nanyi in a very affectionate manner, Wang Sicong immediately guessed Zhang Nanyi's identity.

He just wanted to come over to say hello and ask for a photo, but Zhang Nanyi had no time to pay attention to him and got up and left directly.

Wang Sicong looked at Zhang Nanyi surrounded by beauties, and then looked at his girlfriend, and suddenly felt that his status seemed to be small...

(End of this chapter)

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